Thursday, July 11, 2013

Under Water, Under Duress

Under Water, Under Duress

Don’t let the recent controversy over the school budget consume all of your attention. The school budget and possible town bankruptcy are important issues. Another important issue is the water department increase (double) of the customer charge from $28.00(already outrageous) to $56.00 per quarter! $224.00 per YEAR! That fee doesn’t include the cost of the WATER you use!

In the beginning of this year, I asked for an explanation of why the customer service fee was raised from $12.00/quarter ($48.00/year) to the $28.00/quarter ($112.00/year). The explanation provided by the TMLWP manager cited THAT customer service increase on a decline in water sales as well as a bond payment that was due on December 15, 2008. 


Our household recently received our water bill with the following explanation of the increase in the customer charge (from $28.00/quarter to $56.00/quarter). So the increase in the customer service fee is to cover the costs of the multiple water main breaks on July 14, 2012 and higher than expected maintenance costs. This letter states: ”This is by no means a permanent measure; it is a temporary one for this quarter to assure that Templeton Water can close out this fiscal year in a positive cash position.”

So why wasn’t the prior increase in 2008 from $12.00/quarter to $28.00/quarter decreased back to $12.00/quarter after the bond payment was made?

Do you really believe THIS increase will be reduced back to $28.00/quarter? Was this increase factored into the water budget that was approved by the voters on June 27th? If you are dissatisfied with these increases in your customer charge, please send a letter of complaint to TMLWP Commissioners and manager.

Templeton Municipal Light and Water Commissioners
TMLWP Manager
86 Bridge St.
PO Box 20
Baldwinville, MA 01436-0220

Dear Sirs:

We are writing to lodge a formal written complaint about the water rates and customer service fee in the Town of Templeton.

The recent increase in the customer charge from $28/quarter or $112/year to $56/quarter or $224/year is an unjustified burden on the water customers. We believe this increase was enacted without a public hearing or any input from the water customers.

We would appreciate a written response to this complaint. We are paying this outrageous water bill under duress.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Pete and Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St
Baldwinville, MA 01436

My opinion…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Julie i think we the customers are are being used to fund a department that clearly has no mission or clear goals to improve anything except the money flow. It was with regret the newest commissioner "stewy" voted to increase the charge. The only important thing he has done was raise the price to the people that elected him. After of course lying to them when he was a chairman of the selectboard about the citizens petition to abolish this useless part of Templeton."The L+W commission"! Enough said.

    1. I do not have town water, and that is fine with me. I will always speak up for the people who are afraid, and some certainly are. Peer pressure works with kids, and with adults. When something is wrong, I get that feeling, and I am usually right. There is "something really wrong at the Templeton Water Department..Why are we the only town, out of the area towns I looked at, to pay three extra people?? No other Water Departments charge their customers for 1. A General Manager @$14,210.00 2. A Business Manager @$7,883.00 3. A Staff Accountant @ $7746.00. That is $29,839.00 more than any other town pays their Water Department. Our cost per. family was higher than any other town charged for water, and this was before your latest increase!! I know how hard this winter is going to be on everyone. Bart said he read that the Federal Government is giving out less fuel assistance than last year. Any increase will hurt the elderly living on a fixed income, and the average homeowner is going to have a rough time making ends meet. Our Light and Water Departments interest is making sure they get paid, first and foremost. They have refused to look at how they do business, to make changes in their structure, before sending you a letter, saying "sorry about this, you are getting another increase, because money is tight!!" Well our other Town Workers, have not had a raise in over two years, and have had to live on five hours less a week, so you could have a town government that keeps working for you! Do I think that there is something wrong with this picture? Dam right! Look real close, and you will too. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Not to mention the added cost to the towns budget for extras.
    Payroll services,rreasurer,selectmen,acountant, supplies are not cheap or free and the facts remain we pay more than almost all others for the same compairable service. Add in the various subed out repairs and lawn care,lawyer fees and thats a good reason for the highest bills in the state of Mass. A line item budget request never filled and who is hiding what? Why would the pay amounts be skewed to show a raise of 14%. Its called discredit the whistle blowers. The fact that the lies the general manager has told before,during,and after is a reason to wonder what is up.When will the contracts be turned over to the town auditor? Pilot payments be made from 2000 to catch them up for the rent paid? What lies have their lawyer told to the town on tape?When will control come to Templeton again?Why are the rates so damn high, we need to write them and find the answers. Who would let your votes go away without a reason for it.I know one high price lawyer that would. It's all about the "MONEY" Mine and Yours. It's our business to ask why.
    It's the commissions business to answer us?
    The big question is will they?

    1. As things stand right now, the public has no say as to what these guys do with your money. Special interest made sure of that at the last town meeting. The way this town is run, it is the people who show up at town meetings, that run the show. Gone are the days, that you voted once a year, and that was it. Many issues are settled on the town meeting floor, so it is up to you to find your voice and vote. You do not have to stand up to speak. All it takes is the raising of your hand, to be counted. Things are way to important to give away your right to have a say in what is done, and in the end, you will pay with your pocketbook. At the ATM, the school people filled the room, and they will do that again, at this up coming Special Town Meeting. If you do not want the town services gutted, come and vote again. People died to give you this right. Please come and have a say in what is done with your money. My opinion, Bev.
