Friday, August 2, 2013

Back after a hiatus..Light and water meeting!

Light and Water Meeting

Here are the agendas for the TMLWP meeting on August 6, 2013.  Water meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.

New business:
 Templeton Developmental Center/Water upgrades

That looks interesting. When did the town or the water department assume responsibility for the water system at TDC? When did that happen? What will that do to our already high water rates? How much will the upgrades cost? Why weren't water upgrades made as part of the Baldwinville Rd. project?

See you there!


  1. I guess the water meeting is limted to 1/2 hour max. The light dept meeting begins at 6:30 or when the water meeting ends, "whichever occurs first".

  2. that Baldwinsville road project is a joke !!!!they added sidewalks that is the big upgrade !!when rebuilding a road you bring the road down to dirt regrade the base and then tar over it ..that job is just a patch job none of the dips have not been removed !!!

    1. Mike-
      The original proposal for Baldwinville Rd was a full depth road reconstruction. Very late into the project, the full depth road reconstruction was changed, I believe by state who oversees these federal road funds.

      I've had a lot of positive feedback on the sidewalk for Baldwinville Rd. My concerns are how long this road will last as well as the very old water mains under the road that were not replaced.

  3. What caught my eye when reading the agendas was there is no customer comments and questions listed and normally are. I read an email today and it was from a person who lives close to the wind turbine and i was told the monster machine is making some bizarre noises and seem it doesn't run correctly.
    Could it be time for another set of generator bearings?
    Metal grindings in the oil? Or are the blades ready to fly off at will? Nice to see we can upgrade the Ferncol property but not our own system for the people that own the system and pay dearly for it. Electrical upgrade for what. 2 New wind turbines like the gardner prison has that don't turn either? I think the team TMLWP are going to dig us in a deeper hole again. Why don't the water department workers have safety colors on when working in the traffic like the rest of workers in traffic do? Is Templeton being put at risk by the water department workers? Yellow and or orange like they told us at class. Administration has fail us again,why must we have to ask the simple questions?
    Safety first look in your safety work zone books.
    It's about Templeton not your blue!
    After asking the water superintendent Ron Davin he told me they bought them 2 days ago. Its been weeks! Still no safety gear used!
    Osha could fine them for this violation.I hope no drivers hit them and suffer from their mistakes. It can be a very hard thing to lose a loveone from a careless accident that could have been avoided.Yellow or orange it's your call Ron.
