Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fluoride update

SEPTEMBER 24, 2013

There is currently legislation being considered by the Massachusetts Legislature that would require infant fluoride warning statements on all water quality reports sent to customers in all fluoridated communities within the state. The public hearing on the bill (H-3467) has just been scheduled on short notice for this upcoming Thursday, September 26 at 10AM, before the Joint Committee on Environment, Resources, and Agriculture. in room A-1 at the State House in Boston.

The New Hampshire legislature successfully passed identical legislation into law in 2012 by a vote of 253-23 in the House, and by a unanimous voice vote in the Senate. However, there was also a great deal of opposition from the fluoride-lobby at the time, including from the state dental association, their oral health coalition, Delta Dental, and the American Water Works Association. It’s safe to say that we can expect the same opposition, if not more, in Massachusetts.     

This is why we need your help!  Committee members urgently need to hear from local medical and scientific professionals, as well as local residents who are in favor of H-3467, “relative to notification of fluoridated water,” so they can stand firm in their support of this important bill.

If you are a public health or scientific professional then we need your testimony in favor of H-3467. If you are a local resident with dental fluorosis, or have a child with dental fluorosis, then we also need your testimony. If you can attend the hearing, please send me an email ( so I know you are coming. If you cannot attend the hearing, then please send written testimony via email to the committee members (info provided below), as well as to me, so I can personally submit hard copies of your testimony to the committee.

Below is the contact information for the members of the Joint Committee on Environment, Resources, and Agriculture. I have grouped their email addresses together so you simply need to cut and paste them as one paragraph into your “To” box.  Your written testimony doesn’t need to be long or incredibly elaborate, but it does need to state your credentials, that fact that you’re a resident of Massachusetts, and that you support an infant fluoride warning to reduce fluorosis rates, reduce overexposure to fluoride, and educate residents and caregivers about this known risk and far too common side-effect of fluoridation. I have also provided further information below that you can cut and paste from, and use to quickly learn about the issue and draft your testimony.

Below is the contact information for the members of the Joint Committee on Environment, Resources, and Agriculture. I have grouped their email addresses together so you simply need to cut and paste them as one paragraph into your “To” box.  Your written testimony doesn’t need to be long or incredibly elaborate, but it does need to state your credentials, that fact that you’re a resident of Massachusetts, and that you support an infant fluoride warning to reduce fluorosis rates, reduce overexposure to fluoride, and educate residents and caregivers about this known risk and far too common side-effect of fluoridation. I have also provided further information below that you can cut and paste from, and use to quickly learn about the issue and draft your testimony.

Committee email addresses (just cut and paste the entire list into your “To” box):;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Not sure what to say?  Here is some info that you may find helpful:

- Bill Text

-Infant Exposure Overview

-Infant Warning Overview

-Short video featuring experts on the issue

-2006 ADA egram on Infant Warning

Thank you for your continued support and efforts to help the passage of H-3467.

Stuart Cooper

Campaign Manager


  1. Residents of Templeton please add your name to the list of those who wish a healthier future for Templeton residents. Fluorosis is a window to the skeletal system of the body. Expecting mothers and fathers are often too busy and trusting to look closely at fluoridation. Perhaps this notice on their water bill can help build a healthier future for their children and their children's children.

  2. it does not matter if we vote down fluoride in our water, Mr. Driscoll has said he would not stop it even if we voted to stop's his way...we do not matter or count.

    1. of course I have said he should be fired....but I guess we can't fire him either so we are now his slaves....great town we got here.

    2. I don't know what the people in this town want? Half the water user's deathly sick dead before they get the idea that putting anything in the water is not good for anyone? Just because some fool said "Oh this is a good idea, years ago", does not make it ok now. If I had a child and I was on town water, you can bet my kid would not drink it. Bev.

  3. Can anyone answer this question before I post my thoughts...What is the % of Templeton residents diagnosed with dental fluorosis? Or even the % of massachusetts residents living in towns with fluoridation occurring, what is the rate at which dental fluorosis occurs? I have tried to find that information, but I have not been able to locate any facts as to how our levels of fluoride being added relates to these studies being conducted. It is important to all sides to have these numbers...Thanks!

    1. I do not think you could find this information anywhere, simply because no one has done a study like this in our town. I don't think you have been a longtime blogger, at least on this site, so I will repeat what I have said before on this issue. Years ago the owners of apple orchards used arsenic and lead as a pesticide on apple orchards in New England and other places in this country. At that time there were not many other options. This practice worked well but the problem was that the lead never left the soil, so the practice stopped. This is why people should not let animals graze in places where this was used. The practice stopped when new information was available, So what is wrong with us?? Look at a bottle of Listerine Total Care mouth wash. Active ingredient sodium fluoride 0.02%[0.01%w/v fluoride ion] The warning reads,"Keep out of reach of children.If more than used for rinsing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison center right away". I am not a scientist but I would think, these are pretty low levels of fluoride, but at that the warnings are very clear. This product is used in this case to stop cavities from being formed in your mouth. Years ago, there were not a lot of options for dental care. Some schools had a dentist actually go to the schools in Gardner. Today you can get fluoride in toothpaste, or go to the dentist for treatments. With all the other options available to people it is my feeling that we could take it out of our water supply with out causing any one to even notice. There are enough additives in what we eat, but you can choose to eat something or not. Water is another issue. You should be able to get a drink of water, and get what you pay for water, with out any other substances added to it. Just because it was done, does not make it right, or we would still be eating apples treated with arsenic and lead. Bev.

    2. Very good explanation, Bev. I tend to agree with this especially the part that just because something was done years ago does not mean it should still be done today. With new studies & hazardous health claims more recently done it is certainly worth reviewing this practice of adding fluoride to the town water supply as many times as it takes to get it right. I know several people who grew up without fluoridated water who have been cavity free for most of their lives. I also know a few who have been diagnosed with fluorosis who had the fluoridated water. None of the people with well water were. I am not a scientist either & this is only my own anecdotal study but it seems to make a lot of sense (for me, at least) of what you say based on this personal empirical data alone. Thanks for your contributions to this. Have a good weekend.

  4. No simple they cannot answer that question because that information would discredit the "clicks" argument!! c'mon simple you should know better than that!! hypocrisy!!!!

    1. What is your problem?? This is something ever mother and father should care about. Why don't you go find something constructive to do. Your comments constantly show your nasty side. There is help for you, go find it and give the people who are trying to help this town a rest.. The people from Gansett Greatness are working to improve our town as much as C4T. You try to ride with the group, but you stick out like a sore thumb. I am telling you right now, no one will listen to you or respond to you as long as your intentions are to cause trouble. Bev.

    2. im not part of gansett greatness sorry bev, their is an old saying what goes around comes around, and if you can't hack it you shouldn't dish it out....not fun being on the other side of it is it??

    3. hahahha that's funny bev... soooo that would make two of us...actually people have listened to me, I acquired a lot of names for one of the recent petitions.... They were more than happy to sign because they have NO CONFIDENCE in the BOS.. COLD HARD TRUTH BEV

  5. Thats the truth,there is no confidence in the BOS or the advisory board.They treat the voters like 2 year olds,by saying you don't understand how this works. And keep blaming everything on someone else. Try talking to us like we are one of your best friends or family members. Try to explain not scold WE ARE NOT STUPID !! remember the past not dwell on it

  6. Dennis Obrien said you were! That"s Direct scolding.
    Check out the test scores for the NRSD and make your own judgment.
    Many other cities and towns are halting the use of fluoride in their water for good reason.
    Google it and learn for your own kids future. Information is power and without it your helpless.

    1. mrs. Farrell has said much much much worse dave...cmon man

  7. I am opposed to having fluoride in the water, I agree with David Google fluoride and learn the truth.

  8. The truth is out there Templeton , Google will help you find it, Google Chrome even quicker now.

  9. I have a few things on my mind. I will do my best to try to consolidate and not be long winded...FIRST: the link given on MCAS were for 2008 not 2013...with that being said, these are the official test reports for 10th grade in our district:
    ELA: Narragansett passing: 95% with the state avg at 91%; math NRHS: 78% state: 80%; science and tech: NRHS 80% state: 78% (as previously stated..."do what you will with them")... I would also say that NRHS was ranked 42nd out of 22,000 schools on the Washington Post's American Most Challenging High Schools(2013) in the United States with a graduation rate of 95% and an avg. of 1,489 on SAT as well as our ACT scores avg. 21 where the state avg. is also 21%...not too bad for a small town who questions the importance of an educational budget. I am open for any debates on this issue. I stand behind our schools and as stated before I will support an override THIS year, but our town does need a plan for future years for we can not live like our country and spend more than we take in, and at this point, the only GIVEN option available to the good people of Templeton is to increase revenue by raising taxes...

  10. I took another look at the link again and it does say 2013.
    Sooo is what your saying the information shown on the link is incorrect?
    Would the info for the 2012 be correct?
    I see the paper media get things reported wrong all the time.
    Would we think the Washington Post's any different?

  11. first, I will admit (see I can admit when I post something wrong), I should not have put % behind the #'s..those are just the number of students who passed with proficient or higher on the MCAS in our district, not %...BUT...Again, you can not see beyond your own posts!!! yes, if you are looking under the DOE of Massachusetts (Department of Education - where the results are posted) in THAT perticuliar year, then yes the results are correct, but do you truly understand what you are seeing?? I will call you out on your very own words..."I see the paper media getting things wrong all the time..." would you make the fluoride reports any different??? Or how about the Gardner News or Worcester T&G? do you see what I am doing??? for many on this blog can use information in any way you want to to defend your points..I am stating the facts on the MCAS scores, and most people would be proud to know we were listed in a national paper as a recognized school district making leadways into the 21st century...but this is where we are...the same old same make your bed, now lay in will never have my vote, nor will I speak in favor of you if you ever run again, for ignorance is the root cause of all evils...knowledge eridicates all ignorance...People hate out of ignorance and are you afraid or just uneducated??? this post stems off of the fact that I do not post my "real" name and most who reads this blog will agree with doesn't matter what I post, you will never agree with me and I am fine with that, but I will not have you underestimate the hard work of our students in this town...they deserve the acknowledgement and so does the school!! scores like this is what makes people want to move to our town and buy those houses in foreclosure..which ultimately brings revenue to this town!

  12. now I am upset with myself because I went against my true value..I lowered myself to other's standards...shame on me! but on the other hand, I spoke from the heart and I will say this to any person I speak to, so I can rest easy tonight.

  13. simpletonian thank you for your hard work and dedication to the greater good of templeton! you are a true American hero!

  14. WoW ,simple . Just simple questions to understand your previous post. But as you do have put out added thoughts aimed to discredit whoever you want! Fluoride issues are known to be facts as the city and town that stop the use have voted and changed the use. Don't be upset with yourself. If you ran for anything and i knew who you were i would use my judgement and not my emotions to decide. "Owe" but that would be a one way thing for you. Lucky you can post and still sleep at night or can you? It must be hard to be afraid to post with your name and hide behind your posted comments.
    I have nothing against the schools anywhere and i think gansett does great work kids and staff. I was just pointing out the media not getting things correct. Post a blog or a link that has the info correct for the people here and let them decide.
    Calm down and breath it helps. "Oxygen"

  15. Down here on the lower forty we remember trying to convince the powers that be that fluoride was nothing but rat poison way back in 1949. Young Bob Young tried hard to get the point across but lots of lies are hard to overcome. I look at the sons and daughters of my old friends and see that they look a lot older for their years, it might just be that poison in the water.

  16. Mr. Smart, you are right, I had a very bad day and let my emotions get the best of me. However, your sarcasm is quite evident. If I couldn't sleep I would delete what I wrote. The day will come where my name will match the blog name...I do not "understand" half of "what" you "post" or where you "place" quotation marks to to make points so it makes it hard to tell when you ask honest questions so I considered it to be sarcastic and not a question...I also did not say anything about Fluoride, just making YOUR point that the media can cover things the way they want to...anyone can take facts and use them to make a "their" point... debatable issues ALWAYS have two sides...hence the battle with this issue in town. #simple#oxygen helps you breathe#relax

  17. good points simple, front to back with a touch of class too!..... I still think you arh wicked smarth hey!! and a smiley for our friend bev ; )
