Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shedding some Light...August 6, 2013

Shedding some light…Aug. 6, 2013

Water meeting –

First item of discussion was the capital improvement study of the water system of which the water rate study is a part. There are two copies of this very large document for review at the TMLWP office on Bridge St. This is not the final copy, which may be available in electronic format… the manager will check into it.

This report contains suggestions for improvements to the water system pressure maps, flow maps as well as hydraulic maps. The fire chief will receive a copy once the report is finalized.

A separate discussion took place on the rate portion of this study. This study reviewed past rates, demographics and growth. Growth for the water system is projected at -1% for the next 6 years with 10 new water customers/year. The study recommended increasing the customer charge to $49.00/quarter. (The customer charge on the September water bill will be reduced to $28.00/quarter until the TMLWP vote on the rates this study proposes)

A customer charge of $28/quarter = $112 per customer per year. This charge @ $28/quarter generates $244,720 for the water department in one year.

A customer charge of $49/quarter = $196 per customer per year. This charge @ $49/quarter would generate $428,260 for the water department in one year.

The commissioners have taken this report under advisement as well as the increase in water rates. Hopefully, a public hearing will be held before the new rates and customer fees are voted on by the TMLWP Commissioners.

Water plant terms and conditions are in the process of finalization.

Templeton Developmental Center/water upgrades –
The water department has been approached about taking over responsibility for the private water system at TDC. There are many concerns and liabilities with taking over this private water system that has been neglected over the years. Water mains and lines would need to be replaced and is extremely expensive. The commissioners did not appear interested in assuming this liability.

A question was raised about PILOT payment from the water department.
No PILOT payments will be made by the water department.

A question was asked about a written response to a customer complaint.
There will be no written responses to a customer complaints.

A question was asked about the true value of the water system.

The answer can be found in the financial reports on the webpage. Net assets in 2012 $7,111,053.

A question was raised regarding any action taken on the letter from the BOS – see below:
Letter to TMLWP Commissioners and Manager regarding contracts over $5,000

Audio from Light Department portion of the meeting. The recording gets interesting around the 16:00 minute mark, if it doesn’t inconvenience you.

A question was asked about the amount of money currently in arrears for the water department.

Light Department –
Baldwinville Rd Reconstruction –
Discussion went back to cover the water shut off issues on the Patriots Rd end of the project. The re-design of that end of Baldwinville Rd. has created problem for the water department.

Some discussion about repaving the end of Baldwinville Rd by Elm St. and an insurance payment that was turned over to the Town for damages during the July 2012multiple water main breaks.

The rate study for the Light department was discussed but not acted upon. It is in draft format now.  Adjustments may be made to allow for discounts for low-income and the seniors. Again it may be a good idea to hold a public hearing before the TMLWP Commissioners formally adopt the new rates.

OPEB Trust discussion was tabled.

Light Plant terms and conditions were discussed but not acted upon.

The draft of the Cost Certification for the wind turbine was discussed. It looks as if the final figure for the wind turbine will be $3,843,000. The final figures and report will soon be released and put on the website.

Power supply costs –
Friday July 19 was the big day when power usage was at its highest. 27.377 MW 

Templeton Developmental Center/Light upgrades –
There are more pros than cons in taking over the electrical distribution system at TDC.  There are 69 fairly old poles and about mile of wire (also old). DAR, DCAM and DSS are more receptive to paying for the work that needs to be done in order for TMLWP to take on the responsibility of electrical distribution system.

It appears that the state would like this work done sooner rather than later with a projected build out date for the group homes of June 2014.

Templeton Wind COOP – the commissioners voted Gregg Edwards to remain on the board of directors for the Massachusetts Municipal Light Department Wind Energy Cooperative Corporation (MMLDWECC).

The question was asked again about the written request from the BOS to comply with Chapter 164 section 56C of the MGL.

Letter to TMLWP Commissioners and Manager regarding contracts over $5,000

Audio from Light Department portion of the meeting. The recording gets interesting around the 16:00 minute mark, if it doesn’t inconvenience you.

The Commissioners voted to enter into executive Session.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. This meeting was strange, from beginning to end. Not a single word was spoken by anyone, no one looked up when Bart Julie and I came through the door. Everyone was so into, whatever they were reading, I kind of had to laugh to myself. What a bunch!! Hurt my feelings, no way. I do not go to these meetings to irritate anyone, but I guess I do. Not my problem!! The real reason I go, is to try to see if I can get questions answered, and services that are needed, in a more cost effective way. The end of the meeting was very telling. It seems Mr.Driscoll is very paranoid, in my opinion. From what I got from this outburst of his, is he thinks problems their dept. is having are the result of the BOS creating problems, just for him and Light and Water. This is just not right!! He should know better, but I guess he does not. These problems were with the treasurer, he has been told that, but wishes to think otherwise. It is a different game, when he is asked by Dave if information is going to be taken care of, that was requested by him. The fact that it is a law, seems to be lost on this guy, and he feels he can blow off any requirements to reply, in the time required. Dana's nasty, in my opinion, remark about Julie, writing a question for Dave to ask, was out of line. Julie was just sitting there, and Dave had a last minute thought. Since when it that not ok? The problems that the Light and Water Commissioners are having with myself and others, could have been avoided when we started attended these meetings, if they had a better attitude. A attitude adjustment is still needed, sooner than later. What is the old saying? "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"!! This is my opinion, Bev.

  2. Down hear on the lower forty we are thankful that Batman has arrived. If only our super hero can save us from allowing the L&W from Robin the town blind. A big thanks to the citizen's who are making an effort to make this department accountable to the citizen's of Templeton. this old timer was making a joke based on the Batman and Robin partnership and meant no harm to those at the L&W.

    1. lowerforty40, that was a good one. You are not the only one that is relieved that Batman is back. So am I. Truth and justice will prevail, I have faith in that, but sometimes it needs a push in the right direction. Having no one watch over any committee, especially a town one, is looking for trouble. Blind faith does not work, we have learned that lesson the hard way. The next question to be answered, Who owns the light company? What laws cover it, along with Water? Hang on lower40, it may be a rough ride, but we are not going to bail out. Bev.

  3. Lowerforty40,You and anyone else that benefits from our efforts are truly welcome.I do this so the town won't be run a muck by people that are arrogant and misleading the public as to what they are doing. They lie,break the law and if any more needs to be said this is it.They treat the select board members like shit. I won't stop until they change the way they treat people they should be respecting. When it comes time to get rid of Dana and vote me in we will have lost most of the negativity at the commission.When the General Manager can be seperate from the commission we as a town will have a more functional department.Now it's more like a club only they belong to. If Driscoll wants things like they were a year ago all he has to do is cooperate .
    Fill the Auditing authorities requests and as soon as possible. That's it.It's not magic,it's the law. They are in violation and he has been told time and time again. Here a hint Start with the most recent and work your way back for all contracts of 5,000.00 or more.

  4. Just like we told everybody at the town meeting when I/we took the petition to the people and said what they were going to do to us. Raise your rates.They told you that was not true and that is proving to also be a lie. The dollar off was a bribe and the facts rule the day. Hope you don't mind paying more for less and have a nice day. They lied then and they lie now.
    They are wanting to bring natural gas to TMLWP so they can get their hands on more revenue. They are going to raise your water rates and borrow more for 40 years to spend,spend,spend.
    I saw Gary Young measure Harris parking lot today. It must be hard to blackball Gary Young Mr. Driscoll and then have to hire him after all! Shame on you,I sent the recording to him of your foolish rant about him. Glad to do it. Your in line to apologize to the man who you treated like many others you feel disserve your obtuse behavier.

  5. Well could it be TMLWP wants to add a G to the mix and pipe in gas from west street to the dump and down the tracks to the paper mill? That would be a big mistake and with out any respect for safety regs now how will our pipe boys be able to support it. With a whole new department, the NG department. It still falls under the 164 laws,same ones they are in violation of now. That will work out for them great. GM gets a raise,new superintendant,foreman,workers and all the fleet to go with it.What about the pilot payment? I can see Baldwinville road dug up to pipe it to the school!Gas in Templeton? Why we cant make the water problems go away. How will they handle any gas problems! BOOM
