Tuesday, September 17, 2013

BOS Meeting September 16, 2013

BOS Meeting 9/16/2013

A brief BOS meeting was held prior to the Town Hall Forum.

The BOS discussed and voted in the affirmative to send a letter to John Robertson, Director of MMA Legislative Division requesting the MMA’s position on the pivotal school finance bills before the Joint Committee on Education. The hearing on school finance is scheduled for October 17, 2013 at the State House.

After discussion, The BOS voted in the affirmative to amend the Personnel policy and create a Sick Leave Bank. Sick time is accrued in hours. Eligible employees may contribute up to 50% of their accrued sick time to the sick leave bank as long as they retain 160 hours (4 weeks) for their own use.

A short discussion began about taking an inventory through out the town of all equipment and supplies. There has not been an inventory performed for quite some time. The information generated from the inventory is a move toward consolidating central purchasing. A motion was made and seconded to inventory all town property valued over $50.00.

The meeting was adjourned and the Town Hall Forum began.


  1. This is a big deal for the workers of this town. This change makes it easier for anyone with a illness, to manage a little better. There is one less thing to worry about, which is huge when nothing else seems to be going right. Less stress about missing work and paying bills will give our workers some positive rewards, knowing the town workers and citizens care. Bev.

    1. Why doesn't government handle this issue the way that private industry does - with Short Term Disability insurance?

      The system we have is expensive, because eventually most contracts include a provision for buying back unused sick days. That's great for the employee, unless you end up being sick. Then you have a situation where after you have exhausted your personal sick days you stop getting paid. Insurance is for catastrophic illness, not to provide a windfall at the end of one's working career.

  2. I just looked at the override question, on the left of the screen. I hope this is someones idea of a joke, and not "the truth". Right now the yes is at 46% and no is 53%. What was said last night is real, not the "empty threats", as one of our misinformed bloggers kept saying. It is as true today as it was in May, the town has no place left to cut. The budgets were pared down by a combination of workers and citizens, trying to keep the town afloat long enough to bail ourselves out of a bad financial situation. If this override does not pass, things will be really terrible, and many people will be hurt, not just the workers. The people who were supporters of the school said they would work to get this override passed. It is time for them to step up. This vote is the difference between saving our town or watching its destruction. Bev.

    1. The people of the school have been getting the word out by talking in public forums and in the school walls and in public. We have posted on our Facebook page and sent an email. Personally, I was waiting for information to show what would be cut on paper and what the tax rates would be and that information is just coming out now. We just had a meeting this evening to discuss other ways to ensure we get the word out. Is there something specific you would like to see happen? Are there any other groups in town helping to get the word out? Are there signs being made? I am completely aware that the town cannot expend funds to promote a yes or no vote for the override, but private citizens can and that is what we did as individuals and then we got donations to help pay some of us back. I don't get the Gardner Snooze, but many times I will see articles shared on the various FB pages and here and I haven't seen anything? Is there a letter to the editor I am not aware of I could post or an article in the newspaper about how the non-passage of this override would affect our community? I requested a meeting with Mr. Bennett to discuss a strategy and ideas and ways to promote the override and communication and that has not happened yet. I was not even aware of when the town hall meetings were until the day they were happening and then had to scramble to get the word out to the community in the avenue that I use which is social media and quickly put together an email to the folks signed up for Gansett Greatness emails. Last minute notifications and planning is not exactly the best strategy now is it? I heard it was not really well attended and a bit unorganized. I am going to ask you Bev...what else would you like to see done?

    2. AND for the record, we are not just "school people" we are moms, dads, grandparents, aunts uncles, business owners, taxpayers AND community members that support both our town and our school district. Personally, I resent always being referred to that way by anyone and I am certain there are many others that don't appreciate that either. When it comes to having a voice in this community I HAVE ONE and I speak out in support of many things and I get the word out... and again I will say NOT ONE leader has approached me to ask how to help get this accomplished. Why is that?

    3. Gee Maybe you should run for Mayor, why is it you think everything has to go thru you.

  3. If the vote is NO , Then what,do we go to the polls till it is yes

    1. Sorry, those rules do not go for the people who pay the bills. Gee, it does seem like there is something very wrong with that situation?? The one rule that does not change, is the people who show up, run the show. Another way of looking at it is, who can outlast who! I think the older people could get a head start, or extra points for trying. Well I am trying to put a light side to this mess, but it doesn't help. I hope we do not get into this situation again. Bev.

  4. I think if the GG meeting was at the library the same night as the town hall meeting it would be a small walk to come and help us with the problem we are now involved with.If the GG group was informed of it and did not have the time to come join us who did know one would have to think why not come join if they wanted to help out with OUT/THEIR problem!$$$
    The point that was made about the town going into bankruptcy my be the answer to Templeton mess.
    How much can we raise the taxes till we cannot afford to have a home? Do we the tax payers have any say? To see motor city Detroit do it is a eye opener and to anyone who thinks we don't have many of the same problems they are in denial.
    I think our problems have just started and if we are not thinking outside the real box were doomed!
    How deep are we in debt?
    What say you Light and Water.
    Step up and tell us how much you/we owe the banks and other state monopolies?
    Would the people of Templeton like to know how far in Debt the town of Templeton is?
    Will they tell us and the Selectboard or just blow us off?
    Contracts of 5,000.00 or more should be in the Selectboards office for our review whenever we want to see them "ALL".
    So we can tell how far we are in Debt to tell if bankruptcy is an option for our Business Dana!
    Sell the assets was one idea and i can't agree more.

    1. You and yours were and are against the school at every turn. They are doing plenty to get the word out there. A few went to Mondays meeting. So don't try to pin this on them. I go to most meetings and the ones without a good solid plan is Julie and Jeff! I see you and Bev pointing a lot of fingers when you should be reaching out. I'm a town supporter as a whole. School, Police, fire, Ems, highway. All of it. The true town supporters are doing pleanty, but we can't do it alone. I hope many vote YES.

  5. Where were these town hall meetings advertised/posted? I didnt even hear about them. You'd think our illustrious BOS would want the entire town to know what was going on. Just another example of a complete lack of leadership abilities. Oh, I know, blame the SC. Gimme a break Farrell, there is absolutely no way you get reelected.

  6. Tin May are you covered in poision ivy?
    The new stage names are a product of self angled twisting to fill their need to deflect from the points brought up. There are a few who would go out of their way to hurt efforts and progress made to date. Tina and huff. Name what you would do!
    When you say you say you support the schools how is it you can also support the town when they were asked and said no time and time again?
    We have always supported the schools and have no choice but to,it's the law. Furthermore the amount we have supported is a good amount and would have gotten better as Templeton gets better.
    Now the people that have supported the schools are in a bind and think you and yours are out to get them. Why is that? You tell us!What plan would you refer to when you say the board must go. This towns BOS and Advisory have only worked for what the people voted for. That you would have to agree is what they are there for.
    Any ideas to help the town from you stagers would help!
    Email me @ smart@nii.net I would like to have a word or two with anyone with constructive ideas. Hopefully helpful ones that matter.
    PLEASE Vote YES and keep Templeton SAFE for us all!
    Your identity will be kept confidential,Like "you" like it to be.

    1. Thank you David, I will email when I get the opportunity. Hopefully this weekend. But publicly, for now, my opinion is it is just one member dragging the whole board down. I havent heard one single constuctive idea from Mrs Farrell. Just crazy rants. The others seem to have A head on their shoulders. I would, however, like to know what the longer term (2-5years) plan is with the override money. Somebody asked that earlier, & I thought that was a good question.

    2. The truth is, our plans to get the town on it's feet were going along fine, but no plan can work as long as the laws make it possible for the schools to undermine the town, and trash it's budget. Templeton is not alone in this problem. Spencer and East Brookfield are a step behind us. They also have a regional agreement, and are going to have their two town meeting. I found it very interesting that East Brookfield selectmen voted to inform the regional building committee that they no longer support a planned renovation of David Prouty High School in Spencer, which is shared by East Brookfield students. Selectmen said this is not the time to embark on such a costly venture. They also want the project put off for an extended period of time, and requested the removal of the district from the state reimbursement list for such projects and cancel the request. This is serious business, and our town is not alone. Lets get something straight, if I point a finger it is to try to get everyone to understand one simple fact. We are all in this boat together. Sink or swim! Ken is now a selectman. He has the ability to make suggestions, so If you feel that enough notice is not given for meetings or anything else you find wrong, just give him a call, I am sure he is willing to help. You need to be aware that the board has to post meetings, to comply with the "open meeting laws." I am glad to see members of GG at the meetings. It is very different sitting in the cheep seats, than doing the job of running the town. Running the town does not allow anyone to work for his/her pet project alone. Being a selectmen means you have to make decisions for the good of everyone. I would be a good thing to keep that fact in mind. This is not a game, decisions have a very real affect on every ones lives.

    3. The truth is, our plans to get the town on it's feet were going along fine, but no plan can work as long as the laws make it possible for the schools to undermine the town, and trash it's budget. Templeton is not alone in this problem. Spencer and East Brookfield are a step behind us. They also have a regional agreement, and are going to have their two town meeting. I found it very interesting that East Brookfield selectmen voted to inform the regional building committee that they no longer support a planned renovation of David Prouty High School in Spencer, which is shared by East Brookfield students. Selectmen said this is not the time to embark on such a costly venture. They also want the project put off for an extended period of time, and requested the removal of the district from the state reimbursement list for such projects and cancel the request. This is serious business, and our town is not alone. Lets get something straight, if I point a finger it is to try to get everyone to understand one simple fact. We are all in this boat together. Sink or swim! Ken is now a selectman. He has the ability to make suggestions, so If you feel that enough notice is not given for meetings or anything else you find wrong, just give him a call, I am sure he is willing to help. You need to be aware that the board has to post meetings, to comply with the "open meeting laws." I am glad to see members of GG at the meetings. It is very different sitting in the cheep seats, than doing the job of running the town. Running the town does not allow anyone to work for his/her pet project alone. Being a selectmen means you have to make decisions for the good of everyone. I would be a good thing to keep that fact in mind. This is not a game, decisions have a very real affect on every ones lives.

    4. Dear Bev, when you say "our plans", exactly whom are you referring to? Obviousely not the voters as the budget was OVERWHELMINGLY APPROVED! You must be referring to Julie & yourself. The voters live, work, & send their kids to the school, & this is what they wanted. Id be very careful if I were one of your click. Now that the parents eyes have been opened to the problems in this town, do you really want to upset them? They are obviousely the biggest voteing group.

    5. I was at both meetings and I really don't like being treated like a 2 year old that doesn't understand how the town works. I do, and a lot of other people that have been treated the same, have it be by Bev,Julie or others is not acceptable. Try and talk to people and explain to them why we need money for the town. Trying the scare tactic is like saying to kid.If you don't eat your vegetables I'll take away your TV

    6. Um no David I'm not Covered in Poison ivy. I'm not trying to deflect anything. I'm trying to reflect what I see. That would be a vote of no confidence.

  7. well said huff, I couldn't agree with you more. Especially the part about Mrs. Farrell NOT being reelected next term. Only then will Templeton be able to heal and move forward in UNITY!

  8. I'm so sorry Tina may!
    I was thinking you were the retired poison ivy.My bad i thought the last time you were it.
    Its nice to hear from a true person and not the stagers we have here that will do what they can to discredit and shame people.The truth is we have people who care enough to work hard for nothing and get slammed if the plan falls apart even if it was none of their doing. Huffy says OVERWHELMINGLY APPROVED! Huff doesn't state what happened at the polls,why is that?
    Because the polls reflected the will of the people. The select board works for the people. With the vote again and again the way it was done it has torn the fabric of Templeton. We can stich it back up together or tear it the rest of the way. Either way we do it next year will be a harder time then this year was. With or without a override the school will want more and more the next year and in short order we will be broke, if not already! Balance the checkbook and add what we now own and owe and see if you have or have not and ask why!
    Please pass the override vote "Yes" Templeton needs a full audit and listing of what is borrowed and what we own.Our crown jewel is the light Department and we should know what its worth and what they have borrowed for us!
    Is Tina May your real name?
    Email me at smart@nii.net
    I will think not if i do not hear from you!

  9. Why do I only have to talk to Kenn? Aren't there other Selectmen? I understand about open meeting laws and as a citizen talking to one Board member is not an issue is it? I emailed Mr. Bennett and I would have hoped for a response. He is the Chair isn't he? Just wondering what I am not understanding here.
