Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Override will likely be sought in Templeton

Officials mull options in wake of joint vote on 'Gansett budget
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — With town officials and residents pushing for a plan on how to meet the new assessment from the Narragansett Regional School District, members of the Board of Selectmen said definitive plans will require discussion and final figures from the district, while a significant Proposition 2 1/2 override is likely to be sought for the town.

“An override is obviously the first thing to try for,” said selectmen Chairman Jeffrey Bennett. “This is not a want, this is a need.”

Voters at a joint Templeton and Phillipston town meeting Aug. 22 approved Narragansett’s full assessments for both communities, representing an estimated $551,000 more than Templeton had previously supported.

Police Chief David Whitaker — whose department is among those facing reductions on the municipal side of the budget to meet the required level of school funding — was one of several present during Monday’s meeting of the select board seeking answers.

“We should have had a tentative plan,” he said. “We need to come together, not within the next couple of months, but the next 30 days, and start creating a plan. I have 25 employees I’m meeting with tomorrow morning. They’re going to want answers ... The longer we delay, the deeper the cuts, and it’s going to hurt not only the town employees but the town residents.”

Town Administrator Jeffrey Ritter said according to the state’s Open Meeting Law, the board had to post the agenda for its Monday meeting ahead of the joint town meeting, and could not change the agenda to add discussion of the joint meeting’s outcome.

The town has also not received the new assessment as certified by the Narragansett School Committee, although the school board’s vote on that figure is set for Wednesday.

Advisory Board Chair Wilfred Spring said his board has been evaluating the town’s budget, and will be discussing its recommended action to meet the school district assessment Sept. 4.

Mr. Spring said he estimates that the town requires a $1.5 million override to pay for the school district, and to restore town employees’ wages and hours following cuts in previous years.

“We’re looking at reinstating hours and getting raises for the town employees,” he said. “That has to happen. We would need over $1 million — that would be my absolute minimum, probably more towards $1.5 million.”

The select board plans to hear the recommendation of the advisory board during its next meeting Sept. 9, and to begin the discussion of what to propose to voters.

Selectman Julie Farrell suggested that officials also be prepared to set a date for a ballot vote and special town meeting.

Mr. Bennett said if an override doesn’t pass, it could lead to cuts of approximately 25 percent of the town’s budget. He added, however, the town could decide to pursue a blend of budget cuts and additional tax revenue to meet Narragansett’s assessment.

“We have to look at all our options on how to proceed,” he said. “We have to ask for the override, and if we don’t get it, that will mean a 25 percent cut to the town’s budget. A combination of an override and budget cuts is something we’re gong to have to look at.”

Town Assessor Sue Byrne said raising $1 million would require an increase of $2 on the current tax rate of $14.12 per $100,000 of valuation.


  1. The amount in the final statement is incorrect. It should $14.12 per $1000 of valuation not $100,000.

  2. so the school gets their money ...and we have to take it on the chin.

    Screw the school...I voted NO and my voice faded in the wind...the babaies got what they wanted...town be damned.

    From now on I will ALWAYS vote no on any override.....Templeton deserves no better.

    1. I really understand how you feel, and you are not alone. The thing that is wrong is, the people who will be punished, do not deserve it. That is the truth. Put a face instead of a position. It is easy to cut a position, but when you know as a person they need so much more, that is the hard part. I know dam right well, this is going to hurt more people than everyone thinks. The thirty somethings don't think so, so we will see who is right. The selectmen are in a tough position, go by the majority vote, and do nothing? If they do that the town runs out of money, and everything closes. If the selectmen have a vote at the polls, one more time, people have to show up and let their voice be heard again. I can stand up for the elderly, and the people who are having a hard time, but I can not vote for you. If you are angry at the way your voice was ignored, all I can say is I am sorry. It is the way the law is written. The selectmen are in a no win situation. They have a responsibility to keep the town running to the best of their ability, to do nothing is really not a option. Hurting the people who are working for you and me, is not going to hurt the school people, well at least not directly. Being angry will not make any changes in what has been done. There is a Rep. from Spencer, his name is Durand, and he is trying to pass a law that the schools can not ask for more than two and a half percent a year. Take your energy and support him, so we never have to go through this again. Bev.

  3. I would like to start by stating what the mission statement is for Narragansett Regional School District... “In partnership with the communities and parents, ensure that all our students are inspired to develop the knowledge, skills, behaviors, attitudes, and values to become successful, responsible individuals and citizens in our ever-changing global society.” With that being stated upfront, I would like to welcome our community to come together, not just for the school but for the town as well. We are all neighbors and we need to start working together.

    What happened in the past, is in the past leave it there. Yes, we need to know the past to learn from it and move on, but there are too many members of our community not willing to move on. I am so sick of hearing “enough”, “echo hill gang” and “252 Baldwinville Rd”. Mistakes were made, let’s move forward and figure out how to fix them instead of bashing anyone and everyone involved in those mistakes.

    It is not okay to call people stupid, a bunch of fools, little spoiled brats, (batman-please stop), etc. because the town and school had to follow a process to approve the school’s budget. It is not okay to blame the elderly for the problem with the override not passing, just the same as it is not okay for a few of the elderly to blame the “young” people for the school getting their budget. Yes, there have been more people showing up to meetings, there are more people voting, and there are more people getting involved and informed. So, it may have looked like the meetings were being stacked, but the truth is, more people are just showing up, finally!

    Gansett Greatness is a groups of volunteers, some parents and some who are not yet parents, that decided there was a need in the school system and wanted to help. Gansett Greatness’ goals are not just for the school budget and if anyone had taken the time to attend the many open meetings they would know that GG has a bunch of wonderful ideas to get our community together and try to finally bring some unity to our two towns. It was not their responsibility to do anything else as they are not affiliated with any other group, committee, board, etc. They do not deserve to be put down for fighting for the school and the children of this community. GG had to put their other agenda items on hold during this whole process and is excited to get back to their exciting ideas that I would hope the town will fully support and be a part of. We need to stop living life behind a computer screen and get out there and do something productive with our abilities, skills, talents and time.

    So, we now have to go for an override because the school got their budget, well I hope we will all support this override and we can plan better for the future. We can’t sit back and expect things to just happen, we need to be involved and we need to be informed. I understand that people have busy lives, as do I, but it wouldn’t hurt to attend at least one of each board/committee meetings to see what is going on in this town, provide ideas, offer input and offer support. Don’t complain in the outcome if you didn’t contribute to the process. To return to the mission statement, the parents and the communities need to be in a partnership-this is long overdue, we need to inspire the children; the future of this town, and have an understanding that we do live in an ever-changing global society, we have to move on with the times, it is not productive to think we can run anything as we did 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. years ago.

    I would also like to address a comment someone said about the blog has become counter-productive; I do not believe so, if we can start working together, this can be a great resource for everyone to get information and enter into dialogue.

    Can we please move on and move forward together, respectful of each other without bringing up the past?

    Thank you

  4. Now is the time for all those individuals who are financially struggling to stand up and vote NO for any override. It is pass time for the school to stop getting what they want at the expense of others. There were valid cuts that could have been made to the school budget but the arrogance of the school superintendent pushed a blanket over the eyes of GG.

    So I hope that those who will be hurting the worse financially by paying for this budget get out and rally all of their peers and stand up for what is right for the tax payer. Vote NO on any override.

    1. Voting "No" is only going to hurt the Town more, it's not going to make anything better.

  5. Constantly voting NO is not going to help our town. We need to work together to keep Templeton on it's feet and not drag it down further. We need an override and we need to start fresh.

  6. interesting the town voted NO a bunch of times because they could not afford the extra money and the school dept just put up there middle finger and said we will get ours like it or not!!! now that the town is near bankrupt you want to work together ..why didn't you people work with the town earlier... WAIT I know you didn't get what you wanted GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

    1. Your right mike, its ok to be screwed by the school for them not working with the town but its not good for the town to stand up for what is right. raising taxes will do nothing more than put a large burden on the senior citizens of this town. Its so great to know that our 30 generation don't care about the senior citizens.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry Concerned citizen47, but batman is one of your own people. I will work to try to fix this mess, but people will vote the way they want, and I can't change that. Bev.

    2. mike, the town voted NO a bunch of times because in the beginning, people were still learning the process. They have had so many people telling them to vote no for so long, now they hear the other side and form their own opinion and made a decision that this was needed.

      not dumb enough, seriously stop blaming the young people because they don’t agree with you. I’m not in my 30’s and neither are a lot of people who are fighting for what is right for everyone involved. Stop making this us against them, please.

      Bev, out of all that I wrote, the only thing you take notice is my note to batman, seriously? I don’t want to be your enemy, I want to form a partnership and fix this also. Batman is not associated with myself or my friends! I do not agree with batman’s tactics and I wish he/she would stop, I think we all need to talk and I think both sides need to be empathetic of the other. I really need you especially to understand that I care deeply for the elderly and I do not want anyone to struggle. I struggle, but I also know that I have to expect inflation, expect tax increases, even anticipate a loss of income and be ready. There are things that can be done to help out the people that need it most, give us a chance, please Bev.

  8. I would support a override for $550,000, but not an override for a over $1 million that some say would be an absolute minimum, probably more towards $1.5 million. No way this town votes to take their tax rate from 14.12 to more than 16.12. Even if we do pass the override next year the Schools will be looking for another huge increase. The big problem is the school committee and the superintendant now have a playbook for future budgets. Pass a budget for what they want, then let Templeton vote it down, force an override vote and when that fails go to a joint town meeting and get their budget approved.

  9. I will say TempeltonMJH that the school should not keep doing what happened this year in years to come. I have been told there are things they are working on to cut expenses and hopefully continuing to keep our programs brings in school choice and that is revenue... yes, I have been told they are keeping a close watch on this. WE need to be sure that happens, just like here in our town. It's unfortunate that state and federal mandates are not fully funded...when is that going to change? How do you stand up to the state and fed and say "enough!".... Strapping those mandates on the backs of taxpayers, shame on the gov't. Our town employees deserve raises, our town employees deserve their hours back, I support an override, but NEVER at 1.5 million.

    1. Mandates, weather funded by the state or the town, still come out of our taxes. Personally, I would rather pay for them thru the town & be able to see where my money goes, rather than thru the state.

    2. The school budget could be cut without violating any state mandates. The in-house social workers are one such un-mandated discretionary expense. It's getting very old, to hear school administrators harp about unfunded mandates, while budgeting for unmandated expenses.

  10. For what it is worth we have to look at this logically. Yes the town voted no on several occasions to the school budget. The school committee and superintendent did not wish to make any reductions in these figures. They decided they needed more than was available and decided to stay the course. They all knew or should have known that this would cause financial troubles for the town. It was widely known that cuts had been made to town operations and to continue would result in either more cuts or the passing of an override that would cause a tax increase. It was stated what the plan would be if the override for the school did not pass. They would reject and not approve the school budget and the state would step in and at least give them more than the town was willing to fund. The amount would be more than the town could afford and less than they wanted. They would then force a special town meeting to again try to get what they wanted. And that is exactly where we are now.
    We elected the school committee by a town wide vote. The town hired the superintendent to run the schools.
    The game plan was on the table. For the life of me, I could not convince anyone to attend the special town meeting. We sat there outnumbered 8 -2 by people that also knew the towns situation. They chose to dedicate funds that were not available to the schools. You can’t complain if you did not show up to have your voices heard and your votes counted. I am not taking sides however this is a democracy and the majority ruled. Name calling and immature actions will do no good, but it will make you look bad. I do not like it but that’s the way it is.
    We need to find a way to help our dedicated town workers and people on fixed incomes out. I do not have an answer however, I am sure clear minds can come up with a solution. We now know that we have to show up. We need to ensure we have voters registered and actively participating in the process. If you do not like what happened, don’t vote for the people who did what you did not like. Find a way to remove the people who will not compromise (if that’s what you need to do. get the facts first). Ask for an openly proposed school budget for next year with the last 4 years listed in columns for comparison (posted on the towns or schools web site). Find a way to audit and keep track of the spending of these urgently needed funds. In other words hold them accountable for what and how they spend the towns’ money. Let’s take a look at the wages being paid and how they compare to the areas other school systems. One thing is a sure bet, the schools will ask for more money each and every year. So will our town workers and other departments. The key thing to ensure is are these increases justified.

  11. TempletonMJH-

    You are correct that the schools have a playbook to use for future years. In fact THEY have always had this playbook. The MGL regarding regional school funding has been in place for many years. After town meeting, the school committee must re-certify their budget within 30 days (or ask for a 15 extension from the commissioner of education).

    The school committee can re-certify ANY number they want. It can be the number voted on by the residents of a community at the annual town meeting. It can be a lower number. The number can be higher.

    Once the figure is re-certified, the affected towns have 45 days to call for a special town meeting to deal with the aftermath of the vote to re-certify by the school committee. If the school committee votes to re-certify a LOWER number or the SAME number, the affected towns do not have to do anything.

    If the vote to re-certify is HIGHER , then the town has a STM and vote is NO. The school committee calls for a JOINT Town Meeting. If the JTM doesn't go the school committee's way, REPEAT as necessary!

    While the school committee has always had this ability to disregard the will of the voters, this "playbook" has NEVER been used by NRSD superintendent or school committee. Former Supt. Hemman proposed a number of overrides, some passed, some didn't. If Dr. Hemman was confronted with a failed override, he did NOT invoke this "playbook" to completely and totally disregard the will of the voters. He probably understood that it might "make people angry". He may have understood that once a school district heads down this path, many, many, many bridges would be burned and it would be very difficult to restore any kind of trust and credibility with the community.

    This system is BROKEN.

    I agree with JIM's sentiments:

    If you do not like what happened, don’t vote for the people who did what you did not like. Find a way to remove the people who will not compromise (if that’s what you need to do. get the facts first). Ask for an openly proposed school budget for next year with the last 4 years listed in columns for comparison (posted on the towns or schools web site). Find a way to audit and keep track of the spending of these urgently needed funds. In other words hold them accountable for what and how they spend the towns’ money.

    The school committee is meeting tonight in the KIVA at 6:30 p.m.

    1. And yet you failed to inform the voteing public of this from the onset of the budget process. I knew you knew the process, yet claimed otherwise. Maybe if the school had continued to get there overrides we voted for them, they wouldnt have had to put there foot down & say enough.

    2. This process has never been used before by the school committee. When an override for the school failed, the number was reduced. I believe that is called compromise. More than a few overrides for the school have failed. A few passed when the number was reduced.


      As Jim suggested :
      Find a way to remove the people who will not compromise (if that’s what you need to do. get the facts first)

    3. There you go, talk around the subject, blame the school, & dont address my actual point. Thats all you seem to be able to do. How are we supposed to debate if you keep avoiding the questions?

    4. Huff n Puff, your still an idiot and you haven't a clue.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Dear huff n puff

      The voters WERE educated and VOTED NO 4 times.

      The school superintendent and school committee orchestrated this entire situation which is LEGAL to do.

      I understand advocating for the school budget; that is the job of the school committee... but at the expense of public safety in Templeton? No compromise on the final figure?

      It is the job of the BOS to implement the votes taken at the ballot box and at town meetings. The people VOTED NO 4 TIMES. The BOS does not have the luxury of disregarding the will of the people. The school committee can disregard the will of the voters ...AND THEY DID....4 times.

      So we have a situation where the children will have middle school sports and new band uniforms, but no police or EMS or highway workers in Templeton? That's the trade off. I feel strongly that it is wrong to put public safety at risk for over 8,000 residents in Templeton....my opinion.

      An override has been necessary for a long time. In 2012, recommendations were made and endorsed by the voters in Templeton to live within our means- with the money that was available. This decision by the voters at town meeting resulted in deep cuts to many employees and affected town operations. Why was that decision made? Because there have been many override attempts in Templeton and most have failed.

      Now Templeton needs an override to pass in order to provide basic public safety for the 8,000 residents (includes children ).

      So there you go again, talking around the subject and not admitting the school committee is to blame, that's all you seem to be able to do. BEFORE we can figure out a solution, you need to own up to the consequences of the school's actions. How can we come up with a plan, if you keep avoiding reality?

    7. Wow I did not know that it was Julies Job to educate Huff & Puff and the rest of us. I got my education from listening to what people were saying and doing. Would you not have blasted Julie if she came out with a position that was not the same as yours?
      Julie I have not agreed with everything and every opinion you have had. I do know that I can have an open and productive conversation with you about anything that may be bothering me. I know you will listen and consider all the facts. At the end of the day, you have to do what is for the good of the town and all of the people. It is my opinion that you do an excellent job and I continue to support you and thank you for what you do and have done for all of us. It is hard work. No one can please all of the people all of the time.
      You guys at the BOS take a lot of punches and still do what you have to do for the good of the town. That’s all I can ask from any of you. It is easy to criticize from your armchair at home or after the fact. It is quite another matter to be put on the spot to answer anything people may come up with at meetings, without the time to fully consider your response. It is not easy being put on the spot and expected to know everything about everything. Not many of us could or would want to do that. Thanks to everyone who take the time to do so much for everyone.
      I don’t expect to have exact numbers at this point in the game so Jeff’s estimates look realistic and represent what we may be looking at. That opens the dialog for the rest of us to find a way to do what must be done. I see that happening now. There are way too many variables to consider. What if the tax base takes a hit and there is not enough money to handle everything. The Farmers almanac predicts a very bad winter. What if we run out of sand or salt for the roads? What if the trucks break down? What if the band members decide to conduct a series of fall concerts on the common to raise money for new uniforms? What if their parent’s family, friends and volunteers decide to sell light refreshments at the concerts to help raise more money for the kids? What if the wood carvers showed up to help as well? I could go on but you can get the point.
      There is hard work to be done. There are unpopular decisions to be made. I am cretin everyone will not be happy with the final outcome. Let’s not put too much emphasis into the exact figure or if the math is correct. The BOS will have to compromise somewhere between what they would like to do and what the voters will accept. It makes no sense to pay to hold an election over and over again as that also depletes funds we don’t have. ( I could conclude by unless your……..) But let’s not go there people. Take a little time to come up with some realistic numbers, and then we can further debate on them. Give out several options to test the waters. Then we should be able to hold one vote and move forward.

    8. Julie, I have always said the power rested with the SC. Thats my whole point. We all knew, or should have known, it would come to this. If they didnt want to bend, there's nothing we could do about it. We needed to prepare for just that. I have been advocateing for the override all along for just this reason.

      Btw, isnt EMS a selfsufficiant operation? They now charge the insurance companies. I thought thats why they changed from all volunteer. I could be wrong on that one though.

    9. Jim, The second I see the football teams scrimmaging on the common for their uniforms, or the field hockey players washing cars for theirs, I will agree with you. However, ALL the teams have gotten new uniforms at least twice over since the band has. And remember, band/chorus are ACTUAL credited courses, soccer is not. These kids work hard & deserve them. How bout you question the $500 a piece football helmets.

    10. Huff n puff The point I was attempting to make is that the Adults here can’t solve the problem. Maybe the kids could teach us a thing or two by putting in some time and effort working for what they want. Maybe they could show some of us that they are willing to help their town their school and their community. That was how the last band uniforms were bought. And think of how cool that would be. It would create a great family oriented event that could bring us all together. The added opportunity to play as a group would make them better. They could have the cheerleaders and other sports teams come out t as well. Better yet the other teams groups could have a meat raffle. They could sell T shirts promoting Warrior pride. I bet if approached, cretin companies in the surrounding area would give them a deal in exchange for a “Company XYZ supports our ___ team. I think expecting a handout or attempting to give everyone the same handout as the others got will not work. That’s each and every kid should get as much as the 10 percent that play sports. (Now folks 10 percent is not an actual number it is being used as an example). I think it would build community pride. It would build student pride. To use that kind of logic (every team should get the same) could be dangerous. It would end up being a budget problem. Kind of like what we have right now only worse. Sports affect a small portion of the student population. Not everyone takes advantage of the sports program. We can’t just allocate money that way. It will never be fair. I am not a huge football fan but we should ensure basic safety items like improved helmets be made available to the players to prevent brain injuries. I had the pleasure of talking to a woman from Granby Ma who had just finished raising money to purchase helmets for the entire football team. In Granby it took the better part of a year of fund raising. She had 8 kids and a job of her own. You have got to admire that. Besides I could argue that band instruments are very expensive as well so what is the point.
      In my travels around town I ran into this guy who is very involved with girl’s sports. He had personally gone out and purchased jerseys for the players. I would name names but I have not run that by him. Not only is he willing to dedicate his time and efforts but he gives up his personal assets as well. And that is not all he is doing for this town. The really great thing is that he is not alone there are other unsung heroes who give it their all for this town, for their community, for their school and ask nothing in return. You tell these people there is no money in the budget and they find a way to make it happen. These are the kind of people I grew up with and they were raised by the elders of this town who are now worried about a tax increase.

    11. If more people would be a little less envious of the other guy and what they got. If people did not expect a handout or entitlement program from the town. If more people were like the ones I have mentioned. We would have people out there getting it done without expecting it. The people who support the fundraising usually have kids in the program that funds will be raised for. They let family and co workers know of the event to get their support. It makes people who raise funds proud of what they have accomplished. It makes the people who can afford to give feel like they are helping. It takes some of the burden off the town. And most importantly it takes the burden off the people on fixed incomes such as the elderly, the disabled, and the unemployed or in the case of the town workers affected, the underemployed. I know a lot of you thought it was only the elderly but it is deeper than that. People that have lost their bread winner and now rely on assistance programs just to get by. I have found that it is these people that have so little that give the most. They may not have a lot of money but ask them to bake something or help set up or clean up and they will be there.
      So huff and puff that’s the reason why I made my comments. We are remembered by the good we do while we are here, we are remembered by our actions and what we did while we are here. We are missed by the ones we helped and appreciated. May you be inspired to do your part for the good of this community.
      And may the good lord bless us all in our times of trouble. Teach us not to hate each other but to help each other and tonight dear lord bless huff and puff so that they will understand what you have taught me.

    12. It is quite obvious Huff is of the group that feels he is OWED everything and should not have to work for it.

    13. There is so much good in this town that I think it will overtake the selfish and self-serving ones that have come forward. I wish I could convince the good folks at the school department that they can be part of the solution. If they would only take a look at what ripples they have created. They are not alone all departments need to look deeper into the business as usual polices as that is broken. I can think up many ideas to help them however they hear but do not listen.
      How about we come up with a punch list of things that need to be done in the town. The things that are normally contracted out by various departments. Let’s post that list on a web site. People could read it and find something they can do. They donate the time or materials. The town saves a little money as a result of it. Everyone wins.
      I have volunteered my time and talent to numerous schools. I had no special connection to the many of the schools I helped. I only ran a small company struggling to make it. I was a little fish in a big pond. As a result of my work many school districts were able to bring technology to the students. I expected nothing in return. Just me and my people donating a weekend here and there. I attended weeknight meetings and helped with planning, guidance and teaching administrators how to do my job or how to manage other companies like mine. What ended up happening was some took the advice some did not. As there were unions involved and they wanted to promote their own agenda. People from those towns called years after the fact and wondered why what I was willing to help them with was not done. It was now costing 100’s of thousands of dollars. My only answer was that they would not listen and had their own agenda. I gave up potential profit those help those in need. I had to pass over the ones who would not listen. I met the nicest people, got to know them and helped kids stay current and exposed to technology. That was better than a huge profit. I met business leaders and bank presidents who were willing to help me out. Ripples were created.
      I had plans to help Uncle Paul out and would try to buy that building. I was looking into starting a high tech company. Hopefully I would be helping the town and some local folks out with good paying jobs. I have been side tracked by a higher calling now. I have the opportunity to help people state wide and will be focused on that now. It is time to move on. My long winded rants will take up less space and my time will be further restricted. I won’t be rich in the material sense, but will be happy knowing that I can make a difference. I will be keeping an eye on how thing turn out.

    14. I believe the Band already does numerous fund raisers during the year just to go to competitiions & parades. They are already constantly fund raising. & parents pay for instruments, not the school. I agree, with your philisophy Jim, but its just not practical. We need more involvment from the town, & in the town from the school. Nobody seems to understand what the other is going through.

    15. Huff n Puff Not Practical? please explain so that I can understand. Years ago we had booster clubs and they did a wonderful job helping everyone out. What type of fund raisers do they hold? Why have I never seen anything about them? I know I would support them as much as I can. I cant think of a time I have not given what I could for any of the schools kids. I know small musical instruments were usually purchased by parents. Large ones like Tuba's or drums were available at the school. My parents purchased drum sets and a guitar as they were not standard issue band items. Likewise I remember purchasing cleats and safety equipment with money I earned working for my neighbors. Has that changed?

    16. Off the top if my head, The pancake breakfast in early Dec., ice cream socials, car washes, pointsettia sales at xmas, and multiple 'store' fundraisers like Barnes n Nobles, Friendlies etc... I know there are more, I just cant think of them right now. Plus, the school only allows each program to fund raise so much. For instance, cheering has the bottle drive, so nobody else can.

    17. Where can I find out the school policy for fund raising? Why is it limited? Where do they advertise these function?
      I have a great pancake recipe that was used by my grandmother who had 15 kids in Otter River. I could donate a coupe of gallons of the dry mix and would get the oil eggs and milk needed.

    18. My suggestion would be either MS or HS principals could point you in the right direction. Im sure any help would be greatly appreciated.

  12. The school go their money, no one got their pay cut, I do think the two dollar increase is going to scare a lot of taxpayers. I understand that some cannot afford any increase and they will vote no. Could some one on the advisory board let us know the amount that would be needed over the $551,000 to restore the 12.5% pays that were taken from the town employees, what is the amount to give them the step raises they have not received in years, Mr Robinson said we have the lowest paid town employees in the state and what is the amount that was taken from their operation budgets. This is the amount we should be going for, no more no less. We had no problem voting a school budget that included step raises. Isn't it time we rallied for the the town. I agree we cannot undo all the wrongs of the past in one sweep. I've been reading this blog since I saw the signs in town. There was a quote that Rick B had sent something about Not forgetting history so it wouldn't be repeated. Wish Pauly would post that again. Holding the town hostage because school budget passed is only going to hurt us all. Let's fix what we can this year and move on.

    1. Well said tictoc, I would only support an override for the $551 plus the amount needed to restore our town workers to where they should be. Not $1 million+, not sure what playbook that came out of. Everyone needs to stop playing games and making threats. How about making a choice to work together?

    2. Again, the figure has not been determined. Please watch the BOS meeting and listen to the conversation. Go to the Advisory Board meeting and voice your opinion. Yes, we need to work together if we're going to make it out of this depression. Lets start by not spreading false figures. Get the info right from the source. One positive thing is that this mess has awakened a lot of people and when it comes time to debate the next fiscal year's budget, there will be many more eyes on the line items and sitting in meetings than ever before. Hopefully, next August we'll be discussing happier subjects.

    3. I did get my info from the source and I watched the meeting last night. I understand it was just the beginning discussion phase and the exact amount has not yet been determined, but the figures that are being thrown out there are 1 million and considering 1.5 million. These are not false figures, these are the figures being suggested by Jeff and Will. It is sad that we had to get into a financial mess to start talking and for people to start understanding the process. People are becoming interested. We have to start somewhere and sometime, that is here and now.

    4. You are right, Concerned Citizen. It just that I've seen in the recent past wrong info used and spread around like its the truth and people argue over it. I'm tired of misinformation and arguing. Then I read the Gardner News even used the 1.5 million number! Ugh. Its all just so frustrating. Its a vicious cycle that just can't seemed to be broken. I'm losing my optimism that things will change.

      Is it possible that Gansett Greatness and Citizens 4 Templeton could join forces and work on something good for the community? Both have good intentions. Why not put that shared love for our town towards something worthwhile? Nothing will be gained from continuing to argue amongst ourselves.

    5. I will not speak for GG, that would be a group decision. There are a lot of things they want to accomplish in the community and although the intentions are toward the same goal, the words and methods used by both groups are very different. When respect is mutual and the hurtful words stop, let's talk.

  13. The employees who took the hit were the non union mostly admin employees and these employees are now unionizing. The pay cut was from the closing of town offices one day per week down to 4 days per week. The one individual who this did not affect is the health agent who's employment agreement already had a 4 day work week clause in it among other perks. These employees already were down step raises in the amount of approximately $140,000.00, which that amount would have brought their wages up to the amount which was called for in the wage and classification plan that taxpayers paid to have done. Unfortunately, the past message coming out of town hall was "we have a balanced budget, no tax increase and no layoffs" The million dollar figure would cover the school costs, re instate lost pay, give step increase and monies for a stabilization/capital stabilization fund, all of which is needed, not wanted. When we begin budget talks for the next years budget, the town will have some leverage which is best left unsaid for now, we need to get this done first. The increased funding that is required is up to the voters. The BOS and advisory (finance) can ask, inform and market but ultimately, it is up to the voters. They must decide what kind of town they want.

    1. Jeff, with all due respect, you have a tough job to do, but we need to stop worrying about the stabilization right now. I saw on here that the money the school dept lowered the budget by was an amount that they could have used for their stabilization account and chose not to. It was a long dragged out process, but the process none the less. If the town can't pass an override for 691k, they sure can't afford one for over a million. Please take this into consideration.

    2. ABSOLUTELY NO to money for the stabilization fund! Not this year.

      Almost seems like the plan is to go for 1.5 mill, & when it most certainly fails, blame the school.

    3. Please stop with the 1.5 million number. It is not what was said. No one is planning crap like that. You really think the town would set up an override to fail just so they can "blame the school"? Comments like that keep the town divided.

    4. sorry, just useing the #s our illustrious BOS put out there. & Its comments like 'take from the town, & give to school' that divide us. We are all the town, including the school. It just seems like the powers that be are 'swinging for the fence' on this, knowing they have an out.

    5. Lets keep them on the level as well as the conversation. Town, school, light department--it is all Templeton. I agree. Its been an education for all of us. I have optimism that next year we'll be more unified and better informed. That way, we can put our energies into bringing more business into town and also getting the elementary school built. Onward and upward.

    6. I agree Templetonian...but the 1.5 Million came out of Mr. Spring and the Million from Mr. Bennett. These are not rumor nor false. I was at the meeting. Thankfully we can look at line by line and ask the questions and we will. Thanks for keeping us on task.

    7. Diane. I like your writing style and eloquence, Too bad you did not insist on going line by line with the school budget instead of just agreeing with everything Mrs. Miller said. All those that were pro school budget no matter the results are quick to pick apart the towns needs. Just Remember, That YES vote PUT THE TOWN in this critical emergency, You guys should have worked together instead of giving the school what they asked for and let the town pick up the pieces.

      I'll vote YES to whatever $ fiqure we are given for an override because THOSE people DO really care about the whole picture.

    8. Mr Bennett can you add? $551,000 to cover the amount of the school, we know this number is correct. $140,000 to give the employees back their hours, could we get an itemized list of who lost what pay and how much? I believe RaeAnn said that when she was on the personnel board a step raise for all the town employees covered by that policy would be about $140,000. Sorry but rounding this up to $1 Million is just going to piss off people. Haven't we all learned that the voters want figures, $551,000 plus the exact amount for these people to go back to whatever hours they had $__________. Plus a step raise $__________ equals the amount we need to go for.

    9. WOW tictac, why didn't you pressure the school committee for that info.

    10. DO is Stupid, how do you know I did not go line by line? My child has lived with budget cuts every single grade he has been in and I for one was tired of it. I sat with Ruth Miller and some of the school committee members and I was not alone. I also was not alone in supporting and voting for the budget. I do not put words in other's mouths here on the blog and I appreciate if you would not do the same or assume things about me. Thank you.

  14. The employees were down step raises in the amount of $140,000 and isn't that the amount or approximately the school just lowered the budget by? So, 551,000 plus the $140,000 would not add up to even 1 million. The town will have leverage? What does that mean Mr. Bennett? If an amount that seems too high for many is put on the ballot and does not pass then the town will be forced to make cuts and aren't we looking NOT to do that? I stated previously I will not support anything near 1 Million and especially over that figure. No to anything close to or over 1 Million.

  15. $551,000.00 is amount for the school, $140,000.00 (approximate) to get town employees back to where employees were prior to 2012, $140,000.00 (approximate) which was the figure in 2012 to give employees a long neglected step increase which is pretty close to 900 thousand dollars so one million would provide some money to capital stabilization which could provide working capital to allow Templeton to move from rented space to town owned building. One million would be the max level I would be willing to support. Leverage you ask, well since the selectmen work for the town, I believe with the mess the town just went through, the upcoming budget talks for next year, there is reason to seek compromise and work towards a smoother budget process and from the towns side, we have the reason to demonstrate it is in everyone's interest to look line item by line item.

    1. and what would we do this million next year? &the year after? &so on?

    2. Thanks for the update Mr. Bennett I appreciate your time. That clarifies a couple of things for me. I will state again though that the 691K did not pass and asking for much more than that may set it up to fail right away and that is not the goal right? I agree with all the statements you make as I have watched one thing after another fail or be taken away in this town, not unlike the school, and that has caused an economic downturn for many in our town. Town owned building...that's going to be a tough one too as we have yet to sell 252 Baldwinville Road and I don't care how it got to that point...it's there and it needs to be fixed. Solutions, it's a great start. I also wanted to say before to you as I have said it out loud to many.... I appreciate that you take questions from the people in attendance at the BOS meetings and that you also allow commentary. We may not always like what is said, we may not always agree with it, but it's a great place to at least be heard and ask. Thank you.

  16. I believe the town employees deserve not only a good working wage but they deserve their step raises just like the case was made for the employees for the school district. The one million dollars moving forward would help pay for known increase in school costs, could provide for additional monies to be placed in stabilization which would help better improve the town's financial picture, having enough monies in reserve, the same argument that was made for the school district, adding to available monies to provide for step increases for town employees so they may enjoy a decent income like their fellow workers in the school district, same principles the school district brought forward except these are now for town employees, so if you supported the additional monies for the school, it is now time to support additional monies for the town. How can you argue against that, because in the end, these town employees have families so they would now have better income so their children suffer less, so in the end, its for the kids! Have a great day and see you at the school committee meeting tonight.

    1. I completely agree with all of that, except the reserves. Not this year. The school didnt & the town shouldnt. Wait for next year to start building ED funds. Get your 900k this year & lets see how that sets us up for the future.

    2. Why did Ms.Miller need so much money this year? Am I wrong, but didn't she ignore the vote when overrides were not passed, and carry on as usual? Did she use money from the schools reserve account, much like the town did under Mr. Skeltons watch, to keep the school running with no changes. As far as I am concerned, that is bad management. Why ask for a override, if you have no intention of making any changes when the people say no. I know who will be watching the town finances to make sure the people we trust do not do this again, but when the fox is guarding the hen house at the school, who will watch how the school handles their money? I can not understand, as much as I try, why the school committee would allow her to go for such a large amount, all at one time when the town was in the financial shape it is in? Did any of you people even look at the school budget? Are you aware that Ms.Miller has between 100,000 and 150,000 in excess from last years budget. This is what she said when she met with the Advisory Board. The people in this town deserve to have their pay replaced, and step increases if they are due. What the town needs are more than we will ask for. Now that the school has taken the money away from the town, the Advisory Board will do what is best to help us get through this. You might also give some thought to the fact our roads have not had any work done to repair them in at least a couple of years. The Selectmen have a lot on their plate, and it would have helped if we had a ounce of cooperation from the school administration. When the numbers come out, then you can ask all the questions you want. I hope eventually you will understand why we have been so upset by the actions of the School Department, and the impact of the vote at the Special Town Meeting. Bev.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Bev, I understand why certain people are upset, however, we were warned this was the process, & this would be the outcome. My opinion is I'm glad A department, ANY department finally stood up to the voters & said enough. You cant provide services, any services inc. hwy, police, fire, or schooling, without money. The school committee had the means to put their foot down & wake people up to the financial reality , hopefully for the good of the entire town. Who knows, if we can finally pass an override, you might be thanking them in a few years.

    5. Bev, the town is in the same position that Ms. Miller was in, she had to clean up a mess and look toward the future. The town has to also clean up a mess and look toward the future. The people who work in town definitely deserve their full wages, plus. I support that fully. We need all of the departments in town to work at full capacity. We can't keep saying NO. We have more people than ever before looking at the budgets, most people that I have talked to didn't know that they could until this has all been brought to light. People read this blog to get information, can we provide it for them in a calm and non-accusing manner? I am sure you have a wealth of knowledge that you can share with the people who are learning. Please do it in a positive way so people will take you seriously. As I have said the past is in the past, let's fix now and tomorrow.

  17. All should keep in mind, the one million dollar figure came from me as my thought on what was needed, 1.5 million was from advisory committee chairman Wil Spring. A final number will be brought forward, what ever that number is, it should be supported. My thought was we ask for x amount now and then more in the spring or even next year, I thought just get it done now and be done with it, my thought, not the final word.

  18. Why I am not in admin, it should say "My thought was if we ask for X amount now and then more in the spring would add to more frustration, I thought just get it done now and be done with it, my thought, but not the final word.

    1. in that case, are you going to give some back to the school for their ED fund also?

    2. The school’s E&D fund is the Excess and Deficiency fund. It is not a Stabilization fund. The E&D fund only receives money from the excess left over from one to another. This is why, as Ms. Miller explained, the school budget uses round numbers, expecting there to be left over money that does not get spent. So first off, there is no putting money into this account as I understand and you describe it. Also I watched the Superintendent state at the Advisory Board meeting the school auditor wanted money put back into their Stabilization (savings) account. So I believe that the school budget just passed does include funds to be saved in case of an emergency.

    3. Thank you Phil for your input, I will have to do some research, I am still new at this and willing to learn as much as I can to make an informed decision.

    4. ahhhh. Thnx Phil. Alot of us are still learning.

    5. Still learning? Then keep asking questions and then, when informed, voice an opinion. People may respond to you better. There is plenty of money available to Templeton as long as you ask the right questions about the past and demand answers. Also do not believe everyone you may talk to, many in town are financially connected in ways we still do not understand. And they will lie to your face with a smile.

  19. As the superintendent stated at that advisory committee meeting, the district is expecting 100 to 150 thousand to go into E&D and those numbers should be available from the state after October 31st, when school financials are due to be into the state.

  20. That is correct Jeff and I was mistaken. I apologize.

  21. Ok I think I see whats happening now. Its an override conspiracy well acted out by our selectmen.

    First we have ex-selectmen wilder working with the school superintendent to push for her budget no matter how many times the town says NO so that we go to a joint town meeting. And the selectmen will threaten to cut public safety so that it will pass. All this time we have selectmen Farrell and Bennett pushing to vote NO on the school budget.

    NOW we have selectmen Farrell and Bennett pushing for an override. Seems a bit suspicious to me. And I still believe that an override is not good for the towns residents. And unless you can convince the school superintedent to put a freeze on any raises for the next fiscal year she will be looking for more money again, and then the merry go round will continue. Someone grab that gold ring and the price of gold it might save the towns residents.

    I will continue to advocate a NO on an override until both the school committee and superintendent and the BOS freeze the schools outragious spending.

    1. First off, do we really need another conspiracy scenario by another blogger, 2nd my position has been to support the voters with regards to their vote, they voted no to override they voted no to increase assessment from the district. Now it is crystal clear the system is rigged in favor of the schools so now it is time to support the town employees as well as get the money for the increase in school spending without further cutting the town budget which hurts everyone. It played out to a yes vote by the voters for the lowered increase for school spending so by finally voting yes for that, you are either in favor of extreme budget cuts or an override and if we are going to have an override, I just believe it should be enough to help out town employees before we have none left to help. The BOS are like the voters, we cannot win with a rigged system.

  22. I think after the last meeting with the school and both towns we have to cave in at town meeting and give them what they want or we will be back in the same position again and again. I would have to say it will be a long winter with road safety a issue to everyone who works and travels on our roads. Ask the people on South road,Grey rd,and Dudley if the snow will impair the trip to work. The smallest amount of snow make the hills on these roads a nightmare for the people who live there. You can say what you want now or blame who you want then. One thing for sure like crime and weather we will get it sooner or later. We need to stay prepared for what might come to Templeton. If an override fails this time all departments should be cut including the school at the same % amounts as the rest or the next step would be a problem for all who live here, safely!
    Just sayin

  23. And the school supporters will be the first and loudest complainers when " their road" is not cleared good enough.

  24. The budget for snow plowing and sanding is not carved in stone.It can be overspent on,So saying the roads won't be taken cared for is a bunch of Bull.The highway will still get there overtime for plowing this winter.You can check past years and see that it goes over on wages,fuel,and repairs Just saying

    1. While the snow and ice account can be "deficit spent", it is not a good idea to do so. Whatever is "overexpended" comes off free cash for the next year. Which perpetuates the problem of deficit spending and the impact on the town budget.

      If the override fails, it will not be business as usual for any department including the highway department. One way to contain costs for snow removal is to limit plowing operations to the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. There are towns that employ this practice. Not towns that I would like to drive through or live in.

      The proposal above is not an ideal option, but there are no ideal options left to the Town of Templeton. I've said it before and I will repeat as often as necessary - You can't make a good plan with bad options.

      Templeton has budgeted $125,000 for Snow and Ice removal.

      Pray for an early spring and a mild winter. That goes for you too, Mr. Bennett!

  25. I have to respond to the blog, Override Will Likely Be Called For In Templeton. This afternoon I was thinking about the mess the town is in. Believe it or not, I was in Sturbridge with my friend shopping, when it hit me. So when I got home I sat down to check, to see if what I thought I had read was right. I'll be dammed, but I was right. Concerned citizen 47,8/28 wrote "We have more people than ever before looking at the budgets. Most people that I have talked to didn't know they could, until this was brought to light". You know I really want every one to read this and think about what we just went through. Remember what I said at the Special Town Meeting? I said "We were not against the school", and everyone gave me a Oh, Yah! Well, this is the reason. We did look at the budget. There was money to cut. Do you guys think Ms. Miller did not have money set aside just in case she had to go forward another step, or two? When the Lady at the meeting asked if she was going to cut middle school sports, did you think she was going to say no? Never, Never vote on a budget with out looking at it! If you had looked at it, you would have seen there was more than enough fat to cut, especially in the administration. You are tax payers and voters! You have the power to say NO!! We do not want you to cut middle school sports. Ms. Miller played you, like a violin and it worked! Threaten to take things from the kids, and true to form, the young people handed her the golden egg, on a velvet pillow. Ms. Miller walked out of that meeting with the golden egg, and the money she was willing to bet in her pocket. So now we will all hurt! No crap, No empty threat! No conspiracy! None of us wanted to be in the spot we are in right now. This spot is just awful! There is nothing for us to do but go for a override, or cut. Just for the record, Ms. Wilder has never worked with the selectmen or any of us on the blog. Who knows what she was doing? Not me! The reality is this. This is going to be a tough call. Now that the school has taken the money the town needed more than anything, the choice is override or cut. People who voted NO, four times will not be happy, but like Julie said, "the system is flawed". The position we are in is pretty bad, so we will have another vote, things are to critical to do anything else. It will then be up to people to vote the way they want. End of story! Just remember, when you can not get down your road, the kids will have their middle school sports, and band uniforms. FYI, Get a job at the school, they pay very, very well. My opinion, Bev.

  26. I have to respond to the blog, Override Will Likely Be Called For In Templeton. This afternoon I was thinking about the mess the town is in. Believe it or not, I was in Sturbridge with my friend shopping, when it hit me. So when I got home I sat down to check, to see if what I thought I had read was right. I'll be dammed, but I was right. Concerned citizen 47,8/28 wrote "We have more people than ever before looking at the budgets. Most people that I have talked to didn't know they could, until this was brought to light". You know I really want every one to read this and think about what we just went through. Remember what I said at the Special Town Meeting? I said "We were not against the school", and everyone gave me a Oh, Yah! Well, this is the reason. We did look at the budget. There was money to cut. Do you guys think Ms. Miller did not have money set aside just in case she had to go forward another step, or two? When the Lady at the meeting asked if she was going to cut middle school sports, did you think she was going to say no? Never, Never vote on a budget with out looking at it! If you had looked at it, you would have seen there was more than enough fat to cut, especially in the administration. You are tax payers and voters! You have the power to say NO!! We do not want you to cut middle school sports. Ms. Miller played you, like a violin and it worked! Threaten to take things from the kids, and true to form, the young people handed her the golden egg, on a velvet pillow. Ms. Miller walked out of that meeting with the golden egg, and the money she was willing to bet in her pocket. So now we will all hurt! No crap, No empty threat! No conspiracy! None of us wanted to be in the spot we are in right now. This spot is just awful! There is nothing for us to do but go for a override, or cut. Just for the record, Ms. Wilder has never worked with the selectmen or any of us on the blog. Who knows what she was doing? Not me! The reality is this. This is going to be a tough call. Now that the school has taken the money the town needed more than anything, the choice is override or cut. People who voted NO, four times will not be happy, but like Julie said, "the system is flawed". The position we are in is pretty bad, so we will have another vote, things are to critical to do anything else. It will then be up to people to vote the way they want. End of story! Just remember, when you can not get down your road, the kids will have their middle school sports, and band uniforms. FYI, Get a job at the school, they pay very, very well. My opinion, Bev.

  27. VOTE NO on any override. It is not in the best interest of many of Templeton's residents. The ones struggling now will be harmed the most, your not just affecting town jobs, you are affecting how those struggling to get buy will live as well. If you want to rebuild your financial status do it slowly don't try to rebuild in one big override, that will set next year up for another big override for the school to shove down our throats. Until the school and the town equal our their spending to a manner that is fiscally responsible the town's people should not be the ones to suffer.
