Wednesday, June 5, 2013

public records request from Mr Driscoll

This is an interesting request from Templeton Municipal Light & Water department. One item that caught my eye was at the end of the letter, Mr. Driscoll write he authorises the expenditure of up to $100.00 for this request. According to the law, if a public records request will incur an expense greater than $10.00, you are required to provide an good faith estimate of the cost such as the hourly wage of the lowest paid person in the office times the number of hours required (estimate) plus 50 cents per one side (81/2 x 11) for email printout. Of course none of this will answer the question of whether the water dept is an enterprise fund or not and do they need town meeting vote to obtain an appropriation to operate the dept. Did the water department violate MGL by not providing a line item budget 120 days before the end of the fiscal year?

Jeff Bennett


  1. Refusing to submit the budget for the water dept. is stupid and arrogant. Why would anyone play chicken just to show he/they are boss and do not answer to "the town"?

    1. This reminds me of a person on those dumb shows, you know the one, where the guy looks into the cannon, to see if it is to go off! After the fuse is lit!! I think it is going off, big time. JD is supposed to be a Professional Manager, don't look in the cannon, just because someone tells you to!! Play nice and let the chips fall where they may. OOPS, to late, bad move, the cannon went off, and JD lit it! Lets see how the rest of the show ends! My opinion, hee,hee!
