Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mathematical Mystery

Mathematical Mystery!

Good morning students!

Let's do some basic math. Always fun on a muggy morning!

NRSD School District Budget-

Bottom line FY '13  $18,165,792.00

Bottom Line FY'14  $18,523,943.61

The difference (that means subtract FY 13 from FY 14) is an overall INCREASE of $691,000!

What? Wait a minute! No it's not! The increase from FY 13 to FY 14 is $358,151.61 

So WHY is the override amount for Templeton $691,000? This is a budget which includes assessments for BOTH Templeton and Phillipston. This makes no sense!

I think we need DESE to come in and examine the books of the Narragansett Regional School District.  Maybe if we ask it in the form of an MCAS question, we will get an answer to this puzzling mathematical mystery!

Yesterday the BOS received a copy of the notification from Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education(DESE) regarding a one-twelfth budget until the budget issue is resolved. The one-twelfth budget is based on the FY 13 total so the school district will have to make do with a monthly budget of $1,513,816 until the FY 14 budget issue is resolved.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. It's looking more and more like the joke is on Templeton taxpayers.

    How will the school survive on $1,500,000 a month? What about the children?

    This looks less and less about the kids and more and more about gouging the Templeton taxpayers. Especially when you consider the sleazy way the school committee voted their budget on June 12 and waited for 6 days to let the town know abut their vote.

    How are drastic cuts to public safety in Templeton going to help the kids?

  2. Nice to know the ones teaching our kids can't add. Or are they teaching our kids how to lie and deceive?

    1. Kids? What kids? This whole scam has been about the administration and the rest of the union people from the start, from what I can see. How could the parents get so worked up, and allow the kids to be used as pawns? Threats to take things from the kids. Supplies they need, books? How can you teach with out enough books to go around? Two years ago I was standing in front of the school, campaigning. I cut through the kitchen to use their ladies room. The women who worked in the kitchen were talking about their hours being cut. For all I know, they may not even be there now. Things get eliminated, but the cost and the number of people used to run the school does not. Two principals, and two vice principals in one building is nothing short of crazy, in my opinion. Our Town workers have been hurt badly as it is. I do not think that the people who rally around "Gansett Greatness" have a clue, about how the rest of the town is run. Virginia, for one person should get it! Their has to be a balance between the school and the town, but that is long gone. Bubba and company are making a lot of appearances at public meetings. It is worth mentioning, that these people are the reason the town is so deeply in debt. If it was not for their lack of leadership, the town would be in much better shape right now. Keep a sharp eye on these people. Mr. Skelton can not win a election in this town, but he can still manipulate people, and he has a willing group. Where they think the money for a town hall is ever going to come from is beyond me! That is one of the reasons E.T. was defeated..Pay back! I would like to see some give and take from the school department. Time will tell. Bev

  3. Perhaps I can be of some assistance Beverly. Often times people do not take into account the many organizations that work behind the scenes. I was once a member of a Masonic organization in Batavia New York. Here is a quick lesson on how the organizations are related. The Illuminati (founded on May 1 1776) control the whole Masonic movement. They also control Rotary, Lions, B'nai B'rith, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Club and similar groups. Rotary International was founded by Paul Harris (member of B'nai B'rith) in Chicago in 1905. The Lions Club was also founded by B'nai B'rith in Chicago in 1917. As you can see although these organizations seem separate they have common lineage.

    1. I have read some things about the Masonic Organization. The Lions Club in Templeton, must not have a good reputation with the surrounding clubs, because there was a article in a local paper, a while ago, and two Lions Clubs were mentioned as good Clubs to join. Needless to say, Templeton was not one of them. I have spoken to more than one person who gave up their membership, because of the way the club was run. A little bird said the Echo Hill Gang is meeting tonight. I wonder what kind of poison they are cooking up? Any way to put the screws to the town, I suppose. Jeff can't get back fast enough. My opinion, as always. Bev.

    2. Looks to me like they are asking the Town of Templeton to pay the assessment that would have been what they received in 2013, so what is Phillipston paying them? This is going to be interesting. Phillipston used free cash to pay their way. I remember when we had free cash, and how fast it can disappear! Phillipston needs to learn from our mistakes! Hang on to your purse strings, and never be too trusting! Seems like the schools got more cash than they thought? When is this going to come to light?? Bev.

  4. Down hear on the lower forty I try to tuck some money away in different places just in case that rainy day hits, problem is sometimes I forget where I put it. A close look at the school budget might make sense.
