Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TGN article on 252 Baldwinville Rd

Group seeks to present town hall plan to voters

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Although the Board of Selectmen has put the Baldwinville Road site acquired to serve as the home of a new town hall up for sale, several residents have worked out preliminary plans to complete the project for $1 million less than the $2.2 million estimate that brought the effort to a halt.

“A lot of people want to see this done,” said Dana Blais. “It’s embarrassing. We’re 250 years old and we still don’t have a town hall.”

Robert Columbus said the group plans to put an article on the  warrant for the Oct. 23 Special Town Meeting — which is being held to address a proposed $620,000 Proposition 2 1/2 override — seeking voter backing to utilize the $1.9 million in borrowing authorization already approved to make 252 Baldwinville Road into a town hall toward its new $1.2 million plan.

“We just want to let you know we feel this building can come in under the budget we voted for,” Mr. Blais said.

In 2010 the town approved the borrowing of $1.9 million, and the 252 Baldwinville Road property was purchased for roughly $700,000. However, plans were discontinued when the cost of the project increased beyond the available budget due to changes in the state building code.

Proposed cost reducing measures include eliminating a biomass heating system at $600,000, landscaping at $41,000 and more than $100,000 in overhead proposed by the previous contractor.

Mr. Blais said the group has received pledges for donations, and could utilize Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School students for plumbing and masonry work.

“Just by eliminating those things, we saved quite a bit on site work,” Mr. Blais said.

The selectmen put the building up for sale in January, and did not receive any viable offers. The building has since been made available without the required minimum price of $330,000 that was previously attached.

Appraised values solicited by the board estimate the property’s worth at $330,000 to $350,0000.

Selectman Doug Morrison requested a more formal proposal, including documentation of planned donations.

Mr. Blais said the group plans to have more information prepared for the town meeting.

Selectmen Chairman Jeffrey Bennett indicated he still supports selling the property.

“Just be aware the building is for sale,” he said. “If someone offered $400,000, I’d jump out a window to sell it to them.”


NEW TOWN OFFICE  proposal by Mr. Blais and committee.

Background information on 252 Baldwinville Rd (to activate the links download the document)


  1. My recollection was the roof was an excuse. The increase that Skelton and his committee requested totalled far more than the additional for the roof. It was a misguided effort from start to finish.

    1. That is the real problem, it's not finished. It is difficult to figure out right from wrong with these guys. I wonder if it will still have marble floors and a golden throne for Mr. Skelton? I think this is supposed to be a monument of some kind to the man who drained our assets, and shit on the town, just for good measure.I always thought they put that type of thing in the cemetery?

  2. It would be nice if the reporter for the Gardner News could get her facts straight. 252 was not purchased for roughly $700,000, that is how much the old Templeton Municipal Building Committee spent on the project. The property was bought for roughly $400,000 the remaining $300,000 was spent on K&P lawyers, design fees, shoveling snow off the roof so it would not collapse, adding gravel to the site before a full 21E (hazardous waste test) had been done and a few other things.

  3. The building was purchased for $399,925.00 and the release of funds was done by 3 selectmen, Columbus, O'Brien and Stewart and it was not done at an open public meeting but in the coordinators office as though they were buying office equipment. The numbers presented by Dana Blais at the BOS meet shows the original cost of $2,269,723.00 while a letter from USDA of Oct. 2011 has the costs listed at $2,862,000.00 then there is paper work from the muni building committee showing the costs at over 3 million. The dollar figures presented by Dana comes to just about 1.9 million, curious.

  4. Bev - my reference was to the project. The "finish" was when the voters pulled the plug.

    1. Mark, I did get it, but I am afraid Dana and his crew won't let this go. It would have been nice if they had offered to fix up E.T., but NO, they would rather use a building that is worth more as commercial space, one that would bring in tax revenue instead! People are upset about the override, so where does he think the money will come from?? Your guess is as good as mine. Bev.

    2. Borrow the money like everyone else does.

    3. Any money borrowed would require a Prop 2 1/2 override OR equivalent reductions in the budget.

    4. Oh great another override in the future. NO ON ANY OVERRIDE

  5. Since there has been a citizens petition for a special election to fill one open selectmen seat, Templeton may have to borrow the $5,500.00 (approximate) that this election will cost for a seat that will be up for election come May 2014.

    1. One of the reasons this town is in trouble is, we have to many loans left over from Skelton's days. The problems came up when we paid to much for interest, over a long period of time. I know Tammy Coller spent time trying to consolidating the loans she could, bu couldt not do all of them. We could get another loan but, the town still needs to have the money to pay the bills when they come in. What people so not understand is, the town can only raise so much money, as a result if we spend on bills, there is nothing left for anything else. Bev.

  6. Why is every other town seems to be going forward with town projects and the upgrading of new equipment. And poor old Templeton going backwards. Could it be the ones in charge are doing something wrong.Just a thought

    1. To move forward with projects, a town must be in decent financial health or at least on the road to it. Some on this blog do not like to revisit the past. But that is where your answer lies. I have a feeling you know that already, but could be wrong. The ten years of BOS and Town Coordinator mismanagement prior to this latest incarnation of the BOS led the town down this road of financial devastation. As we found out recently, no one can continue to raise and maintain their budget by spending their savings account year after year. Both the BOS and the School Committee were guilty of doing just that. So when you say – “Could it be the ones in charge are doing something wrong.” your statement/question could be found as misleading to people. Perhaps if your quote read “Could it be the ones that used to be in charge did something wrong?”, then I could agree with you. Your apparent and continued attempt to discredit the current BOS members as a whole is misguided and transparent, in my opinion.

    2. sorry phil I have to disagree with you, the prior BOS did not have people willing to work with them. Mrs. Farrell was still a part of local politics at that time.. as was Mr. Bennett soo in my opinion the problem was two sides not willing to work together. The same suspects are continually causing problems today. Again the town is divided, it will not be able to move forward without NEW people involved, if Mrs. Farrell truly wanted what was best for Templeton she would resign. I have witnessed many "board meetings" that had taken place at the 'otter river hotel" they are not to be trusted.. cold hard truth!!

    3. One should not spend the piggy bank year after year to fulfill your budget. That was not working for the betterment of us all. I would not be willing to work with someone who consistently does the wrong thing either.

    4. Phil is absolutely right. Our financial problems problems started right after Gladys and Mr. Dymek and Mr. Kwasney passed. The present board is doing a good job along with this Advisory Board. It takes time to work through what I figure is a good ten years of bad planning, and a lack of management with the town's best interest not a priority.It is to bad it took people so long to understand that blind faith can get a town in trouble, and a good amount of time to get it back on track. Bev.

    5. Phil is absolutely right. Our financial problems problems started right after Gladys and Mr. Dymek and Mr. Kwasney passed. The present board is doing a good job along with this Advisory Board. It takes time to work through what I figure is a good ten years of bad planning, and a lack of management with the town's best interest not a priority.It is to bad it took people so long to understand that blind faith can get a town in trouble, and a good amount of time to get it back on track. Bev.

    6. Sorry TRUTH, the prior BOS did not want to work with anybody. They had a mission and right or wrong they did it how they wanted to without even listening to the townspeople. We NOW have a BOS and Advisory board who do things the right way as money permits.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Give me a break Bev. Those people were just as crooked as the ones we have now. Just that now its all available on the internet, back then they just threw it away or burnt it or buried it in the land fill

    1. Keep up the good work Bev. Eventually Sisyphus will give up or switch his name.

      Please VOTE YES for the override

      Please preserve public safety

  9. here to stay mrs. Farrell : ) cuz im a "gang rapist" using your logic.
