Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013

8/20/2013 7:10:00 AM
Revised figure going to voters at joint meeting on Narragansett budget
Phillipston committee urges voters to OK request
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

PHILLIPSTON — In preparation for Thursday’s joint town meeting with Templeton to act on the Narragansett Regional School District’s budget, town Finance Committee members on Monday discussed planned changes to the meeting motion with Superintendent Ruth Miller and voted to recommend that Phillipston voters approve the School Committee’s requested budget.

“There’s another number that will come up that night, and hopefully it will sway everyone to say ‘yes,’” said committee Chairman Tom Specht.

The warrant for the meeting states that voters will be asked to approve $6,661,409 for the school district between the two towns. As a result of changes to the minimum local contributions and state aid, however, an amended motion will be presented to request $6,520,782, as Templeton’s assessment has decreased.

“I’m going to explain all of this at the meeting and try to make it as simple as possible,” Ms. Miller said.

As part of the final state budget for fiscal year 2014, communities that are not meeting their target share for school contributions will not be penalized with a 2-percent increase on their minimum local contribution, as they had in past years. As a result, Phillipston’s minimum local contribution increased $16,862, while Templeton’s decreased $64,593.

However, since Narragansett also received more funding than was anticipated from the state, Ms. Miller said the district is able to maintain Phillipston’s assessment at $1,539,708.

Templeton’s assessment is now $4,981,074, not including debt service — $561,371 more than what voters have approved.

The assessments would provide the school district with a $18,523,946 budget, representing a 1.89 percent increase from level-funding over last year.

Narragansett had sought an $850,000 Proposition 2 1/2 override for its budget, with Phillipston’s share at $115,113 and Templeton’s at $691,086. The request was rejected at the polls in both communities, but Phillipston town meeting voters later approved providing their share of the funding through free cash.

Ms. Miller recently told Templeton town officials Narragansett has not received an increase in its budget in three years, and has been exhausting its reserve funds to maintain the district’s programming.

School committee members have said the failure of the requested budget would require a range of cuts, including six teaching positions, an elementary adjustment counselor, the elementary physical education program, all clubs, the National Honor Society, middle school activities and the music, drama and athletics programs.

Templeton officials say they have made severe cuts to their municipal operations budget and drawn from reserves over the past several years, and are therefore unable to provide an increase to the school district.

The joint town meeting is set for 7 p.m. Thursday in the Narragansett Regional High School auditorium. If a budget for the district is not approved by Dec. 1, the state Department of Secondary and Elementary Education will step in to oversee the district’s finances.


  1. Well, it looks to me like very little has changed. The lower number is the number that should have been used as soon as the School Committee had the numbers from the state. I do not know when the new assessments were available, but even at that, there has been no changes to the budget that I expect them to make. Hurting the programs the children need, and enjoy is just the usual way for this School Committee and Ms. Miller to create guilt, for the parents to deal with. I will vote no until these people get with the program and run the schools like a business. Bev

    1. Every time you vote no, you put the town further in debt. Guaranteed cuts.

    2. Bev I think over the years they have cut enough. Especially this year I wish you would help by getting with the program and realizing every month that goes by is another we are in the hole! I understand some of you feel your opinions are the correct ones but as you say it all comes out in the wash. Well there's another saying about throwing the baby out with the bath water! That's what harm these constant Nah Sayers are going to do. Miss Miller has best intentions and knowledge to run these schools! I would listen to those with the knowledge and experience! That's been my turning point threw all this is I started getting angry instead of finding facts and and excepting not everyone can see the end result.

  2. Please VOTE NO on August 22nd

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton

    1. Again, what town services will you recomend cutting to cover the 30k for every month we are on the 1/12 budget?

    2. I don't think they want to give that answer Huff and Puff. The fact is public safety will most likely either way. They just don't want to say that and sway the vote to the school because cutting from the school is all that's in their public agenda.

  3. Cut the school budget, save public safety!

  4. I think The Gardner House of Corrections is at it again. They have the numbers wrong for Phillipston's contribution, it's not $115,113.

    At least they got the override right. It says it was for the NRSD. Get it.

  5. So if we stay on the 1/12 budget, we only need to come up with $360,000.00 before the end of the year. I think we can do that with not much difficulty, painful but not hard and we do not have to actually deal with it until late in the game so we can look at both budgets, school and town and see what we have left and if we picked up any additional savings, as the superintendent indicated may be possible (100 to 150 thousand in the E&D fund resulting from FY savings) A STM to transfer monies and meet the 360,000.00 shortage (if we indeed have one)

  6. 360,000.00 is better than 691,000.00!

  7. I would say yes short term that may help but next year we will be screwed if people do not choose to raise the taxes. I'm more then sure the state is going to side with the schools little budget even if that seems big for Templeton. There are towns with much higher poverty levels then Templeton and I think that's where people get confused.

    1. People will not vote to increase their taxes by an override if they feel no one is listening to them. The voters have voted twice NO!

      The longer this process is dragged out the more angry the voters will be.

      Please VOTE NO on August 22nd.

    2. You mean like the BOS not giving past overrides to the school that were voted for them?

      The only way to end the process now is a yes vote.

  8. Which is why I wish to start kicking that can in December, regardless of where we are for 2014, town, school and finance and begin talking, looking, discussing and planning for 2015 so we do not end up where we are now.

    1. The fact that the school people have not answered many of the questions people have asked, and do not feel the necessity to compromise by making changes to their budget, is a slap in the face to all of the people who work for the town. I have seen the recommendation people have brought forward, and it seems they have been ignored. Cutting the things the children need is not acceptable to me, and I do not think I am alone. At this point there really is not much that these discussions will accomplish, so I will go and vote NO, so I can support as many of Templeton's Police and Firemen, as I can. If the Yes votes win, all that has been accomplished in trying to build our town's infrastructure is lost. That would be a shame and set the town back to square one. This is the real deal, not a joke, threat, or anything else some people would like to use to deflect attention from the truth. If the yes vote wins, will the town people in Phillipston really care if there is no rescue to do that, come to your rescue? No not really, is my guess. So one more time Vote No, to save our town! Bev.

    2. Bev. The rescue squad is self sufficent & the Firefighters are volunteer. Stop trying ro make it sound like nobody will even be answering the phones. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the schools as you have admitted to not going to SC meetings & havent attended school in over 50 years. If your not going to learn the facts before you spout off, I would advise keeping quiet. Your not helping your cause.

    3. Hey Puff, I think you've gone to too many SC meetings and are somewhat brainwashed over the reality of it all. YOU need to stop believing everything you are told at those meetings. I too talked to many many people in Templeton center at last weekends fair and most are Fed up with the SC shenanigans and their arrogant attitudes. VOTE NO NO NO NO NO NO

    4. So you are willing to sacrifice $30,000 a month, of town money, to drag this out till December? To prove what? &To what end? Positions will already have to be cut just to fund the 1/12 budget currently in place.

    5. $30,000 a month x 12 months = $360,000, correct me if I'm wrong but that sounds cheaper than what you want

  9. HnP the firefighters still have to get paid when they get call out and we did just vote to fund ft position and the trucks don't run on air.

    1. and the avg person uses the FD less than once, yet everyone uses the school. The trucks barely run so fuel isnt an issue. How many FD calls are there a year? 5-10? Theyll still be there is my point, they dont cost that much for the service they supply. Cutting them doesnt save any money, & is just a scare tactic is my point.

      The longer this goes on, the deeper in debt we get. We need to end this now, pass an override for town services (which Im sure even Bev would vote for), and move on to next year. THIS IS COSTING US $30,000 A MONTH!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Huff and Puff we should be Movin on, because what we DO is STUPID. They say a Zebra can't change it's strips so.... Trying to make sense on this blog is like trying to breath under water. You will drown. This site reminds me of a Chinese finger trap!

    1. Yet you come here and read this blog and comment. So, this blog does have its value if so many people with varying opinions participate in the conversation. It would be great if you would put your time and energy into making a valuable point instead of writing some nonsense that is insulting to people who do enjoy this blog. Three years ago, there was no blog that people of Templeton could gather and discuss town issues. You need to give props to Pauly for being successful in creating this blog with good intentions of improving communication. Everyone is invited to comment. But, be respectful. Just because someone doesn't share the same opinion as you does not give your justification to be insulting.

    2. I would agree! EVERYONE insults on here so they should be aware of that! Susie Q you got it! I don't think I was being insulting by using three code names to make a point.

  12. Discussing topics isn't stupid.

    Please VOTE NO on August 22nd

  13. Batman, you need to see a doctor. You are seriously ill.

  14. huff and puff you are a idiot!!! I have been a firefighter over 30 years in this town ..we get paid we are not volunteers. And we do volunteers a hole bunch of our time for training to help you!!! . and you tax payers paid big bucks for the equipment the fire dept has and it needs to be maintained and run . anybody with common sense knows that you can not let this equipment stay idle it needs to run and be used .them trucks go out all the time ..just think for a min folks just say you get in a car accident in Templeton just a small one that breaks a fuel line and your doors are stuck and windows will not roll down and poof the engine compartment is on fire ..this happens and this is not a scare tactic it does not happen often but what if ?? are you people going to put 8000 plus people in danger for just a hand full ..that is idiotic and I do have two kids in the school system and when the school will not level fund or take pays cuts there is something wrong!!!! FIREFIGHTERS HAVE TAKEN PAY CUTS SO WE COULD PROTECT YOU HUFF AND BLUFF!!!!!!

    1. Hey Mike, Still makein 8 bucks an hour with a minimum of 4 hrs for every callout. No matter how small? Then 30 guys show up just to get their 50 bucks? Then when the bigone comes in nobodys around & we mutual aid in other towns???

      See? I was on the FD for over 12 years. I know exactly how it runs. And if you read my post, you would notice that I said cutting them is not the right move. The cost doesnt outweigh the service they provide. It costs us next to nothing for some semblance of protection.

      That, & if the school fails, you wont have anyone left to protect.
