Saturday, July 20, 2013

from Dave S

david smart
Thursday, July 18, 20135:08 PM 
david smart
Re: Hi David,

Hi Dave, Good to hear from you. I believe I know Erin Kelly, I think she is the daughter of a former selectman
here in Brimfield. He lost in the last election -thank goodness.
I was in Boston today to attend an environmental bond hearing and they postponed it without proper notice.
There were a lot of angry people at the Gardner auditorium.
I went outside on the steps to check my cell phone and Emails and along comes the Governor. So I thanked him
for supporting Sarah Peake's Health Impacts from Wind Turbines Bill H
2048. he said he supported it on
WGBH call in show last week
. He said "get it to me -I will sign it!!"
Then I went to a meeting at the MassDEP of a select committee to reconsider the ways to measure sound from
wind turbines. The fix is in. They are going to attempt to lower the current MassDEP policy -the policy that
made Falmouth and Fairhaven shut down their turbines at night!
I am going to rally some people from Brimfield to lobby Brewer on supporting Peake's bill. I will let you know
when we are going into Boston -we will try to set up a meeting with Erin.
I knew some background on Templeton's turbine and about the teacher. What a shame.
If you have a meeting with the Fern St people let Joanne and I know, there are people from Wind Wise who
knocked on doors down there over a year ago and reported that people were being impacted.
Have you ever spoken with anyone from Princeton. Somehow Templeton and Princeton are tied together in
WWMEC? We have been looking for fmancial data
, especially now that Brian Allen, the Princeton manager
has been so open on their financial disaster.
Thanks again for making contact and I look forward to meeting you.
Best regards
Sent from my iPad
On Jul18, 2013, at 4:09 PM, "david smart" <> wrote:
Hey Virginia; I thank you and Joanne for the info! It is comforting to have people willing to get involved
and put t
ime into issues that sometimes go against the grain ,so to speak. I would start first by telling
you Temple
ton has been run by the former retired municipal light and water plant manager and his wife
"coordinator" fo
r years he was the chairman of the board of selectmen and did what they wanted ,when
they wanted to. That being said the people he featherbedded are now beholden to them and can stack
the town meetings and squash any efforts from the do right crowd
, that's our team. The new BOS are
on board with my efforts and are up to speed with our efforts and are frustrated with the way the
L +W departments are run. A loss of the forensic audit was a low spot for us as it would have shown the
issues I bring to the people about the wind turbine
. A cost certification audit is ”over due“ by 12 months
and is always another excuse every meeting I sit at
. The commissioners  for the l+w are arrogant and have a
its none of you
r business way about them. I will send you more about our efforts and yes I would like to
have a combined effort
. I've learned the hard way about having strength in numbers.

1 comment:

  1. I had this posted to let the people on fern street they are not the forgotten ones. The impact on them and the way our l+W general manager treated them is ENOUGH reason for me to go to Boston and see if the noise can be removed from their yards at night! There is one thing i have been taught by the L+W issues and it's all about the number of people to makechanges.Sometimes it make a difference who you talk to. Senators and Govenors will do for me.We tried the local thing with the hecklers.
    I think it may just get quiet at night in the fern neighborhood. Falmouth and Fairhaven know the results of good relations.L+W may have the chapter 93 but that will come with a cost.
