Sunday, September 29, 2013

Templeton creates 'sick bank' to support employees

Templeton creates 'sick bank' to support employees
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — The Board of Selectmen recently approved creating a means through which town employees can donate their sick time to a “sick bank,” as those employees rally around a pair of colleagues fighting terminal illnesses.

“They have been working for the town for quite some time and they’ve been longtime residents, so it’s just a nice way to help out if you can,” said Town Clerk Carol Harris. “Sometimes you don’t know what you can do when someone has cancer. This is a way we can help them.”

Via changes to the town’s personnel policy, employees are now able to donate up to 50 percent of their sick time to the sick bank as long as they maintain a balance of 160 hours.

Several town employees have already stated their intention to donate their time.

“They’re going to run out before they’re able to come back and I have extra sick time, so I would like to help out,” said Ms. Harris.

The sick bank is being initiated to benefit longtime Highway Department workers and town residents Mark Kasper and Marty Paine.

“I could make a list two pages long of people getting involved,” said highway department employee David Smart. “A lot of people are willing to step up and help because they know these guys.”

The highway department and Citizens4Templeton are also hosting a fundraising event for the two men at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 12 at the Otter River Sportsman’s Club.

“The guys at highway, we’re a special group, you could call us all family,” Mr. Smart said. “We have each other’s backs because we know the dangers we’re in all the time ... when we go out in a snowstorm, if someone calls for distress, any one of us know it’s our job to help out.”

For donations, questions or to purchase tickets to the benefit — which will include a pig roast, live entertainment, a meat raffle and other raffles — call Dave Smart at 978-632-6421 or the department’s headquarters at 978-939-8666.

Mr. Smart said organizers have already received numerous donations.

“I’m going around to all the businesses looking for donations to the cause and for the raffle table, and I can’t believe the support,” he said.


  1. Having a way for fellow workers to help, by being able to donate sick time to the people who need it the most, and is a way to show support. This also helps to give these people who have more than enough stress already, one less thing to worry about. This is just another way our town grows closer, by helping each other when the chips are down. Political differences should not matter. This fundraiser is about the people who keep our roads safe for you and I, and who's families have been a part of our town for many years. Good job Dave, I hope we will have a successful fund raiser. Bev.

  2. Having a way for fellow workers to help, by being able to donate sick time to the people who need it the most, and is a way to show support. This also helps to give these people who have more than enough stress already, one less thing to worry about. This is just another way our town grows closer, by helping each other when the chips are down. Political differences should not matter. This fundraiser is about the people who keep our roads safe for you and I, and who's families have been a part of our town for many years. Good job Dave, I hope we will have a successful fund raiser. Bev.

  3. Just so people know about the misprint The place is Templeton Fish and Game Club and not at the ORS.
    Also try to purchase tickets before the 5th so we can get the pigs to Adams and also have a count of people to have food for.
    Tickets for the meal are limited. Call the highway dept at 9789398666
    We have received an incredible amount for the raffle prizes. Well worth the cost of the tickets
    Tickets for just the raffle will also be sold at the event at 10.00 each.
    Also 50/50 raffles to be held.

  4. Also if any Questions you can email me at

  5. Burt and Yiamouyiannis proved in two different courts that fluoride added to the community water supply increases cancer rates 4-10 percent. William Marcus head toxicologist for the EPA showed fluoride at rates added to our water supplies was both carcinogenic and mutagenic in animal experiments. Would it make sense to take a closer look at being proactive and removing the fluoride from our water supply as a preventive move against these problems? Experts agree that drinking fluoridated water is ineffective at cavity protection. When in doubt, get it out.

  6. I'm waiting for the day that TGN will actually print an article with all the information correct in it. Is there not an editor that fact checks the copy before approving? Anyway, this benefit warms my heart. Its wonderful to see neighbors helping neighbors during a time of need. There's a time and place to deal with politics but that all falls to the side when tough times call for lending a hand to one another and coming together to show love and support for your fellow man. I've been very discouraged with all the override battles and nasty comments exchanged between everyone. I'm really happy to see that there are still kind people that live in this town. Mr. Smart thank you for all your efforts to make this benefit successful. You've shown you truly love your town and your neighbors. Good job!

  7. TGN has truly earned their nickname: The Gardner House of Corrections.

    1. LOL, I needed a good laugh this morning. Mark, I do have to give Kerry credit for trying to do a good job. She tries to write and cover both sides, which is a huge difference from what was done by the guy she replaced. I think she wrote what was said with out checking facts and part of that may be due to a time limit she has to meet, to get a story in the next days paper. I hope things will get better after she has had the job for a while, by then she will know the truth from the spin, people pass off as fact. Bev.

  8. Bev - I agree, this new reporter is better than her colleagues. I blame the editor for these types of mistakes. Were he/she a real newsman, he would have all the details of everything at his fingertips, or at least know how to quickly check them. He should be a mentor to the young reporters they hire.
