Friday, August 23, 2013

Not that it's any of your business...

Not that it’s any of your business…

I am going to set the record straight about this comment from huff n puff:

You knew this was the process, & yet you chose not to show up & let your voice be heard. You chose not to vote at the most important meeting in many years in this town. I hope that is remembered at election time.

Dear huff n puff:

Even though it is NONE of your business, I will explain my absence at the Joint Town Meeting. Back in February, way before the orchestrated financial gang rape of Templeton, I planned, booked and paid for a trip with my family. I went on a Red Sox destination trip to San Francisco with my mother, my aunt, my sister and my niece.

I am fortunate that my mother is still able to travel. My mother is a lifelong Red Sox fan, as am I. If you ever get a chance to visit AT&T Park, go for it! If you get an opportunity to spend time with your family – do it! I do NOT regret for one moment having the ability and the time to spend with my family.

One thing I have learned in life is that you rarely get “second chances” or the opportunity for “do overs”. I sincerely doubt the school department would reimburse or cover my trip and flight cancellation fees. One thing I KNOW they can NOT do is recreate that specific time span.
The school committee selected the date for the Joint Town Meeting, not the Phillipston or Templeton BOS. If you watch the video of that meeting  (Part 1, ) it looks like the date of August 22nd was a done deal.

When I paid for this trip, the financial gang rape of Templeton was not on the radar. So huff n puff, if you are getting the impression that this information is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, you would be correct.

Have a great day, it is beautiful outside.

Julie Farrell

PS-regarding the comment -
"Mrs Farrell didnt show up to vote. I dont care where she sits. She wasnt even there. If you dont vote, you cant complain about the outcome!"

 It will be part of the selectmen's responsibility to deal with the aftermath of the vote at last night’s Joint Town Meeting. I’m not complaining about the outcome, only describing the financial screwing (is that a better term?) the Town of Templeton received by the school district, and the superintendent at the Joint Town Meeting. Kudos for a job well orchestrated!


  1. Unbelieveable Mrs. Farrell - more rape talk!! Channel 5, here we come!!!!!

  2. I think financially raped is an excellent reference

  3. That kind of language from an elected official is shameful! Clearly, you have never been the victim of sexual assualt (at least I am assuming based on your callous disregard for the language), but for some of the people that Mrs. Farrell represents, those words reopen traumatic wounds.

    Get a grip people - there are people who are blind, deaf or living life in wheelchairs that have REAL problems. The school getting it's budget isn't the end of the world.

    PLUS - as you know, everyone's taxes just went back down after the senior center came off. An override for $500k would increase tax bills to where they were when we were paying for the senior center. If you didn't lose your house then, you're not going to lose it now.

    Ps - it's not a reference, it's a metaphor - read a book!

  4. Mrs. Farrell's comments and posts today sound like one giant temper tantrum to me.

    No need to worry though, citizens of Templeton! Julie and her gang of non-rapists have already set the wheels in motion for the next step in her grand plan to bring down the school district. Today they tantrum, tomorrow they regroup and apply for lowering the town's minimum contribution. She may be down but she's not out folks...not yet, that is. Is that a recall I smell coming your way, Julie?

    I certainly hope so!

    Just sayin

  5. well said takin itback!!!!! I fully support that motion!

  6. It is my hope that both sides of this argument can come together in agreeing that fluoride is both carcinogenic and mutagenic according to William Marcus head toxicologist at the EPA. Experts agree that drinking fluoridated water is ineffective and that if fluoride works at all it is to be used topically. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic. A doctor who would prescribe a drug to someone he does not know and at doses that can not be controlled would lose his license and yet that is exactly what is being done by putting the drug fluoride in our water supplies. This drug fluoride in 90% of the cases used is a hazardous waste by product that would cost industry large amounts of money to dispose of if it were not putting it in our water supply. Please join me at Templeton Mass Afa and get the facts concerning fluoridation. When in doubt, get it out.

    1. I must not be paying attention today because I have no idea what this comment has to do with the "financial gang rape" of Templeton and why Mrs. Farrell wasn't there to stop the violence from happening.

      You must be right about fluoride because then your out-of-left-field response would make sense.

      Just sayin

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I believe this town has voted a dozen times NO to keeping fluoride out of its water. You won't accept NO for an answer. Using your wife's logic, what does that make you?

    4. Mr. Reynolds - Offering the same by-law in every election cycle, once each year, is not abusing the system. Offering the exact same budget item, four times, is an abuse of our election system.

    5. Mark you have it right. It is the right of any person to put a Article on the town meeting floor, if they have the number of required signatures. If you do not like it you have the option to vote, or not to vote. Bev.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Just as it is the right of the school committee to follow the legal process established by the state. If you don't like it, call your rep and senator to change the process. Don't call the school committee or voters gang rapists!!

    8. Mark you have it right. It is the right of any person to put a Article on the town meeting floor, if they have the number of required signatures. If you do not like it you have the option to vote, or not to vote. Bev.

  7. Mrs. Farrell. While I COMPLETELY understand the want/ need to spend time with family, that does not change my original point. If your not there, you cant complain about the outcome.

    As I have stated for months now, you knew the process, & should have known the eventual outcome. The school budget should be the first thing set as it is the biggest part & has the most effect on the town as a hole. The override should have been better explained in the beginning, as the school budget is out of our control once a JTM & the state get involved. That is where, I believe, our leadership failed us, & is why I originally started on this blog. The people were NOT getting the right information to make an informed decision. I believe that since more information came out through this site & others, more people saw that the town as a whole needs to raise its tax base & the only way to do that this year was to vote yes, then push for an override for town services. Hopefully, once we work through this year, more involvement will result in more communication, thereby makeing things better in the future.

    Now, I thought about staying away from this as everyone else is pretty much takeing you task for it, but it's just not me. I really dont appreciate being called a "gang rapist", as Im sure many others feel. That was a serious error in judgement. I couldve let it go once as passion, but not multiple times. You, an elected official, CANNOT call the people you were elected to represent sexual predators time & time again, & not expect repercussions. Im not sure what you are trying to do with this line of response, but it is TOTALLY out of line. I would ask for your resignation, but I doubt that would have any effect. I can promise this though, I will do everything I can to make sure you never get elected to anything ever again.

    You stated people "rarely get second chances". Well, you got yours, &Im pretty sure you just blew it.

    1. wow if you have to ask for her resignation aT least have the balls to post your real name NICK!!!

    2. lol. Plenty of people know Im not Nick. I was going to introduce myself to Julie at the JTM but that didnt work out. Maybe Monday?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. well said huff and puff! I completely agree with your statements above!!!

  10. If allowed by Chairman Bennett, I plan to apologize and explain my statements fully and the impact this vote will have on the Town. My intention was not to reopen wounds or cause anyone any pain. My poor choice of words was an extreme response to the situation. I would like to apologize in person, in public at the BOS if the chairman allows.

    1. Your intention is quite clear, Mrs. explain the impact this vote will have on the town as YOU see it.

      So no thank you, Mrs. Farrell. Some of us have had enough of your intentions.

      Just sayin

  11. well said takin itBack! you are hot this week!! 9 for 10 3 homers and 8RBI Phew!! that is some yeomen work you been doing... I salute you and your efforts. Kudos!!!
