Sunday, July 14, 2013


Templeton doesn't need a police dept. with all the drugs floating around town. Come and ask me, i'll put it on paper.
Just my thoughts for today.
Paul Sr


  1. There was a active drug business going on, down by the pond at the Templeton Fish, last year.. Things have slowed down now that one person left town, and there are more people around this time of year. I can hardly wait until we have less of a police department than we have now! The real fun will begin. Drugs so not care if you are rich or poor, I just hope we do not have a open door policy, because of a lack of coverage.!! Young families are so nice, but danger is not too many years away for these kids, especially if parents are not aware of what is going on under their noses. Sometimes, even though parents try their hardest, it is still not enough.! Not my kid!! I hope no one has to eat those words! The repercussions of a town with no money for services are huge. Things that we all take for granted, won't be there.We will all pay in more ways than one. The School Committee and the Superintendent had better sit down and come up with some new figures. There is no excuse for them not to do this, now they have new found money..Someone asked if there were really going to be cuts in the town budget??? YES, YES,YES, There is no other way. The town cannot legally raise more than 2 !/2% over last year, so something has to go!. Time will tell, and I will hope for the best. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Unfortunately the whole town has been on drugs since 1951. As a citizen of Templeton I would like to make a citizen's arrest by exposing the Templeton Board of Health as being responsible for this drug addiction. Experts agree drinking fluoridated water is not effective. In the largest study conducted one half of a surface out of 128 surfaces was the only difference between fluoridated and unfluoridated communities. When in doubt get it out. Let us clean up our act as a community before pointing the finger at others.
