Tuesday, September 24, 2013

BOS Meeting September 23, 2013

BOS Meeting September 23, 2013

Chairman Bennett opened the meeting with a reminder that the Benefit for Mark Kasper and Marty Paine will be held October 12th.

252 Baldwinville Rd
The chairman amended the agenda for this meeting to include a proposal entitled NEW TOWN OFFICE presented by Dana Blais. Please take some to read through the material. NEW TOWN OFFICE = 252 Baldwinville Rd. There may be a citizen petition presented regarding 252 Baldwinville Rd for the STM scheduled on October 23rd.  Stay tuned!

If you wish to take a trip down memory lane regarding “OLD TOWN OFFICE PROJECT” at 252 Baldwinville Rd, please read these documents:

This e-mail thread regarding USDA loan and 252 Baldwinville Rd

Election results for override for 252 Baldwinville Rd (Feb 6, 2012) 934 NO

The election results from February 6, 20102 indicate that the voters do NOT want to spend any more of their tax dollars on 252 Baldwnville Rd. The BOS voted to place 252 Baldwinville Rd out to bid. It is listed on the central Registry and two ads will be placed in the Gardner news at a cost of $105.36 per ad. The sealed bids close on October 28th at NOON. The bids will be opened at 7:00 p.m. on October 28th. Please keep informed on this issue.

The Pole Hearing opened at 6:45 p.m. and closed four minutes later. A new pole will be installed.

Resignations were accepted with regret:

Marie Jacques COA Board

Sue Byrne Deputy Assessor

Thank you!

The revised deputy assessor job description was approved and will be posted internally for 2 weeks. All of the assessor information for setting the tax rate has been completed. Thank you again.

Trailers – Chief Whitaker mentioned the possibility of two portable classrooms that may be available for use by town departments. A road trip will be planned to inspect these trailers in the next few weeks.

PILOT for private solar field –

After discussion the BOS voted to approve the proposed PILOT payment for a private solar field on Farnsworth Rd.  This is the first step in a lengthy process including site plan review by the planning board and a town meeting vote for approval. TMLWP needs to negotiate the PPA with the owner of the project – tenK Energy, LLC. There should be more information forthcoming regarding any reduction in Templeton’s electric rates.

17 Otter River Rd –
The BOS voted to put out for bid a property on Otter River rd.

IGR to lower regional school assessments-
Recent information from DOR indicates that the process fro applying for a reduction in the minimum assessment will not work at this time. A majority in a two district regional school district consists of both towns.

Appointments –
Advisory Board members Michael Greene and Mark Barrieau have been appointed to the NRSD school budget subcommittee. It was pointed out that we need a BOS member as well.

 The Templeton Cultural Council has set an October 15 postmark deadline for organizations; schools and individuals to apply for grants tat support community-oriented arts, humanities, and science programs as well as cultural activities in the community.

The Templeton Cultural Council will distribute $4,250 in grants.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. If the Templeton Highway Department is available, how is that so? The operating budget for fuel, materials and manpower is set, based on the request of the highway superintendent. Is that number "soft"? Does it include contingencies that allow them to do ad hoc projects? Has Mr. Chase been consulted on this proposal?

    If the highway department has time to do this type of project, what do they do when no such project is on the horizon? Again, has Mr. Chase signed up to do this work, or is this someone else's fantasy?

    THD is not a construction outfit, they are a maintenance outfit, who presumably have their hands full with maintaining the roads of Templeton.

  2. So, would the $1.2 mil pricetag be paid by the 40yr loan already taken out for this property? I guess it comes down to a decision by Templeton voters to decide if town offices should be acquired by loan money that needs to be paid back for 252 property or grant money that does not need to be paid back for ET school. Should be an interesting STM as usual. I would also like to know why these proposed cuts weren't proposed during the original plan for 252 property? If they were, we'd be moving into the offices by now. Honestly, I feel a new police station would be a smarter choice for the 252 property. That's just my opinion. So, if by some miracle someone wants to buy 252 property for business, will the sale be discouraged? I know a lot of residents have pushed to sell that property in order to get it back on the tax books. How will public opinion change now? How will this effect the elementary school project from moving forward? Shouldn't all the donated labor and goods be put towards the new elementary school project which is much more needed? The way I understand it, the town has zero money. If any project is to go forward, I would hope it would be with funding in place that does't impact the residents. Especially when a vital override vote is on the line. I applaud the proposal from concerned residents. Its great to see people coming forward with ideas on how to solve some of the town's problems. I just wonder if its the right decision and is the most financially responsible option.

    I also would like to know the answers to Mr. Barrieau's questions regarding the Highway Dept. as well.

  3. Election results for override for 252 Baldwinville Rd (Feb 6, 2012) 934 NO

    1. Voting no on the override has nothing to do with where town offices will end up. Voting no will solve nothing and will completely disable the town. Voting no to prove a point or as revenge is selfish and will solve nothing. Watch the video of the town hall meetings. See if you want to hurt the town by voting no after hearing the words of the department heads. Voting no is an uninformed vote and will solve nothing. Voting no will hurt one's own well being and the well beings of your neighbors. Voting no is a lack of respect and responsibility to your community.

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    3. I find it interesting that the good old boys just can't take no for a answer. In all this time it would seem the building has not fared very well, do to being empty, along with the weather eating away at those cinder blocks.. Why would anyone push to build on a floor that is already cracked? If the town wants a town hall, why not use a building we all ready own? What happens when the builder runs into problems, and they need more money, because they always do? How can anyone justify asking the people of this town for more money, "a million", when we are on the road to loosing half our town workers? Our friends at Echo Hill have as much to do with our financial state, as anyone else.. Ms. Wilder led the GG supporters down the wrong path. I really feel they should have used their influence to pressure Ms. Miller not to cut out the children's sports, and pushed the school to negotiate a lower amount. The reason our tax bills were late this spring was due to the new accountant and the DOR, trying to figure out how our books were kept, when our last accountant and prior Town Coordinator were in charge of the till. Anything done to 252 will come out of the town budget. Seeing as we have next to no money as it is, I can't believe Mr. Blais had the nerve to come forward with a plan that will dump more money in that hole in the ground. For those of you that are not aware of what took place when 252 was purchased, check the information on this blog. One thing that everyone should know is, the building was bought with no source for funding, also known as "under the Levy limit. When a article is presented this way, it does not allow the residents to vote at the pols,(this takes away your option to say yes or no) and the money has to come out of the existing budget, that usually means something else has to be cut. Deals like this have eaten away at the money our town should have had in Free Cash or Stabilization Accounts. I still think we would be fine in East Templeton. For one thing, we own it and we could use the money that is in the Community Preservation Account to repair it. We have people willing to buy the building. It would be wise to put it one the tax rolls. Why would we spend money we do not have, and dig the hole we are in bigger?. Just my opinion, Bev. .

    4. Dana has big plans on being involved in the construction phase. He was "already in" until the shit hit the fan and people started paying attention.

      Remember Dana's previous history, HE IS NOT ONE TO BE TRUSTED.........

    5. Do there are many town officials not to be trusted. They have led us down this terrible road. I will continue to VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE until they espically the BOS can provide the town with a viable plan to end this madness. That is of course if they can stop playing political games with the public.

    6. Gee, I think you have lost your sense of time, and the ability to remember the past, in relation to who is responsible for the mess we are in. The present BOS have nothing to gain by working for the town, but working to keep the books clean. As no longer paying people more than they deserve, No more abuse of the people who work for this town. All of the people who are on the Advisory Board have spent hours to fix programs that did not work, such as spending with no one to answer to. Most of the recommendations of the DOR have been put into practice. This is something Mr. Skelton brushed off along with Mr. Columbus, when they met with members of the DOR. They insulted people who had nothing but the best for our town. I am glad the GG people are interested in the big picture, because there is so much more to running the town than just the school. The override this time around has nothing to do with a plan. But since you have been a active member of this blog, I am sure you know that.This override is to replace the money that the school is using, not the town. The override will hurt people who have no argument with anyone. They are the police, who are trying to establish a home in our town. This override will impact people who are doing jobs the residents rely on, every day, sometimes with out even knowing it. Bev. . .

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    10. I'm with you VOTE NO Thin the herd and start over in the spring

    11. I'm with you VOTE NO Thin the herd and start over in the spring

    12. To Bev at 330...I am disappointed in the divisive language you continue to use (good old boys). In my opinion this language only feeds the "two faction talk" in town. I know.....I don't understand how awful and disrespectful "they" were. The bottom line is that it is not helpful in moving the town forward. As far as taking no for an answer, I think the Templeton way is to vote on the same articles over and over and over again. If I remember right, we had to vote on several articles multiple times because we, the town residents, misunderstood. We did not know what we were doing. Lastly, I will reiterate that in my opinion your choice of words encourages and promotes strife and this is not what we need!

    13. I agree voice of reason, very well said & a nice friendly tone! I'll add a smiley face : ) ))

    14. Sorry, I did not ask for your opinion. I have no "smiley face", as far as this bunch goes. You have not walked in the shoes of the people this bunch has tried to destroy, so on this I would appreciate it if you start reading from the start of this blog, and when you get to this place in time, then you can comment. I have my right to free speach, and I will dam well use it. OK!!

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    17. dear barf, You don't have to ask for an opinion as you already stated.,everyone has a right to free speech! I will damn well use it when I see fit. Just another hypocrisy from the "click" of templeton.

    18. I guess I missed the rule change where I had to be asked before giving my opinion. I continue to find your use of the terms "enough", "this bunch", "they", "good old boys"....to be divisive and caustic at times. I, like you, have a right to free speech, though I believe with that right comes much responsibility. Unfortunately, with our 24/7 social media people somehow feel they can say anything anytime and it is okay. It is not! I try very hard to remain respectful and civil, even though it is challenging at times. I think for the town to move forward there needs to be a definite climate change to more civility and respect. I've have thought about whether this blog is helping us move towards a solution or creating more of a problem. I think (again just my opinion with no facts involved) the name calling only serves to discredit what one has to say. What do you think? Is the vitriol spouted by you and others helping us move toward a solution? I think not.

  4. The one thing that dana and boys didn't tell us about the geothermal was how the removal of it will cost us to heat and cool the building for every day we have it. One would think they would have a electric heating system to boost the revenue to his department that already soaks the town for as much as they can. For the town to have to pay what we do for the power and water they supply to the municipal buildings is a scam!
    Their largest consumer is the town of Templeton!
    The town also has to pay a customer charge over and over again.
    Every building has a meter and a customer charge. Talk about bleeding a town dry. Cost to the town for use of it's own facilities should be regulated by the taxpayers votes.

  5. There was never a 40 year loan taken out, there was short term borrowing of 1.9 million in anticipation of a 40 year loan. That has been taken care of so there is no funding source in place to do any of this work. There has been two citizen petitions submitted by Dennis O'Brien (the selectmen who stated the taxpayers are stupid and was fined $1000.00 for ethics violations) to form a 7 member muni building committee and to as voters to instruct selectmen to put the town owned building in east Templeton up for sale.

  6. What 4 times now , looks like batman is back. By the way, what do you say, it will all come out in the wash. A birdie told me that your good old friend the assessor that just resigned has some pretty dirty laundry. Thats why she left,so it will be interesting when the wash is done

    1. i heard the same thing, cant wait for the laundry to finish...

  7. What the assessor may or may not have done has nothing to do with Bev or anybody else.

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  9. Not Dumb Enough- Can you list the officials you refer to "espically" the ones before the present ones that were in office when this slide started years ago. I think its important the people know who got us to this point and when it really happened. Would it be the previous accountant,General managers,coordinators,treasurers,? Please be specific and do tell with their names, you seem to be good at others names. 252 Baldwinville is road for sale still. More debt for Templeton ? Not thanks boys. Please no more white folders were not able to get copies of or FOIA for!
    Where did the previous folders go and what happened to the contents?

  10. In my opinion 252 Baldwinville Rd belongs back on the tax rolls. The land is in an excellent location with its proximity to Rt. 2. There is the possibility that 252 will not pass a full 21E and cost mucho money to clean up. Putting town employees in a building that is located on fumes that might cause illness in the future is irresponsible, so going ahead by avoiding a full 21E with the new town hall at 252 would seem almost criminal. Time to sell this site to the highest bidder and build new somewhere else or move into East Templeton.

    1. Just to make things clear to everyone, Pauly is my friend and so is Sue. What has gone on with them is their business, not yours or mine. Sue got a chance to have a job where she does not have to worry about how many hours she can work form one override to another.. I am very glad for her, and it is our loss. She was good at what she did. Many older people will miss her, but hopefully we get someone good to take her place. Sorry 1/2way! I am not bat man, I can't walk, never mind fly. This dam computer is going to drive me nuts. It will be a short ride! LOL, Bev.

  11. What I think should be done to help with town finance is to eliminate 3 admin positions and have one individual handle the phones and information for four town entities. Perhaps a little confusing and clumsy to begin with but very doable. Next to have a central purchasing system to better track what is spent and how. Also where it is spent and on what. This alone will not make a large dent within a 4 million plus budget but it all helps and it shows accountability and transparency. The use of free cash should be reserved to build a financial base for the town as in a cash reserve and a capital expense reserve fund, both of which will help with the bond rating of the town and with the ability to purchase large ticket items. Think if the town could put 50 thousand dollars from free cash into a capital stabilization account then in a couple of years if the highway dept. comes forward with a truck purchase, that purchase could either be bought with cash rather than an override or we could use the lease to purchase option with the payments already in hand.

    1. Jeff, that was the plan when the people decided to use stabilization accounts, way back when. It does not work if the money is drained for other uses. Yours is a good plan. I guess we need to start somewhere. Bev.

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  12. Dear Mr. Bennett- I recently remember a post of your saying how you will not be on this blog anymore because of the degenerative means it is being used for. Sounds like just another temper tantrum from an extremely non-credible BOS.. Templeton will not be able to heal and move forward without proper leadership. Part of being a good leader is being able to control one's comments and not lash out from anger and frustration.. Something the BOS is obviously not capable of..and that is the cold hard truth......

  13. Placing some correct information is not a temper tantrum. And you will not see me blogging away either mr./ms. truth. This bos as in board of selectmen does the town business in open public domain. Pointing out facts that are on the record is in my opinion credibility.

    1. saying the town "MAY have to borrow or the town MAY not be able to plow" are not FACTS MR. Bennett but good try....cold hard truth hurts!

  14. I believe having credibility means you sign your name to what you write, which I do and most do not.

  15. "the truth" is as i see it a former official who could not come to own the truth that he has helped Templeton into this problem and he can't sign any identity. He is in fact a false part of life in Templeton . Only thing he has done is dig Templeton in a deep hole of negetivity and is still digging pitting people against the only boards who are helping to fix problems. While hiding their identity those former officials will do anything to get back in power so they can finish the work they have started long ago!
    Allowing them this format is a mistake and a disservice to Templeton people. Time has come to remove their obtuse posting and get back to the information from people that will identify with the name their partents gave them to be known by. Just like others who are named with a email to respond to. Try to do your postings on the GG and that gets no reply.
    Joint the blog and sign your name or like other sites or your Credibility is a cold hard negative comment. You are good at that and the people reading can tell. They are "not" stupid. Like a former official thinks/says/ they are.
    Vote YES to preserve SAFETY in Templeton.

    1. Dave your detective work needs help because you are 0 for 3 in guessing who is who....But I would like to know if you are going to rant about "chucklebunny, Baldwin templeton or do is stupid" they don't sign there name. Oh yes but they are part of the "click" so they are fine...just another hypocritical performance from the "click"

  16. Please preserve public safety

    Vote YES for the override

  17. Preserve your own pocketbook VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE

  18. Vote to preserve Templeton Public Safety!
    Vote Yes!

  19. 1 of the 3 i know but you would do the same to all of them also!
    The truth is help is out there for you too!

  20. I'm Not Criticle of Hipos. They are one animal i always visit at the zoo every time we go.
    That's the truth!
