Friday, August 2, 2013

Wind Turbine Comment from Blog

Wind Turbine Comment from Blog

When I asked about the wind turbine renewable energy credits being used for the future cost of decommissioning the nuke plants we co own,the question led to how far we are in debt to the involvement of the 5 reactors we are responsible for.Like our wind energy co-op with Princeton we are in debt deeper than people think. Or may want to know.
This all leads back the MMWEC monopoly and is a state controlled money tool for municipal light plants. They control the power,VIA Money and electricity.The Laws they help write cover the power structure and keep private providers in check with rates and other obstacle and restrictions to compete. They keep the net metering at bay due to the profit margins would suffer if allowed to be introduced. Some company selling solar and lease it would not come to Templeton because of the Municipal electric co we are. Only one reason for us to ask questions about who is getting the better deal,if we are restricted from net metering and selling back excess solar power. Solar is as you have seen booming and very problem free and noninvasive to the people living near it. No noise no Electromagnetic field problems.

There are people in Templeton that cannot go to the school due to the EMF around the wind turbine. It's known and documented to cause migraine headache and other health problems. Just the facts and people don't know who to ask or turn too. Anyone who has experienced any symptoms can get info and devices for protection from a catalog or go to their web pg there is help or email them at Your not crazy or ill, You
are being saturated with a giant magnet and like many cell phone towers are exposed to something new to humans and like I have said from the get go ITS all about the "money". Many cell phone towers are being turned up to a higher power to cover a wider range and if you can see the tower it is a factor to your health. You can't make this stuff up.

Don't take my word check it out yourself and join me and others pushing legislation to fund Turbine
decommissioning/relocation/victim funds.
Our efforts combined with will help people who were not made aware of the dangers of power generation.
If we only knew then what’s known now, things would have been done much different than they were. It's not just about the money anymore, we learn more every day. Governor Patrick has said to get the legislation to him and he will sign it. That means allot for the people on fern drive and others around the state suffering. Other things like a commission to study the cost and efficiency of the source is also being introduced and have bill numbers and motivated, dedicated people working to get attention on these issues.

see for yourself it's more than just some Templeton highway worker guy causing trouble. It's about righting a wrong for those who are being harmed every day. Try to sell your house with a turbine in the back yard. It would be a good place to live if you were deaf and blind. Why we still don't have a cost certification audit result is a answer we need to hear. Do your own investigation and see for yourself. See the true safety issues and listen to the people that have and are living with Turbine madness. Turbines ruin peoples lives and devalue the castles they live in. But the powers cheap and green, NOT! "PEOPLE FIRST"


  1. Very good informative blog!! Thank you for this. I have a feeling that many already knew of the dangers, that being those who touted this as a great thing for everyone's energy needs. I believe it was about money for them, not us, that was the main reason that it was decided to construct the turbine. It seems clear to me that building this so near the school with young developing minds & bodies, made no difference to those looking to make a name or quick buck for themselves was why the decision to build it, regardless, was put forth. Always because of exactly the usual culprit, Money!! Yet, instead of being the wondrous machine it was marketed as, it turned out to be a nightmare for all those working & living in close proximity to it. This gargantuan structure, that is also often fraught with operational troubles, also impacts greatly on the beauty of the landscape, & as pointed out above, devalues any abutting properties. In addition, it has many times been shown to, not only not run properly, but other turbines have been known to blow up & blades be hurled from the main holding towers causing tremendous damage to anything in it's path. Just Google wind farms gone bad or something similar & you will see the horror that can happen. No one had the children or their safety in mind on this either or they never would have built it there. I say shame on these irresponsible greedy people who make these terrible things come true with no regard for others health, safety & well-being!! The rest of the towns & communities are always left to clean up all the messes while those who use us make for the sunset to live in luxury! Just my thoughts & opinions from what I have heard & seen from multiple reads in researching this & other related subjects. Mr. Smart has been chastised at times for bringing such focus on L&W but I believe he has often been on the right track. I think there is way more here than meets the eye & I have been saying that for years, just as Pauly & a few others have been trying to point out about a lot of things gone awry in Templeton & the nation. These are my opinions as I see things today. Appreciate any comments to refute or convince me otherwise. I enjoy reading & seeing all the contributions to this blog site. Have a beautiful weekend everyone.

  2. "Quote" Just to let you know the wind turbine has not run much i know that i have heard that thing making bizarre noises from time to time. "Unquote"! Have you heard anything lately?
    Yes,reports of a loose mesh between planetary gears and metal in the oil but is ok to run? You be the judge and when your at Narragansett next time,stand and look at it and think.Would you want it in your back yard? I think it would be a 100% NO! The fund to decommission problem turbines in unsafe locations is paid for by you in your electric bill everyone with a electric bill in Mass pays in .
    It's called a renewable energy charge,or green energy choice. It's up to the people who get involved as to what the state will spend it on.People who have been harmed one way or another should have first consideration of how the money gets used, follow to keep up on the progress and hopefully we can get relief for the people in Templeton among other places under siege by these monster machines. Just as isteach above i invite you to google or bing and see what the realities are of the TMLWP Uncertified Wind Turbine. Wind farms gone bad! Will our turbine blow up this winter when under full stress?
    If we knew then what we know now. IS IT SAFE TO RUN MR.DRISCOLL? Do your kids go to Narragansett,or run track under it when it turns?You wish things could go back the way they were 12 months ago, I wish it could go back to the way they were before the monster came to Templeton.
    Being chastised has it's benefits, it's call "determination". You'll see!

    1. I, for one, Thank you for your determination!!

    2. I know, what now? Sorry to upset everyone's apple cart, but another costly problem brought to us by our friends at Templeton Municipal Light and Water. Problems that have and will cost the town dearly, before the day is done, and a close runner up to the mess at 252 Baldwinville Road. Actually this problem will cost us a lot more before the day is done. One of the people from the Gansett Greatness asked "how it, the windmill, got there? It is sad that the Selectmen and other people were left out of the loop. It will be very interesting to see what the cost certification report will say. We have had to wait long enough for it. Take Davids suggestion, and look at the web sites he suggests. They will be a eyeopener, as if we as a town don't have ENOUGH to worry about. Bev.

  3. That Turbine project was brought to this town by a wonderful man who has since died of cancer! Shame on the petty complaint! It's doing its job and doesn't need to answer to those who know nothing of green energy! As for people not wanting it in their back yard, why didn't they protest it like many do when business tries to come to town? Just saying the money has been spent let's move on to the next thing please! :)

    1. FTP, when this project was discussed in the Local Paper, the first word was it would cover 10% of the town's electricity. Then it was 5%. Now it is ??? Watt-hours are units for measuring energy. Notice the second term is a unit of time. Time, as in it needs to spin pretty much all the time, else one must make other plans for the time it spends idle. It costs money to have excess capacity. Let's be sure to count the cost of maintaining the excess capacity as well.

      When discussing so-called green energy, let's also agree to know how much fossil fuel is required to build and maintain these marvels.

      Here is a place where you can look at wind maps:

      Who would spend their own money to put a wind map in our zip code? Maybe FTP? What do you say?

    2. FTP....I agree that this turbine is dedicated to a wonderful man, as I knew him well. He had done a lot for our youth & Templeton as a whole. He was about as nice of a person as you could ever meet & am sad he left us so young. However, the comments about some of the failings of this project have NOTHING to do with John. Nothing, whatsoever!! No one is trying to belittle or demean the legacy of Mr. Leclerc. He was also, most likely, mislead about what this turbine would deliver to the town. He never did anything that wasn't good. So please don't try to turn this conversation around to an attack on him in any way from anybody who has commented on the turbine. No one has done that anywhere. People need to vent their frustrations over something that has not been what it was represented to be. That misrepresentation was not the doing of John either. He believed in green energy & the environment & that is what he is known for, in addition to a host of other unselfish things he did. Mr. Leclerc was very green conscious & concerned about conservation. He backed this project because he believed it would be something good for all. It is not his fault that some of these big companies use the goodness of others to get through what they want. So, people can still have opinions about this turbine without it reflecting on the good name of A very fine man. My thoughts as I see it this day. I thank everyone who contributes for theirs. Have a good evening.

  4. Mark as posted in the town report 2012 the facts are.The 1.65-MW Wind Turbine generated 1,724,579 KWH for a total of 2.73% of the lighting plant's 2011 power supply.Our light plant is also a participant in the Birkshire Wind 15MW 10 turbine wind generation project in Hancock,Ma. the town of Hancocks Pilot gift is $156,600.00 and their tax rate is 2.85 This addition of wind energy to the light plants power supply will make it 10% wind in 2012.It is always sold as a higher amount and when the hook gets set the truth comes out. Fact is this is proven to be one of the highest costs to produce electricity. If not for the renewable energy credits or the state involvement it would never happen.This power source has been around for a long time and has been repackaged and resold as the global warming scare tactics are pushed and pushed. Al gore and his madness have been exposed and the facts are it was also a bill of lies. Just like the power from these wind monsters sold as cheap power source, ask our co-op partner or people in Princeton if they are happy with the highest electric bills in mass. If what happened to Princeton happens here who do we turn to for help. The people i am in contact with and support efforts with to earmark funds to help with turbine issues.The people health,safety and property values near them are the main issues and for anyone to call that a petty complaint is as obtuse as the TMLWP General manager we have."For the people",you got the first sentence correct and i agree with that. The rest will take you some time to begin to understand it.The first thing you need to know is ="It's all about the money". Your complaint OML was as a individual and lists a we and us,are you counting ME,MYSELF,And I?
    Thanks Isteach I agree about John. He has some good company where he is.

  5. Green energy is really safe for both the environment and our budget. Therefore many people switch to this energy source.
