Monday, August 26, 2013

School Committee Meeting

School Committee Meeting Wednesday August 28th at 6:30 PM in the NHS Kiva


  1. will ken rah rah robinson be there gettin all GG on us? Maybe he'll find a way to give the schools more of the town's money.

    rah rah

  2. Perhaps former Advisory Board member Virginia Wilder will be there so I may hand her a copy of MGL c 39 section 16. Every town whose valuation for the purposes of apportioning the state tax exceeds one million dollars shall .....provide for the election or the appointment and duties of appropriation, advisory or finance committee who shall consider any or all municipal questions for the purpose of making reports or recommendations to the town.......for terms not to exceed 3 years from time of appointment or election. In every town having a committee appointed under authority of this section, such committee or the selectmen if authorized by by-law of the town and in any town not having such a committee the selectmen shall submit a budget at the annual town meeting. So if a town has an advisory board or finance committee, it is their responsibility to present a budget to town meeting.

  3. Templeton tow by-laws state under article IV Advisory committee (not board) section 5 In the discharge of its duty, said committee shall have free access to all books of record and accounts, bills and vouchers on which money has been or may be paid from the town treasury. Officers, boards, and committees of the town (selectmen) shall, upon request, furnish said committee with facts figures and any other information pertaining to their activities. It seems it is spelled out quite clearly what the duties and job it is of the advisory committee, o look at past records and future estimates and requests and put together a budget proposal to be presented to town meeting where it can be fine tuned and adjusted. I hope this explains what having a strong advisory committee is about and my question is how did the advisory committee become so weak in say 2005 and beyond until about 2012 when Mr. Wil Spring volunteered to serve on it. The advisory committee seemed to begin to really do their duty from then on and the BOS has wisely followed this approach while asking questions and either asking for or recommending some changes. I hope this answers the question Ms. Wilder and others asked at a BOS meet, why is the advisory committee doing the budget rather than the BOS. Answer: BOS is allowing the advisory people to do their job and duty prescribed by MGL and Templeton by-law. I would think a former selectmen and advisory committee member would know this but perhaps a fresh look at old laws and by-laws was needed to show yes indeed, the BOS were trying to allow another committee to function under the law.

    1. I am not at all happy with some of the disrespect shown to Mr. Spring. He and the people on his board have worked so hard, since he got on. It is safe to say, Mr. Columbus did as much harm to the finances of this town as almost everyone else. Short memory? Just watch the recordings of these meetings, right at your fingertips, incase you need to refresh your memory. I did point out to Ms. Wilder that she should not have quit the BOS, seeing she had so many critical comments to make to the surrounding people tonight. It is not a easy job, when you are responsible for the whole town, not just one department. Gone is just what you think that counts. Those are big shoes to fill and it is a fact, no one ever makes everyone happy. The only thing I ask is for each person on the board to do, is their best for as many people as possible, and to try to work together. If everyone does that, we will be ok. My opinion, Bev.

    2. I am not at all happy with some of the disrespect shown to Mr. Spring. He and the people on his board have worked so hard, since he got on. It is safe to say, Mr. Columbus did as much harm to the finances of this town as almost everyone else. Short memory? Just watch the recordings of these meetings, right at your fingertips, incase you need to refresh your memory. I did point out to Ms. Wilder that she should not have quit the BOS, seeing she had so many critical comments to make to the surrounding people tonight. It is not a easy job, when you are responsible for the whole town, not just one department. Gone is just what you think that counts. Those are big shoes to fill and it is a fact, no one ever makes everyone happy. The only thing I ask is for each person on the board to do, is their best for as many people as possible, and to try to work together. If everyone does that, we will be ok. My opinion, Bev.

  4. Hi Bev,
    It's probably time to re-post the video of the meeting where VW dismissed the law firm of Blatman Bobrowski and Mead "Forthwith"....from a cheat sheet under the selectman's desk while BC was the chairman.

    I agree with Mr. Bennett's statement that it IS the Advisory Board's job to review and make recommendations on the budget. It's nice to have the MGL to back it up as well as the bylaws. Advisory Board is a tough, thankless job. No one is going to be happy for a long time in Templeton if this proposed override fails. No one wants to make the cuts that will be needed if the override fails, but the planning and recommendations have to be made.

    Unlike the law regarding regional school district financing (MGL Chapter 71 16B [603 CMR 41:05], there is no mass general law that allows the BOS to disregard a vote at town meeting. The BOS does NOT have the option of repeated assaults on the voters until we get the response we desire...the successful passage of an override.
    We as a town have one shot to get this done. That is it.

    Please pray for Templeton and all of its inhabitants.

  5. Sorry about the double blogs. It must be a message from beyond who is trying us to pay attention, or the computer is just screwed up lol, Bev.
