Tuesday, July 16, 2013

BOS Meeting July 15, 2013

BOS Meeting July 15, 2013

Last night’s BOS meeting was fairly well attended. The minutes from the Emergency meeting on July 1, 2013 were approved.

Cemetery Superintendent Alan Mayo presented information on the fence for the Gilman Waite Playground. The BOS awarded the fence contract to Johnson Fence for $11,800. The Build Out for the playground will be July 19, 20, and 21st from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. If you can, please help out!

The BOS approved and signed a 3-year contract for Fire Chief Ray LaPorte. This is a positive step for our community.

Agenda items out of order – New Business-
One-day Liquor licenses for the ORSC

Discussion about negotiating with the town’s auditors Melanson & Heath. The BOS must locate more money for the auditors as the appropriated budget ($22,000) will not cover the proposed cost $28,000.

Discussion about the defunct yet important Insurance Committee.

Appointed Ashley Bird to the Cultural Council for 3 years.

Discussion about lead paint. The lead paint contract was awarded. This is part of the CDBG Grant. It was mentioned that there are two people in town who are certified lead Paint inspectors.

A motion was made and seconded to request the NRSD audits for the past three years.

Discuss Town Meeting Article language –
Discussion about the wording of the warrant article vs. the motions that are read on Town meeting floor. To eliminate the confusion, we will try to publish the proposed motions as closely as possible. There will still be changes in the motions read, but they will be easier to follow along.

Appointment of COA Director – The COA Board recommended Bethany Loveless as the new COA director. The BOS voted the appointment. Please fell free to drop by the Senior center in a few weeks and welcome Bethany to town.

The BOS appointed Robin Strazdas  as the assistant town clerk on the recommendation of the Town Clerk.

Payroll issues were discussed at length as well as the timeliness of vendor warrants. TMLWP manager was in attendance and spoke of the impact on his employees and vendors. The idea was broached about TMLWP doing their own work, since they are not part of the town why go through Templeton’s Treasurer?  Not sure why that isn’t feasible. Maybe it is.

School Budget Issue – there was discussion about the STM on July 26th. Vice Chair Kenn Robinson will meet with the SC Chair Rae Anne Trifilo to determine if there is room for a compromise.

Office Lease – The current lease at 690 Patriots Rd expired on June 30th. Selectman Doug Morrison has been in touch with the landlord to try to re-negotiate a lease. The landlord would like a long term lease. The first negotiation began with an increase in the rent from $52,000 to $78,000. The Town does not have the resources for that steep of an increase. The BOS decided to wait until after the STM to determine a course of action while they await a counter-proposal.

The BOS directed the Town Coordinator to purchase a dehumidifier for East Templeton until a decision can be made about that building.
Rep. Denise Andrews will hold office hours on July 29 from 5- pm at 690 Patriots Rd.

Sue Byrne brought the lack of handicap access in town buildings to the BOS attention. In the past the BOS has voted to install or repair handicap ramps in some town office buildings. Many of these ramps have fallen into disrepair.

Information regarding Sgt. Bennett’s status a member of the National Guard was confirmed. It appears there was a rumor being spread about town that Jeff Bennett was a contractor and not part of the military. ENOUGH said.

The town Coordinator mentioned a letter that contained serious allegations but was unsigned. The BOS can take no action on anonymous complaints.

If you value public safety in the Town of Templeton, please attend the STM on July 26th.

BOS Meeting …the Movie

My opinions …supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. That rumor is almost laughable, I will gladly show my orders, activation as well as to Afghanistan copies along of a DD214 for my release from active duty. The person or persons are welcome to attend the next BOS meeting and I will gladly explain and or show the documents. I can also produce pay records from good ole uncle sam. It is an open book and for a former selectmen to even mention that subject without first checking, as in asking me or contact state headquarters of the guard concerning my status for the past 10 months or so. Again, unsigned suspicions, rumors and failure to submit a signed complaint speaks to the validity of this. I always sign my name to what I write yet the people who put my police/court record on here and other public places, those who claimed my mommy paid my tax bill and now this wild item again unsigned. In my opinion, that speaks to the character of whom ever wrote, posted or asked such items as in they have none. So if there is anyone who has a concern or complaint about my where abouts or absence from town for the past 10 months, put it in writing and sign it and it will be addressed in open meeting and then you may offer an apology to the town of Templeton. I look forward to seeing you Virginia at the next BOS meeting where proof on paper documents will be available to show where I have been.

    1. Wow- how low can that person go - sounds like someone who has lost it and needs mental treatment.

    2. Jeff, Well, I can see you have hit the ground running. Welcome back!! Some people will never learn when to keep their mouth shut. The go to people, Virginia and Bob, do the dirty work for the Echo Hill Master. Seems to me that they would make sure what they are saying is the truth, before they stick their foot in their mouth, but why start now. This is not the welcome I wanted for you, but at least you know you were missed.. Bev..
