Monday, September 30, 2013

Meetings 9/30 thru 10/4

Meetings  9/30  thru 10/4

9/30/13   BOS Meeting   690 Patriots Rd  6:30 p.m.
                     SHINE Petition
                     Sell East Templeton Elementary school
                     Create a Town Building Committee
                     Warrant for STM 10/23/13

10/2/13   Town Hall Meeting   Kiva    6:30 p.m.

Come and find out exactly what you will lose for Town services if the Override Ballot Question is voted down. 


  1. Has anyone come up with a plan yet as to how to get the override passed? Its 2 weeks away & I havent heard a peep. Have the interested parties gotten together & formed a plan? Has anyone contacted c4t or GG to solicite their help? Why havent all interested parties sat down in a room together & figured this out? If every dept gets all their supporters on board, the vote wont even be close. You cant just wait & pray.

    1. I've seen signs around town that GG has put up to support the override. There's a message supporting the override on the high school sign. The senior center is holding an informational meeting about the override. The BOS has a Town Hall Meeting scheduled for Oct. 2nd to discuss the override and has already held at least one other one. C4T plans to hold signs closer to the election. I know Mr. Robinson stated he was planning on holding signs on the common as well. Ms. Farrell has been very vocal about supporting the override. Mr. Bennett has written a LTE to support the override. The police dept is all over town asking for people to support the override. There are all sorts of articles and messages on Facebook to support the override. I know I've spoken to my neighbors and strangers at the store about supporting the override and also corrected false info that this override is a bluff. A few people are spreading a rumor that this is actually a bluff and nothing will be cut. Who is that evil to go and do something so hurtful to an entire town of 8,000 people? It seems a lot of people are working hard on the campaign. What have you done to help, Huff?

    2. Hey, Ive been trying to get this passed from the get go... dont come after me. My point is, we should be showing a united front across ALL depts, ensuring we reach as many people as possible. Wouldnt that be easier with a plan? Maybe, dare I say, some leadership?

    3. Please do not be defensive. I'm not "coming after" you. I was just asking what you had done seeing that this is a real concern to you. In my opinion, there has been leadership! All town depts are doing their part to get the word out and the BOS are also doing their part as well. Community groups like GG and C4T are also doing their part. What else do you want to see happen?

    4. LOL. Sorry, Ive learned to be defensive in here. I was just wondering if their was a plan so we are not all trying to convince the same people.

    5. Clearly there are people who post on the blog that are determined to cause trouble and insult people. But, there are a lot more who do genuinely want to find solutions to the town's problems. I think you'll see the campaign to support the override amp up in the upcoming days. Its vital that this override passes regardless of one's own opinion of politics. Our opposing views need to be put on hold and we all need to band together to preserve our basic town operations. Once we pass the override, then we can figure out solutions to all the other issues that are weighing on the town.

  2. The leadership wisely has decided to remain quiet they have learned their lesson.If they can't control their comments they should remain quiet. That is why dave now writes everything in defense of our missing leadership. cold hard truth as I see it!! vote YES!! PROTECT TEMPLETON!!!

  3. VOTE NO ON THE OVERRIDE until the town can manage to get plans together on how to get businesses and solid proposals to get Templeton back on its feet without having to raise taxes. Until the School (which I personally blame for the mess) and the BOS and Advisory Board can live a symbiotic relationship this town is domed to repeat itself over and over and over. There needs to be proactive plans not reactive.

  4. Me thinks the peep who blogs as the truth would not know it if it bit the hind quarter. Me has seen a number of things that wanted to put their crib in Templeton but peeps come out and vote against it. So untils all the people decide they really want business in town, it ain't gonna happen.

  5. I'm voting no You will lose some cops so what,to many anyways. Lose some highway so what,to many anyways. I don't want my taxes to go up for something I don't need or use. State plows my road and what do I need the cops for I have a gun

    1. Halfway, that is the most selfish posted I've read. You may live on a State maintained road within the town, but there are far more residents that live on town maintained roads that depend on the town to plow and sand their roads. The highway department does the best job they can with what they have for the residents during the winter months maintaining the roads, but they surely could use better equipment and more manpower. As for the cops, I'm glad that you feel like you can take care of yourself, but their here for the ones who can not. I'm talking about the women that are the victims of a domestic violence situations, after 2 am when there will be no officers on duty if the override doesn't pass. I want you to look those victims in the eyes and tell them, "I voted no" and did away with your protection. It is small minded individuals such as yourself that are the down fall to many communities.

  6. Please VOTE YES
    Preserve public safety in Templeton

  7. I'm no ones spokesperson and as i have said in the past no one writes anything for me .
    The honest truth plain and simple.
    For safety sake its a "YES " vote
    Support your town and the employees that work hard for you!

    1. C4T was fortunate enough to receive a donation of signs saying VOTE YES in big letters. The guys on the Fire Department were given a number of them to place where they thought they would do the best job. David Smart has a good number of these that he has put out, and I have put out the rest. A big THANK YOU to our donor, as we all know money does not grow on trees. It helps when people see signs of support, but that does not mean it will change anyone's mind. This is not the way business should be done, I would hope we have learned a lesson, so we do not do this again. We have too much to loose if this override fails. My greatest fear is that one of our residents would need a ambulance, or a fire truck, and that it could not get there. Bev

  8. Keep an eye on your mail box there will be a mass mailing for support for the override for all templeton voters.
    Paid for by the unions of the Police and Laborers in Templeton.
    Signs are going up Please Vote" YES" and we need to motivate our neighbors as to the threat to safety in Templeton that a no vote brings. Halfway down the hill is a broken person unknown to the real people in Templeton just the way he, she, it, wants .
    "Broken "

  9. Thanks "No bias", better from you and not me. I do agree with you and i'm sure many others as well.
    I think there are no mirrors in the house halfway up the hill!

  10. I will repeat this and most likely take a hit for this but i think it's worth the backlash!
    Here goes. First thing our tax bill was reduced from last year for the 1 time 500k for the senior project.
    That made this override only a 120k increase over last years tax bills. Add the 2 1/2 override amount to the 120K now you have the figure we need to have to keep what we now have for services.
    So the amount we need or we home/business owners will need to pay over last year is not the 620k as we are led to believe. If sue were to read this and wanted to add the actual difference over last year + the 2 1/2 increase she could post the result for us. I could request the assessors office do it but my math would say we would be in the 15.10 per thousand area. Give or take 15cents. last year rate was 14.60 with the senior center amount. I think the amount were talking about is in the range of 50.-75. per hundred thousand. on a 200k house under 150.00. I will call and check these figures to see the actual amount over the last year bill and will offer to write a LTE about the facts and figures when its time too.
    We have just received our certified tax rate and can now figure actual amounts.Your actual tax is listed online at the assessors web page and you can figure your own amount from your listing.
    I have taken heat on past blogs for putting this out and will again. The reason for me not putting this out previously or until at a meeting, was i did not believe the voters were in favor of funding anything over what the 2 1/2 would allow.
    This town has tried to get Equipment,road repairs,you name it with overrides and has always been a solid no. When we are put in a situation like we are now we have to think about things in a different way. I choose to think in dollars and cents
    year over year and hope the amount makes sense to continue to support the Towns Ability to provide Safety to the people who live, work, and travel in Templeton.
    Please Preserve Templeton Public Safety.
    Vote YES!! It Makes SENSE!!
    A No vote will Terminate 10 devoted town employees including myself. Cut hours and create a public Safety issue for us all.
    Most i might add have gone without a pay increase and short hours for 3 years.
    A Yes Vote makes SENSE to me and should to you also!

  11. Vote No. Just a big scare tactic about the roads and police. The roads will still be taken cared of and there will be police, just wait and see VOTE NO I have to survive with less why should the town get more of my money with no plan. Wait they do, raise taxes and get the same old thing , nothing

  12. I will be voting yes, but If the school's come back looking for more money I will never vote for another override in this town.

  13. This override vote is simply to restore the town budget to the amount approved by voters at the annual town meeting in the spring. At that meeting, voters went through the town budget, line by line. At that time, voters scrutinized the proposed budget and approved this budget. Templeton had a budget, but then after many NO votes, the school budget was approved. This negated the vote at Annual Town Meeting.

    The amount remaining is not adequate to fund services at the same level as approved at ATM. It's not a scare tactic, it's the truth. We're in the position we're in because of the rules allowing regional school districts to keep the vote going until it is yes. Had all the people who voted NO at the polls shown up at the Joint Town Meeting, maybe things would be different. But they did not, probably disgusted with the whole process. Voting NO on this override request is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    1. Your wrong What about the extra money to increase the hours to town employees. If it was level then we would only ask for 552.000 not 620.000 SO VOTE NO

  14. So Halfway, were you in favor of the requested school budget?

    You are correct, the hours reduced in the budget crunch would be restored. It's best to do that, else we're perpetually behind the 8-ball in assessing, collecting and disbursing revenue. Would it have been better to attempt to restore town government to normalcy with a separate override?

    The fact is that the override is necessary to provide town services at current levels.

  15. It was nice to see the sign at the high school!
    Please Support the Override

    1. the school use of the sign should be protested as to equal time for the no campaign
