Tuesday, August 20, 2013

some question sent to me

Isn't there a hiring freeze for Narragansett right now? Why did the superintendent hire three new people in the central office? So now there are at least 5 employees in her office. All new employee were hired at very high rates of pay, good benefit packages including 10 sick days, 14 holidays, and four (4) weeks vacation. One of these people is right out of college. Positions were HR payroll, Accounts Payable, and Admin. Asst. Also I know special needs aids are hired at $18/hr. No experience, no college degree.
With the possibility of loosing police officers, and other public safety, I have a real problem with this. I hope the DESE comes in because don't forget the town has the power to bring in the AG, DOR and Ethics.


  1. Para-professionals are absolutely state mandated.

  2. I believe all of those positions were either left vacant by retirees or by people finding new jobs at the end of this past school year...still not right. Are you sure about the $18 figure for paraprofessionals? and I know to be paraprofessional (not a para sub) you need at least an associates degree. Questions still haven't been answered.

  3. They have cut six positions in the schools so I don't know why this blog is still complaining. It makes it really hard for us all to work together when rumors and people who are very one sided say these things.

  4. What positions and what we're the rate of pays? No one has given us a straight answer.

    1. They are threw out the district. Ask on Thursday. Although I'm sure whatever answer people receive they will never be good enough. Not too mention, I'm not really sure why rate of pay is so important? That would just equal I higher rate to pay them for unemployment. People forget that costs the town too. At this point it really is in the states hands because no one wants to hear, acknowledge, and understand the facts, laws, mandates, unions, so on and so fourth.

  5. Please VOTE NO on August 22nd

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton

  6. The schools are beginning to look a lot like the Light and Water Department. When there are no limits to what they can pay, and it is not their money, there is no end to what is enough. As others have said, Ms.Miller has not given a truthful answer to many of the questions she has been asked. We are not a rich community, and have no industry to help us with our tax base. If the Town Departments have to live within our means, so should our schools. There is a huge disconnect between our School Department and the rest of the town's boards, and leadership. I do not blame the BOS or the Advisory Board, for they have been doing their best to lead us out of the financial mess we are in. As members of the School Committee do live in the towns the district serves, I can't help but wonder how they can be so irresponsable? I think Ms. Miller has lost her credibility with me, and other people may be thinking the same way. This whole question will come out in the wash, but is very sad we need to go through this in the first place. Bev.

    1. One thing I've learned in my 5 plus years in Templeton is when you don't like the answer someone gives you fact or otherwise the first thought is get rid of them! They all can't be bad! I think it's sad that we base our community choices on a select few that are down on their luck or didn't prepaid for retirement. I feel we should do what's best for community and donate to help those who can't help themselves. After all this great nation wouldn't be what it is today if not for hard work and charity combined I happen to like Miss Miller and think she is doing the best with what she has. End of story in my book.

  7. So if an employee, such as a central office administrative assistant or accounts payable, quits or retires, is the school district just supposed to go without someone to do those jobs? Also, the only paraprofessionals NRSD has are mandated one-on-ones for children with special needs.

    Once again, this thread proves that just about everyone who blogs on here has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

    Try this...stop wasting your time and the town's pretending to know "FACTS" and use the time more wisely to actually go to SC meetings, ask questions and get actual, factual answers.

    Just sayin

  8. It would be nice if the school committee posted their public meetings on the town web site so people do not have to look at multiple websites to find out about meetings, this could add to public interest. Templeton L&W post on their web site, NRHS post on their site, it would be nice if everyone sent notice to town site so it is easier to keep track of all these meetings.
