Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Emergency Meeting...the movie

BOS Emergency Meeting…the movie

Available for your viewing pleasure:

Fun for the whole family!


  1. This was a important decision. It is to bad, in my opinion, that the school people have painted us into a corner. To be fair, it is important for the older generation to understand they need to attend this meeting. You snoose, you loose!! Like it or not. I have watched our town stumble through the last year and a half, doing with very little to keep it running. How in the world does anyone think these people can live on less?? The reality of no police is no joke! It is not a idle threat! The same goes for the highway!! Get a 4 wheel truck or wait for the snow to melt, it takes a while, but it always does. Need rescue?? Good luck with that! Sorry, but watch what you wish for! My opinion, Bev.

  2. A tough decision for sure Bev. In my opinion, not a wrong decision. It was done to prevent a certain catastrophe. There is some argument that the clock can't start until the BOS are notified. Reasonable people would see it that way. The selectmen acted as they thought for the best interests of the town. Too bad the school board did not act in a fairhanded way. One important thing about democracy is that we have to accept the election results whether we agree or not. The school board actions reported on this blog are shameful. They are acting like it's a game.

    It just may come back to haunt them, voters could certainly remember this in future requests for support. As Jeff mentioned, "they'll" be looking for support for a new elementary school. Maybe "we'll" remember this shifty deal.

  3. I agree mark they might just have kissed that new school good by !!!!!

  4. It's not the school's fault that the towns attorney and town coordinator dropped the ball! Don't jump to conclusion's not everyone thinks in a condisending manner like some people we know!

  5. Could you further elaborate on the subject of the town attorney and town coordinator dropping the ball For the People?

  6. Dear For the People:

    I would like to apologize to you and anyone else who feels I have acted in a condescending manner. Mr. Gary approached me after the last STM, to inform me that my reading of an article in a slow manner was an insult. It was not my intention to insult or demean anyone.

    Like everyone else, I am human and have many faults. I have an extremely hectic schedule as most people do. The night of June 27th was the end of a very long week for me, personally, professionally and politically.

    I hope you can accept my apology. I tend to take the long view of issues on the political front. If we can't find common ground for the departments in town to work together, I foresee the state coming in to run the town. If the schools bankrupt the town, then I believe receivership is a very real possibility for Templeton. Receivership opens up the possibility of selling off town assets - those town assets include Light and Water. Contrary to popular belief, I don't want to sell off the Light and water department. I do want to see management issues addressed at Light and Water.

    The reason I persist in pursuing accountability, is that I believe accountability for all departments (schools, town, light and water) can bring transparency to the process of government and lead to better government, which will forestall receivership of the Town. Anyway, that's my motivation for what I do and how I vote.

    Once again, I hope you will accept my apology.

    Julie Farrell
