Friday, September 13, 2013

It is Important for us to never forget

'It is important for us to never forget'

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — American flags flown in Afghanistan were presented to the town by Jeffrey Bennett, chairman of the Board of Selectmen and a sergeant in the Massachusetts Army National Guard, as part of a Wednesday ceremony held in remembrance of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

“It’s a small gesture so we remember the service of the veterans and the events that led them to having to serve,” Mr. Bennett said, who has been deployed in Afghanistan.

State Sen. Stephen Brewer of Barre said the sacrifices made by public safety personnel, the military and many others in the 12 years since the attacks are deserving of all Americans’ unending respect and gratitude.

“So many communities have already let the sacrifice made by so many individuals fade from memory,” he said. “It is important for us to never forget, because when that bell tolls, they put their life on the line, and that is worthy of our respect.”

State Rep. Denise Andrews of Orange said memories of the attacks must encourage all Americans and their communities to be united and strong.

“Our country can only be as strong as each of our towns,” she said. “On a day like today it is critically important for us to say, ‘What are we doing with what we had to go through?’”

During the ceremony — which was organized by Fire Chief Raymond LaPorte — the importance of first responders was highlighted by each speaker.

“Twelve years ago this very moment, the World Trade Center collapsed into a pile of rubble, twisted steel and debris,” Chief LaPorte said. “Many lives were saved that day by fire, EMS and civilians. Many of those saviors lost their own lives in the service of others ... it was the single greatest lost of rescue personnel in American history.

As flags were lowered to half staff, Chief LaPorte rang the town bell in the “Four Fives” — the pattern used by the New York City Fire Department to signify a death in the line of duty.

“It dates back to 1865, when it’s rumored the death of President Abraham Lincoln was transmitted to the fire stations with bell codes,” the chief said.

Mr. Bennett donated a total of four American flags flown in Afghanistan, which will be raised over the four villages of Templeton.


  1. I can not even begin to understand the pain the people feel after losing a loved one in such a horrific way. When Jeff left Afghanistan, he took the time to bring four flags back with him. One flag for each of our villages, will fly on every important holiday,. These flags will fly to honor not only the people who died on September 11, but the people who died, or were hurt protecting their fellow man as well as their country. Thanks to our Fire Chief for organizing this service, and Jeff for taking the time to bring these flags back home. Bev.

  2. I can not even begin to understand the pain the people feel after losing a loved one in such a horrific way. When Jeff left Afghanistan, he took the time to bring four flags back with him. One flag for each of our villages, will fly on every important holiday,. These flags will fly to honor not only the people who died on September 11, but the people who died, or were hurt protecting their fellow man as well as their country. Thanks to our Fire Chief for organizing this service, and Jeff for taking the time to bring these flags back home. Bev.

  3. Agreed, so very important to Always remember that our Freedom is Not Free!! Thanks forever & ever to all our current Soldiers, Veterans (past, present, & future), as well as, Fire, EMS, Police & all rescue personnel. May we honor those who put their lives on the line everyday so we can continue to enjoy that freedom & feel safer because of them. No PC here - God Bless America & help us get our country back on track with a new administration who has those same values!! Won't be soon enough for me! Praying for survival (critical 3 years ahead) of our way of life as we have known it for so long. We are in a battle on so many fronts in my opinion! Have a nice Sunday!

    1. That should have been Weekend, Sat & Sun!! Anyway, be Blessed Everyone no matter what day it is!!

    2. Nice blog, isteach. I do wonder how much freedom we actually have left. Some people want to regulate every aspect of life. Like the health agent who wanted all those crazy new requirements before one could keep livestock. How much freedom do we really have left? We've lost a whole bunch of freedom due to overzealous officials, elected and otherwise. Too many laws leave us with less freedom.

    3. Thanks & you are Absolutely right on with your comments, Mark!! Most of these zealots try to justify their actions & stifling regulations as for the good of the people & environment, when in fact, they are putting such a choke hold on individual liberties that it is sucking the life out of our lives. Also, I believe the added permits are just another way to fund someone's pocketbooks at the huge expense of those who just want to farm, leaving many to say, why bother?? Not a good time we are in, at all, in my opinion.
