Friday, August 23, 2013

Joint Town Meeting

The Joint Town Meeting has spoken. The school is getting the full amount that they asked for in an amended motion. When you figure the voter population in Templeton and Phillipston it wasn't a very big turn out. Remember the Town Meeting about the landfill? not only was the auditorium packed, but so was the gym and the cafeteria. So thanks to all who showed up last night and to everyone else, where were you. Do you not care about your town or your school district. I understand some people work nights, but seriously people this is your town and your school district you should care.
Selectman Robinson has said that he knows where the town can cut without layoffs. I hope he's right. and yes we will need an override. Will it pass? Well if the track record of this town is any indication - No it won't. Here are the FY2013 Tax Rates of the surrounding towns.
Ashburnham 18.85
Westminster 18.36
Gardner 17.46
Phillipston 15.56
Athol 15.48
Barre 15.34
Winchendon 14.93
Templeton 14.12
Hubbardston 13.64

Can we all afford to pay a little more?
I know no one wants to have an increase in taxes. But do we want a town without a round the clock Police Department or with out a Fire Department? Everyone got into a big uproar over the possibility of teachers loosing their jobs. But a lot of people don't seam to care about some Templeton Policemen loosing their jobs, or dispatchers or Highway workers or anyone else employed by the town. I felt bad for the lady from Phillipston who spoke about how she felt bad for the Templeton employees and then she was heckled. Do you not get it people, this is people's livelihood. These employees are parents and taxpayers don't they count? So all, this is not the time to bury your heads in the sand. It is not the time to say - okay the school is safe who cares about the town. It is time to come together and help the town.

Anyone want to help out the town and buy a nice building at 252 Baldwinville Road???
Thank you, a  taxpayer and voter.


  1. Thank you to the people who did show up, as the old saying goes, "The town is run by those who show up." One thing to think about is, what do we do when Ms. Miller shows up next year and wants a big bundle of money? She will, and there will never be enough, so I suggest you start saving now. We do have to deal with the here and now, and I will not stand aside and watch our people work for nothing any longer. Our goal for the next year should be to give our town workers the money they have lost, plus some for good measure. Just thought you would like to know how happy Bubba and Ginny were last night, laughing all the way out the door. Thank you Mr, Columbus for getting the town in the mess we are in, in the first place. The results of last nights meeting, means these people will pay like every one else. Mr.Twohey, from Phillipston gave his resignation to the School Committee last night. He came over to me after the meeting to tell me. He and Ms. Mattson were the only ones to try to get the rest of the group to make some cuts. I thank him for caring, and doing his best to stand up for what is right. He knew there was more than enough fat to make changes, without hurting the programs for "the kids." I never want to see this group of 30somethings walk out of a town meeting again. If they want to be involved, be involved for all of the issues in the town. It is a good time to step up and help. I know Mr. Spring has a opening on the Advisory Board with the passing of Charlie Perkins. The people on the Advisory Board have worked hard. I want to thank them for what they have accomplished. It does make a huge difference to have some kind of accountability, and to know some one is watching out for the town. Bev.

  2. While we all support the schools, I think most Templeton residents know the town is in some tough economic times and many residents are also facing tough times, but we did not see shared sacrifice from the school committee and the superintendant. I saw not effort on their part after the first override was voted down, instead of making some sort cuts they recertified the same budget before the town even had the second override vote.

    So last night yes vote will force a override vote to save town services, while I believe the override vote is needed to save existing town services, looking at past votes there is a good chance that this override will not pass. I hate to think what will happen to this town if it does not pass.

    The big problem is last night has given the school committee and the superintendant a playbook for future budgets. Pass what budget they want, then let Templeton vote it down, force an override vote and when that fails go to a joint town meeting and get their budget approved. It will be interesting to see in the coming years when the existing contracts are up if the school personal steps up and takes a pay freeze or if they will still want pay increases.

    The town is in for some tough time and it will take a few years to get us back on a solid financial footing. Some tough choices are going to have to be made and will require some shared sacrifice from all.

  3. Down hear on the lower forty we sure appreciate the school folks doing some real life teaching for the town and its residents. The lesson learned from what I can see is that its all about the money. The more things change the more things stay the same down this way.

  4. I agree with the statement that the town is in for some rough economic times. The vote at last night's joint town meeting amounts to a financial gang rape of the Town of Templeton. I agree with TempletonMHJ's statement:

    "The big problem is last night has given the school committee and the superintendant a playbook for future budgets. Pass what budget they want, then let Templeton vote it down, force an override vote and when that fails go to a joint town meeting and get their budget approved. It will be interesting to see in the coming years when the existing contracts are up if the school personal steps up and takes a pay freeze or if they will still want pay increases. "

    This is exactly the problem. The NRSD school committee, superintendent and Gansett Greatness are teaching our children and their parents that NO doesn't really mean NO. The laws and rules will allow a process to overturn not one "NO vote", not "two NO votes" but multiple NO votes by the community until they get to YES. The end- a financial rape of the Town of Templeton- justifies the means. The system of funding education is broken, when it allows for the legal financial gang rape of a town's budget.

    There is no guarantee of a successful override for the Town of Templeton. At this point, the school district has shown that it will do anything and everything including a financial gang rape of Templeton to obtain money for their budget. If Templeton passes an override, next May the school committee and superintendent will begin this process all over again. It won't matter how many times Templeton voters "vote NO", because they have just demonstrated that "NO" doesn't mean "NO". They will begin another financial gang rape of the Town of Templeton.

    Stay tuned. We live in interesting times.

    1. You knew this was the process, & yet you chose not to show up & let your voice be heard. You chose not to vote at the most important meeting in many years in this town. I hope that is remembered at election time.

    2. It was not the Selectmen's meeting. It did not matter what anyone said, or didn't say, no one was going to listen. Because the meeting was not their's, the selectmen choose to not sit on the stage, and I am ok with that, and I did not see anyone in distress because of that. This was the School Committees meeting. This budget is their baby, as fat and bloated as it is. I will hope the 30somethings will learn to look at a budget, and actually see what it includes, before they vote on it, next time. Maybe they will not be so willing to approve a budget that has enough administrative fat to float a ship. So Ken my friend, you would rather cut the town budget, good luck with that. Bev.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Mrs Farrell didnt show up to vote. I dont care where she sits. She wasnt even there. If you dont vote, you cant complain about the outcome!

    5. MRS FARRELL, you certaintly didn't take NO for an answer when you were RECALLED. You ran again until you got the YES you wanted. Using your logic, what does that make you?

    6. Mrs. Farrell, you also haven't taken multiple NO votes for an answer about water fluoridation. Year after year we have to sit through hours of discussion only to vote no again and again.

      If I were you I'd resign before I got recalled again.

      Just sayin

    7. Goodness, huff give her a break. Mrs. Farrell has been to countless meetings for the past, I would think at least 25 years, serving the best interests of this town. I would suggest that she has attended more meetings (in all capacities) than all of Templeton & the surrounding towns combined. And Mr. Reynolds, she was unfairly recalled, under false pretenses & basically unseated by lies. She is a far better person, than many people I have met, esp. in politics. I don't think most understand that what she does in the political arena is not for herself, as far as I can see, but for the very existence & continuance of our Democratic Republic Govt. as we know it. She has never profited by standing up for the people by using democratic laws & principles. We are fortunate that she was "Willing" to come back to represent us after that terrible fiasco because I see those principles fading away each day yet, she is again willing to work to try to preserve those. Thank you, Julie, for trying to represent the people who cannot voice their opinions as well or have to be at work at those times, as one blogger mentioned. I do agree that what the SC has done is set a very dangerous precedent to the future of our Republic for which it stands. I also, agree with a lot of what Bev & Chuckle have to say on this issue. Not in the same words maybe but in a good deal of the content. I do think that what the 30 somethings are about to see will be far more sinister than they/we are imaging right now. In this case, I do hope I am wrong. I also believe that if the State or Federal Govt. agencies mandate something it should be funded by other sources. And there is a lot of fraud, waste & abuse in the govt. that could be investigated to find the means to this end. As Bev, always says, it will all come out in the wash. It might not come out as good & clean as some want but it will come out. These are my opinions. Have a good day everyone.

    8. What exactly are you referring to by "what the 30 somethings are about to see will be far more sinister than they/we are imagining right now?" Are you referencing threats?

    9. Just usuing her reasoning - she didn't accept a vote because she thought it was unjust. That's the same thing the supporters of the school did. She's a hero, but they're rapists?

      I have already taken a screen shot of the blog posting and only hope that I can find someone with the resources to have it appear as a full-page add in the Gardner News (well, maybe half page). "Selectman calls Town Meeting voters rapists."

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Oh my goodness, what are you saying?? I am referencing "the sinister" (can mean gloomy, as was my thought) where I see the country headed, that is all. Where on earth do you see a threat in that? Is this all people are looking for these days??? My Lord, no one can say anything anymore without, someone getting ready to go to the news, lawyers, courts, etc. etc. This is what I am concerned about. I grew up when we could say things, without fear of constantly being, "threatened" (your word) for what was said & being sued, or some petition filed against them. I am not sure with this level of "threats" as you said you were going to go to the News & agencies to file complaints against Mrs. Farrell. No wonder, people are hesitant to run for office. Please ratchet down your emotions a bit & see what you are saying, as well, as all the other people you are pointing fingers at. My opinion without ever having ever made a threat in my life. Good Grief!!!

    12. Dear RYAN-

      MRS FARRELL, you certaintly didn't take NO for an answer when you were RECALLED. You ran again until you got the YES you wanted. Using your logic, what does that make you?

      There is a big difference between being RECALLED and ignoring multiple NO votes on a budget that effects over 8,000 residents in a town. The RECALL vote did not impact the Town of Templeton's budget or bottom line.

    13. The town people did not care enough to show up. Even if philipston hadn't been there, it STILL would have passed. Maybe people CHANGED their vote because they got more information on the matter.

      Also, I find it disheartening and discouraging that despite the obvious response to your "gang rape" comments you feel it is more important to correct me than apologize for your choice of words.

      ISTEACH - I hope that you are paying attention to her response.

    14. Isteach - "sinister" means dark and malicious, not gloomy

    15. Yes true, but there are multiple word choices in definition. Dark is also cross referenced as gloomy, what was meant by me. I do appreciate you giving me notice to explain in my answer further down this blog postings. Thanks & have a good evening.

    16. Julie,
      This is the most offensive thing I have ever read. The fact that you would even use the words "gang rape" to describe a budget passing is just incomprehensible to me and it frankly makes you look like a moron. I know girls who have been raped and it is not something to be taken lightly. Rape is not a joke and the fact you would even fathom to use that phrase boggles my mind. I hope you get recalled because you are a disgrace to the town and have done nothing but try and prevent the town from bettering itself. A school budget passing is a good thing because that means the children, who will someday run this town, will get the proper education they deserve. If you don't want this town to fail then you would be smart in realizing that the kids in school are the future of this town and society. I hope this gets out to the press and then maybe you will feel sorry for what you have done and said.

  5. The only Templeton selectman I saw was Mr.Robinson, they were even asked to speak and they didn't. I was surprised the override passed, the school committee was even surprised it passed. The people that wanted it to passed were persistent while the people that wanted to vote no gave up.

    And Mrs. Farrell you don't have a right to complain because when you had a chance to talk you didn't and I'm not even sure you were there.

    1. soooo let me get this straight...mrs. Farrell you are an elected official, and you are comparing votes and meetings to a gang rape! wow!!!! omg!!!! you really have no place in politics! unbelievable!!!!! I cant wait to send this to everyone in town. I know you are disappointed, embarrassed and rightfully so but let's not lose all concepts of reality..leave that to peter! have a wonderful day. Gansett is great!!1

  6. Mr. Johnson, no override passed last evening, simply an amended budget number passed. Templeton BOS chose not to be on the stage because there was no point, there was one simple question to the voters, vote up or down to this number or vote an amended number and again it was up or down. The work of the selectmen begins when the school committee votes by 2/3 to accept the number voted on last evening and it is certified. An override is one option as we move forward and that requires yet another ballot question and a town meeting. Again, no override passed last evening, just a school budget number which now Templeton has to decide on how to pay for it.

  7. Also, remember that the town of phillipston defeated an override to fund the school which would have raised their taxes, they chose to use free cash so where they will find the money for next years increase in school budget is your guess. It appears people simply do not wish to increase their tax rate on themselves.

  8. For the record, I was at the meeting last evening and I voted for a paper ballot and I voted no for the school budget number for two reasons; as a selectmen I have seen the taxpayers of Templeton vote no at least two times already on the school budget and secondly I do not feel there was enough of an effort from the school committee to compromise. Now we must find the way to pay for you purchased last evening. Templeton either pulls out of the regional district or Beacon Hill has to be convinced to put school assessments under the same constraints that cities and towns are under with prop 2 1/2. See you all on Monday evening.

    1. Holy Crap! Now you want to dissolve the regional agreement? Put that on your reelection poster.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I think that he should put on his posters that his #1 supporter on the board just compared a legal, democratic vote by the people in town who cared enough to show up to a brutal act of sexual violence that has been suffered by millions of woman across the world. That is disgusting, Mrs. Farrell. As a woman, a mother, and more importantly, as a human being you should be ashamed. Get some frickin' perspective!!

    4. As I said before, give her a break. She is exhausted by her efforts to represent the less fortunate, possibly more meek in some instances, members of this community. Yes, maybe this was not the best choice of words or example but, basically what was done by slamming this agenda into the ground over & over again was an assault of sorts when people said, NO!! I can only imagine how terrible she feels when she sees that the majority of her constituents views & votes were discounted in the final analysis. I think the comments against Mrs. Farrell, as well as, anyone else in grave context are over the top at times. All my opinions. I understand that there is a wide range of thoughts about everything but it saddens me to see where we are headed. All this so-called moving forward is going to run into some serious roadblocks that were not put there by the Farrells. In my opinion, from what I have observed these troubles all started years ago & are spinning to a place where I am not sure where it is going to land. I am very concerned not only about Templeton but this country. I hope people can be more gentle with each other this day & everyday. All my thoughts & opinions.

    5. If she is exhausted, then take a break and let someone who has the energy and the ability to control their mouths (hands) take over. If a majority of Templetonians agree with her, why didn't they show up. The vote wasn't even close!

      Her comments were DISGUSTING. I am honestly sending that screen shot with an explanatory letter to Denise Andrews, Channel 5 News, and every sexual assualt advocacy group in the state!!

    6. Well, your efforts in that area are just a way to try to get back at her, it seems. I hope you have a time in your life when you make a mistake & someone is more forgiving of your shortcomings. People can only take so much & maybe you are right she should step down because she has been hurt too many times (not deserved) by standing up to others for others, (and I agree alone many times) I KNOW what that feels like & I say to her let it go, Julie. Let the chips fall where they may & what will be will be. I think, Mr. Reynolds, your efforts would be better served in something more constructive. Julie, get that rest you deserve. My opinion. Thank you

    7. "God helps those who help themselves." If no one is standing with her, maybe there's reason - they don't agree with her. That's the problem with surrounding yourself with yes-men (and women).

    8. Yes, your 1st comment is absolutely true but the other is always looking for ways to thwart these efforts. There are a lot of people standing with Mrs. Farrell who said NO on more than one occasion but that voting did not seem to matter & was not accepted. I feel, this is what breeds apathy, when people see their original votes did not count. That is what concerns me, too, in reference to another blog, you tried to twist something else out of as a threat. Where you got that is incredible to me?? Blogging is limited & interpretation or misinterpretation is a big part. Please reread if you have the time. Thank you.

    9. You said the 30 somethings should get ready for something more sinister. The definition of sinister from the dictionary is "giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen."

    10. Well, I am sorry if I picked the wrong word but I meant the economy is looking like it is getting more gloomy. No evil intent on my part, certainly. I meant all these overrides & passing things through that look good right now may lead to something harmful in the long run, as far as our pocketbooks go, but not evil & that is the way it was meant to be interpreted. My point again about interpretation & misinterpretation. With this world so full of PC now it seems we all have to be Extremely careful of what & how we say it. In that regard, I also don't think Mrs. Farrell meant any disrespect or downplaying of the victims of violence or abuse with the description she unfortunately used. We sometimes say & do things out of passion we wish we hadn't. I want the best for everyone, not just the elders or 30 somethings. I hope the economy gets back on track for those who are trying to bring up families today. I, in turn, want the elderly to be okay, as well. It is always hard to balance everyone's wishes at any time. We can only keep trying but, not get so angry that we waste our time on issues that would be better left alone & forgiven. We are all going to make mistakes in this life. It is the compassion after the passion that counts the most in my opinion. Thank you for clarifying how you read my post & giving me a chance to enhance the wording of what I had to say. Have a good evening.

    11. I agree isteach with all of what you posted except one thing. As I stated, Mrs. Farrell has posted ANOTHER blog posting this afternoon that also uses "rape" terminology. She is unrepentant. I understand you are trying to help her, but it's not like she made an off-color joke - she has repeatedly used "gang rape" and "rape" to describe the people she serves.

  9. No, I think he should put his comment about not having the school's parking lot plowed (which even if not true, just publically stating puts the town at risk for a law suit should a kid fall and break a leg on the ice this winter)

  10. Mr. Reynolds - it certainly is appropriate for the school to pay for snow removal. Templeton owns a municipal light company, I'm sure the school gets a bill. The problem with plowing, if the highway department is depleted because their budget is cut, they would be unavailable to plow for the school. The school will need to make other arrangements. This has been discussed on this blog a number of times. Every department of town government is necessary for things to run right.

    If you cannot get out of your driveway, you won't be going to work. For most young families, that's not something they can live with. It's hard to support a family if you can't get to work. So let's hear some enthusiasm for the rest of the town departments. Maybe since Phillipston is so superior in every way to Templeton, the Phillipston Highway Department will plow the school. (And appologies to the good people of Phillipston, that comment was aimed at the few doing their victory dance on this blog and GG)

    1. 1. The school is town property. Ergo, their responsibilaty.
      2. Push for the override, instead of going negative.

    2. I believe the advisory board and the board of selectmen have both proven themselves unable to do anything but cut and push their own agendas. How many times did Mr. Spring have to be told to stay on topic? If the current members of the select board and the advisory board can't find any solutions other than "get rid of police" I suggest they step aside and let someone who has down more than middle management take a shot.

    3. The Middle/High School belongs to the Narragansett Regional School District not the Town of Templeton, See Worcester Registry of deeds Book 3683 Page 213 Charles Gaidanowizc to Narragansett Regional School District. The town of Templeton own TC and BES as Phillipston owns PMS.

    4. The NRSD is responsible for plowing their buildings. The High school/middle school are REGIONAL buildings; the DISTRICT is responsible for the cost. The elementary schools are leased to the district ; the district is responsible for the cost of plowing.

    5. Then why, when the town is cutting everyone's hours are we spending money plowing things we don't need to?

    6. If it has always been that way, then why are we discussing it, & why did Selectman Bennett threaten it?

    7. There has been an arrangement for a number of years to plow the school district property. If highway is cut, Templeton highway will no longer be available to plow. It looks like a heads up discussion so the school committee can make alternate plans to plow their property. I don't know how that vote will go.

      There will be many changes that will need to be made because of the vote last night. This is one item that will need to be reviewed and it was placed on the agenda BEFORE the vote last night. It needs to be discussed. It is August and the school can make other plans if the town can't plow anymore.

    8. Actually, it has not always been that way, at one time it was contracted out. If you wish to hear the reasons, they will be explained at the BOS meeting Monday evening. It is very simple, until we have firm numbers and a way to provide for the monies that were voted on last evening, then a responsible thing to do is make the district aware that they could be responsible for snow plowing this winter because the town may not be able to provide that service for the discount amount of 25K. It is on the BOS minutes that Ms. Miller has offered to pay more (to the town) for snow removal) It has also been brought up by a past Chairman to have the school district to get bids to compare with what the town was receiving. For the record, you state I should put so and so on reelection or campaign posters, you assume I am going to run again and honestly I have not decided yet. But there is always a candidates night (s) to ask those questions. In the mean time, I suggest rather than going back n forth, we get ready to decide how to come up with the monies needed. pulling out of the district agreement is an option and why not ask the question? I would state the obvious that if people said no then that would be it but I think the past has shown that to not be the case. Again, huff n puff, I did not threaten anything, it is an item for discussion and a vote to inform the district of what to be ready for. It is call communicating and it is a very real possibility that the town will not be able to provide those services this year. The school district also has insurance for these issues. Remember, there are MGL that govern what towns must and can or can not do and then there are rules for the school district. Just in case you are not aware, the city of Gardner does not plow out the city schools, that work is contracted out. It is not a threat, just a real possibility that I do not think you wish to find out about when it is snowing. Please remember that selectmen are suppose to look out for the town, not just the school. It is very easy to just stand with the popular idea especially when you are in their presence or if that is a group you target to get elected to any board or committee but the selectmen have to be for the town, first and foremost. So I would suggest to all to attend a BOS meeting or watch the recording to find out the how and whys before to jumping to conclusions. That item was put on the agenda on Tuesday and posted Thursday before the meeting of the two towns. I am actually surprised the subject was not broached at the joint meeting. Mr. Reynolds, you can think of the plowing as one more thing the town was doing for the school district, a very discounted service (s) plowing and sanding and then sweeping. I hope that calms things down a bit.

    9. That actually makes some sense. Thank you for clearing that up.

    10. I don't believe things will calm down until Mrs. Farrell apologizes for her inappropriate and hurtful choice of words! IN FACT, she doubled-down and used the language again. I was going to let it go and trust in what Isteach posted - she is just tired and spoke out of turn. Given her most recent post, that doesn't seem to be the case.

    11. Huff, you are welcome. Now on the regional school district, there are two options, (1) dissolve the district which is a long process and since it is an option, I think it only fair that people know it is an option. (2) other option is deal with the system in place which covers the district. Once you pick your option, well you work on it. I just think that all options should be put forth and then look them over carefully. I say that understanding a sizable portion of the people seem really frustrated with the system so the option is to pull out of the district, probably not a real feasible but I believe it should be put forth, even if everyone thinks it is dumb.

    12. Not to get into into it now, but I think the regional is the only saveing grace if the school. Until Templeton can get "right", its the only thing holding the school, &thereby property values, up.

    13. Huff, the only practical answer is an override in the amount of one million dollars. Yeah buddy! The amount for the school, enough to put town wages back to where they were before the 12 % cuts, enough to give a much needed step increase and some to put into stabilization with perhaps a bit left over to actually do a few needed items. A 20% budget cut will eventually lead to financial disaster. Templeton cannot afford to not do it. That would be a $2.00 increase in the tax rate to $16.12 per thousand. Difficult and painful yes, but very much needed for the town that so many say they care so much about. Now if you can tell me how we get that to pass.

    14. Jeff you may be right that the town needs a million dollar override, but I think we will be lucky to get 550,000 passed.

    15. with some oversight, Id vote for it. But if 500k was 48¢, wouldnt a mill be @ a buck?

    16. Huff, I am going by the information now coming from the assessor's office, whatever the figure is to get to one million is what is needed, not wanted but needed and most people can afford it and all understand the situation. You learn this and see this by sitting in the audience talking with the people voting on the issue.

  11. I still can't believe a disgusting comment by a town official.... I am completely offended by Mrs. Farrell's despicable comments... why not say anything at the meeting? hiding behind a computer is the same as not posting your name to a comment. Hypocrisy is nothing new to Mrs.Farrell, but having Superfriends is!!!!!!!! Batman will always win over the legion of doom and Medusa!! Complete disrespect to any and all victims of Sexual Assault!! Save urself some more embarrassment and get out while you maintain some credibility to those who have none.. what a great day!!!!! I will take it easy and enjoy the victory!! Superfriends 100 Legion of Doom 0

  12. Mr. Barrieau, why are you aiming at Gansett Greatness? Victory dance? I have already posted that we need to get behind the town and support what the Board of Selectmen recommend going forward. Don't you think that if the "no" vote had prevailed they may be doing some sort of hootin' and hollerin' too? That would be acceptable? Well, it should be as they worked hard for that and tried to do what they thought was best correct? If there is someone from GG on this blog that is being disrespectful and condescending and throwing it is your faces that we received a yes vote and not supporting what this town will need I will ask that you STOP as this is not going to solve what we wish to accomplish and have wanted to accomplish moving our town forward. It's a democracy and we followed the process and the yes votes and the no votes have jobs, lives, children and so many other responsibilities that they should not be shunned for not coming. Let's help them be able to be involved. We had babysitting, perhaps we could use more technology to have meetings where people can be involved from their home. That may be a stretch, but it's possible right? This name calling and blaming and etc HAS to end as it's not productive. Julie, gang rape? Wow that is a bit much I will say. You have done so much good for this town over the years and have been for the people and have brought to light many things that need to be fixed, that comment is really the lowest of the lows. I hope that you will continue your work and apologize to those of us that are also trying hard and being there for our causes and I personally would never have said that if the no vote prevailed. That comment is very sad and hurtful to many. I will be sure to stay involved and get more involved, but again I will ask...stop calling out Community Advocates for Gansett Greatness because you disagree with the process and outcome ~ We are here to advocate for our school district, our children, our community and our future. Thank you.

  13. Actually, NRHS and NRMS are not property of Templeton. They belong to the regional school district. So you're wrong on point number 1.

    Congratulations, you win, 1-3. No, No, No, Yes. Now Templeton has the problem, and maybe people who have twice voted No will have to vote yes because the school chose to ignore the election results. I heard that the school committee lost a member last night.

    1. If you don't like it, run for state house and change the process!

  14. Diane - I read some comments on GG, they were chastizing Templeton and praising the community of Phillipston. Remember, Phillipston ALWAYS does their part. The apparent swarm of adolescents that have descended on this blog are likely the same individual.

  15. Mark~I have already deleted several comments today. I gave Phillipston credit for making education a priority in their town and that is how I feel, but not at the expense of making fun of Templeton. I will see if there are comments that put us down and I will take care of that. The FB notification feature for pages does not always work well. I do not tolerate disrespect, but having a different opinion is not disrespect, it's how it is said. We all have to remember that we have value and opinions that may differ from our own and that is fine because that is what makes us unique and to bring value. Again, Gansett Greatness has promised to be committed to helping this community and I personally stand behind that. I will not tolerate our group being blamed or trashed because we are only beginning and we have big ideas for moving forward in our district and our towns. We need the same respect that you have been given for pointing out possible wrong doing or things that need fixing and some things that come up time and time and time again~ why is that ok and not what we are doing? I appreciate what I have read here, except for the nastiness, for it's been informative and helpful to have us see what may be lacking elsewhere too.

  16. I want to know how many member of the advisory board or board of selectmen we'll see holding signs for the Town override? Probably none.

  17. Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Robinson held signs for his campaign and for the override both times Gansett Greatness supported the override.

    1. I'll be watching to see who is out there this time around!

  18. Mr. Barrieau, Ryan Twohey resigned as of last night but he announced that prior to the joint meeting, but would be effective after last night meeting due to his focus on his education and the time required to be a School Committee member he felt is was necessary to make that choice.

    1. My Twohey sent to the BOS that he was resigning and that August 22 was his last meet as a school committee member. Perhaps other recent graduates from NRHS will follow his example and run and I am sorry to see him go and he will be missed. If you see him, please thank him for his service.

  19. Just in case anyone isn't paying attention, Mrs. Farrell just posted another main page comment calling the voters GANG RAPISTS!! I hope someone sends that post to your employer. You're a teacher?!

  20. I hope you will join us Mr. Reynolds as this town will be able to use all the support it can. Julie, you really need to stop with the name calling as that is not who the voters are. That is completely unprofessional and not how a leader should be speaking and acting. You represent our town of Templeton and it's constituents whether we vote yes or no with your views or without is our right. We elect you and that kind of language is completely uncalled for. I, that voted yes, totally am offended by what you are saying as I fully support my town and all it stands for. I am sorry you disagree with how the vote turned out, but once again I will say we all have value and you are completely devaluing us along with our town, the school and school committee and Superintendent Miller. That is just wrong. Please refrain from saying those things.

  21. Hey calling an entire group of town residents "gang rapists" respectful??

    But then again, you and I already had this discussion and you've made it clear that as long as the person being disrespectful has the same opinion as you then they can keep on saying whatever they want on this blog.

    "Hey Mr. Kettle, you are indeed very black today" said Mr. Pot

    Just sayin

    1. TIB, I'm just reading all of this now as I work a long distance out of town and just got home. And no. I do not agree that Ms. Farrell used the correct words to get her point across. If you will read my comments again, you will see that I stated we ALL are guilty of saying inappropriate and rude things. All sides. No one is wearing a halo. I also stated that we all have to be responsible to change this nasty climate we find ourselves in our town. Are you going to ask Batman to also apologize for the nasty comments they wrote about MS. Farrell as well as the sexual references made about a number of people's mothers, too? We can play the one up game until our community implodes. Or we can all collectively STOP feeding the fire. Do you feel proud of yourself for supposedly calling me out for my past supposed "hypocritical comments" of asking for the negativity to end? If that what it takes to make you feel good about yourself, then that's just fine with me. Obviously you need to hurt others to feel good. I feel my past comments were honest and meant to try to help the situation. I am completely devastated with what I came home to find on this blog and on other social media. I am very, very sad it has escalated to this. The only comments I agree with are Ms. Brooks'. She, too, is asking for all of this to end as well as acknowledging that Ms. Farrell has done great things in the past serving our town even though she doesn't agree with Ms. Farrell's recent comment in question. I thank Ms. Brroks for her words and am grateful to see at least one person isn't on here to be hurtful to others. I do believe GG has intentions to help push the town to support another override and I thank them and the school officials that stated after the meeting last night that they, too, would lobby the school community to vote yes on an override. I hope they will follow through with these promises. I also believe that the Advisory Board and the BOS are also committed to finding a solution to this financial mess. This is a situation that no one has experienced before. We're all in it together and trying to find the way out together. Creating scape goats and lynch mobs helps no one.

      So, TIB, would you like to continue to put me down some more or would you like to stand beside me and help to be a part of the solution?

    2. If mrs. farrell does not feel the need to apologize to her constituents, she can explain that to the press!!

    3. I mean no disrespect to you Mr. Reynolds, as I do not know you but think I understand some of what you may be feeling since possibly you might not know the long long history of how we got to this point. However, do you mean the wonderfully biased press we have as of late that will not print editorials of opposing views of that particular tabloid or those whose opinion they might be more swayed with? To me, that is not fair & balanced reporting. I believe that this is another reason why Pauly started this blog site. Many things have not been published that should have been on issues of the past & present leading many to frustration. I know there were some people, who I miss seeing involved, such as Mr. Mitchell, who was also unfairly recalled. He had spectacular ways to say key points about a lot of things that were going "south" here in Templeton. It also looks to me like he might have just had enough of those who would dismiss what he had to say. He was a principle leader who dared to think outside the established box, just as Julie had / has, for preserving the balance & integrity in this town. Then, all H broke loose & the hunt down began on Mrs. Farrell & him. I believe, it was in part because they were strong enough to get new counsel for this town & appoint a new town coordinator to actually work more for us, than what appeared to be geared toward a select few. I say, appears & allegedly because I had no inside involvement but, knew there was a particular group that if you even so much as spoke a word against them you could expect to be shunned, "targeted", bullied or find yourself falsely accused of something just to get you out of the way. This is not the town I grew up in & it all started about the ten years ago that Pauly alludes to often. So, until that completely goes away, if ever, that is what I believe will always get in the way, as well as, the stubbornness of the SC & Supt in not working with all factions of the town & to budget more properly for the times at hand. It is not Mrs. Farrell who caused these things but more often than not she pointed out what was wrong. Those may not be the best metaphors she has used recently, in your & others opinions, but they are just that, metaphors of a situation that has culminated in what is akin to me a volcano that has been spewing lava & has finally exploded on all sides. I am sorry any of this has happened in Templeton but it has & I do hope it will all come out in the wash, as Bev says. I believe, the GG group has the best of intentions, as well. However, I think they are only, often, looking at one aspect of the situation. But these are all just my opinions. I do hope this town can heal all it wounds & stop individually hurting one another. I may have said things in the past, myself, that others may have interpreted as an individual attack but it has been on the offices of those who resist in lowering their numbers to more fairly fit beneficially the entire town. These are my beliefs but, if an item is voted on Fairly, I concede & pay my part, as always. My thoughts for the evening as gleaned from years of observation & participation. Thank you for sharing yours.

  22. where is that thick skin Mrs. Farrell that Templetonian (Peter) was referring about a few days ago on the blog... I remember how huff and puff and Peter had a nice debate about everything and you saying you don't have thick skin like Mrs. Farrell. "Gang Rapist" Wow!!! Templeton has reached a new low! A town official comes out and calls actions buy the school a financial gang rape!!!! the news media is going to love this one!!!!! Finally!! people can see what this town has been dealing with year after year after year. Thank you Gansett GReatness. You truly are special people!!!!!!

    1. My name is not Peter. I have no idea where you got that from. I do not have think skin like the numerous elected officials have that have served or are serving this town. If you clearly understood the history of what has been done to Ms. Farrell, maybe you would understand that its been a very tough road for her. She was the minority voice for a number of years. And, if you take the time to learn the history of WHY the town is bankrupt, you will find that her warnings on many, many poor financial decisions were good ones that should have been listened to. I truly believe you would agree with a lot of them too. I have not always agreed with Ms. Farrell on everything she has said or proposed. I will never blindly agree with anyone in government-- local, state, or federal--on everything.

      If you truly love your town, you will work to support it and repair it, and not launch a character campaign and further our town's poor reputation. Please, I ask that you put your energy towards positive things. Lets keep our eye on the end goal of helping and improving, forgiving and learning to love our neighbor, even when they have opposing viewpoints.

    2. My point exactly about what has been thrown at Mrs. Farrell. Do I want her to resign or be subjected to an unfair recall again? Heck no, but how much can a person take who doesn't deserve it, even if they are so-called thin skinned. Eventually, it gets to you & I feel that is why these comments she has made have come out. Julie is a wonderfully talented intelligent person who is full of integrity & has put herself out on a ledge for this town multiple times through the years. She is a woman of conviction but still only a person who at the end of the day can finally have her fill of it all. She did warn us of many things that were proven to be true & stood basically tall in spite of the slings & arrows thrown at her. Yet, how can anyone take the insults without eventually responding, even if it seems to some to be in an egregious way. I know I would never have been able to withstand the junk that has been aimed at Julie seemingly with no sound basis. Yet, what looks more like wanting her out of the way to push through others agendas. That is what it looks like to me. Also, I agree with, I think it was Mr. Barrieau, that another time in the election year to revisit a motion or issue is fine but to do so on one issue several instances within a short period of time is an abuse of the system. These are my opinions as I see things this day.

  23. Ryan Twohey and one other member offered the committee a reasonable cost cutting effort and were shot down. What we all saw last night was a town now turned upside down and shaken. Many who will go to the selectmen meeting monday will be shocked at the ramification of the questionable vote taken. The vote should have been by paper or validated by showing slips given out. No actual proof of voter status is a weak link in the process. Unknown people in another location was a surprise to the moderator and should be a flag for lack of control. Delay in start of meeting,and other issues leave doubt of our process. The fact we just did this for the first time and will be having to again next year should put Voters rights under a microscope,finally.
    It is my hope for Templeton voters to continue to show our ability to pick up the pieces and rebuild after this tornado strike. If Templeton does nothing,then what?Maybe the state can come in after all and see what the cure needs to be. Maybe the previous blog would be correct to get Templetons independence back. I have seen the work done by many to put Templeton on a road from ruins on to a road to recovery. This could be the one road nobody saw coming. if you have input for the problem just created you need to be there monday. If it's not a packed meeting it will show us the "we got our's" mentality of the voters. The job of Templeton being normalized just got a whole lot harder. I want to thank the BOS and Advisory board for their efforts and service donation.
    I would also like to say R.I.P. Charles Perkins. I will miss our talks.
    He's the lucky one who didn't have to take this to the grave with him.

  24. the truth is "the truth" is wrong again! Templetonian is not my friend Peter.
    Guess again and you owe him an apology.
    Just for the record. Websters II
    2.The act of seizing and carrying off:Abduction.
    As in seizing and carrying off with Templeton financial future. Correct again Julie!

    1. We'll see what the press thinks!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. In her newest post, she used "screwed" as a synonym for rape. I think it's pretty clear she was referring to definition 1. from Websters.

    4. One more thing Dave, publically agreeing that calling the town's people who pay your salary "Gang Rapists" is appropriate...probably not the most informed decision.

    5. I agree Ryan! Not the SMART choice!!

  25. Everyone needs to STOP the name calling and demeaning comments and come together to help!!! I come here for information as well at the Gansett Greatness Facebook page as well as any documents posted about both budgets. I am completly sick of some of the citizens and some elected officials with the name calling. It is getting use nowhere!!
    I saw there was an opening on the Advisory Board. Are there qualifications for this position or do you just need to care about what happens in the town? Maybe some of you who are bitching need to step up and volunteer for this job. I am considering it.

    1. Kimber, it is a volunteer position. It is the Advisory Board who votes in a new volunteer 30 days after town meeting dissolves. Hope that helps

    2. Jeff, can we please have a list of all the open seats on town committees and boards so that the people who do not want to engage in a childish game of name calling can see where they can volunteer their time to help the town? Maybe a slide can be created to be shown on Channel 8? Thank you.

    3. Thank you Jeff. I agree a list of open positions would be great.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Templetonian - name calling like "gang rapist"?

    6. Kimber and Templetonian, a list can certainly be had and posted here, town web site and maybe we can get it on channel 8 one way or another. The only thing to do is to know these are commitments that do over time become either tricky to schedule around life's other moments, other meetings and sometimes they plain become a pain now and then, but new volunteers are always needed and appreciated. No pay, little or no expense money and sometimes you take flak for it but I actually enjoy it.

    7. Kimber and Templetonian, a list can certainly be had and posted here, town web site and maybe we can get it on channel 8 one way or another. The only thing to do is to know these are commitments that do over time become either tricky to schedule around life's other moments, other meetings and sometimes they plain become a pain now and then, but new volunteers are always needed and appreciated. No pay, little or no expense money and sometimes you take flak for it but I actually enjoy it.

  26. Dave you must be a non rapist!!! good for you! that was the SMART choice!!! Superfriends will always prevail!!

  27. I owe you and peter what you get & deserve! flash, batman and a fine looking wonder woman will and have been patrolling Templeton! They make the SMART choice... Fact is a selectman from Templeton publicly called the residents and school district comparable to gang rapists!!! That was a SMART choice filled with FACTS, had ENOUGH I think the voters have. Now that is TRANSPERANCY in government.

    1. Truth, will you please tell your friend Batman to stop with the sexual comments regarding people's mothers as well as making fun of people's weight? You and your real "super" friends are part of the problem too. Yes, Ms. Farrell made a mistake. And you are doing the same thing with your comments. Please, stop. You are not helping GG, the kids, the seniors, the people that enjoy this blog, or the rest of the town that isn't paying attention. I'm asking you to look in the mirror and see if you are without sin. I would guess no. We all are guilty of wrongdoing. There has to come a time when it all ends. So, go have a beer or glass of wine or sweet tea, enjoy your evening with family and friends, get a good nights sleep and start the day off tomorrow on the right foot with only love in your heart. Thank you!

    2. your guess would be wrong my SMART choices or FACTS in a guess...but you are correct. name calling will not improve anything...nothing will improve until Julie Farrell resigns. Unprofessionalism and hurtful remarks from the peanut gallery is one thing. it is completely different when a political leader makes these continuous offensive remarks and gestures. When confidence is in doubt get HER OUT!

  28. I agree everyone needs to stop with the name-calling. Templeton is now facing some tough choices and is going to need everyone to work together to move Templeton along the road to recovery. The economic news is mixed and there is no guarantee that the U.S. economy will not struggle over the next few years. So we must come together to reach workable solutions. If that require an override to move forward so be it, my family will just have to tighten our budget. Like I said Earlier looking at past votes there is a good chance that this override will not pass.

    If the town has to make cuts I hope that we really look at what we need to cut, if the figure is correct we will have to cut approximately 550,000 dollars and as Mike said in another post we are already two months into this year budget and by the time this is settled one way or another we could be five months in this year budget and this problem would be exasperated. I know that the employees of the town have already paid a heavy price to keep Templeton solvent, but further cuts will not only hurt them but the residents as well.

    Because some of the people are concerned about cut to town services does not mean that they are against the school system. Unfortunately these town meeting votes were an either or situation once the override(s) failed. As Paul showed the tax rates of the surrounding towns here what each spent per student (2011 latest available data)

    Athol-Royalston $13,023
    Ashburnham-Westminster $11,619
    Gardner $11,072
    Winchendon $ 11,935
    Narragansett $12,318
    Quabbin $11,541
    State Average was $13,600

    So clearly our students are getting the recourses needed to succeed. So it time to focus on helping the town.

  29. Again !!! so!!! WebstersII #3 To cheat. Simple = the truth
    Any other questions class!
    Gansett taught me how to look up these things.
    You should have gone to a good school like i did.
    In the portable days!
    "Again" Thank you all BOS members and Advisory board members for your "donated" work.
    Recall sounds like a old quiter on this blog.
    Research around the world has shown the amount of money and the result of education for it is not as we were told it would be!
    We are falling behind and the money has little to do with it.
    Where is your transparency or does "the truth" hurt you to much for you to tell who/what you are here!
    You better back off the floride it is unknown the dose you will be getting!
    Hide! You do know "the Truth" is out there Templeton.
    That's Websters, sold at Walmart - They have shades also!

  30. Thank you Templetonian for your kind words. People have emotions and yes, they get the best of us. It is one thing when you SAY something that is hurtful because once you say it you really can't take it back now can you. BUT, it is an entirely different matter when you put it in writing and then on the internet no less now it's there for all to see and continue to read. I hope we can work together and Mr. Bennett is right we need a larger override to repair all the cuts that have been made so let's see if we can get that done so that the folks that had to take cuts in pay and hours and are working twice as much for the same pay because another was laid off... let's repair that damage that we did by voting it yes. Let look at the line items, let's be involved and hold our leadership AND our townspeople accountable. Thank you again Templetonian for your words I appreciate them.

    1. Do you care to explain WHY in the world there were no cuts to any school administrator, are they above any Town employee who had to suffer with a pay cut, WHY oh WHY was there NO give on the part of the school committee when there SURELY was room to cut.

    2. There is no room to cut. I am unclear as to why everyone thinks there is too much administrative bulk or "fat" as everyone here calls it. Positions have been put together so instead of two it's now one. The HS and MS are sharing a secretary and many of those admin positions are needed to function the school as a whole. DO, are you a part of the school? Are your children there? Do you actively participate and ask questions as to why certain jobs are needed? Did you know the Special Education has to have a separate admin for privacy reasons? I have been in the school, I have asked the questions, I have looked at the line items and gone to meetings. I believe Supt. Miller has done an outstanding job of budgeting and coming up with ways to stretch a dollar. If you haven't spoken to her directly, you should as it would be informative and right from the one who does it and not all the things you read that may not be accurate. There was no room to cut any more without the the functionality for the students and the faculty to be effective on a daily basis. The school has cut many jobs and positions over the last 3 years and Gansett Greatness has posted those. There have been issues raised with some being hired back in other jobs...well, that may be so as they may have seniority and move into a different spot and then the ones that have not been there so long was let go. That is what I asked of the Supt and the HS Principal and they explained it. You should call them and see why we could not afford any more cuts to education. Those are my thoughts, thank you.

  31. Now class we have learned 2 things the truth
    #1 Financial gang/rape full term used here= The act of seizing or carrying off, Money!
    Sort of like the banks and what they did to our economy.
    #2 screw = To cheat. mislead and deflect correct answers.
    When i saw Miller signal to ken to come speak i knew then what was up!
    Great team effort! One way or another!

  32. Mr. Smart I think it's time your career here in Templeton ends!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. To be fair Bev had every right to express her fears at what might happen if the yes vote passed and what could be the results to the town budget. I read Chief David H. Whitaker letter to the board of Selectmen dated 08/08/2013 and it does not paint a pretty picture for Templeton Police force. These are not idol threats but real world possibilities. Templeton can not pull money out of thin air like our federal government does.

      The override needs to pass to save town services, but when the town residents go to the polls to vote it not always the same people who at the town meetings, so like I said before we will be lucky to get an override to pass.

    2. TempletonMJH, it will be our job to be out there in the public, on the blog, in the media, on FB and talking to people about why it's needed and when to vote and how etc. This is what we did from the beginning for Gansett Greatness and we did stand outs on the common, we had a car wash, we came to events, we posted and tried out best to get the word out. We have to help one another and be sure to be involved.

  34. And if it rains Monday you won't even get wet!
    Good cover for you.Try to combine your posts.
    It will save your Publish button.

  35. And if it rains Monday you won't even get wet!
    Good cover for you.Try to combine your posts.
    It will save your Publish button.

  36. And if it rains Monday you won't even get wet!
    Good cover for you.Try to combine your posts.
    It will save your Publish button.

  37. Umbrella- corporation post removed was
    I'm suggesting your position to Mr.Robinson to cut! How dare you! Everyone knows Mr.Robinson spoke because of Bev's comment! The only lies are on here!!!!!
    I repost for those that didn't see it before Umbrella-corporation Deleted this.
    Try again!!!!!

    1. first i wanna say i have no idea what this comment is saying. ^^
      second, im new to this town ive lived here for about a year now and i just wanna say that i find that selectmen using this blog to post their rants is not really proffesional, especially when they refer to the school district as gang raping the town. that doesnt really make any sense to me at all, and i dont think they really understand the power of the internet. with some of the comments these town figures are making this could go to the newspapers or national news even if they keep posting crazy comments like that.
      also to tom cruise, yeah its kind of sad that when someone makes attacks towards an individual or a group and then someone retaliates they just delete the comment, its kind of abusing power that you have. people come on here to debate discuss and sometimes argue about town politics and when an administrator is getting in an argument and they use their administrative powers to remove comments does not seem like a good idea because it will reflect on them outside of this blog too, i want my voice to be heard and being shushed by someone in this town is wrong to me. this is the internet and with the internet comes free speech, i think only the creator of this blog pauly cosentino should be allowed to remove comments, and watch out who he gives administrative rights to, because bad people will abuse it.

    2. I deleted because I didn't want to stoop to the level of an ass! Oh we'll guess for the heat of the moment we were on the same level! Difference between us is you typically reside there! How dare you joke of rape! Denise Andrews and the state will be stepping in!

  38. Ding Ding Ding 107 we have a new record!
    This is better then the L+W show for sure.
    To bad you can't turn off the switch like you can the light show.Get it?
    Wow some great new faces on the blog now uncle paul.I tend to think not new people behind them.Just weird new nicknames. Pony up people post with some clout,or your just the same old chosen few.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, I am new to the blog and have only lived in Templeton for a few years. My name is Michael and I live at Cook Pond Estate off Hubbardston Road. I have been reading the blog for a few months, but what has happened I felt I needed to start to lend my voice to the issues.

    3. opinion: wow is all I can say.... I am so offended by Batman's comment "I think you have down syndrome" that is the lowest of all lows - most offensive and childish comment, so disrespectable towards the people with disabilities... you should be blocked from this blog

    4. Doesn't matter what name we post under! It's time this blog was shut down. It's Smart to take on the schools, light and water and every other person in town! I saw 80% of hands in the air last night in support of this town. If your not with us your against us? This town is too small for games. I really can't believe we pay you with our taxes! We should be working together to save our services, not mocking one another.

  39. Dan the 1011 was the removed post from unbrella corporation 922
    i just wanted people to know what "it" took off
    i say it because the author hides behind the Umbrella corporation!
    Out of the rain of truth!
    Thank you for signing Mr.Gheesling

  40. Are you looking in the mirror again?

  41. Thank you for your input Templeton MJH .
    Don't let our gothem be shamed by the batman imposter. His trace will be complete soon. I have the A joker on the line for him. He will be removed as we see fit!

  42. U.C. you meant to say the names you hide behind? I must ask how many do you use?
    Some will do any thing and say anything to remove the threat that this blog has brought you again and again. As the definitions are displayed think for a moment how they were used and who takes them out of context!
    The people in Templeton will need to change allot to combat the future and it's possibilities of degrading our town wellbeing.As i left the TFG there were 2 cars pulling in the beach area and if i need say more about what was going on,you need a cane!
    Templeton without police will be a place we won't want to be in. You may have the need to arm yourself. I already have. Stay safe they like this area now and will love it after we cut who knows what!

  43. If allowed by Chairman Bennett, I plan to apologize and explain my statements fully and the impact this vote will have on the Town. My intention was not to reopen wounds or cause anyone any pain. My poor choice of words was an extreme response to the situation. I would like to apologize in person, in public at the BOS if the chairman allows.

  44. An apology is indeed appropriate, followed by a resignation...what kind a message do we send to the young people if Mrs. Farrell remains a selectperson?? She is very concerned about what the town is teaching are youth(see post saying we are teaching are youth to work around the system) about yes and no votes. Well if she remains in a leadership position what are we teaching are youth...I know some of you will say everyone makes mistakes, give a second chance blah blah blah....those are true statements everyone does make mistakes and do deserve a second chance...FACT is Julie recently before this mess just wrote a long apology about her condescending acts during one of the recent town meetings. Apparently that apology credibility is in serious doubt. If Mrs.Farrell was truly sorry and learned a valuable lesson surely she would not have named the community "gang rapists" numerous times. This has been a continuous behavior by Mrs. Farrell finally escalating to the point of referring to the community as "gang rapists". The people, the town of templeton and the community leaders need to move forward without Mrs. Farrell has her presence will continue to prohibit Templeton from moving all comes out in the wash!

  45. Well at least these latest actions by the school comity got people talking. I only wish that had happened before we got to where we are now. Seriously I think that any reasonable administrator should be able to live with a 10 % cut. Innovative solutions could help ease the pain. People should spend the towns money as wisely and with as much care as they use with their own. We should make every effort to work with everyone and try to find the best solution. Money can be found to make a new office as demonstrated by the last superintendent. Money can be found to build a scale model of a new elementary school prior to securing the land. Money can be found for 2 buses to take students and faculty on a trip to Boston to attempt to sway the vote to get land for a new school. All this and the voters have not approved a new school. I do not wish to sound like I am bashing the school department however, couldn’t we have gotten a video teleconference going with the state house and saved a little money. Everyone knew of the situation happening with town workers and the financial situation of the town. Even that did not stop the school committee, they pushed their agenda forward. I saw money was urgently needed for band uniforms in the override request. I wondered how they were purchased 20 years ago. How did we afford it then? Let me tell you, students and facility got together and figured out a way to get the job done. Hard work, good ideas and dedication those were the lessons that were taught back then. Had they waited to be given new uniforms the uniforms would be 40 years old now. And really think about people doing the same amount of work for less pay each month and ask do we need these uniforms now, is there another way? Yet this is an urgent budget need?

    We live in a town where 25% of the citizens are considered elderly. Most are on a fixed income and cannot afford more tax. That was and will be the answer we will have to live with. I wish we would all think about others and how the actions of one group has ripple effects on so many others. I also question what lessons are being taught to these children. Is it all for me and none for you? Or is it all for me and the heck with you? Most likely it is a little bit of both. Hopefully someone will teach the children to get involved in community and public service projects. Some of our elderly residents who have to decide between food and medicine will now have to figure out how to trim their budjets by 10 % to afford the new tax burden. Maybe we can get a community garden project going and make donations to the food bank to help them out. The people who do not have jobs and can hardly make it now will most likely move to shelters in the city and that should help save the town some money.

    It reminds me of the golden rule to do to others as you would have them do to you.

    May the good lord bless us and teach us to listen before we speak or shout out in anger. To consider others before we act for our just cause. May we learn to work together to resolve our problems.

    This will hopefully not turn out to be one of those us against them battle. If everyone can get on the same page we can resolve the issues before they get out of control. Hopefully we can show that to the children and teach them some worthwhile values.

  46. Excellent blog, Jim!! Excellent!! One day those who just think of themselves will see that some of the others were right. Julie has done a miraculous job of getting awareness out of much that has been broken in Templeton & the country. No one can do it all alone & I am guilty of not being a hands on person as much anymore. As many of us age we hope that the work principles we grew up with can be rekindled in the generations coming forward & see that you cannot Always have what you want, immediately & when you want it without working & waiting for it. This is what a large segment of the population in town has been trying to say when they have voted No at the polls. These latest measures at meetings (a lot of residents cannot attend for a variety of reasons) to push the same agendas through that were voted down by them only show that there is the entitlement faction that will pound through something in another way until they get it. This is a sad thing for me to see from our current educators (certainly not all, there are many many good teachers) that are at the helm at the present time. I feel that the economy is going to continue to get worse before it gets better (hope I am wrong). Therefore, it has been a shock to a good deal of people that cannot seem to wrap their heads around the fact that reshaping business as usual is a need that is sorely lacking from what I can see. In my opinion, this town needs Mrs. Farrell, but as of late, doesn't deserve her, especially with the horrid comments that have been flung at her for doing a superb, thankless job. It is my belief, that if she had not stepped into the "fire" we would be in State receivership already. Again, I say, how much can a person do for others & be slammed in ways that have been far worse than the comments she has made, she has asked to receive her apologies. That is more than anyone has done for her with the nasty things that have come her way. I feel her frustration from the entitlement few who have slandered her & discounted her advice on lack of funds, in what I think , at least in part, may have lead her to her recent commentary. If she no longer wishes to lead for the majority (at the polls anyway) then I wouldn't blame her. We can't Judge anyone until we have walked in their shoes. I felt that way for a long time about the SC & Supt. until I saw that there was no give & take or re-budgeting to fit the times. It appears that there is only take. Eventually the well they seek to draw from repeatedly, without replenishing, will eventually run dry. My thoughts & opinions this fine day. I appreciate those who contribute with theirs. Have a good Sunday everyone & as Jim says May the Good Lord Bless us & teach us. And in all things as we go through this life. Thank you!

  47. Thank you isteach. I had expected more of the negative type of reply. I do not necessarily agree with all done by Julie. I can understand her frustration as I can understand the frustration of the folks supporting the school. WE all want the best for EVERYONE in town. You can’t be too harsh on people that stand up and try to get positive things done. Mostly they work for little to no pay and put in countless hours for the betterment of the town. We can see both sides doing that.The ones who complain the most and loudest do little to nothing for the good of the town. Lets work together to keep that positive spirit going. There are some great things to take pride in Templeton. Look at the work at Gilman Waite as an example. I would name names but there have been many who have given their all to this project. I would not want to forget any of them. People were led to think sports at the school would go away meanwhile countless people have pulled off the impossible at Gilman. And they did it with little town money. I would like to see a plaque and a dedication by the town to this fine group. They should be recognized and thanked by all of us.
    Look at Gansett cheerleaders these fine people and their parents did not take NO for an answer. They went out and did (and continue to do) hard work with dedication and determination. I think they could teach all of us a lesson. I am very proud of the group and their parents. It keeps me thinking that there is hope for this generation.
    I do not understand the people that think folks that have been paying taxes for the last 25 ,50 or 75 years in this town should sell the homes and property if they can’t afford the tax increase because they think they have a right to get what they want. Being treated as bad as a used Iphone that no longer works is not very considerate at all. Get rid of them is the answer that comes across loud and clear from them as they do not care. We were taught to respect our elders, to look out for them and thank them for putting up with us when we were young. If anything I would rather Pay more Tax than see them tossed aside. It’s about time they got a break and a little respect. I can only hope that someday these self centered selfish folks will get the same handed back to them. Until then we should ignore them as they do not represent the kind and decent folks I grew up with in this town. I do try to understand their point but keep coming up with “What would your mother think of you now” and “you must be proud of yourself”. I think we should toss them aside and show them where the town line is.
    I will keep hoping that we can turn this around and make something positive come from this. I hope to see you all on Monday.

  48. Jim, just the other day an individual in their 30's said to me "the elderly should be living in a retirement community where they don't have to pay taxes if they can't afford it" and I think wow is that anyway to treat people? It is amazing that individuals of that age have this mind set, not to far off in the future their parents will be facing the same dilema, hope they aren't too quick to toss them out of a house and into a home. If you look at individuals who are now 65 and up, when they were working in their prime the amount of social security they paid was far less than what a person is paying now. So when they retired they didn't really have a large monthy social security check coming in and there haven't been but one cost a living raise in the last 7 years. They are on a fixed income, and it doesn't matter that their home might be paid for they still have taxes to pay that doesn't stop.

    I hope that the active senior citizens rally together and help defeat any override that might come in the near future. Their voices can be mighty loud when they want to voice it and I hope they do.

    1. Not Dumb enough. They are wrong dead wrong. I served my country in the US Navy to ensure that we can all have our pursuit of happiness. Our rights and freedoms including your right to stay in the place you call home. The place where you had and raised your children,your home. You are the older wiser residents and I can totally understand how very hard that it is to get by on a daily basis. Because you have worked hard to get where you are, you saved and were responsible and own a house. No man should try to take away what you have accomplished and accumulated. How many kids do you have to put thru school. At some point you should get a thank you and a reduced Tax bill. We need you to show up. we need your vote. We need to hear the wisdom you can share at town meetings. Indeed afford it is not an option that sits well with me. If people who can afford it say that, then they should be sending their checks to the town clerk to support the school. Just mark them for NRSD folks. I am sure we can get some of our seniors to help the town clerk as her pay and hours have been cut. In return we can give those same seniors a tax break and everyone will win.

      Seriously we need everyone's input and ideas. One item that was not even thought of as everyone was worried about or led to believe the sports programs would vanish if the budget did not pass needs attention. The police department I believe pay for the presence of a DARE officer. This position touches the lives of all students and can have a life long effect and change negative attitudes kids may have dealing with police. His or her presence promotes communication with law enforcement, provides drug education and awareness, provides security and a trained professional in case of medical or other emergency. If in fact the police pay this bill we need to ensure any cuts to police will not affect the position. Sports may only affect a small portion of the students but this will affect all of them. Unfortunately things like this may force the town to raise tax rates. The actions that were taken are causing many ripples and have left many problems to resolve. It appears as if the whole thing was not very well thought out. Emotions still run high. Any accountants out there in senior land? We could use a set of eyes to ensure money is spent for what is was so drastically needed for. I would not want a 125 thousand office makeover happening while so many suffer.

    2. No Dumb Enough to Fall.... what an inconsiderate and rude comment for someone to make. Instead of saying that they should have listened and thought how they could help.

  49. You're welcome, Jim. I thank you for your service to this country & all veterans. There have been many in my family who have served, as well. We would not be able to be here without you all. Also Nde has a good blog & indeed so true. We do need to care & respect the elderly & not toss them out when some feel they are getting in the way or their usefulness is through. It is Never through until the good Lord takes us. Everyone in all generations are important & we need to hear what they have to say. Also, as much as I thank our veterans, I believe there are many battles on the home front we have to fight to preserve our Republic & maintain our Democracy. To me, some of those local warriors are Pauly, Mrs. Farrell, Bev, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Spring, Mr. Barrieau, Diane Haley Brooks, Mr. Smart, Mr. Bennett on foreign soil, too) & many more. Some of them I know personally & some here I mention, I see how active they are by putting forth their efforts to fix things, as well. It doesn't matter "what side you are for or on" as long as we try to work together for the best of everyone & not put too much of a burden on anyone. Anyway, I have not spoken to her about any of this but, I suspect a major concern of Mrs. Farrell, is that those very voices you both mentioned were NOT heard at the polls recently affecting the citizens final outcome being overturned at a town meeting by the few that were able to make it. Bev, is right, govt. seems to be run by those who show up. However, it should be run by the majority who show up at the polls to cast their votes. Many can't get to these meetings for various reasons (myself included) or are afraid to vote in public with a show of hands. I believe the true feelings come out in the ballot box where there are not any friends, family or employers watching you. Now, I want to clarify, as Jim did, that I do not necessarily always agree with Julie, nor do we have the same beliefs in all areas, but what I do see is her trying to do her best for the entire community. I believe she said she is more liberal in her thinking whereas, I tend to be more on the conservative side views, yet we often agree on what is in the best interests for everyone in town, as a whole, is what should be done. And that is where working together counts, I feel. In addition, No one should be pushed out of their homes that they have worked a lifetime to get because there are others who are not willing to bend to the current economic climate of that town they serve & are privileged to get such wonderful salaries from. These are the very people who are giving those wages & to be ignored of their wishes is a travesty of justice, in my opinion. There will come a time, in the not so distant future, when the very people who are spouting this rhetoric will find themselves in the same boat. I do hope that they will have to face the very decisions they think are irrelevant to them now. Unfortunately, those who they will want to say, I'm sorry to, will likely be gone by then. Life is full of changes. We are always having to adjust & readjust to what is going on around us. When I see those who have no flexibility or willingness to bend or compromise, I am reminded of the lesson that it is the branches, bridges & buildings that have some sway that survive. The ones that are fixed & have no give are the ones that snap & break. Hopefully, there is a lesson in all this. There generally is but let's hope the good will come out of it before it is too late & everything breaks. My opinion this evening. As always, I enjoy reading the views & opinions of others. Thank you.

    1. You sound like a teacher I once had that lived up the hill. If so I would like to send an email.

    2. Hi Jim, My blog name seems like I might be & maybe how I write gives you that sense. Yet, I am quite certain I am not but however you meant it, I will take this as a compliment. I Thank you for that & for your most enlightening blogs. You are an asset to Pauly's site. Have a good evening, my friend :)

    3. It is defiantly a complement. I remember those with insight and wisdom who have helped shape me into a better person. People remember the bad and seldom the good things in life. I continue too look for the good every day and dismiss the negative. Anyway I remember the teachers who took the time for me. Some of them were at Narragansett. Some were old and some were very young and not connected to any institution. I have been attempted to pass on their lessons and the ones I have learned on my own. I continue to learn every day. Most recently I had to work in Boston and learned quite a bit from the homeless people on the streets. The ones people look right thru and shun as if they really don't matter. Spending time with and attempting to help them as much as I could deepened my respect for all people. Some did not want help, some did not know where to turn. All of them had a story and a life that was worth something. I did what I could and when we saw each other as we passed on the busy streets, I saw the most wonderful smiles and we exchanged a "make it a wonderful day". That was my lesson, keep a positive outlook and start each day with a positive thought. I am not a saint and don't want to give that impression. But nothing makes you happier than complete strangers looking at you and wondering why these low life people appear happy and shout "hey muffin man have a wonderful day".

      So isteach I have learned from you, so I was right you are a teacher.
      Have A Wonderful Day.

    4. Jim, Thank ever so much. That means a lot to me!! I think that is wonderful that you have given so much time to those less fortunate. You are right, we can be a blessing just by showing someone who needs us that we care. That would bring a smile to anyone. God Bless you always!!

    5. Thank you isteach for the kind mention. It has been an overwhelming task to stand up for what I am passionate about and believe is as many are unhappy about that. I read what you all have to say here and I appreciate that each one wants what is best including yourself. I will stay the course and be involved and continue to grow and learn and take your wise words and keep them. Thank you Jim for your service to our country home and abroad and here and now where you speak up for yourself and all people of Templeton. Everyone has value and everyone has a gift and something to give another whether it be tangible or intangible...we have to be willing to see it. I appreciate again isteach the mention and I love my town, it's citizens and the kids of our future. God Bless.
