Tuesday, July 16, 2013

TESBC Meeting July 15, 2013

Templeton Elementary School Building Meeting  July 15, 2013

The Templeton Elementary School Building Committee(TESBC) met last night to reorganize and give an update on the project.

Kirk Moschetti was reinstated as chairman of the committee, Hank mason the vice chair and Supt. Ruth Miller is the clerk.

Kirk provided the update with information from a meeting on Thursday July 11 with David Opatka from DCAM. There are concerns about using the cornfield as a potential site for the school. DCR has concerns about the forested area.

The model school from Dover – Chickering Elementary School was used as the model in both Concept 1 and Concept 2 to determine if the site were viable for an elementary school. Our “model school” would have 3 floors instead of the two at Chickering Elementary School.

Discussion continued regarding the meeting with MSBA today (July 16). Ruth felt the conversation with MSBA should be about moving forward. Ms. Miller is concerned about the viability of the project, given the “Town’s lack of support for the NRSD operating budget”. “Is the Town prepared to carry the project forward?”

Kirk reminded the TESBC that we have $209,000 left from the feasibility money and that the former TESBC spent $230,000 with nothing to show for it. Carrie Koziol and Dennis O’Brien both objected to that statement. It is true that the former TESBC expended $230,000 with nothing to show for it.

The essential question remains :”Will $209,000 carry the project forward and meet the deadlines stipulated by MSBA?”
Today’s meeting with MSBA should help guide the process.

There is no question that Templeton needs a new elementary school. The difficulties arise with the financial and political climate in Templeton. If there is no compromise on the part of the School Committee regarding the budget and DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) steps in, the very real possibility exists that the Town of Templeton will need to make drastic cuts to public safety. Will the voters in Templeton be receptive to a very large capital debt exclusion in order to fund a new elementary school, if the entire police force is laid off? In my opinion, that would be a great big NO! In my opinion, the voters would overwhelming reject funding an elementary school, if drastic cuts are made to public safety.

Time will tell how this scenario will play out.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. My mother had this saying,"you made your bed, now lay in it" Our School Committee and Supt. Ruth Miller, have not treated the people in this town fairly and I am afraid they will pay the price. The fact that this town is broke has not been a secret, so why not go about things in a more honest way? I know the older generation is not appreciative of the fact they voted no, with out the School Committee taking their votes for what they are- NO NO. Like what part of NO don't you understand.? Cramming this issue down their throats has done more harm than good. No one is to blame but their selves. To be defensive about the fact the last TESBC spent $230,000 and got 0 in return shows a lack of caring or lack of responsibility to the people in this town. We could have done a lot with that money right about now. I guess it is easy to spend if it does not come out of your pocket. I understand the drive these people have to want what is best for the kids, but there is a real need for these same people to understand that the school is only one branch of the big tree, that is our town. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Let the DESE step in. This voter will not vote to accept their current budget at the STM NOR do I have any intentions of supporting a new school. The school committee has shown blatant disregard for the will of the voters. Time for a change.
