Friday, September 13, 2013

Power Theft a Growing Issue for Templeton Light

Power theft a growing issue for Templeton Light

Driscoll says safety primary concern
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Residents stealing power has increasingly become a problem for the Municipal Light and Water Department, according to General Manager John Driscoll, leading commissioners to begin a discussion on creating more deterrents to electricity theft.

“People are getting particularly brave and stupid about it,” Mr. Driscoll said. “Coming from other municipal light plants, I’ve never seen it this bad. It’s amazing. It’s a sign of the times that it’s really bad out there. We don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

The theft of power does not have much of an impact on the department’s bottom line, Mr. Driscoll said.

“It’s not that dramatic. We’re used to operating when having less cash flow in winter,” he said, citing laws that prevent electricity providers from shutting off service to customers in arrears between Nov. 15 and April 15. “It’s just the principle of the theft.”

Mr. Driscoll said the major concern for the department is the dangerous manner in which people go about illegally wiring electricity to their homes.

Over the summer, he said, several residents who had their power shut off after 90 days of non-payment cut wires and used scrap materials to fashion a connection back to their homes.

“It’s extremely dangerous, even if they think they know what they’re doing,” he said. “Eventually, someone is going to do something wrong and blow their hands off. We don’t want to deal with that situation.”

Although the light department currently charges those who steal power a $100 fine along with the cost of wiring inspections and employees’ time, Mr. Driscoll said the department may now have to purchase more sophisticated equipment.

“We’re just going to go to a more advanced metering and make it very, very hard (to steal)” he said.


  1. more advanced metering cost money !!!and if they didn't charge so much maybe people wouldn't be behind with the cost of water and electric !!why don't the light and water have grants for solar power. National grid does may be it is time to sell!!!

    1. I hate to break it to everyone, but the good old boys, finally have their rate study done. I can invision a increase in rates. Is this grand theft worth the cost of "new meters"? I seriously doubt it. If anyone wants to fool around with electricity, and they get hurt, there is not to much anyone can do to stop it. There is one thing I know for sure, electricity and water do not mix. Bad move for the people in this town. Add that to the list of old screw ups, the people of this town needs to fix. Bev.

  2. They received a 400,000.00 Grant for the wind turbine project. I saw a report on fox news this morning about the Bald Eagles being killed by Wind Turbines known are 57 and over a 1100 Golden Eagles in California. With all the laws on the books we now have to protect wildlife no one to date has been prosecuted for it. Who is responsible when our greed for power at any cost goes unchecked? Why we can't open our eyes and see things that are bad is baffling.Solar is safe and we should all have the rights to grants to get it. It's all about the money the light department won't make.They own our rights to the grants we could have been eligible for schools and also residents. New meters are a new way to boost the customer charge and raise your rates. How about the theft of 12.00 per year for 4 years on your customer charge. No crime there? Comparing the bills would show lower use and investigate the ones that lowered the use. After the contracts of 5k or more are done for the Auditing Authority please. How many have been caught at this to date? Were they fined and who were they. Time for a FOIA request? I've contacted a solar company to come and give an estimate to have solar and they said they would not come to Templeton due to the TMLWP being an obsticle. I wrote a blog about the way our solar rights were thrown in the trash by our L+w commission.They do things right over there!

  3. I recently saw a pamphlet that all summer long National Grid, Unitil, and others in the area thru Mass Save were GIVING $1700-$1900 CASH back for the installation of a new Heating Boiler, That is about 1/2 the cost of the install. Besides that they loaded your attic with insulation, gave you ALL new light bulbs, new programmable thermostats and more.

    Sadly, That is something town residents will NEVER see, Every year there are numerous HUGH rebates and perks from the QUALITY Companies.

    Time to get rid of the TMLWD that is only a CASH COW for a select few.

  4. Do, We have had the ability to receive rebates for a long time. Templeton is part of a group called MMWEC. When a group of us asked about this sort of thing at a Light Meeting, we were told, No, we can't afford to do that! Our Commissioners were not about to do anything to help anyone, young or old. I looked on line and saw that we had been able to receive rebates
    all along. The only people who knew this were the people in the light office, or worked for the Light Company. I think they finally put this information on their web site. The sale of the light co. is something my husband has been pushing for all along. It is the onley way we could pay off our debt, fix the things that need fixing, and have money in our pocket. The sooner the people know this bunch is working to benefit them selves, the faster we can get something done. Our rates will increase only as much as allowed by law. It is the other charges you have to watch out for. Bev.

  5. How much do the light commissioners get paid?

    For datils about power theft ,visit

    Not only the Bald Eagles have to worry about the Wind Turbines
    The Humans also have too!
    See for yourself. Follow the link and you be the judge.
    More Money + Less Safety
    Sound like another TMLWP decision to me.
    They have a problem with theft and they steel our "safety"

  8. I have a good friend who works for the federal wildlife service and she spoke with me about the bald eagle issue and wind turbines. She aptly pointed out however that all power sources, including solar panels have negative impacts on the environment and wildlife. I honestly don't know what the answer is...It certainly is not as simple as wind turbines are bad, bad, bad.....seems like there is a lot going on in our world today that is dangerous.
