Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More on what cuts will mean

I was asked to post the letter from the Highway Department. This is not a scare tactic these are facts. Ever get into an accident or near accident because of snow or ice? Someone posted the statement of how few fires there are. All it takes is one for you to need the Fire Department. Don't think they are important, ask the owners of the house across from the Candlelite, or ask the residents on Lake Ave. That fire would have taken the whole neighborhood with houses so close. And lets not forget the Otter River Sportmens Club. Need I say more. If you have never needed the Police Department for anything, lucky you. If you think that Templeton is a town where crime doesn't happen - think again. Let's see I remember a drug house in the middle of a Baldwinville neighborhood that through the work of Derek Hall and others was shut down. (That's a nice neighborhood now.) Remember when the Athol Savings Bank was robbed. How about the domestic a few years ago that tragically ended in a murder suicide. How about the drive by shooting a few years ago. House break-ins, car break - ins. I think you get the point. Yes, school is important but so is Public Safety. How about some compromising here? and thanks J and all for some great suggestions. 
Oh yeah, and if you don't like the blog - don't read it. 


  1. How about posting the letter from the school? Try putting out BOTH sides. This is supposed to be a Town blog. The school is the biggest part yet you never post their side. Thats why I started on here. If you truly want honest discussion, you would look to both sides.

    1. What letter are you talking about? If you are aware of a letter from the school and have a copy of it, email it to Pauly and it will be posted. A lot of people contribute to this blog and send in information. So, if you know of something that is missing, by all means, send it in! I'd love to read a letter from the school. More information the better.

  2. Anyone can upload a file (letter) to google drive and then post the link in a comment. I will then post a link in a blog. or email to
    Please send me the letter!

  3. The "letter" was probably sent to parents of children in the school system. Because all they really need is to get all the parents to attend the Joint Town Meeting and vote yes. Then they would have enough votes to force the town of Templeton to gut public safety.

    As was pointed out in prior blogs, all the school needs to do is rally all the parents and the overrides should have passed. You probably won't see any "letter" until AFTER the joint town meeting. That's how communication goes with the school department. Smoke and mirrors and creative finance.

    1. You mean like you not answering what you will recomend cutting because of the 1/12 budget? The SC has been more than forthcoming at every one of there mtgs, but you havent attended those, now have you? That knife cuts both ways, Mrs Farrell.

    2. I suppose it is hard for a selectman to attend a SC meeting when they are held at the same time as the selectman meetings. Plus, if you're an average citizen, how do you find out when these meetings are? I think Mr. Bennett's idea to have all meetings posted on the town website will be nothing but helpful for everyone. Maybe you'd see more people at them if they knew when they were. Watching the past several SC meetings on Ch. 8, I didn't necessarily see a packed room full of parents there either.

      And, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Advisory Board does the grunt work in figuring out budget issues and then suggests them to the town. The BOS can be involved, but it is not their obligation. I know the Advisory Board stated at their last meeting that they are currently looking for places to cut when the time comes. And when that time comes, its up to voters at the STM to make the cuts. Not the BOS.

      There have been several requests for clarification on what the SC has already cut, whether it was in last year's budget or this year's budget and direct questions on financial issues which have not been given. Reading the majority of the comments on this blog, that is the main complaint of the whole school budget issue. Again, communication is the disease of Templeton.

    3. I believe that only happened once recently, but you would think a selectmen would know when the committee that is responsible for the lions share of their budget is meeting. I do hope posting the times on the town site will help. Considering the school is the biggest "thing in town", this shouldve happened long ago.

  4. I bet "Batman" is one of the echo hill gang.

  5. "Batman" needs to be banned.

    f*ing loser.

  6. I guess when you don't have a valid point to make in a conversation you have to resort to childish behavior in order to distract from the issue at hand. I'd like to see "Batman" take the mike at town meeting and pull that crap.

  7. I would like to know where Mr Robinson would propose we get the money for school now that the override has been voted down numerous times.

    1. Either the BOS advise an override or they have to cut everything. If this town wants to cut off their nose to spite their face then these are the results! Julie usually has allot of ideas lets ask her. Oh wait she knows this town can't afford what it has on it's budget, we need an override. Jeff Bennett has said this town needs an override. Mr. Robinson supported the override for the school knowing very well this town would be up a creek without a paddle if we do not get one! Doug I can't say, he doesn't say much. I'm sick of seeing "we said no" well then there go all your services! Good job! You may feel you won the battle but the war will be lost and our services will suffer along with the children.

  8. You Batman have lowered yourself to the mindset of the A Joker!
    You will be traced and exposed as to what you are!
