Sunday, September 15, 2013

Meetings September 16-20

Meetings September 16-20

Sept. 16

BOS Meeting /Town Hall Forum  Kiva 6:30 pm

Conservation Commission 690 Patriots Rd 7:00 pm

September 17

Town Hall Meeting Kiva  6:30 p.m. Questions about the override? Please attend.

Sept. 18

Executive Session – Reason #3 – To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares …

teacher contract was in effect until August 31 2013

Advisory Board Meeting  690 Patriots Rd. 6:30


  1. It is my opinion that the people on the School Committee should step very carefully if they even consider asking for more money. I seriously doubt they will ever get away with pulling the same trick twice. What is that saying? "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." The upset that the town is going through should have been avoided, considering what they want in the future. Not the best of plans, as far as I can see.. Bev.

    1. I was hoping we could move on from the "school" v. "town" mentality and focus on increasing revenue to adequately fund all of the essential services in town.

    2. Pam we can only move on it the School Committee and everyone involved does things differently. The same old way will not work again. This is a time for these people to do some serious thinking, not months down the road. I will support our override this time, because I know how bad people will be hurt. I can not speak for other people, and I can not change their minds. I did not want our town to go through more grief, because no one gains from it. Did I think Ms. Miller played nice with the town? Absolutely not! Hard feelings will not help, but good action will go a long way to fix the very deep divide, that this mess has caused. As things stand, by playing games the Schools won a battle but may have lost the war. I only hope I am wrong. I know the Selectmen will do what they can to patch the wound. Lets hope the patient does not die. Bev.

    3. Bev - you have hit the nail on the head!

  2. Pam, we can never move on without the help and support from the school. What they pulled without a care of the consequences that would result is despicable and will haunt them for a long time. There is a lot more to it and this "don't pick on the school" crap is BS

  3. Well said Bev. One can only hope they listen!!!

  4. It is important to point out the amount we will have to pay in taxes is not as much over last year as the people are led to believe. With the 500k for the senior center over the amount of difference is only the 120k and not 620k over last years bills.
    Your tax bill will not increase for the full amount of the 620k just the 120k.

    1. Mr. Smart, it really would've been helpful if you had pointed this same thing out back in April when the first override vote was know, the one that was just slightly over the $620K amount. Instead, you and others spent the whole time bashing the school and telling everyone to vote no. Now you change your mind?

      Are you and Bev going to be posting Vote Yes signs this time around cause I'm losing track of where you stand with overrides.

      Just sayin

    2. Well, takin it back, Ken I said no then to avoid the mess we are in right now. I understood from the very beginning where this would lead the town, and I knew it would not be a very pretty picture. The things the School Committee and Ms. Miller did and the games they played, will play out, and I am afraid they lost more than they gained. You do not have to worry about me, I am just one vote, but I will vote for the override because I do not want to see the total destruction of the town I live in and it will hurt the very people who have stood by it thru thick and thin. When this is over, I hope the younger people will understand how town government works. It does not pay to vote on blind faith, without looking at a complete budget, fine print and all. Bev.

  5. Takin itback Email me I'll give you the whole story and then you can spell out the truth with your stage name. Bev has only the same people i do for our concerns. The ones that have paid in the most for the longest and would not want to harm their well being.The school has said not one thing about the well being of anyone but the kids. They wouldn't be here if it weren't for the elderly.Shame on those who wouldn't be concerned for them and that opinion would be hard to go against.This override would only be passed if they want it to be passed.They will find the school has brought this on and with that said will help their town for them not the school. Either way the school has turned on them and when the next year comes around things will change. I have 6 neighbors that are on the edge now and when bill increase the amount they have to pay with doesn't. On top of your tax bill,your Light,water,and others will go up.But this time they will have to gamble and pass it do to their safety. Or do they? The cuts to pay the school bill are not made up and are very real!
    Templeton will change as we now know it. Do we want a part time Templeton? Bankrupt!
    If it's all we can afford then it's yes!
