Thursday, August 22, 2013


I don't think anyone has to be reminded that there is a SPECIAL JOINT TOWN MEETING TONIGHT with Phillipston on the school budget amount. 7:00 pm at NMS auditorium.

I would like to ask people to be respectful not only on this blog but tonight, respectful to the school committee members, selectmen, moderator, people from Phillipston and PEOPLE THAT HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION. GET IT.

This is a very difficult decision to make for all. so lets go though this again
A YES  vote is not an override vote. It is not going to raise your taxes. The voters voted No to the override for the school. (and do not argue about who the override was for, I am going by what the the WARRANT said.) What a YES vote will mean is we, Templeton voters will have to have another Special Town Meeting for the voters to determine where to take the money from - which town departments, because we have NO RESERVES. Now the Selectmen and the Advisory Board can make suggestions and I am not sure if we still have time to go for a town override. (Help me out here all you smart people). But let's face it do we really think a town override would pass?

A NO vote will send it back to the School Committee and we could do this a couple more times before December and the DESE comes in to review the school budget.

So please attend tonight's meeting, let's keep the heckling to a minimum, let's figure this out as a town.


  1. Thank you for this information. I would hope the heckling and talking out of turn would be non-existent so that all the voters have that opportunity to be heard, hear what others are saying and make the most informed decisions for themselves. Thank you for posting this.

  2. Down hear on the lower forty its good to look at these life lessons in money matters close up. My old teacher Oresme we called him would have seen this situation as a lesson in money matters. He said institutionalized inflation as it can exist under the protection of government turns such a government into a tyrant. And this tyranny becomes perfect if the government can enshrine inflation into law. Seems to me we are going to have this same argument concerning inflated money again and again.

  3. im sorry Templeton hard times are coming and to huff and puff aka(nick)congrats you won and the 8000 residents lost!!!

  4. Its about time. Now its time to support the town & vote thru an override.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I meant, Then they can do volunteer work for the town!

    2. jan, do you think it's a joke that town employees will lose their jobs. I hope you will vote for a town override.

    3. I supported an override for the school! I will most certainly support an override to save the town! Please vote YES and save our Town!

    4. Some how the first comment was deleted when I tried to clarify it. What I am suggesting is a tactic that has been used by many construction companies! That is to lay them off so that they can collect unemployment but in an emergency (like a snow storm) they can be called back. Or they could volunteer to do some things for the town. People are allowed to earn a certain small amount without losing their unemployment benefits. These are all possibilities to help the town get through this emergency.

    5. j. It would actually be cheaper for the town to contract out ALL snowplowing. Im not for all that, but it would save $.

    6. and what happens to the employees medical insurance? are you aware that two of the Highway employees are battling Cancer currently. Hope you by tickets for their fundraisers at the ORSC/Highway dept/Light & Water Dept

    7. We just saved school jobs but you want to cut the town now and out source and lay employees off. Unemployment is only 2/3rds of ones pay. You people better back a town override.

    8. Thats why I said Im not for it. Just stateing fact. Its actually cheaper to contract out & ensure safe roads. But if we can finally pass an override, its a mute point.

  6. I hope all those Templetonians who did not come to the town meeting are happy with the results, it was a Phillipston town meeting with some sprinkling of Templeton. I am not happy with the results but it was an experience for sure. I am truly disappointed with the BOS from Templeton to not even show respect for their town, for choosing not to sit on stage with the others is a slap in templeton's face. Your absence shows that you had given into the school and to the citizens of Phillipston at the cost of your own town, shame on you.

    1. Perhaps you should call the Town Clerk for the official number - there were only 125 philipston residents and OVER 400 templeton residents. Where were all those people who were going to lose their houses if an override passed that would cost about $15/mo? If they don't care enough to show up, why should I?

  7. It was indeed a very poor turnout for Templeton. It was obvious from the beginning the way the meeting would go.

    1. There were tons of Templetonians there tonight! Thank you! Thank you Phillipston now we can move this town forward! :)

  8. QUESTION/OPINION: because a hand count was voted on to be used via a hand count mind you, how could you possibly know if even registered voters voted or even if they were citizens of Templeton or Phillipston? I for one voted to use the paper ballots, that would've ensured that the votes were legal votes. the moderator sure made it clear that he wanted to only use a hand count, yes a paper ballot may have taken longer, but when you are talking about this type of serious funding, you should make sure the votes are legal votes. all the "counters" had to do was walk down the rows if the person couldn't show a ballot than they left the room, that would have ensured that only legal voters were there in that room and then did the hand count.

    1. It's ok J we all got a royal screwing by the lack of a good procedural vote. And gee how about the voters in the over run room? guess they don't count at all. And the way the moderator ignored the motion for a hand count was just obvious which town he came from. So its back to the usual politics guess they BOS have learned their way of thinking and allowing things to run from our friends in Washington DC

    2. yes templeton got screwed.... I hope all those teachers and their friends and their friends are all in attendance and vote yes when the town needs the 2 1/2 over ride. but my guess is that they will not be there, they don't care, they got what they wanted.

    3. I know myself, & all my friends will be there.

    4. Templeton will be fine! Don't over do it! We will pass an override and all will be fine! :)

    5. Why is it raising our taxes seems to be the pepto bismal everyone likes. How about responsiblity in forming your budgets.

    6. opinion: I hope you are right huff n puff and umbrella, because if the turn out for the over ride is not like tonight, than the town will be really screwed. my concern about tonight was the entire voting process - if you read my question/opinion above.

    7. Dear Not Dumb Have you looked at the town budgets they are at bare bones now.

    8. opinion and fact: interesting... I see a post on facebook commenting under the high schools announcement about tonights meeting and then says she lives in Athol.... just saying

    9. Well J I know the teacher i think you are refering too and her husband works for the town of Templeton. Very bitter sweet for them. Now me and my friends will be voting for what will be a smaller override. Say YES to save our town services!

    10. How about a larger override so the non union employees can restore their hours and they can get their steps (like the school employees ) Just a note non union town employee have not gotten step raises since FY 2009. Would you all support that.

    11. sorry meant non union town employees. about 15 of them.

  9. the problem here is time we are two full months in the year now there has to be a special town meeting there goes another month plus now to schedule a over ride vote there goes another month .now we are in to a half of year gone by and depts. have spent half of there money ..bottom line is if a over ride does not pass the town in a whole is screwed no police no fire and no highway ..this is not a joke !!!

    1. The board of selectmen was aware of the situation and chose to take no action. Maybe you should bring it up with them!

  10. We now have 4 options. (a) take full amount from town budget (b) override for full amount (c) override plus reduce town budget (d) do nothing, no increase and let it go to court with national exposure, take your pick. 440 (about) Templeton voters and 120 (about) Phillipston voters said yes to a $551,000.00 (about) increase to Templeton funding NRHS budget. First up, town does not plow schools out and district goes out to bid and finds out just how much snow plowing costs and there is an example of what the town of Templeton has been doing for the school district. Hope there is room in district budget for private plowing for this year. This is not pay back, just a reality of town having to cut everything, this is not a threat but a reality of lack of compromise. Adjusting a budget due to known state funding increases is not a compromise in my opinion. Now we can begin talk of 2015. Let the fun begin.

    1. Wow. Revenges from aselectman? I thought we were supposed to work together. Let one child slip & crack there skull, then see how bad off you are.

      Try advocating for the override.

    2. Huff n Puff your still an idiot

    3. Actually Huff, the agenda was posted before the meeting. While I would not wish to see anyone fall, that would be on the district. I also believe we tried the work together but members of the school committee would not budge. If you notice, an override is listed in my options but as the taxpayers have already said no twice, I am not counting on one passing. School comm. looks out for school and the selectmen have to look out for the town and we may not have money for fuel, labor etc. to plow the schools out. Look forward to seeing you at BOS meet ah oh yeah, you would have to introduce yourself. Enjoy your weekend.

    4. Jeff, they have voted twice but don't feel the need to support the school. So I believe our services are just as important. I will be pushing for a yes vote. I think you may be surprised how many come out to support this town.

    5. People voted NO on the override twice because they wanted to punish the school for its "fat baby budget" (see Bev's post)and inflated administrative costs. People, including the parents, will vote YES when they know if they don't, definitie cuts to police.

  11. Im thinking that the school has enough wiggle room in their budget to plow their schools. works for me

  12. In my opinion Templeton's problems lie at the State and Federal level of government. While we are fighting among ourselves down here more problems are coming our way from above.

  13. Hope all the BABIES that Cried about the schools are happy, You tried and tried but wouldn't take your NO answer, now you finally got a Yes vote so you all can run with your tails between your legs and bask in the knowledge that you've been made a fool of by the school committee and Ruth, Just keep paying attention and you'll see. You are all pitiful. Especially those Phillipston residents on facebook, Shame on you.

    1. Clearly, the people who wanted a YES cared enough to show up and the people who wanted to vote NO did not - at least not enough of them. Why are you critisizing people for having determination and not giving up and standing up for people who couldn't even get their behinds to a meeting?

  14. Jeff or Julie or anyone in the know - has anyone asked town cousel about how we deal with two conflicting votes? At town meeting, a budget for general town government was approved. At the joint town meeting, additional money was approved, but we do not presently have the taxing authority to raise and appropriate the combined figures. Did the vote last night negate the earlier town meeting vote?

  15. Do is Stupid we support our school and support OUR town! The only shame is your grotesque writing! Please do us a favor and find that rock you clearly crawled out from!

  16. Mark, it is my understanding that last nights vote negated the May vote as well as the previously school certified budget and the next step is for the school committee to meet, approve the dollar figure from last night by 2/3 vote and certify the new dollar number and then notify the town and then the job of the selectmen begins.

  17. some of us who did not attend actually had to "work" know good old fashioned WORK !....well I see that the babies who run our school got their way....sure if you bitch and whine enough then eventually the masses (who are asses) will cave in.

    I am disgusted to live here...I would move if I could....but this is the real world and I cannot afford to move....and it looks like I will have even less money (if that is even possible) to afford to even drive to my job.....thanks "Templeton" sure know how to put the screws to the poor people who CANNOT afford anymore "taxes"



    1. Don't you think the youth of town deserve to get an education so they have options when they're you're age?! I don't understand that logic - even though our taxes are some in the lowest in the state (2nd lowest in the county). These tax increases are unreasonable. To the contrary, keeping taxes artifically low is unreasonable.

      It is not a guarantee, but the best way for the kids who are growing up in Templeton now to not be struggling when they're your age is to get a quality education now.

  18. While we all support the schools, I think most Templeton residents know the town is in some tough economic times and many residents are also facing tough times, but we did not see shared sacrifice from the school committee and the superintendant. I saw not effort on their part after the first override was voted down, instead of making some sort cuts they recertified the same budget before the town even had the second override vote.

    So last night yes vote will force a override vote to save town services, while I believe the override vote is needed to save existing town services, looking at past votes there is a good chance that this override will not pass. I hate to think what will happen to this town if it does not pass.

    The big problem is last night has given the school committee and the superintendant a playbook for future budgets. Pass what budget they want, then let Templeton vote it down, force an override vote and when that fails go to a joint town meeting and get their budget approved. It will be interesting to see in the coming years when the existing contracts are up if the school personal steps up and takes a pay freeze or if they will still want pay increases.

    The town is in for some tough time and it will take a few years to get us back on a solid financial footing. Some tough choices are going to have to be made and will require some shared sacrifice from all.

  19. Jeff - Templeton does not have a budget? Is that what you are saying? Are we limited as to how long the town may operate without a budget by any state law?
