Friday, August 2, 2013

Planning Board news

Dunkin' Donuts receives Planning Board approval for Baldwinville location
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Given the recent approval of the Planning Board, a Dunkin’ Donuts will open at 34 Elm St. in the early winter.

“We’re looking forward to having them in town for tax base and jobs,” said board Chairman Kirk Moschetti. “Every little bit counts.”

Owners of over 15 Dunkin’ Donuts franchise restaurants throughout the region, John Nadreau and Joseph Cadette purchased the former Grace Baptist Church for $26,000 last December as the new site.

The church, built in 1782, was sold despite attempts from the church’s attendees to save the building, asking voters at a May 2012 Special Town Meeting to prevent the then-rumored Dunkin’ Donuts from being built at the location. The measure was passed over.

The planning board had to approve a special permit in order for the shop to open, as the site is located in the Baldwinville Village District, where zoning does not generally allow restaurants.

During three public hearings on the site plan review, numerous residents expressed their opposition to the business moving in.

“What has been presented has done nothing to ease our concerns as residents adjacent to this property,” said Michael McLennan, during a public hearing on July 2. “This plan addresses nothing about our property values, the lights in our backyards or where the trucks are going to be parking. You’re putting trucks right in front of my house. I’m living there and I have to deal with the noise of it. I’m all for business, but there has to be some consideration for the people it directly affects.”

Mr. Moschetti pointed out that the board did place conditions on their approval of the project, which included the mandatory removal of snow within 48 hours of a storm and the installation of an eight-foot solid vinyl fence. They also noted no-parking signs have been posted on Elm Street, with help from the police chief. The board rejected allowing the establishment to have a drive-thru window.

Now that the planning board has approved the project, Dunkin’ Donuts owners will move forward with the demolition of the former Grace Baptist Church, according to Mr. Nadreau, within a few weeks.

The approval of the location’s opening is also prompting the business owners to send out coupons to 4,000 to 5,000 homes within range of the operation.


  1. Finally, I hope, a business proposal may see the light of day and become a reality. Hopefully the next planned / talked about dunkin donut will become a reality and there will be 2 more (new) small business' in Templeton. Small steps but important ones. I just wonder how many of the people who opposed the one in place of the old church end up going there for a morning coffee or more.

  2. You can't say no to everything. Our town needs money to help with the tax base. I do not think this is going to have neon lights, and stick out like a sour thumb. The Dunkins in Paxton is in a building that was a house, and is tastfully done. I know, easy for me to say, but Baldwinville always had businesses mixed in with homes. I commend Kirk and the rest of the members of the Planning Board, for a good job done. Bev.

  3. This is defintely a step in the right direction. Now we just need a Whole Foods or Target and all our problems will be solved! A new large-scale business would shoulder a big chunk of the tax burden/levy, reducing everyone else's tax burden and allowing for an override, with seniors and others on fixed incomes STILL paying less than they are now in taxes.

  4. I'd like a Trader Joe's in Templeton. Nothing against Whole Foods!

    Good job Planning Board! Next up brownfields project for the old American Tissue Mills?

  5. Can't wait for them to start on the DD at the old Pat's Farm Stand. Won't have to walk far for my coffee!
