Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Layman's language

Okay people I'm going to put this in layman's language for all. How many of you have a child in the school system. It cost about $6000.00 - $7000.00 per year to educate that child. How many of you are paying $6000.00 to $7000.00 a year in real estate taxes. Do you have more than one child? Are you paying $12,000.00 per year. So you moved here because of the low taxes. Well you can't have it both ways, if you want a good school system and good town services don't move to a town where you not even paying enough per year to educate one child. 
To pay $6000.00 per year you house assessment would have to be over $425,000.  If you look at the assessments by address or assessments by owners from the towns website you will see that there are very few people who pay over $6000.00/per year in taxes. and just a note the town and churches don't pay taxes and the city of Gardner pays a very small amount per Mass. General Law.
Even with an override you won't be paying what it cost to educate you child. 
My point is if you want a top  notch school district do not move to a town that has a low tax rate! Move to a town where you are paying over $6000.00 a year in taxes.
Thanks for reading my opinions- Pauly


  1. Pauly, Gee things are kind of quiet!! I think this blog may have been a dose of reality! Just how many of these young families could be able to pay that amount of money for each child? I am willing to bet dam few!! What is that old saying, "watch what you wish for".! I find it interesting none of the town's people at last night's meeting, wanted anything taken away 'from the kids", and I agree. Why can't the Heavy Administration, make some cuts because, after all, isn't this for the kids? Seems to me, that has been the cry from Gansett Greatness!! If that is the case, how can you as parents allow things to be taken away from your kids?? Do not kid yourselves, there are plenty of good teachers who would be willing to take a job in our schools. As for the number of Guidance teachers, if a child is having problems, cutting or depression, there are Mental Health Professionals in Gardner who are licensed to care for children with these problems. It was not easy for the people who work for the town to loose 12% of their pay, but they did it. We will see how this all works out, because in the end, it will all come out in the wash. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Children today are harming themselves at an alarming rate. Taking a child to Gardner might not be quick enough.

    If this is the case then get rid of the police department. Everyone can hire personal security or risk going without the public safety. Fire Department? Let it burn or pay to install sprinklers in your house. EMT's and ambulance service should go too. People get sick so let them hire an on call nurse or doctor. If they have a heart attack then let them deal with it or die.

    My point is this: we live in a society. We share services and resources. Those services cost money. The school costs money to run. You can run it well or continue to under fund the school and you will have students unprepared for college, students who harm themselves, students who bully and attack others, sports that are lackluster and do not inspire school pride, facilities that fall into disrepair, and principals who cannot meet the federal and state imposed school related things.

    The choice is yours and you have voted no twice. More than likely you will vote no a third time. You will then trigger the state to come in and review the town practices. The town will head to receivership because the entire town is underfunded.
