Tuesday, July 23, 2013

send to me by a blog reader

Opinion from the internet by Rafe Esquith
Everybody agrees: a great teacher is the difference between success and failure, for a school, a class, and a student.  But right now, great teachers are leaving the profession faster than Dodger fans exiting the stadium during the 7th inning.
The Internet is awash in videos and blogs from outstanding teachers who have had enough. Usually, they are the ones who tried going the distance, bucking the system, sometimes requiring almost superhuman efforts, and they’re the ones who for the most part made a difference in the lives of countless young people. They are the kind of teachers you might remember, and that you want your own child to have.
And yet, often after years of dedicated service, these people are giving up. What pushed them over the edge?

There have always been hurdles placed in front of teachers. All too many of them involve money, sadly. Poverty and all its attendant problems have always been the biggest obstacles preventing young scholars from fulfilling their potential. Parents are working too many jobs to pay attention. Students don’t have a quiet, safe place to study at home. Teachers are low men (and women) on the salary totem poll, and schools seem to be the last places to get funds and first to see them cut, leaving classrooms with too many occupants and not enough equipment, and desperately in need of repair. Yet terrific teachers show up every day, and sometimes are able to inspire their kids to see past the barriers to a better life.
“The System” is now paying attention, but not the way we wanted. Instead of increasing resources, it’s exerting more and more control, and preventing our best teachers from doing their jobs. All good teachers believe students have to be assessed, but the obsession with standardized testing has replaced real learning with the mistaken belief that a regurgitation of facts reflects scholarship and thinking. Teachers with enormous experience and much to offer are being forced to shelve valuable lessons because they interfere with a testing schedule designed by someone who could not teach a class of students on his best day. Drop into a break room and you’ll hear good teachers muttering bitterly, “Those who can, teach, and those who can’t, make rules for teachers.”
Excellent teachers acknowledge that there are bad ones in every school. They know that teacher unions are not always right. No good instructor has a problem with being reasonably assessed, and not all students can be taught in a classroom setting (it’s a sobering lesson for someone like me who’s spent a lifetime in one). But stripping us of the freedom to use our expertise has doused the fire of some of our finest class leaders. The highly touted new Common Core Curriculum is the newest effort to herd students into rigid and uniform learning units; teachers are being pulled from classrooms to be reprogrammed into, to quote “Inherit the Wind,” silent butlers in the service of our school boards. Have a look the CCC website yourself—it’s an Orwellian nightmare of doubletalk passing for the newest bogus strategy to help Johnny read. The trouble is, it means teachers have to stop thinking.
If the system is driving creative teachers to unparalleled levels of frustration, imagine what it’s like for young students getting up in the morning, knowing they face an endless day of rote learning. Many of them now hate school, victims of the tragedy that occurs when real learning is removed from the curriculum.
But there is hope. Amazing teachers quietly rebel against the current trends of standardization and uniformity. The schools are filled with quiet heroes who superficially play by the rules but insert their best lessons under the radar. In my own situation, I will not let the latest Stalinesque five-year plan destroy 30 years of Shakespeare productions with my wonderful fifth graders; you won’t find it in the Core Curriculum, but my students write me letters for decades after they’ve left the school, telling me how important those days in our classroom were in launching them into careers in law, scientific research, education, and the arts. The best teachers will find a way to keep their provocative poetry, challenging research projects, and reading of banned books part of a curriculum that believes such activities irrelevant.

First-rate educators have areas of expertise and a passion to share them. They have spent decades honing their craft to make lessons exciting. Good teachers get energized fighting the very System that seeks to suck the life out of learning, but imagine if the energy spent steeling their resolve was used to inspire their kids?
Even students rarely understand what a terrific instructor can mean to a young life at the crossroads of mediocrity and excellence. But it’s possible that a fine teacher will inspire a student to grow to such heights that he will be in power one day and change the very system that threatens great teaching with extinction. Our best teachers entered the profession to help young people find the best in themselves. These heroes are needed by students now more than ever.
Rafe Esquith is the author of “Real Talk for Real Teachers


  1. In my opinion the system is set up so that our children are co-opted into a Statist system of learning. The individual is given up for the sake of the group so that we develop a group think type of society. This "group think" society is much easier to manipulate. A possible example of what is behind this type of behavior can be found at Templeton Times blog story on The Committee of 300. Good teachers who are up against this group think approach will find things very frustrating.

  2. This is a great article and from a perspective that most do not ever hear. We can thank Bush's "No Child Left Behind" for the increasing emphasis on standardized testing and a new form of teacher evaluation which is highly inefficient. The next administration's "Race to the Top" forces schools to compete even more for funding as well as makes the standardized tests that much more important. Why is this happening? One reason is that the US lags behind in every single education study --especially math/science. The government sees this as a threat to its dominant standing in the world and even consider it a threat to national security. Basically, we are regarded as a country of people in which intelligence isn't being nurtured and maintained compared to other countries. This is why you will see new programs labeled as "STEM" which pushes our kids to learn more in science, technology, engineering and math. Another reason you will continue to see more state mandates on education is because there is a mission by an elite group to privatize education and other social services funded by the government. We already see this with the healthcare industry. I won't go into the details of this group right now, but, look up the group ALEC and see how they are distorting public policy. Bill Moyers does a great job at explaining this subject (billmoyers.com). Regardless of where your personal politics falls, we all have to pay way more attention to what the federal, state, and local government are doing. The ones that are tailoring laws to line their pockets are counting on the general apathy of the American population to simply do and take what they want. I've seen it in the for-profit education industry and how they lobby lawmakers for one new mandate after another. We all witnessed it in the financial industry over the last 5 years. So, if everyone wants quality education at affordable prices, then we all have to do our homework and better understand how and why lawmakers operate and stand up and let our voices be heard.
