Thursday, July 4, 2013


to all who do not understand how the town raises money each year - levy limit and , 2 1/2 % based on the total assessments of all real estate and personal property
in the town. income from excise tax and other receipts to give the town an amount of money to spend on ALL depts including our share of the Narragansett school budget, police, fire. highway, cemetery, coa, selectmen office, town clerk, library, treasurer, collector, assessors, dispatch, animal control etc everything on the budget (green sheet)
( not L&W which are on their own and not sewer which is an enterprise fund) that is why when we want some thing extra like a new highway truck etc we do it as  debt exclusion which then allows us to raise that amount above the 2 1/2% but it takes a vote at tm an at the polls. the same is how an override works - when it is vote for both at tm and at the polls we are able to raise this amount. with  the the override failing at the polls we cannot raise the additional money - we are not allowed to -the DOR division of Local Services which scrutinizes the Recap sheet (think of it as a tax return for the town) if we are asking to raise money above the 2 1/2% the DOR asks for prove of the certified vote from the Town Clerk. This said we only have so much money to go around to ALL depts and the school excluding L&W and SEWER. If you all remember the May TM the moderator stated at the beginning that if anyone was going to make a motion to add money to an article they had to also make a motion taking it from somewhere else, this is tough, I am not writing this to take sides (remember I put 4 kids through  the school they never get the money they need - Chpt 1 reading use to be taught in the stairwell at ET by Glayds S in 1990)   - I am writing this to explain how the town raises money in each fiscal year. We have some very difficult cuts to make. if any one has any questions please contact the assessors office 978-939-2793 or me directly at  Pauly's house (for anyone who hasn't heard I'm out for a bit I shattered my leg and broke my right arm - lost to a horse) so stop by.
Let's stop all the blame games an figure this out together!  



  1. Maybe one possible solution is for the town to refuse to pay the additional $691k, should the article pass at STM late in July.

    The rationale would be we have conflicting votes, we do not have clear direction from the voters. 2 override votes shot down, yet the town budget clearly passed at ATM.

    Let the school district take the matter to court.

    1. Lets open this question up to the people who supported this obscene amount of money. Lets hear it, "For the people", what would you like cut? Ask the people you represent. I would really like to see how they think this will work out. I am waiting, and I am sure I am not alone. Bev.

    2. Just remember - the fact that someone supported the override does not mean that they support the NRSD budget without that source of funding.

  2. Well, now we all know the true intentions of Virginia Wilder's visit to the emergency Gansett Greatness meeting right after the vote FAILED at the polls the first time. Her comment was something to the effect, "I know how you can get your money". Virginia is an EVIL woman and it shows in all her decisions.
    Let's not forget it is her brother-in-law who feels the need to get up and yell "MOVE THE QUESTION" when conversation don't go their way.

  3. Mr. Wilder is not the only person that does this. Mr.Dickson does this also. I do not think the question should be closed, until anyone with a comment or question has a chance to have their say. Many of these questions are too important to just be rushed. That is my opinion. At the STM, I wanted to say that we had the only Water Department that includes three additional people to the budget, but the question was closed before I could. Yah I know, no one would have listened anyway, but I would have felt better. Virginia has her own agenda, and I know how you feel, but I can't figure out why she quit. Maybe so she could let her true self out. She should know more than most people, what this school budget will do to the town. Make any sense? No, but what is new. Bev.

  4. Well Pauly, I had a very happy 4th of July, my plane departed Afghanistan and I am now back in the USA. What a July 4th that was. The amount of money for the override is not really that much nor is the amount the real issue, for me anyways. The issue for me is what the money will go for, administration costs and yes some of that is a result of unfunded mandates by the state and federal level. Some of it is union related which in the case of Massachusetts, you can trace that to the amount of money and support that is given to a good amount of state reps in MA. And do not think for one minute that anyone or any corporation gives money to anything without wanting or looking for something in return. I personally call that bribery. The big issue for me concerning the override was the unwillingness for the school district to compromise! If the district would have said after the first override vote that failed that hey perhaps we can cut that figure in half then that would have been something I could have gotten behind. As it is, I believe the district got two bites at the proverbial apple and are about to get a third. An override needs one ballot vote and one town meeting vote to pass or fail and the district got two ballot votes. So now we wait, while we spend more money another town meeting with no move of giving on the part of the district. I think this could come back to bite them but we shall see. Do not worry, the water dept. questions are not dead issues, not yet, not hardly. The questions are coming fast and the answers better be quickly following.

  5. Yes, welcome back, Jeff. Thank you for your fight for freedom & honesty everywhere.
