Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Town Hall Meeting Part 1

Please attend the Town Hall Meeting

Tonight in the KIVA  6:30 p.m.

Town Hall Meeting Part 1

The Town Hall informational meeting began after the BOS meeting adjourned.

The override figure of $620,000 was explained. $551,000 school appropriation by the Joint Meeting vote on August 22, 2013. An additional sum of $9,000 for the override ballot election and STM. An additional $60,000 to restore hours to non-union personnel cut in 2012 for a total of $620,000 override.

The override figure of $620,000 will be an increase of $1.15/ $1,000 of valuation. The Assessor’s have placed an Override Lookup link on their webpage. Or people can call the Assessor’s Office for information about the impact of the Override on their property- 978-939-2793  during business hours.

Impact on Police Department :

Four Full time Officers will be laid off effective November 1, 2013

Detective position will be eliminated.

School resource officer position will be eliminated.

No police coverage from 2:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Impact on Highway Department-

There will be layoffs and a reduction in force which will impact plowing operations and road cleanup. The highway superintendent will make a presentation tonight ,September 17th in the Kiva.

Impact on Fire/EMS-

A 30% reduction in force will impact weekend coverage and response time for Rescue.

Selectman Robinson  stressed the urgency of the situation should the override fail. Once these cuts are made, they will be permanent.

Please attend the Town Hall Meeting

Tonight in the KIVA  6:30 p.m.


  1. Down hear on the lower forty we are a little sore our vote didn't count at the poles but putting good people out of a job and not having safety in town is not what I'm interested in. The way I see it when you keep making more paper money inflation is gonna run the show.

  2. As I was driving past the fire dept the other day I saw Staskeluis Appliance delivering something. What was it and what did it cost. Hope it was a donation with all these pending budget cuts.

  3. observer

    just maybe they needed a new washing machine or dryer they do do landry for the ems part if it like towels and blankets they use on calls ...ect

  4. They were not 3000.00 desks. They were things that are needed to be i a service to provide a 24 hr emergency rescue and fire department. A fridge and what ever they needed can be justified as like anyone else just ask!
    Ray will be sure to tell you the truth and anything else you would like to know.
    When town workers are on for multi shifts in a row. We may need to put things in the fridge.
    They may not get home for a long time as they/we serve out towns people.
    Please vote YES on the override.
