Friday, August 9, 2013

Public Safety in Templeton - Fire/EMS

Public Safety in Templeton – Fire/EMS

Have you ever had to call for an ambulance in an emergency situation? Isn’t that the worst feeling in the world? …waiting for help to arrive?

On August 22, 2013, there will be a Joint Town Meeting (JTM) at 7 pm. The votes taken at this JTM will determine the fate of public safety in the Town of Templeton. One aspect of public safety is the Fire department/EMS.

The BOS receive periodic updates from the Fire Chief to keep us informed of issues in the department. I have asked and received permission to share the latest update from Chief LaPorte:

Templeton Fire Department

2 School Street   Baldwinville, MA 01436

Ph. 978.939.2222   Fax: 978.939.5671

Chief  Raymond A. LaPorte  NREMT-P

Jeffrey Bennett, Chairman
Kenn Robinson, Vice Chairman
Doug Morrison, Clerk
Julie Farrel, Member

Town Coordinator:
Jeff Ritter

“A view from the Chiefs’ office”                                                 

Good afternoon,

In this installment of “a view from the Chiefs’ office” I would like talk about staffing of calls, the use of  FTE (full time equivalent) hours, some inter-departmental cooperation resulting in improved parking at station 1, the computer program “I AM RESPONDING”, the road to ALS (advanced life support), and becoming a training institution for EMS (emergency medical services).

To improve staffing for all calls for service, (our primary challenge), we instituted a new staffing configuration with 1 FT (full time) member, and several FTEs.  The way we have it now, we are able to better cover daytime calls 7 days a week.

The full-timer works from 7am to 5pm, 5 days a week.  The FTEs work 7am – 4pm Saturdays and Sundays 2 FTEs each day.  The weekend FTE staff is drawn from the call members of the department.

The article funding this was for 2 FTEs at 48 hours each; 96 hours total.  To this was added an amount for benefits.  We are now closing more of the holes in coverage than before, but still not all of them. 

I have 1 FT member with benefits 50 hours / week.
I have 4 FTEs 9 hours each weekend day totaling 36 hours with no benefits as they are under 20 hours / week scheduled.

This, along with my ability to staff calls, has resulted in guaranteed coverage most daytime hours, 7 days a week.  We are already experiencing an increase in ambulance calls covered during this critical time period which translates into increased receipts.
I projected revenue of $180,000. for FY13 and realized $185,000.  If we trend as we are now I would expect to improve on this number for FY14.  Another bump in revenue can be expected once we go to the ALS level of ambulance licensure.

The cooperation between Highway, Cemetery, and Fire Departments was evidenced this week as together we were able to make some improvements to the parking situation at Station 1 (Templeton Center).  We increased the width in front of the station to provide additional parking spaces on a better surface than the grass.  I would like to express my thanks to Bud and his crew, and Alan for the use of his drag box and tractor.  The Station is neat, looks much better, and this work has greatly improved safety and functionality. 

We have a new computer based program called: I AM RESPONDING.  This program alerts responders of calls, as well as tracks many credentials, calendar coverage, vacation away notices, and generates many management reports.  The smart phone app lets responders touch a button on their phone to let dispatchers or anyone that has the app know that they are responding.  The program is brand new to us and I think it will be even more useful as time goes by.

We continue our efforts forward toward ALS (advanced life support).  I am working with my ALS team with positive results.  We have revamped all of our EMS policies and procedures to be ready for the changes coming. 

We have made improvements in station security to protect resources critical to ALS.  We have updated our roster and calendar to reflect the current staffing and general availability of providers.  We have improved BLS skills with the institution of a QA/QI (quality assurance / quality improvement) program, highlighting both the positive and negative performance as a means of doing better.

We currently are starting the process of making Station 1 an accredited training institution.  This will allow us to teach classes to outside groups, such as EMT training, Paramedic training, Community CPR training, and other dynamic classes needed to maintain certifications.  I would expect as a side benefit to gain some members from this endeavor.

In closing, I would again like to thank you for your continued support of Fire and EMS in Templeton.  As we go forward, it is my intent to generate more of the revenue we need to provide emergency services to the residents from sources other than taxation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Raymond A. LaPorte NREMT-P

Please take note of the last sentence:
“As we go forward, it is my intent to generate more of the revenue we need to provide emergency services to the residents from sources other than taxation.”

Chief LaPorte and the men and women of the fire department are close to achieving the goal of a self sufficient department. When cuts are made to Public Safety, there will be an increase in response time for EMS and fire. The goal of “providing emergency services to residents from sources other than taxation” will suffer a major setback.

All 8,000 inhabitants of Templeton will be effected by cuts to public safety.

Please join me in VOTING NO on August 22.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. This is a super way to let the public know what is going on behind the walls at the fire station in Templeton Center. I was in the town office building when "the new guy" was interviewing for the job. I introduced myself to him, and my first impression was of a friendly, soft spoken man, who was seemed to be more than qualified. After he was on the job for a short while, I stopped at the station to ask the guys how they were doing, and what they thought of him. They were positive in their responses, so I was confident that things were going to be ok. A few weeks ago, I was able to see Mr. LaPorte in action. A friend needed to be transported to Haywood. Mr. LaPorte and another member of the department responded to the scene and the soft spoken man arrived, only this time I could see the calming affect, and the self confidence of this man doing his job, translated to the patient. People, we are so lucky to have this man working for our town. He knows the serious situation we are in and that has not stopped him from investing in our future. He has given the men on the Fire Department goals to reach, all to make them better members of the department, and a greater asset to the community. They need our support at the town meeting. Please vote no, our lives or the lives of our loved ones, may depend on it. Bev.

  2. People should have voted YES on raising taxes! This blog and the selectman on it are destroying this town and wrecking our property values! It's time for change! YOU ALL NEED TO GO! If you can't afford to be here then LEAVE! I have money to stay and want the best in my community! I've been watching these town meeting and going to a few to see the shit show that takes place! I'm glad other crazy people have joined from the other side on this blog to show just what common trash this town is becoming! Discusted in Templeton, but will always be a thorn to remind you!

  3. You're entitled to your opinion, others are entitled to their own ideas.

    Many people think a moderate tax increase is necessary, but not for the schools. For the general town operations, yes. For NRSD, I have not seen a need. When they choose to spend on admin, guidance, psychologist over programs that residents want, they have a credibility problem.

    1. Again Mark, do your homework before you speak. Many of those positions are state mandated with no child left behind.Sports is not.

  4. I know there is no "mandate" that says admin must grow at 150% of the overall budget.

    That's the last response from me until you post under your real name.

  5. FYI. With the trashing & bitterness that goes on here, Im not dumb enough to use my name. Anyone who thinks the school is right & the town has its head in the sand is getting personally trashed. Im jyst putting out facts on how the process will end, which you were warned of months ago. Keep voting no & maybe we'll be lucky enough to go into receivership. Or maybe that is what you want, then everyone is fair game.

  6. Thank you Huff and Puff! Mark get your TRUE FACTS that advisory board is becoming a joke! Maybe you shouldn't post under your name! It's going to bite you in the ass! Just saying!

  7. Dear Huffn Puff and Poison Ivy and anyone else - where do you propose the money for the school come from? We cannot just "raise" tax rate. (If you all don't realize by now that in order to raise the tax rate more than the 2 1/2 percent requires a vote both at the polls and TM otherwise known as an override)And unfortunately more people have voted no than yes on the override. So my question to you all is where do we take the money from????

    1. Im not as crazy as PI, bur that was the original arguement for the override. Which the BOS chose to ignore & advovate a no vote. Ask/blame them, not the school.

  8. Then cut the damn services Zebra! I voted yes! I will continue to vote yes! It is human nature to complaine and make excuses! The Selectman should have told the town how important the override was! Instead with the exception of Mr. Robinson they have chosen to be against the school! In my opinion I give them a vote of no confidence!

  9. The Noble and SMART thing to do knowing the town doesn't have the money, is warning the town if we don't do an override if the state does set the budget and its high the selectboard will have to make cuts. I've been reading allot of the blog posts. Lets face it people can put what you want on here but it seems very Fox News! It can't be easy being an easy target but don't think this will all come out cheap in the wash! Hope business does come to town because all the people saying they can't afford an override, or I only make $23,000 a year. Your going to need a second job. It's a rough reality but it is one of many realities. Templeton is a cheap place to live, with some of the cheapest taxes and most of us are raising children that should get an education with good values in a safe community. Now I say safe, not to be thrown in my face that we may be cutting police. If the town doesn't want to support the town as a whole like I do then by all means let the cuts begin. Their is no pride sticking with or supporting a sinking ship! The towns people deserve better then that! That's not what they are getting. Only personal agenda, And personal opinions based on what they feel are facts for their agenda!

  10. Down hear on the lower forty I have watched my old friends eat cat food so the kids in this town can have better than we did. Somewhere along the line it became more important to make money than to look out for one another. It may be the schools that give the young ones their wants but it is their family and friends that give them there needs.

  11. Bill O'riely has many best seller books for good reason. Poison needs a dose of reality and the main stream media is nothing but a administation type outlet and will puppy dog up to what their fed. Can it be possible all the things in the Fox crosshairs is false. One has to stop and think why and how could this all be made up!
    It just cant. People who don't like fox news may have a bit of bias and not what to know the truth. The blog newbees sure have that in there posts.Attack all you want,it does nothing to further your cause or messages. When you go personal and insult.You lose. Like it or not the overrides have failed 3 times and in my opinion will again. If the state has the answer we need to hear,so be it. We will all take our medicines,sweep up this mess and move forward with the outcome.Maybe overrides fail because the people are afraid all the school costs will eat it up as fast as its paid in. After the state has its say maybe people will listen as it won't be Templetons speaking!
    Just saying
