Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 26, 2013 STM Warrant

July 26, 2013 STM Warrant

The STM warrant for July 26, 2013 has been posted.
The full text is below:

FRIDAY JULY 26, 2013
7:00 PM


            To either of the Constables of the Town of Templeton in said County.

            In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the precincts of the Town of Templeton, County of Worcester, qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs to meet at the Narragansett Regional Middle School, 460 Baldwinville Road, Baldwinville, in said Templeton on Friday, July26, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. then and there to act on the following article:

Article  1            To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide an additional sum of money (beyond the current FY 2014 appropriation) to pay its share of the Narragansett Regional School District budget for FY2014 or take any action relative thereto.
            Submitted on behalf of the Narragansett Regional School Committee by the Board of Selectmen

$4,430,615 (amount appropriated by the Town on May 15th) + $691,086 (additional certified budget request) = $5,121,701 (total recertified budget assessment from NRSD, voted by the School Committee on June 12, 2013)

And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof in each precinct; namely at the Post Office in Templeton, the Post Office in East Templeton, the Post Office in Baldwinville, at Cote’s Market in Otter River, and at the Town Office Buildings at 4 Elm Street, Baldwinville, and at 690 Patriots Road, Templeton, and by delivering a copy to each of the Precinct Clerks fourteen (14) days at least before the time of holding said meeting and by causing notice of the same to be published once in the Gardner News, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town published in Worcester County in the City of Gardner.

Given under our hands this ______th  day of July in the year AD 2013.


Jeffrey Bennett, Chairman

Kenn Robinson, Vice Chairman

Doug Morrison, Clerk

Julie Farrell, Member

A True Copy: ATTEST

Randy Brown
Constable of Templeton


WORCESTER, SS                                                                 July _____, 2013
This is to certify that I have served the within warrant by posting attested copies thereof in each precinct; namely, at the Post Office in Templeton, the Post Office in East Templeton, the Post Office in Baldwinville, and at Cote’s Market in Otter River, and at the Town Office Buildings at 4 Elm Street in Baldwinville and at 690 Patriots Road in Templeton and by delivering a copy to each of the Precinct Clerks fourteen (14) days at least before the time of holding said meeting and by causing notice of the same to be published once in the Gardner News, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town, published in Worcester County in the City of Gardner.


Randy Brown
Constable of Templeton

A True Copy,  ATTEST:

Carol A. Harris
Town Clerk of Templeton


  1. I believe this article should be rejected by the voters and we have a joint meeting of the BOS and the school committee to try and come up with a compromise. See you at the STM

    1. Does the town budget have any room for compromise?

  2. Mark,
    The only compromise for the Town is to gut public safety or another override attempt.

    1. Why can't the school for once make a compromise - this whole thing - three times - is just plain CRAZY!!! IT NEEDS TO BE VOTED DOWN.
      Three strikes and you are out. Suppose it had passed the first go round - could those against keep bringing it back for a NO vote???

    2. Why can't the school for once make a compromise - this whole thing - three times - is just plain CRAZY!!! IT NEEDS TO BE VOTED DOWN.
      Three strikes and you are out. Suppose it had passed the first go round - could those against keep bringing it back for a NO vote???

  3. That's what I thought.

    A town by-law that limited overrides to the single election in April would be a good idea. What we have today is keep voting until it's "yes", then stop.

    1. Towns cannot pass bylaws that conflict with State law. If State law says, this is the process for override votes, the Town cannot put additional restraints or requirements on that process.

  4. That mechanism is already in place, an override requires passage at town meeting and a ballot question. Simply schedule a special election with in a time frame required by state law. As in be ready in case it passes town meeting and eliminate scrambling. Have a position statement ready and a couple BOS meetings already in place, ready to go. Inside the 30 day window and then you have a neat package. Heck plans / outlines for the new school are already being brought to the BOS yet we have no school budget agreement for the ones we have. Lots of luck getting funding passed if the school budget breaks the town and guts public safety.

    1. Good to hear from you, Mr.Bennett. I talked with a town resident who was very upset with a article in the G.N., that made it sound like the school was going to be built next year. He felt that he and the rest of the taxpayers had not been asked, and wanted to know what was up? I told him, that was down the road, but he did need to start attending meetings, if he wanted his concerns answered. I agree that bad planning and poor handling of the present situation may come back to haunt the School Committee. What is the old saying?" You reap what you sow. "The town cannot give, what it does not have, The people in charge should have been more understanding of the town's situation, from day one! Bev.

    2. Jeff - my suggestion was a bylaw that would prohibit multiple 2 1/2 override attempts for a budget year.

    3. Towns cannot pass bylaws that conflict with State law. If State law says, this is the process for override votes, the Town cannot put additional restraints or requirements on that process.

    4. You may be correct Bob. I will check into this further. Are you a lawyer, expert in municipal law?

  5. I certainly hope that the BOS does not negotiate with NRSD to give away Templeton's free cash that was not yet certified at previous town meeting.

  6. How can they use the word "Raise" when the voters voted "NO" on the override. So the money cannot be "raised" it must come from the other town departments. I looked back at what was voted for the other town departments and maybe a little money could be taken from the "offices" but the majority will have to come from Police, Highway and Fire. So as important as the school is for our children, are these additional monies $691,000, more important than a police force, a fire dept? Hope you all own a snowplow and 4whl drive. Hope you never need the police because it will take the state police a while to get here from Athol. And let's pray that we all never will need fire/rescue.
    And I would like to thank Fire, Rescue and the Police for the time they saved my child's life - life flighted Mother's Day 2012.
    Does the school trump Police, Fire, highway etc. not in my book!
