Monday, July 22, 2013


1 comment:

  1. Some possible issues that would affect the reliability of the conclusions:
    1) Templeton uses 47 gallons per person per day. The annual cost is stated at $801 per year. The cost is based on annual usage of 90,000 gallons per year. It would require an average household of 5.24 persons in order to use 90,000 gallons with a usage of 47 per person per day.
    2) Ashburnham uses 60 gallons per person per day. The annual cost is $450. For Ashburnham, an average household would be 4.1 persons in order to reach 90,000 at the rate of 60 gallons per day.

    I don't believe the average household in Templeton is 5.24 people. That sounds high. That makes me wonder if the average Templeton bill is not $801. It would be $801 if they consumed as much as 90,000 per year. The chart is misleading, easy to read too much into it. It can be used for comparison, but only the comparison of of how much a hypothetical user of 90,000 gallons per year would pay. My guess is that the users in area towns all have about the same usage. Business and industry inflate the number for Gardner (72 gallons per person per day). If the data is correct, it can be used only to get the comparison I stated above, if the note about cost is truly correct.
