Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 22, 2013 Joint Town Meeting Warrant Article

Warrant Article for Joint Town Meeting
August 22, 2013

A request for a draft copy of the minutes from the August 5, 2013 school committee meeting resulted in the following information:

Narragansett Regional School District
Joint Town School Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 22, 2013

            To either of the Constables for the Towns of Templeton & Phillipston in said County.
            In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and ward the inhabitants of the precincts of the Towns of Templeton and Phillipston, County of Worcester, qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs to meet at the Narragansett Regional Middle School, 460 Baldwinville Road, Baldwinville, in said Templeton on Thursday August 22, 2013 at 7:00pm then and there to act on the following article:

Article 1:  To see if the Towns of Phillpston and Templeton will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide $6,661,409 to pay local assessments for the Narragansett Regional School District FY14 budget, or take any action relative thereto.

And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof in each precinct; namely at the Post Office in Templeton, Post Office in East Templeton, the Post Office in Baldwinville, Cote’s Market in Otter River, the Town Offices Buildings at 4 Elm Street in Baldwinville, at 690 Patriots Road, Templeton; as well as the Phillipston Town Hall, 50 The Common in Phillipston, Phillips Free Library, 25 Templeton Road, Phillipston, and the King Phillip Restaurant, State Road, Phillipston, and by delivering a copy to each of the Precinct Clerks fourteen (14) days at least before the time of holding said meeting and by causing notice of the same to be published once in the Gardner News, a newspaper of general circulation in the Towns, published in Worcester County in the City of Gardner.
Given under our hands this ______ day of August in the year AD 2013.


___________________________________                                    ________________________________
Rae Ann Trifilo, Chair                                                                        John Columbus

__________________________________                                    ________________________________
Deborah Koziol                                                                                    Henry Mason

___________________________________                                    ________________________________
Lori Mattson                                                                                    Daniel Sanden

__________________________________                                    ________________________________
Victoria Chartier                                                                        Ryan Twohey


            This is to certify that I have served the within warrant by posting attested copies thereof in each precinct; namely, at the Post Office in Templeton, Post Office in East Templeton, the Post Office in Baldwinville, Cote’s Market in Otter River, the Town Offices Buildings at 4 Elm Street in Baldwinville, at 690 Patriots Road, Templeton; as well as the Phillipston Town Hall, 50 The Common in Phillipston, Phillips Free Library, 25 Templeton Road, Phillipston, and the King Phillip Restaurant, State Road, Phillipston, and by delivering a copy to each of the Precinct Clerks fourteen (14) days at least before the time of holding said meeting and by causing notice of the same to be published once in the Gardner News, a newspaper of general circulation in the Towns, published in Worcester County in the City of Gardner.

___________________________________                                    _______________________________
Constable of Templeton                                                                        Constable of Phillipston

A True Copy, ATTEST:                                                                        A True Copy, ATTEST:

Carol A. Harris                                                                                    Karin L. Foley
Town Clerk of Templeton                                                            Town Clerk of Phillipston

The wording of the warrant article is:

Article 1:  To see if the Towns of Phillpston and Templeton will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide $6,661,409 to pay local assessments for the Narragansett Regional School District FY14 budget, or take any action relative thereto.

I believe this is the original, full assessment to Templeton and Phillipston. In Templeton, this figure would require either drastic cuts in public safety or an override in the amount of $691,000. Please remember that this is a warrant article. The motion read at the meeting on August 22, 2013 may be different. Town Meeting Times will be used to run the meeting. Templeton does not have the money to fund this dollar figure for the schools.

Please join me in VOTING NO on August 22, 2013.

My opinion…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Thanks Julie for this info - and to say it again (I'm getting sick of repeating myself)Templeton does not have the money in reserves or free cash. If this passes the only option to raise is though an override (there is no other way to raise)and the voters have voted this down three times or make cuts to our public safety - Police and Highway and Fire. I will not apologize for feeling that we cannot afford to lose any Police officers. Our Highway Dept. already works with the minimum equipment etc.- every year Bud has asked for more equipment and the voters vote No. And I don't believe we can afford to lose anything with the Fire Dept.

    Sorry folks but this is hard times in Templeton I will respect the fact that the NO votes won on the override, I do not knock anyone who voted either way.(this is a democracy) and I will stand behind Public Safety.
    The following question was posed to me by a taxpayer and I would like some opinions on it - "what would you think of a substitute motion, made at the joint town meeting that would give folks a chance at a symbolic cut in the budget for NRSD? $100 less than the funding without a prop 2 1/2 override would say "enough". " Another idea would be to cut the NRSD budget by the exact amount of the raise in salary given by the school committee to the superintendent.
    I have one more question - Last year the town employees took a 12 1/2% pay cut to help the town, and next year they still won't get their pay back. Would it be possible for the school employees to take a small pay cut like the town employees have? After all what is more important pay for employees or programs and thing for kids?

    1. "I have one more question - Last year the town employees took a 12 1/2% pay cut to help the town, and next year they still won't get their pay back. Would it be possible for the school employees to take a small pay cut like the town employees have? After all what is more important pay for employees or programs and thing for kids?"

      I have a couple questions...did Jeff Ritter receive a raise recently? Also, did Mrs. Farrell recently negotiate for herself a 5% raise at Ash-West?

      If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then neither of them (or their supporters) should be running their mouths about what NRSD teachers and administrators wages are...because that would be hypocrisy.

      Just sayin

    2. The town coordinator's contract is available for review at the BOS office. The Town Coordinator in Templeton negotiated the current contract in good faith as did the BOS. The Town Coordinator in Templeton is paid about half of the superintendent of schools at NRSD, a lot less than the TMLWP manager, Light superintendent, Water Dept. superintendent and most of the employees at Light and Water, as well as most police officers including the police chief. The low salary is one reason why cuts will need to be made in public safety - you can't come up with $691,000 any other way, because many of our town employees are grossly underpaid.

      I am a dues paying member of Ash West. I am not and have never been a member of the negotiating team for that union. Most members will receive a raise next year. Our union took 3 years of 0 %. Our negotiating team has eliminated longevity and equalized the percent increase between steps. Something NRSD might want to emulate.

      While our union was taking 0 %, the NRSD negotiating team was giving out raises.

      Don't let the facts get in the way of your thinking.

      A freeze on all salaries and expenses for NRSD would allow NRSD to operate on a 1/12th budget and schedule courses and activities for students. Is that going to cause pain? Yes, it will. In my opinion, a freeze is a better option than waiting for a miracle on August 22. It is a better option than decimating public safety in the Town of Templeton. Those are my opinions.
      Julie Farrell

    3. "A freeze on all salaries and expenses for NRSD would allow NRSD to operate on a 1/12th budget and schedule courses and activities for students."

      Oh no that's fine, let's stop giving the mentors of the children of the next generation a livable salary. No it's totally fine, we'll just raise more Pauly Cosentinos and Julie Farrells. (For the ones who are unable to comprehend; let's raise more corrupt, thieving, illiterate humans to run our town).

      I mean no worries, our teachers don't need to get paid enough, I mean all they do is raise the next generation, let's just let the teachers live poorly struggling to get by so your kid can speak and write legibly, and maybe even eventually take part in these same town politics we are facing today.

      Meanwhile we have Albert B. Fall over here giving herself a raise, for what? Does that hand get really tired from typing literal non-sense over the internet and judging citizens of the town based on literally ZERO merit, and meddling in the business of the town.

      It's time for change, I say we say goodbye to PAULY and we say goodbye to JULIE. YOU GOT YOUR HAND IN THE TILL. GOODBYE!

      Now can we please get this town back together and pry it from these corrupt people's hands.

    4. Another critic who doesn't have the nerve to sign his or her own name. Why don't you suggest some solutions instead of these grade-school taunts? Is it because that is all you are capable of?

    5. Dear Tom Cruise-

      Guess you're a little cranky this morning. You can assault my character all you want. It will not change the FACTS. The townspeople in Templeton have voted NO on two override ballots and at two town meetings regarding the school budget.

      The School Committee has proposed the same budget figure for the Joint Town Meeting on August 22. There is no willingness to compromise on the part of the school committee.

      I have been elected to serve on the Board of Selectmen. As a member of the Templeton Board of Selectmen, it is my job to "meddle" in the business of the town. So far, I have not tired of writing blogs and spreading the truth as I see it.

      I am fiscally conservative(cheap) and socially progressive(liberal). These are not mutually exclusive concepts. On a personal level, we live within our means and do not carry debt. If we can not afford something, we do not buy it. I recently went on a vacation. I went on vacation because I saved up for it. It took a while to save up for my vacation; it's something called "delayed gratification".

      In my opinion, the Town of Templeton and NRSD are in this fiscal crisis, because they (both the town and the school district) have not lived within their means. Both the town and the school district have spent all of their reserves and now have nothing to fall back on financially. The only way for the town to generate more money is to ask for an override. Been there, done that.

      I interpret the failed overrides ( the second override lost by a wider margin) as a message from the voters in Templeton to "live within our means" with the money we have available. In order for Templeton to comply with the school's demand for an additional $691,000, draconian cuts would need to be made in public safety. Templeton has no reserves left, no free cash. The till is empty. The money has to come from some other department in order to hand it over to the school department.

      I hate to be the one to break it you, Tom - There is no money tree. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It's time to book a flight back to Templeton from Fantasy Island.

      Julie Farrell

      Here to stay! Please Vote NO on August 22.

    6. The point is, don't preach something if you aren't practicing it. The highly educated teachers and staff of NRSD are professionals who deserve to be paid as such. Period. NOBODY in the town of Templeton should have to take a pay cut! And the fact that some already have is absolutely ridiculous!!

      It's time for the leaders of this town to stop pointing fingers at past "mismanagement" and point the fingers at themselves and say "what can I do to help this town BESIDES cut, cut, cut." Past spending and present extreme thriftiness is literally driving this town into the ground.

      It's time for the Hatfields and McCoys to sit down and shut up and it's time to start focusing on the solution instead of the problem.

      Just sayin

    7. The only alternative to cutting is the passage of a successful override

      Just sayin'

    8. Yes but until the town leaders step up to the plate and encourage a TOWN override it will never happen. The selectman, including you, have continually encouraged a town-vs-school situation by refusing to endorse an override that the ENTIRE town desperately needs.

      If town employees have already taken pay cuts then its time for the town as a whole to bite the bullet and raise already, too low taxes. The more this town cuts the less desirable it is for new residents and businesses. Without new growth and a leadership that refuses to create a light at the end of the tunnel Templeton will only continue to sink deeper and deeper into this hole.

      Sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

      Just sayin

    9. Personally, I like our current town leaders. I don't feel that they are at all fostering a town-vs-school situation. They are doing what I elected and expect them to do. By the way, if they endorsed an override for the schools at this time I still would not vote for it. Its not that I cannot afford it, I certainly can, but I expect the schools to be as frugal as I am when spending my own money, because that is what they are doing. They are spending MY money.

      If this was a business I would agree with you that sometimes you have to spend money to make money. If the kids education would be greatly enhanced by spending this money then I would agree with you, however, In this instance I don't feel that is the case. We are spending money to support the administration.

    10. to Takin ItBack where have you been - we have tried town overrides in the pass - they don't fly.

    11. Takin ItBack - don't know what fairy tale land you live in, but it is obvious that the TOWN does not want an override since its been defeated several times already. This TOWN needs to spend what they have not what they don't have. The School can not dictate what this TOWN can afford, the SCHOOL needs to see what cuts they can make. They SCHOOL has not worked with the town at all. Taxes are high enough for Templeton, this is not a town of riches. Many residents here are on fixed incomes, many don't have jobs, and to insist that those individuals that have little can pay more is rediculous. Look at the Towns report for last year and look at the large incomes the school teachers make in this small town. They are paid well enough, so is the school staff, it would not hurt them to either take a small pay cut or take no pay increase this year. But since it seems like you must be basking in money how about you fund the school budget.

    12. I agree with mwgreene13, Zebra & Not dumb enough to fall for it....Very good comments of the reality of the situation here in Templeton.

    13. How dare you accuse me of such a thing you self-entitled ignorant idiot. My name is Thomas Cruise II, son of my father Thomas Cruise I, and I bear his name with honor and integrity. It is unfortunate that I share a name with the Celebrity Scientologist Tom Cruise, and in no way am I related or affiliated to him. So why don't you be a little more considerate before vomiting out accusations saying I do not have the "nerve" to sign in with my name, you should be ashamed with yourself, and a ignorant people like you have no place on the Board of Selectman or anything even near politics you corrupt thieves.

    14. Hmm no Thomas Cruise owns any property in Templeton (do you pay taxes) or in Phillipston, Gardner etc etc check

  2. I don't pay taxes in Ashburnham or Westminster so I don't care what Mrs Farrell makes. And what makes you think that I supported Mr Ritter getting a raise? I believe back when I asked the question as to why did these pay cuts only hit all the women working in town and only one man (Phil BOH). My comment about the school budget is if people truly care about the children (yes they all should have voted for the override) maybe they could not take their "step" raise or perhaps take a pay cut to save the children?

    1. I will stand up for Mr. Ritter any day. I agree with Julie, we are doing the best to keep the town running, and to do that, we need him. We are lucky he has stayed with our town and the mess it is. His knowledge has saved us money. He does not have to call a lawyer, every time he needs to answer a question. It was interesting when Mrs. Kasper said at a Selectman's meeting, "at one time, the school teachers were level funded, because the town was in trouble". They could have done that again. Why not?? I am sick of "its for the children", when it is plainly not. Not one person I have spoken to agrees that JV Sports, or anything that hurts the kids, should be taken away. I know of a person who paid for oil, up front, and paid over $3,000. for a house. Fuel assistance was cut by the federal government so if last year was bad, this winter will be worse. I have spoken to two guys I know. Both work construction, or for paving companies. These men have not had a job in two years. Try that, and let me know how they can pay for a override. I do not want to have the people who work in the town offices hurt, but you all know that. I do not want to loose our police or fire departments. The school people can rape our town, but they will loose, much more than they gain. This is my opinion, Bev.

    2. Hey Bev. You mentioned 3000 for home heting oil. Do you think the school heats itself? Should the kids build a ffire?? ITS PAID BY TAXES! Pull your head outta 'the sand'. If your bills went up.... so the schools.

  3. To Mr. Cruise; Perhaps more Pauly Cosentinos would not be such a bad thing. (if Mr. Cruise is unable to comprehend, that would be more successful small businessmen) That folks would equal an increase in tax revenue and even a small number of jobs, all good things in my opinion. An idea for Mr. Cruise, create a blog, generate the number of hits as are on Pauly's Blog, then ads can appear and you charge for them and suddenly have extra income. We can argue all we want on this blog but the fight or argument or the finger pointed should be aimed at out state and federal legislatures who make these rules and requirements and fail to provide funding for them. Lastly, there are many parents out there who have gone multiple years with no pay raise and some have no job at all. Certainly a year of level funding would be one more way for the town as a whole to calm, talk and work on these issues. Another observation is with the number of parents (1200 students in NRHS) able to vote, why has the override not passed? The votes should be there to pass an override but perhaps these parents go into the voting booth with the thought of why they came to Templeton; low taxes. Oh, you realize Pauly does you a great service by allowing you to voice your frustration or opinion here, even to call him names so perhaps he is not as bad as you say. Try writing what you have written here to the Gardner News or the Worcester Telegram. Good luck with that.

    1. Unfortunately Jeff, many parents wont realize whats going on till the first day of school. Theyre not involved & dont pay attention.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm not sure this blog is helping. Also I'm not sure it's a good idea for selectman to be communicating the way they are on here. So close to violating open meeting laws, bet the Gardner news would love that. Another scandal in Templeton.

    1. Politicians & other citizens of towns used to have open air meetings or get togethers (whatever you want to call them) in the town square or on the town commons. That's what the center commons were created for when establishing townships. These blog postings by people, including selectmen as citizens of the town, is similar but via the computer "Town Crier". It is an around the clock 24/7 all year long spot to speak out, vent, log or post anything that affects that person, their family or the town as a whole. Yes, there are the occasional out of hand remarks but overall this has been a very good thing in getting information out to the general public who might not be able to make scheduled meetings. The newspapers have been lax in their fair & balanced reporting the last ten years or so. I find them to be quite often biased in their reporting & opinions. A newspaper reporter is supposed to write about the facts as it pertains to the issue that they are reporting on & not share their opinions in those journalistic reviews. If they want an opinion (which everyone is entitled to) they should be required to pay for a personal editorial as the average private person has to do unless it is approved for their editorial page. However, unless it is of the persuasion of that particular paper often times those op-eds don't get printed, leaving out valuable information. So, all in all, I would say Pauly's site does everyone a great service in getting all the facts out there. So much info has been suppressed in the last decade that many do not understand the depths to which all the politics go here in Templeton. That is why Pauly started this BlogSpot. This is my opinion as I see things from years of observation & at times participation in some very heated & sometimes scary happenings here on the home front. Having grown up here when it was a much more close knit "sleepy" little town, it makes me sad that the scandals have hit Templeton to the degree they have. I do thank those who are working diligently to try to correct the wrongdoings that have gone on in the past that got us into this state of deep debt, leading to much despair for many people. Thanks, Pauly, for a place to be able to speak out again. Have a good evening everyone.

  6. Dear Poison Ivy,
    Nice name! As an elected official, I do NOT give up my rights as a private citizen. There is no deliberation on this blog nor are any votes taken. This blog is a vehicle to get information and opinions out to residents in general. Whether that is helpful or not is in the up to the individual.

    After 607,000 hits, I think someone would have filed an OML violation by now...IF they could.

    Just sayin'

    Blog on my friends!

    Please VOTE NO on August 22!

  7. poison ivy if you want your opinion known,own it. The Gardner news looks at this blog often!
    I've talked with the reporters and have been told this.

  8. Mrs. Farrel, You dont seem to get it. By continually voting no, you are all but ensuring cuts. The school WILL get its budget, even if it requires the state to stop this madness. Even if you get your way & lower the required contribution, the budget IS the budget. And muzt be funded.In this matter, the SC is more powerful than the BOS.

    1. If the budget fails at the joint town meeting, there is no guarantee that the state would increase the budget. It seems that many people are deluded about that fact.

    2. Do your homework Mark. School taught you how to. Research area towns & then you'll see how this works. The school gets AT LEAST the certified amount, & usually more to make up for the past.

    3. I'm pretty sure I am right. So if you are so sure, vote no, like I will. If you are right, the state may give more. Then NRSD can hire more admin and guidance folks.

    4. 2 threads, same lack of knowledge
