Monday, August 26, 2013

Just a reminder

ORSC Annual Bake and Cooler Raffle
WhenSunday, Sep 1, 2013
WhereOtter River Sportsman Club (map)
DescriptionCooler raffle tickets proceeds to help the Kasper Family. Tickets are $5.00 each. Annual Bake tickets are separate. Tickets for the raffle to help the Kasper Family are available at Templeton Light & Water, Templeton Highway Dept. or the ORSC


  1. It is times like this, that people need to know a job is there for them, when the treatments are over. The cost of having a illness like this can be devastating in a situation like this. No one needs to have the stress of not knowing if your job security is here to stay, or gone. The people who work for the town, the non union people especially, worked with the selectmen, in the hope that their good intentions would be rewarded. No way would I ever have seen us being in the position, we are in now. I am sorry we tried to do things the right way. If this override does not pass, then what do we do? Hurt the people who gave what they could to help the town. I do not think the people on the School Committee understand, or really give a dam. A question was asked, Where is this anger coming from? If some people did not have their head where it does not belong, they would not even ask that question. If the override passes, what is going to happen to the people on fixed incomes? I guess that does not matter! I guess it matters more that a kid gets to play football?? What would be wrong with raising the money for the kids to play? Voting for a increase in the School budget, and taking the money from the town, with the idea to force a override on the town, will increase the tax rate. The choice is not a good one, and will affect the older generation of this town. I guess that is what happens when your grandmother does not live in this town. Maybe you left your grandmother where you came from, where people could afford to pay more taxes. That tax rate you said was so low, the one that was the reason you moved here, will not be cheap much longer. Am I angry, oh yes I am. The people on the School Committee had no intention of working with the town. Mr. Spring had told them what the town could afford to work with. They chose to ignore him. Anyone who thinks the job of selectmen is a easy one, needs to give it a try. Ms. Wilder had a lot to say tonight, to the surrounding people. It is easy to criticize the board when you quit on them. Same goes for my friend Bubba and the rest of the Echo Hill bunch. Looks like Mr. Columbus has knowledge of what Julie had said on the blog. Gee, he would not be one of the people who drummed up the brouhaha about what was said, not him, Yah, right. It is not lost on me that he did as much as anyone else to get the town in this financial mess, and I will bring it up as needed, until the day I die. ENOUGH with the new improved, Bob Columbus. How he handled the town is history, free to be viewed on you tube! My opinion, Bev.

    1. Thanks Bev, for your unwavering commitment to this community. You summed this up well. I don't think many of the younger school people were here when the breakdown in proper leadership began, including bad input from those you mention. It is a lot harder to work with something once it is broken. So now that it is broken because of past selfish decisions going back at least 10 years, we are at a dangerous crossroads. No one, not looking out for the best interests of the town seems to get that, no matter how many times it's brought to the table the right way. I agree with you on this completely. Again, thanks for your efforts. I appreciate all you have done to try to fix this. Some of my thoughts today. Thank you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is it true? that the chairman of the school committee asked where is this anger coming from? Is the disconnect that wide? no idea why some people might be angry?

    Could somebody please deliver a double dose of reality to the school committee asap?

    1. I don't think that will help. I think they are hooked on the kool aid from Echo Hill. Drinking kool aid, from that batch leads to lack of conscience and the ability to deceive when the truth is needed. Another thing that happens is the need for instant gratification, and disregard for the needs of others. There is no antidote for this problem, except to be banished from the flock. Bev.
