Saturday, July 20, 2013


There will be a selectmen meeting at 690 Patriots Rd, Monday July 22 at 6:30pm.  We are supposed to hear what cuts the school board made to their budget.  This will be the only item on the agenda.  One more note of interest Jeff Bennett will be there in person to chair the meeting.  Hooray!!!!!!!


  1. With regard to the school budget, could some one please explain to me how it works. The overide has been voted down twice at the polls. Now there is a town meeting scheduled for 7/26 to vote on it again. Do the people who are supporting this just keep on having elections until they get the outcome that they want. When does it end? Why do we keep voting if "No" doesn't mean anything? Is this really legal?

    1. I am no lawyer, but to the best of my knowledge, it is legal. If we did not have this meeting the school would get their money automatically. That is how the law is written. There is one big difference this time around, and that is this time there will be NO VOTE AT THE POLLS.!! Usually, the Article is voted on at the TOWN MEETING, then it comes up for a vote at the polls. This is not going to happen this time, so if you do not want to vote to give the school their complete budget, you and your friends need to go to this meeting. A yes vote means they get their complete budget, end of story. A no vote means they will have to sit down and work out a budget with the two towns, Templeton and Phillipston. Everyone that has friends, who do not usually go to a meeting, need to explain to these people that this is the only way their vote will count. The Selectmen had no say in this matter, except to make sure this meeting is held so the School did not get everything by default. The School has no desire to negotiate any changes to their budget, until this vote is done, and they have no other options. Remember, THE TOWN IS RUN, BY THE PEOPLE WHO SHOW UP. Bev

    2. I always thought that the minimum contribution was the legal dollar amount which the Town was held responsible for?? Hmmm...
      Sharon Manty

  2. Bev is so right,our rights to vote are being flushed down the toilet if we don't go again and vote. The game of chicken has come bumper to bumper and as we know,they make them out of plastic. Don't let our votes shatter and go away like the water department vote was "stacked auditorium" Lets get past the manipulation votes and better Templeton for us all,not just the specials.Show up and bring a friend/daughter or son along and teach them the votes do matter.
