Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Farrell sorry for 'poor choice of words' in post

Says online message was 'extreme reaction' after 'Gansett budget vote
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — After referring to the outcome of the recent joint town meeting between Templeton and Phillipston on the Narragansett Regional School District’s budget as a “financial gang rape” in an online forum, Selectman Julie Farrell has apologized for her language but is standing by her view that the “system is broken.”

“In my opinion the ‘yes’ vote at the joint town meeting is a major indication that the political and legal system is seriously flawed — I believe it is broken,” she wrote in a statement. “I am apologizing for my poor choice of words.”

A post on the blog Pauly’s Templeton Watch received hundreds of comments following the Aug. 22 joint meeting, at which voters approved Narragansett’s full assessment to both communities — and increased Templeton’s contribution by approximately $551,000 over what the town had backed.

Ms. Farrell joined the conversation, writing, “The NRSD school committee, superintendent and ’Gansett Greatness are teaching our children and their parents that ‘no’ doesn’t really mean no. The system of funding education is broken, when it allows for the legal financial gang rape of a town’s budget.”

Numerous comments criticizing Ms. Farrell’s language followed.

“She didn’t accept a vote because she thought it was unjust,” one commenter wrote under the screen name Ryan Reynolds. “That’s the same thing the supporters of the school did. She’s a hero, but they’re rapists?”

“Julie, you really need to stop with the name calling as that is not who the voters are,” wrote Diane Haley Brooks. “That is completely unprofessional and not how a leader should be speaking and acting. You represent our town of Templeton and it’s constituents whether we vote yes or no with your views or without is our right. We elect you and that kind of language is completely uncalled for.”

In her apology provided during Monday’s meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Ms. Farrell cites a series of what she refers to as “financial wrongdoings” that have resulted in poor financial standing for the town, and states that the Aug. 22 vote will impact every resident.

“The impact of the ‘yes’ vote (on the Narragansett budget) will be felt for years to come,” she said. “My words were an extreme reaction to what I perceive as yet another assault in a long line of assaults on the financial solvency of the town.”

During the selectmen’s meeting, residents and town officials called on the selectmen to come up with a plan for how to provide the additional funding for the district.

Although selectmen and Advisory Board members said the town will likely seek a Proposition 2 1/2 override — perhaps totaling at least $1.5 million — officials said discussion on specifics needed to wait until the school district formally recertified its budget and the town assessments.

Selectmen indicated they plan to discuss the town’s options at the board’s Sept. 9 meeting.

“It gives time for cooler heads to prevail,” Ms. Farrell said.


  1. Diane Haley Brooks for PRESIDENT!!! You are truly a special leader!

  2. Why thank you The Truth I appreciate your vote of confidence!

  3. Hopefully the BOS will move forward instead of living in the past! REMEMBER you are cival servants so keep up your personal agendas and we will NOT be voteing you back in.

  4. I still don't feel like that was an apology. "I'm sorry" means there's no excuse for the behavior and it won't happen again. So when you say I'm sorry, and you really mean it, you don't then read 3 pages of reasons why you were justified in what you said or did. We even heard about 252 Baldwinville Road AGAIN in that "apology".

    Mrs. Farrell, what others said and did in the past has nothing to do with the extreme comments you made last week. You were upset, you lost it and lashed out. It's as simple as that. So just own it, apologize for losing it and using all the wrong words and leave it at that.

    And from now on, walk away from the computer until cooler heads prevail.

    Just sayin

    1. If any of you people had a single clue how much Julie has done for the town, you would be, and should be ashamed of your self. I would like to have any of you to do this job, and we would see how you make out. Put the shoes of a person with the responsibility of a whole town, and I doubt you would not do half as well. People with a agenda, usually do not have the skills to last and be effective. Just ask Patrick Mullins how comfortable he felt, and just what did he accomplish? Ask Virginia Wilder why she did not stay. With the rest of Echo Hill she followed the crowd. You could say she did her job, if that is what you call trying to destroying the town. I did not think Julie should have apologised, because I felt the same way and said the town was raped twice on the blog. The fact that you have not used your names, tells me you are Echo Hill people, so I will just dismiss what you say, because it is not revelent. Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes Bev, I agree with you about Julie. As I have said before, I do not always agree on everything with any one person but I see how hard she has worked (you, too) to get this town back on it's feet from the past bad management (or more accurately, lack thereof) of a few who just took & took & took, with no thought for the long term, until we were depleted of almost everything needed to run the depts. properly, without having to tap into the stabilization funds. As blogger lower forty said, robbery is robbery. The past,( many have said they don't want to hear about it), is relevant to almost all that is going on right now. I feel that some may not be aware of the breakdown & are learning, others refuse to see it, & still others might be heckles from the very group that caused the near bankruptcy of Templeton with the aim of diverting attention away from this fact. Because frankly, as I see it, someone should be in jail for that. I believe this still goes way deeper & farther than most can imagine. Do I have the answers, no but, I was around in the early days & was more active then so I do see it & know you & Julie are right about that phrase. One of the definitions in Webster's is to seize & take away by force or an outrageous violation. This is what the last go round of this override fiasco has felt like to many people. Therefore, I don't think she needed to apologize but she did anyway. This is where she is far more honorable & principled than most that have preceded her on the BOS. You both, along with Pauly & others I have mentioned several times, are very committed to saving Templeton as the wonderful township it is & has been since it's inception in 1762. I am concerned with the youth, as well. I want the best for them but where do many think this "magic money" is going to come from? Although I do not know her personally, from her blogs, it appears that Diane Haley Brooks is a very smart, principled woman who also wants the best for this town in all areas. I can see that she is researching & working hard to learn more about everything, as well as the fact, that she is a very hands on productive person who in another way has been doing her best to help this town as she sees fit with the information she has at this time. She is also, as one blogger put it, very knowledgeable & eloquent in her speech. I do think eventually, some who haven't got it will see what Julie has been trying to alert us all to & will work to bring us out of the dark place where we find ourselves today. On the other hand, it is ironic to me, that the very people who were part of the breakdown & directly involved with creating this mess are vocalizing now like they have the solution to a problem they didn't have any part in making? Well, that's one way to try to throw the AG's office off the track. If we don't remember these past mistakes, they will happen again. That is if we have any legs left to stand on. Some of my thoughts & opinions this day. Thank you!

    4. Thank you takin it back! I completely agree with you. Two apologies with serious credibility issues in the last few months. The apologies presented are just a "front" this will continue as it has for year after year with Mrs. Farrell ,until the town of Templeton vote her OUT! Credibility and trust is in doubt get her OUT! some of my thoughts & opinions this fine day.. have a wonderful Labor day weekend Templeton

    5. I get that you want Mrs. Farrell out & by your phrasing are upset with some of us who might agree with her at times but can you tell me exactly what she has detrimentally done that is so necessary to get her out other than a poor choice of wording a couple of times over the many years she has served this town? Can you relate to us how her credibility is at issue, as well as the trust? I might not like what someone has said or the way they say it but can still trust them. If you feel she has done something terribly wrong to affect the rest of the town then everyone needs to know. Would appreciate anything you can site about her misdeeds to help me understand your thinking on this. Thank you.

    6. For the record, I don't believe Julie Farrell has ever knowingly violated any laws or purposely done anything to hurt this town. My wording in the previous blog should have been asking if the truth can site any so-called "misdeeds" they think she has committed. Personally, looking back over the many years of her service to Templeton, I don't see any deliberate wrongdoing. I am asking for specifics from this blogger, if they know of any (which I highly doubt)to relay it to us, that is all. Thank you for reviewing my clarification.

    7. isteach, until these people use their names, I will not comment on anything they say, or give a dam about what they think. It is easy to bash someone else, if you choose to remain anonymous. Bev.

    8. Bev, that is true but it would be equally as easy to point out these so-called credibility & trust issues behind the anonymous names, as well, if there were truly any. Having a blog name is what has made me feel freer to speak at the present time, because I was harassed in the past for having spoken out when not enough people got that there were serious problems in town. That is what I was trying to point out to the truth, who also has been free to speak, as I have, with an anonymous blogger name. If there is something anyone feels the need to say, that is accurate & not just bashing, Pauly has given us a place to do it. Thanks, Bev, for all your advice, work & dedication to saving Templeton.

    9. What Julie said is what a lot us are thinking. She had the guts to call a spade a spade.
      Sharon Manty

    10. That is absolutely true, Sharon!! Plus, anyone who knows me knows that not for a minute did I nor have I EVER thought that Julie has done anything to hurt this town, ever!! In fact, it is totally the opposite of what a few have been trying to say & do to her by falsely smearing garbage in an attempt to gloss over her steadfast due diligence reputation & get her removed from office. My point was that I was "calling them out" on this issue of why they repeatedly say off-color remarks about her or why they thought she had to be resign or be recalled. It seems all they can come up with is a couple of times they didn't like her wording. I have not seen any substantive reasoning behind any bad things said toward Mrs. Farrell. This is where I totally agree with Jim about asking questions & either being ignored or not getting the answers asked for. Could it be that is because there aren't any?? Also, they know we are right about Julie & don't really have an answer as to WHY she should be ousted. I believe that it is Only the ones who pretty much have (excuse the phrase) flushed us down the toilet & left us on the edge of bankruptcy that are doing this because they can't do business as usual anymore & the school people don't really get that history yet, as to why the override shouldn't have been pushed through. My opinion. Thanks for pointing that out about Julie. I am sure you are right!! Have a good evening.

  5. Exactly, thank you bev....that worked out perfectly!!! The town will hold you to that!isteach is a great name bev....hahahah bev you contradicted your own statement!!!

    1. I am not referring to isteach and the other people who write constructive blogs. I do not expect any of us to agree all of the time. I do have a problem with the people who try to use the school people and hide in the crowd, who's only reason for being there is to bash Julie. These people use others, who do have good intentions by using them as a cover. When you have been on the blog for as long as many of us have, you learn very quickly the difference between the two groups. Bev.

    2. I am not referring to isteach and the other people who write constructive blogs. I do not expect any of us to agree all of the time. I do have a problem with the people who try to use the school people and hide in the crowd, who's only reason for being there is to bash Julie. These people use others, who do have good intentions by using them as a cover. When you have been on the blog for as long as many of us have, you learn very quickly the difference between the two groups. Bev.

    3. Bev, don't judge so quickly...Any person who supports the school would be more than happy to supply you confidentially with sanitary products...Not just the old timers!


  6. Thank you isteach for your kind words about me. I appreciate you see even though you don't know me. I have tried to do my best to support our town, local business, our school and our citizens in my own way. I know many others have also and you can see that here on this blog and other places that I visit and people I talk to. I will say it takes time and patience and perseverance to stay the course. Respect is earned. Trust is earned. That has been lost on several as I stated in a previous comment to Bev and it's hard to get it back. I have many a clue as to the things Julie has done for our town and like isteach I can appreciate all the hard work that goes into that job and it can be a thankless one. I don't agree with everything and the apology, well it seemed like it was being justified and that to me was empty. I will not belabor or argue that point as it's my opinion and that's ok. Moving on and moving forward are really what matters right now and that we see what is needed and we help our town recover and continue to grow. There are great things to come because more people are involved and learning and that also is very important as we need our younger generation to step up to the plate and be there for when the people that have worked so hard to keep things together wish to retire or like Mr. Perkins go home to be with the Lord. God rest his wonderful soul. I will say for myself that I have been coming to town meetings and other meetings and I am sitting with the same crew and so many are older than me and I wonder how I can get others more involved. We need more people to stand up and say "I'll do that" and just focus on even one thing ~ that's what matters to me. I believe we have made a difference in Gansett Greatness even if you don't like the outcome, that more parents/guardians were involved, more voters came out and they asked questions. Again, I really don't want to argue here I am only saying that involvement was the key. I believe that more people will ask more questions about L&W and Enterprise and the Town Hall building because they came and heard. Even if it only is a few people, those few will impact others and then it will keep going. I hope that all makes sense. Thank you again for your words and I appreciate being able to write here.

    1. Certainly Diane, & yes, it does all make sense. I was not there so can't comment on her apology & won't belabor it either but, I guess I would have been spent of all energy & emotion at that point myself. I think my response would probably have sounded flat & empty, too. Not saying all is ok for everyone but feel I might understand more from the years behind us having worked on a common concern. You get battle weary sometimes & no matter who you are it gets to you once in awhile. Anyway, am so pleased to hear that you are looking into the other issues, you mention, about where a lot of our money has gone with no real oversight. It will explain a lot of how & why we got to such a low point & a dangerous one at that. In addition, I do think that the law that provides the school dept. to continually go after money from the taxpayers once it has been largely voted down needs to be suspended, at least, until the following year. We are both learning each other's sides & more will come out about many issues as time goes on & people really start to look deeper into all things. I believe, we had become complacent (myself included) & had let our guard down for so long, years ago, that the destruction was not noticed by the residents until it was too late to stop a lot of the damage that had already been done. This is why, to reference the trust issue you brought up in another blog thread, was broken so badly. Now, the blame has been thrown onto some people who do not deserve the harsh criticism. It is like someone who takes everything for themselves, proceeds to maliciously light a match, then tosses it in the ring to try to cover their tracks & continues to leave when the conflagration gets too hot, thereby, letting others put out the fires they have started. Then they go on their merry way with no thought or care to who has to pick up the pieces. I am glad you started writing here, as well. There are some people who, I believe, have been thrilled to see different sides against each other while snickering & thinking they have gotten away with everything. As we try to sort through the messes they created leaving us barely treading water, it feels like a few are probably laughing all the way to the bank, at least for the time being. This is just my opinion.

  7. And those are great words and a wonderful opinion. Much food for thought. Thanks for sharing.
