Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Town Hall Meeting part 2

Town Hall Meeting Part 2

The Town Hall informational meeting on September 17th was sparsely attended.

Chairman Bennett began the informational meeting with an announcement of a benefit for two highway employees. The PigRoast/ Raffle will take place on October 12th at Templeton Fish and Game.

The override figure of $620,000 will be an increase of $1.15/ $1,000 of valuation. The Assessor’s have placed an Override Lookup link on their webpage. Or people can call the Assessor’s Office for information about the impact of the Override on their property- 978-939-2793  during business hours.

Impact on Police Department :

Four Full time Officers will be laid off effective November 1, 2013

Detective position will be eliminated.

School resource officer position will be eliminated.

No police coverage from 2:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

These proposed cuts jeopardize the safety and welfare of 8,000 inhabitants in the Town of Templeton. These cuts are Devastating.


A 30% reduction in force will impact weekend coverage and response time for Rescue. The FTE coverage on the weekends provides daytime coverage for ambulance – 4 positions eliminated.

Fire/EMS handles about 1,000/ year. 700 calls for ambulance and 300 fire related service calls. These budget cuts will adversely effect the response time and provision of those services.

These proposed cuts jeopardize the progress made in shifting the burden of the cost of Fire/EMS services from the taxpayer to achieving self-sufficiency for the Fire department.

These proposed cuts jeopardize the safety and welfare of 8,000 inhabitants in the Town of Templeton. These cuts are Devastating.


The proposed 30% cuts will leave the Superintendent and the foreman to perform the work of the department. The office will be closed. The superintendent will be working in the field. The cemeteries will be mowed every other week. Saturday burials may be effected. All other town properties would be excluded from a mowing and trimming schedule to include parks, commons, town buildings and dormant cemeteries.

These proposed cuts jeopardize the safety and welfare of 8,000 inhabitants in the Town of Templeton. These cuts are Devastating.


The impact of a 30% cut for the Highway Department include the permanent layoff of three laborers and another reduction in hours for the secretary.

Due to the proposed cut in machinery maintenance, some vehicles will be taken out of service before they can be fixed.

Simply put – “It will snow”. The roads may not get plowed; catch basins will not get cleared; tree removal won’t happen.

It won’t be business as usual. Deficit spending the Snow & Ice Account may not happen. There is $125,000 budgeted for Snow & Ice. Pray for a mild winter.

These proposed cuts jeopardize the safety and welfare of 8,000 inhabitants in the Town of Templeton. These cuts are Devastating.

Impact on Council of Aging-

The COA is a small department and some services provided are funded by grants and MART. A 30% cut may result in the loss of a full time employee.

According to the 2010 Census there are 1,572 Seniors in Templeton. The COA provides much needed services to our elderly population including filing fuel assistance forms as well as Medicare documentation.

The Food Pantry provides food to 800 individuals /month.
These proposed cuts will isolate our seniors.

These proposed cuts jeopardize the safety and welfare of 8,000 inhabitants in the Town of Templeton. These cuts are Devastating.


Impact on Library Services-

A 30 % budget cut will result in the loss of certification. The reduction in hours and materials will mean the Boynton Pubic Library will lose certification. Templeton residents will lose the ability to borrow any other library’s materials in Massachusetts. Templeton residents will not be allowed to inter-library loan material because of the loss of certification.

These proposed cuts jeopardize the safety and welfare of 8,000 inhabitants in the Town of Templeton. These cuts are Devastating.

I’d like to thank all the people who took time out of their busy lives to attend this important meeting.

I’d like to thank all of the department heads who prepared and presented information on what the impact a 30 % cut would do to their budgets and the services they provide to the residents in Templeton.

Please VOTE YES for the Override

October 15, 2013


My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. These are the reasons I stood up at the STM and just about begged the voters of this town not to vote for the school override. All of these cuts have a negative effect on the people who do their job trying to protect us, or contribute to our quality of life. This is a great way to let them know they are appreciated. Bev.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Bev - thanks for your efforts. People want to pretend that support for this unfortunate override ballot is inconsistent with opposition for the 'Gansett budget. It is not. Anyone who thinks otherwise could post exactly how the obvious cuts to the 2014 NRSD budget are more worthy than the cuts, REAL budget cuts, to the Templeton town budget.

  3. It is funny how Julie and Jeff pushed so hard for a NO on the previous overrides and a NO on the school budget but are so pushing hard now. I still think that Julie and Jeff set the town up for this to happen so that they could raise our taxes. This is no way to run a town government. I will still say NO ON ANY OVERRIDE until the BOS can provide the town with a good 2-3 year plan for what they want the extra money from us. Running a town government from a year to year jump out of your ass attitude is bad for the residents.

  4. It looks like the override is heading for that 50/50 split and it will be a close vote. Most people I have talked to have stated that they will vote no on the override. Looks like we could be in for some tough times in town. I do think an approach to convince people to overwhelmingly support the override is needed. People do not think that this is a one time override and it will keep happening year after year. A solid 5 year plan on how to fix the problems might help. Even then, the people I have talked to think that even if a solid plan is presented, the school will keep on insisting that they need and will get every dime from any such plan. I have no idea on how to fix the perception that is out there. Several comments have been made that "we have elected officials that wanted to give the school more money ,yet are claiming the town is broke now and we need an override". My only answer is that the get out and vote the next election. I usually keep that comment silent at this time because if they do, we are all in for a long winter. Anyone got any ideas that may work?

    1. We need an entirely new BOS all these need to go they do not have Templeton's interest at heart, they are self centered and work only for those projects that give them personal satisfaction.

    2. Hey TOO DUMB TO KNOW ANYTHING, care to explain in detail.

    3. Do is Stupid all you have to do is watch what Julie and Jeff have said in all the past blogs. Their pushing for NO VOTES for the School over and over and over again. They had said how it would play out if a YES vote for the school was given. They know the process, they set us up for an override. They knew the only way to push for an override was to threaten to cute public safety positions. Just read what they have been saying it is not hard to figure out they set us up for this, they wanted to raise taxes and they know from past ballots that the people of templeton didn't want to raise taxes. Why do you think Virginia quit? She was working both sides pushing the school to go for their amount without giving in to cuts, she probably told them to threaten to cut sports and the band uniforms when the superintendent knew that the raise in the school budget was for pay raises. What do pay raises have to do with band uniforms? All you have to do is follow those blog entries and you can see the pattern.

      We were duped. VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE.

    4. Hi Jim- Its a really tough situation to explain to others who have not paid close attention. And when people do try to educate themselves, they see all the infighting and finger pointing and tune out. The best thing we can all do is stop tearing down one another. That isn't solving any problems or offering solutions. Then, maybe more people would engage in useful conversation. The more minds we have working on a problem, the better chance we have to not only solve the problems, but experience the success of achieving a task together. There are thousands of great minds here. Some are quite unique, I might add. The point is, a 5 year plan shouldn't fall on the backs of a handful of people who volunteer their time to run town business (BOS and Advisory Board do not receive pay). It should fall on all of our shoulders as taxpayers (aka owners) of this town. I appreciate the number of hours these boards has put into working on solutions and plans and making tough and unpopular decisions. We need to acknowledge them for getting the ball rolling in a better direction. This is our town and need to step up to help shape its survival. We all need to offer ideas and work on a 5 year plan together. The Planning Board would jump for joy if the public would take better interest in the Master Plan Project. So, if anyone complains about any town issues, tell them they should get involved and solve whatever it is they're complaining about. Its about shifting the mindset from all the responsibility weighing on an elected few, to taking on the responsibility ourselves.

      So far, I think the spreadsheet that shows (link above on left) the exact dollar amount it will cost each voter is really the best item to point people to look at before deciding how to vote. Then, they can consider if paying and extra $____ a quarter is worth investing in their property and their lives. Some may just hear "override" or "taxes going up" and simply react to that anxiety when hearing those words. But, if they see that its only going to be an exact dollar amount that is more realistic compared to the imagined number in their head, many will see that a yes vote is possible. And, if you think about it, they would be paying that extra amount to keep their family safe and keep their hometown functioning. I think people are rational enough to understand the need to do that. I know its a tough decision to make financially when struggling. This extra money will have to come out of food/gas money for me. In my opinion, a no vote is not a logical vote, it is an emotional vote. Trying to seek revenge for past politics or to prove a point will solve nothing and will hurt your own well being. We have to vote yes. Its a business decision. So, lets all continue to talk to our neighbors and friends and family about not only the override vote, but also ideas and opinions on how to improve the town from here.

  5. Down hear on the lower forty we are feeling real proud of the Selectmen we have right now. I have been watching the politics in this town since before Paul Q. lived at too Military Drive and Gladys was in grade school. I can't afford an over ride but whichever way people vote its my thinkin these selectmen will do what is right for our town. Its great the young people are takin an interest there town.

  6. Sorry lower forty with all due respect I have to disagree with your feelings about the BOS.. They lack credibility (other than ken) have gone on numerous silly rants and have not given the town clear set of plans for the next 4/5 years. The young people are getting involved because they are disgusted with what a certain "click" is doing to the town. I have spoken with a lot of registered voters over the past few weeks old and young, the majority agree with me.

  7. As I am not a politician, I can only speak for "this" younger generation. is a hard thing to ponder, but it needs to be accepted that times have changed. We need to have people with experience and knowledge in office to lead our town in the right direction. The days of voting in our "neighbors" needs to gone, however, I know this is hard since they are the only ones running. We need younger people in office like Ken R. because, not to cause an uproar, change has to happen in order for our town to grow. We have to see the prospects of preserving our land, yet marketing our area for growth! We need to let go of the past and move forward. And let me sidebar: just because we are young, does not mean we have not heard of the same old politics of this town. Why do you think the majority of the "younger" generation is not at all the meetings? 1. we were brought up to respect our elders 2. We can not stand the rantings of the same people over issues we see differently. This will happen to me when I get older too! It is just a FACT: younger generations are living in the change and are the ones who can see things with a different outlook! This is an article I found, a company called Boomtown Institute that helps small rural towns grow. I hope you take the time to read my next post and think about what they are saying is needed in order for this awful problem we are in to end.
    Oh, and it should be stated that I am an avid historian of this great town. I love the beauty of our country land. I only wish we could go back to the days when Templeton was the hot spot for all travellers to stop and visit, but, we have no where for them to stay...too sad

  8. The attitudes to succeed in a small town
    #428 - April 23, 2013

    Becky McCray is one of our favorite small town advocates! So when we saw the title of her recent post, we had to share it with our readers!

    The attitudes to succeed in a small town
    Beck McCray

    I got a call from a freelance reporter last week. She was assigned to write a positive story about the future of rural. Someone told her she should call me, so she did. It was hard, but I want you to know I showed some restraint, so I only kept her on the line for 30 minutes or so.

    No rush hour in my small town. Only rush moment.

    I told her the top three reasons rural has a future (food, natural resources, and conservation). We also talked about some things that make living in a rural area great (stars in the night sky, helpful people, and rush moment instead of rush hour). It was good to hear that someone else is thinking about the positive future of rural besides you and me.

    Someone else that thinks good things about rural is Clay Forsberg. Clay wrote about the attitudes we need to succeed in small towns in the next decade. (Here’s Clay’s original post.) It struck me as a forward-looking list, one that you’d be interested, too. Here’s a direct quote:

    1. Embrace change and be flexible. Expect your life to be turned upside down tomorrow when you wake up. Strike the word security from your vocabulary. The only security you’ll have today, especially in a small town, is yourself and ability to navigate the inevitable changes that will “slap you in the face” when you least expect it. Don’t be pre-occupied with trying to hang on to “the way things were.” The only constant in life is change … so deal with it!

    2. Embrace technology. Technology and specifically the internet is everywhere, and embedded in everything. Technology will buffer you from the ups and down of a local economy. Become adept at social media – for social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) will widen your reach of contacts and ultimately the support when you need it most. The internet will also enable you to create income being a “location independent” micro-entrepreneur.

    3. Embrace your community. Your community, your neighbors, are your primary safety net and support structure. Don’t be a recluse. Lend a hand whenever you can. Be the “go-to person” in your town. Be the “help” leader that people will follow. Be the one that is the first one to rally the people to make things better for all. A positive, action-oriented attitude is contagious.

    4. Embrace the youth. Make your town the one that welcomes young people. For it’s the young people who will create the new opportunities, the opportunities that will keep your town’s death at bay. Don’t be part of a town that only tries to “hang to yesterday,” and tries to prevent any intrusion into this allegedly idyllic time … the time that is no longer and never will be. Business owners need to part of the solution also. Mentoring and internship programs do wonders keeping your young talent at home, rather than having them leave town for better opportunities.

    5. Focus on businesses that serve out-of-town customers. If you’re an entrepreneur, stay away from ventures that serve only your fellow community members, especially if the services you offer already exist locally. Don’t depend on revenue only generated from your community. Be responsible for bringing needed money into the community rather than cannibalize the existing businesses of your neighbors.

    That’s Clay’s list. I think he drew a pretty good bead on the target.

    What can you do with this list? How about sharing it around your community, trying to get some discussion going? Let me know what you think of Clay’s list, or if you have a good way to get your community talking about attitudes.

    As usual, Becky (and Clay) are right on target. What is the attitude of your community?

  9. I didn't credit the post: it is from Agurban Archive, Boomtown Institute

  10. So, you asked for ideas? how about we market our area,offer tax-breaks for businesses, low-rent opportunities, open bed and breakfasts, change our attitudes, embrace the youth...but most of all - realize we NEED to do something and not rely on overrides...I am supporting the override THIS year...but the the next one is only 360 days away if plans are not gathered and implemented to get some revenue in this town.

  11. More people like Ken running this town and we will have the highest tax rates and will become just another expensive snotty little town.

  12. Simpletonian - great point about the younger generation in town. Youth does not always equal ignorance, nor does seniority always convey wisdom.

  13. Simpletonian- you are wicked smarht!!!!!!!!! : )

  14. Simple + truth/ When in your rants of miss givings will you ever think about bringing in the people that got our town where it is.Our Senior population is very proud of this town and to have the things go on now that do must put them back. They are not to be pushed aside and taxed as though it doesn't matter. We need to take care of the ones that took care of Templeton for the long haul. They matter to me and always will. You can blame all you want who did what or who plans this or that. The one thing for sure is 1/2 the town is beside themselves that this vote for an override is even being done.Your theory of the selectboard planning this all along is mindless and is out of reason.Why would they work so hard to represent the will of the voters and then throw them under the buss!
    Give up your mindless bashing and offer up some common ground and prove how you would do it.
    I don't see any choice but to override the tax limit to pay the bills. Cuts this deep will surely short term be unsafe to have. Templeton will need to work out a plan and it will be to start with freeze all amounts of spending on all things possible. Is bankruptcy our best option? Sell off assets and wipe out debt,privatize,elements of government.
    School district change? What are our options? Bring your out of the box thoughts to the next meeting and lets hear them!
    I have allot of thoughts and will share,i warn you not many are going to be very likable.
    Like telling a person the has a problem with drinking,to stay sober!
    Telling a department head to stay within a budget!
    Do more with less!
    Most of our departments have been doing just that.
    Some chose not to and we are here for that very reason.
    This vote is a needy "yes" vote to have !
    Watch for the LTE coming soon

  15. Dave you shouldn't be calling people out for rants. you have a daily one on the blog, Secondly, who and why would the town listen to you?? Are you an elected official?? I know you ran for a position, how did that turn out?? The people have spoken loud and clear on weather or not they need Mr. Smart's point of view. The People said thank you but NO thank you... What credentials do you bring to the town?? degree's?? business classes??? Please tell

  16. I will still hope for a large NO VOTE ON ANY OVERRIDE

  17. 1st i don't hide behind a stage name, Why is it you do? 2nd Graduate 1996 from the Enterprise Center.Live in Templeton since 1970. More people voted against the one i ran against. Frank Moschetti feels bad he stood in the way. He told me that.You are an imposter and anyone that listens to you knows that.Your free speech may end here soon as the readers need to know who says what. Maybe a DNR could be in your future! Like i said before Email me we'll talk and know who we are! To date i've recieved only one email and not from you. You will only harm Templeton and the people here. What is it that pushes you to this? Could it be "the truth" and only the "truth" hurts you?
    Bingo!!!! Sign or else. Your not a "people" if you don't sign your comments/insults
    Watch for the LTE soon!
    Vote "Yes" To Preserve OUR Public Safety

  18. Please support the Override.

    This override is for the children.
    This override is for the elderly.
    This override is for everyone in between.

    Please VOTE YES for the override

  19. The truth is people i speak with are greatful for what i do and ask me to PLEASE keep doing what your doing Dave. That is what they tell me not what i have to ask them.
    Just the "TRUTH"!!! Try Helping in us "Templeton" It will make you feel better.
    Check in the mirror and you will see!

    1. thank you dave for making my point for me...Dave I don't blame you for being so angry, life is not fair, and I don't envy your hurt and rage for life. For that I am truly sorry and hope you find the help you obviously need. But again the truth is the town already said...NO thank you to your help sooo continue your little games and rants people are not stupid and can easily see you are not fit for town politics..sry again but that is the cold hard truth...

  20. Google Green Tea Coalition.
    MMWEC is a monopoly in control of our Light and water just as with the Georgia issue.
    Our Commission wont follow the law with contracts of 5,000.00 or more and reading this will explain why. The worse thing about this is we are "letting" it all happen!

  21. Dear Mr. Smart,
    I will nicely reply with a question. Was that entire post meant for me?? I will wait for your reply until I post my feelings on what you stated. However, I will reply one thing..WHERE HAVE I EVER NOT SUPPORTED THE SENIORS OF THIS TOWN or accused the present BOS of purposely setting this problem up via my posts? I have stated over and over, taxing is not the answer. Please, "realize we NEED to do something and not rely on overrides...I am supporting the override THIS year...but the the next one is only 360 days away if plans are not gathered and implemented to get some revenue in this town." When one tries to give a different perspective as to how to help, then we are not credible because we did not state a "real" name. If you are going to direct a post at someone specific, apply the post to what they stated and write your thoughts on something else in a new post.

  22. It was for the two of you or as i suspect the one of you!
    As with this blog and it's information for the Templeton people to judge "the truths" for themselves.
    With your posts and thoughts as a provider of "?" I feel good about signing knowing your not able to stand by your comments you make.Save the sorry for the mirror it may do you some good?
    My running for L+W was a great amount of votes 634 to get the first try.I hold my head high and continue on the same as before . I'm not mad about anything and seek to help anyone i can. Even you my friend if you were to ask me.I forgive you and wish to know who you are but you won't have that for me or others who would be able to help your cause/our cause. Truly we are in the same town ,with the same problems and the same actions needed to get out of the problems "we" all have been dealt. This blog can be called the most information Tempelton has ever had.
    I think that's the driver for you truth. Information is Power,Power is Information.
    Power to The People of Templeton. Blog on!

  23. Dear Simple Truth i almost forgot email me at it won't hurt you can do it!

  24. David, I do not think I will be emailing you anytime soon simply because you keep insulting me. I will continue to read this blog and will continue to post information I find that I believe will help our town. I have great respect for Mr. Cosentino who has given us an information highway on Templeton. I will not reduce myself to slander anyone because of their belief's or their name. I will hold my composure and cont. to try to be the best civilized person I can be. I guess I will end with believe what you want Mr. Smart, I will not defend my "name" anymore but I will defend my thoughts with what I believe to be valid points and valid information.

  25. simpletonian- you are soooo smart!! basically Mr. Smart in simple terms was just told where the bear poops and the buckwheat!!
