Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 26 BOS Meeting

BOS Meeting August 26, 2013

The August 26, 2013 BOS meeting began with the pledge and a moment of silence for Charlie Perkins, may he rest in peace.

Six sets of minutes were approved. There was an amendment to one set of minutes. It was previously stated that the FEMA reimbursement was $2713. The actual figure was over  $27,000.

After discussion a motion was made to join the Worcester County Selectman’s Association. Selectman Robinson was nominated as the voting member.

The BOS voted to send a letter of support to the Narragansett Historical Society for a proposed Old Fire Engine Show. This show will require the cooperation of all departments, which have been informed of the event.

A few items were discussed before the Pole Hearing scheduled at 7:15.

The letter from an attorney regarding the Nasiatka Trust fund for the NRHS library was discussed. The Board decided to have Town Counsel review the request as well as forward it along to the school committee.

After discussion, the BOS voted to send a letter to the Director of Accounts Gerard Perry at the Mass DOR requesting an opinion and/or determination if the water department should operate as an enterprise fund under Chapter 44 53F ½ or does it operate under Chapter 164, which deals with electricity and gas. The purpose of this request is to resolve a contentious issue in the Town of Templeton and possibly provide for an explanation why the water department has not been accounted for on the town’s recap sheet since 2009.

The BOS voted to include in the minutes the response to OML violation. The letter is dated August 7, 2013.

A number of appointments were made. Selectmen have been assigned to different subcommittees. I’d like to thank fellow BOS members for stepping up to serve on the numerous subcommittees. Mr. Bennett has agreed to serve on Pandemic Response Mgt. Team, Templeton Emergency Planning Committee. I have agreed to serve on Insurance Committee, Open Space, Senior Center oversight Committee, Private Rd Committee and Temp. Elementary School Building Committee. Mr. Morrison has agreed to continue on the Senior Center Oversight Committee as well as Capital Planning and Stormwater Committee. Mr. Robinson has agreed to serve on the Pandemic response Management Team and the NRSD School Budget Subcommittee.

The pole hearing was opened at 7:15 and voted to approve a pole on Patriots Rd to replace a guy wire in a tree.

The BOS discussed sending a letter to the school committee regarding the town’s ability/inability to snowplow school property this Winter due to financial uncertainty. A broader discussion began about a plan to address the massive budget shortfall created by the vote at the Joint Town Meeting on August 22nd.

After much discussion, it was agreed that the school committee will certify the budget at their meeting on August 28, 2013 in the Kiva. The Advisory Board will meet on September 4th to discuss possible cuts and the option of an override. The Advisory Board will bring forth suggestions and recommendations to the BOS at their next regularly scheduled BOS meeting on September 9th.

At the September 9th BOS Meeting, it is anticipated that the BOS will set dates for an override ballot election and special town meeting. The timeframe for a ballot election with only an override question is 35 days. If the ballot election includes candidates to fill the vacancy on the BOS, then it would be at least 65 days before an election could occur.

Before selectman comments Mr. Bennett a grant opportunity, which might help, improve businesses in East Templeton. Also, that the coverage of calls by EMS is on track. The revenue generated by EMS services is placed in an ambulance reserve account. The revenue generated by EMS services reduces pressure on the town to provide taxpayer money for vital public safety services.

I publically apologized for my poor choice of words in a blog posting.

Mr. Robinson proposed an interesting idea – Open for Business- to generate and encourage businesses to locate in Templeton. Great idea!

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Julie you're a good person for apologizing for a poor choice of words. I don't remember Mr Ob ever apologizing for calling taxpayers stupid. Or Mr. Columbus for calling people as*h**** as he left a meeting. Julie one thing you left out about last nights meeting, I heard that Mr Columbus questioned the fact that New Business and old Business was not on the agenda. Guess he forgot when he chaired the meeting and made an announcement at the beginning of the meeting that no on would be allowed to speak! I also heard that VW was questioning the Board as to why they weren't addressing the financial crisis. Well VW - why did you quit and give up?

    1. Julie has more brains and class that the whole bunch of Echo Hill and its followers. I understand her disappointment and frustration, because many of us feel the same way. Jeff Bennett did a good job, even under fire. The Police Chief showed up to the first selectmen's meeting he has been to in a long while. A plan to make changes of this kind, laying off people, needs to be done with care. What is the plan?, What is the plan? Don't be so quick to make a plan with out looking at everything. We could put a list of people or departments on the wall, and throw darts at it, and say here is your plan. Would everyone be happy then? All of Echo Hills followers were on hand. They must have smelled blood in the water. The mess we are in has more connections to their leader than anything else. Mr. Skelton, Mrs. Skelton, and accountant at the time, Mr. Sawyer all did what was necessary to drain our town of free cash. Mr. Columbus and Ms. Wilder contributed their share in making the town unstable. I find it ironic to see them giving Jeff a hard time, when it is their mess he is trying to clean up. At this time even as I understand how many of the people feel about a override, I can not justify hurting our town workers any longer. A override will have to be voted on, and if that does not pass, we will have a town meeting to make cuts. This is my opinion, Bev.

    2. Dear Bev,
      I think this question needs to be addressed (as I stated below)...everyone I talk to say they WILL support an override. We need to support our town, however, why the drastic amount? That will cause problems with the people. It should be for the amount of the budget that was passed at the joint town meeting. AND if they are going to ask for more, than an itemized list best be present for those questions will be brought forward at the next meeting. If the town needed that much money than the advisory board (or whoever does that) should have made that request at the time, not after the fact. Again, I understand I am new to the politics of this town, and I apologize if my facts are not right. I am not perfect, no one is. I will admit when I am wrong. I just hope there can be some answers to this for I KNOW this will be a "make or break" when it comes voting time!Oh, and one more thing, will everyone that preached for SOOO long "Vote NO" vote yes when they ask for triple the amount??

    3. There will be some water over the dam, before anything is etched in concrete. Waite and see how things work out. Bev.

    4. Hello Simpletonian,
      Don't apologize for getting involved as I can see you've been to meetings and have voted. That is being involved. Writing and asking questions, that is being involved. Caring about your community, that is being involved. Good for you! I will say I have ALL the same questions you do and now I am going to write about my thoughts and not to you Simpletonian to all that read here. The school gets their budget and all of a sudden we need 1.5 million. Um, no. I am now speaking for myself as I am a founding leader of Community Advocates for Gansett Greatness and they may not share my opinion here. So, 1.5 million for a community that says here we are poor and could not afford an override for the school and now instead of 691,000 or thereabouts we are going to further our constituents in debt with 1.5 million? Again, No. I am for the town AND the school and even though we are supposed to be one budget it appears we are not so again to 1.5 million, NO. However, let me say this. To those that lost jobs, hours, days, pay cuts last year....YES! I am all for bringing them back and back to where they belong, but if the override was 691K and the school gave back 140K and that made the amount like 551K, wouldn't an additional $100K cover that and it would be like $650K override? If the school was not and did not fatten it's wallet by putting money from the budget that was just passed into their E&D then the town should not be doing that right now either. I agree it would be nice, but it's a want and not a need...isn't that how that's been said? So, I am happy to support an override for our town and our personnel and essential services as I am a part of this wonderful place, but NOT at 1.5 million. NO, not for our town and not for our fixed income and lower level income residents and for the ones that are just going to say no also. It seems like the amount being asked for is totally out of scope and why is that? NO, to 1.5 million.

    5. Diane-I watched the meeting last night and Mr. Spring stated that the Advisory Board was looking at override figures around 1 million as well as higher figures and lower figures. He didn't state they were only looking at 1.5 million. I'm glad they will look at numerous options. This is the kind of thinking the town needs--looking at all options. Anyone that has opinions or suggestions about the town override should go to the next Advisory Board meeting where they can voice them. I know they welcome everyone's questions and comments. I'm really glad we have a good Ad. Board during this tough economic time. With everyone paying attention and working together, we'll get through all of this and be a better community on the other side.

    6. I will be attending Templetonian, thank you. It's great the word is out there and that more people are paying attention to what's happening. I am one of them that was involved, but not understanding enough so I am still learning. Thanks again!

  2. Down hear on the lower forty something just keeps a clawing at me concerning that meeting with Gerry, well that was what Phillipston was know as back when I was going to school. Here it is: Robbery is robbery whether done by one individual or ostensibly by majority vote. Something just don't sit right with that meeting.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. funny thing you brought that up if you read news articles on the net you see all the time the rape word used in a none sexual way ...just wondering did huff and bluff go to the selectman's meeting last night and ask for Julies resignation ..I bet not!!

    2. sorry Mike but Im out of town on business right now. I figured Id just go to the house & ask her when the 3of them meet in a garage. In clear violation of OML's, btw.

    3. Oh huff n puff, Give me a break! You really are way out there, in case you don't know it. Bev.

    4. Hi huff n puff,

      Please submit any OML violation you feel has occurred at our residence on 24 Myrtle St. I know it is outrageous that I would have graduation and family parties at my home without posting a public meeting notice. We have a quite a large family. Not that it's any of your business.

      We are having another family gathering at 24 Myrtle St on August 31st. There will be many people in attendance, including 4 or 5 participants in the Jimmy Fund Walk who will be asking for donations. Bring money!

    5. 1. I never said your house.

      2. You sure dont get it, do you?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OK, so I am new...I am just curious...and maybe I missed this but why is it that the town never said we needed 1.5 million dollars at previous town meetings (yes I am talking to the advisory board and the BOS...) yet, now that the joint town meeting budget passed, all of a sudden we need DOUBLE if not triple the amount needed in an override??? I ask all of you to answer that question. I see it as the advisory board acting like toddlers throwing a temper tantrum trying to make a point (because all of us at ALL the meetings were WELL aware of their opinion)!! Well, that will not solve any problems. Get some revenue in this town!! What happen to the "Templeton Mall" --- it's in Athol...I understand the town needs some help. But let's try to get back to the founding father's idea...COMMON SENSE!..yes, Ben Franklin wrote that! Some may try to read it some day for it really does underline the principles this great nation was founded on and the principles that should still be in existance today! And to the one who pointed out that Phillipston's name was once Gerry..yes it was..and if you knew your history you would know that Gerrymandering is named from that (which is when elected officials change voting jurisdiction to get what they want-ironic because it can also be interpreted as elected officials changing $$ amount to get what they want)...the town decided not to be related to that name so they changed it to Phillipston (named after Lt. Gov. William Phillips, A strong supporter of education and church principles)..however, if Templeton keeps playing these games, I fear the town I have lived in all my life will simply be known as "Wasteland...formerly known as Templeton" I am sorry to be so forward... This is coming from months of reading this blog and not having the courage to respond.
    I may not know a lot of the budget ( I will admit that) but I will be following this from now on because some of the common sense ideas I have fall into that category...but that is for another post...

    1. Simpletonian (nice name by the way) please watch the BOS meeting. The Advisory Board is looking at multiple override figures. Some higher some lower, but mainly around 1 million. Mr. Bennett also spells out why the million figure would be good. No one said 1.5 mil was the amount they were looking for. Calling the Advisory Board toddlers shows that you don't understand the history of this board. The board we have now is very diligent and thorough in their research and advice. There were many years where the Advisory Board was ineffective, and at times, didn't even have a quorum to meet. In my opinion, if we had a decent Advisory Board in the past, the town may not have made the financial errors it did and we wouldn't even be talking right now. Lets be thankful and supportive of our current Advisory Board as it is one that actually functions properly now. If you have opinions on how the Advisory Board should advise the town, please attend one of their meetings and let your voice be heard.

      As far as the Templeton Mall goes, please go to a Planning Board meeting and ask questions or simply go into the Planning Board office and ask your questions there if you can't make a meeting. They are begging for community awareness and input. The Mall project is stalled in litigation due to a resident's complaint about the wetlands and because of the NIMBY effect (not in my backyard). Kind of like the substance abuse center that wanted to bring its business in town but was met with opposition. If residents want the Mall to come, then get involved, find out the real obstacles and work to overcome them. Start a letter writing campaign to the stores you want to see come here. On a positive note, I'm happy to see a new pizza place coming to East Templeton and a new Chinese take out place coming into Baldwinville. There is forward movement and its a good sign. Keep the comments positive and supportive of our town officials who are working very hard during difficult times to bring change to town.

  6. So I will say goodnight to the good people of Templeton...and may we all remember --- freedom of speech is a constitutional right and should not be taken for granted.
