Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Selectmen set vote on $620,000 Override

Selectmen set vote on $620K town override

Ballot to be held Oct. 15; request would fund school assessment, restore hours
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Voters at an Oct. 15 special ballot will be asked to approve a $620,000 Proposition 2 1/2 override to fund the Narragansett Regional School District’s assessment for the current fiscal year and restore town employee hours that were cut in 2012, the Board of Selectmen decided Monday following comments from residents.

“It’s an effort to show town employees that consideration, that at least we’re working on getting back to where we were,” said town employee Luanne Royer.

Officials are proposing the override in order to fund a $551,000 increase over what the town originally voted to provide the school district. Voters approved the additional sum during a joint town meeting with Phillipston Aug. 22.

The selectmen also opted to follow the Advisory Board’s recommendation to have all town departments prepare for a 30-percent cut to take effect on Nov. 1, in order to provide the funding for the school district if the override does not pass.

“We need it as a formality,” said selectmen Chairman Jeffrey Bennett. “I hope it doesn’t come to this, but we need to officially notify the town departments just to give all the employees a heads up. It will hurt, it will be hard, but we need to be prepared for that.”

The select board and residents on hand debated the amount to request through an override.

Initially, the board considered a motion to request $750,000, which would provide $130,000 for cost-of-living increases to town employees and $60,000 to restore hours based on the advisory board’s recommendation.

“We can justify every penny of the $750,000,” said Selectman Julie Farrell. “Our hand has been forced. We need to ask for what we can justify.”

However, concerns were raised about voters being put off by the high number — one that is more than what they previously voted against providing to the school district.

“The vote is going to be razor thin, and we’re going to kick ourselves for asking for cost-of-living increases when we’re laying off employees,” said Selectman Kenneth Robinson.

After Ms. Farrell took an informal hand-count vote on seeking $560,0000 versus $750,000 — which resulted in roughly a tie — Ms. Royer suggested the town ask for the $620,000 in order to provide the school funding and $60,000 to restore the 12.5-percent cuts made in 2012 to several departments.

The selectmen additionally set an Oct. 23 Special Town Meeting, during which voters will either have to approve the override following the Oct. 15 ballot or decide where cuts will be made.

The board has also decided to host town hall meetings to discuss the situation. The gatherings are tentatively planned for next week.

In other business, Fire Chief Raymond LaPorte announced a ceremony to be held at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday on the Town Common in memory of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


  1. So, how do we all come together to make sure this gets passed?

  2. Well the figure is set,the school got their dough,the elders are still saying:"I thought we voted NO."

    1. That's a nice rhyme Duece, I got a chuckle out of that one and I am not being sarcastic I read it an laughed out loud. I get your point though.

    2. That's a nice rhyme Duece, I got a chuckle out of that one and I am not being sarcastic I read it an laughed out loud. I get your point though.

  3. We can start by letting everyone know who is who.If we continue to hide our ID we are never going to be able to help out each other when they have a need. The blog has a choice to make or the bloggers can make that choice for it. You have your freedom of speech if you own your blog or comments. The choice is simple, Can we find the common ground or not. I will be the first to say this. The future of the blog is paralleled by the town vote. This blog has a place in Templetons history book and for what it's worth we can say it has helped out. The Information here has been unparalleled anywhere. The time has come to put the people of Templeton on notice that the business of Templeton has to change. We can't have what we don't fund. It's all about the money. I support the override,My job depends on it passing.
    I invite all workers of Templeton that will lose a job to stand up and line up at the school and let the voters see who they are voting for or voting to fire!
    It all boils down to a yes or a no.
    October 15 Vote Yes to fund the workers of Templeton.
    This will be a permanent decision all the voters make.

    1. It is too easy to write something or say anything when you can hide behind a name that is not your own. This blog has been the most important thing the town of Templeton has had in it's history. People believe what they read, mostly the older folk. When the local paper would not print the facts, or any information that was important for the town's people to know, it went on this blog. This gave another point of view that was needed so people could make a informed decision. To get the override to pass is going to be a tough thing. I guess we need help people understand that if it fails, it will hurt the people who don't deserve to be hurt, the people who stood by the town through thick and thin. Bev.

    2. It is too easy to write something or say anything when you can hide behind a name that is not your own. This blog has been the most important thing the town of Templeton has had in it's history. People believe what they read, mostly the older folk. When the local paper would not print the facts, or any information that was important for the town's people to know, it went on this blog. This gave another point of view that was needed so people could make a informed decision. To get the override to pass is going to be a tough thing. I guess we need help people understand that if it fails, it will hurt the people who don't deserve to be hurt, the people who stood by the town through thick and thin. Bev.

    3. It is too easy to write something or say anything when you can hide behind a name that is not your own. This blog has been the most important thing the town of Templeton has had in it's history. People believe what they read, mostly the older folk. When the local paper would not print the facts, or any information that was important for the town's people to know, it went on this blog. This gave another point of view that was needed so people could make a informed decision. To get the override to pass is going to be a tough thing. I guess we need help people understand that if it fails, it will hurt the people who don't deserve to be hurt, the people who stood by the town through thick and thin. Bev.

    4. Really??? With everything that you are fighting for you are posting about knowing people's real names?? Did I miss a post or something? What does our "real" names have to do anything that is going forth right now? AND...Huff you are trying to ask an honest question to try to get support for the override and the response is to state your real name??? move on already... I don't understand...let it go...And let me make one thing clear...Freedom of Speech is a constitutional right in the United States of America. It is what sets up apart from the rest of the world. If we did not have this right, we would not have this blog...I am an American, I am a voter for the town of Templeton, I vote under my "real" name and I have a right to respectively speak here on this blog or anywhere for that fact...with out Bev or Dave knowing my real doesn't hinder my opinions or how I will vote...I SUPPORT the override for the goodness of this town..and when I speak to people in person, I will speak with dignity and respect and I will plea for the override...period.

  4. Replies
    1. Dammed if I know? Any of you computer wizzes have a idea? Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Its not just yours Bev. I have had a few double posts too. I'm doing nothing different

  5. Mark is gonna go OFF on you Mr. Hill!! : )

  6. I would think/guess the people who don't comment but do read this blog would be happy to know who the hiders are,so as to judge what is the truth and who says what.
    There are allot of them ,if you post here and sign they will talk to you about the issues in Templeton. If you don't tell them they can't possibly help your efforts or discuss it with you.
    In short like i said before,owning your post make the difference in the truth. Gossip?
    If the few are only doing the comments to attack the blog they can be removed and controlled but i'm sure they would rather do things the right way.

  7. Yes simpletonian, it was an honest question. And this is what it turns into. Its a microcosm of our town.

  8. Doesn't matter what your name is. It matters what your opinions are and if people give their real names they are harrassed by other for their opinions so get over it already. Its bad enough that Julie and Jeff have led this town to this. They knew damn well that the school would get their money and they set us up for the override knowing they never pass. Well I hope that those whose pocketbooks are hurting realize that if it passes their pocketbooks might be empty. I will continue to VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE until the BOS can give this town a plan for getting us back on track. They have not done that at all, they blame the school (which is partly at fault for not working with the town) but they have no clue how to turn this around if they did they would propose it to the town. They have no idea what they will do next year. I am betting the school will increase their demand for more money and we will continue to go around on this unhappy merry go round. Its time for some real plans. Tell the towns people - if this passes and next year the tax rate stays the same we will have XXX amount of dollars ahead in our budget and we can start doing XXX things, but no don't think they can figure out simple things at all.

    SO until the BOS gives us a plan on what our moneys will bring the next few years NO ON ANY OVERRIDE

  9. simpletonian 775 ... I love you : )

  10. In response to the issues of posting of your real name as insisted by some on this blog, I respectfully would ask you to look at the following listed web sites. Some insight into our past history of the United States may help quiet down the chatter. simpletonian 775 and not dumb enough have valid points. I respect their positions and insight on the issues at hand. So lets work on that. Any posting can be evaluated by the reader as valid or not. If you want to have your name attached, do so. If you chose not to that's fine also, as that idea has helped us get to where we are today. huff n puff has valid points to bring to the table as well. We do not sometimes share the same opinion or come to the same conclusions. But I do think looking at things from a perspective other than my own is helpful. It teaches understanding and compromise. Something we will need to move forward.

  11. Jim - I can't believe you are comparing the anonymous posting that goes on here to what happened during the revolution.

    There are a few thoughtful posters under some alias. Many of them are merely slamming their political enemies and hiding behind their keyboard. It's a very weak comparision, in my opinion. Huff n puff has not posted anything more than attacks or snide remarks. Were he to post under his real full name, he might tone that done a bit and actually contribute to the debate rather than just call everyone who doesn't support the school's actions a moron. Someone who needs a better education so that they can afford to pay their taxes, etc.

    In my opinion, most of these aliases are one or two people. The writing style is similar. I would also guess that they are well known in town, possibly past or present officials. They don't want to spoil their reputation so they hide behind these pen names. There are other people who post under other than their full name but who have otherwise identified themselves. Baldwin Templeton is one example. Since he makes no secret that he is Baldwin Templeton, it's not anonymous posting.

    The anonymous posters that I don't like are attacking without contributing ideas or facts. Calling someone an unedcuated moron does not add to the debate.

    My opinion, nothing more.

    1. I have NEVER attacked anyone or called them a moron, with two exceptions. I didnt like the gang rape thing, &the other I apologized for.

    2. It must have been one of your other aliases.

    3. Mark:
      No Comparisons were made to anything here. As I stated above "Any posting can be evaluated by the reader as valid or not." Ignore it if your evaluation of it is that way. Don't respond to it. The back and forth banter only encourages them.

      Just my opinion.

  12. huff and don't have to explain yourself to these peopple...I enjoy your thoughts and posts. Templeton is fortunate to have you working to preserve some kind of credibility and respect. you are a leader and first class American!! kudos!! Not dumb enough, I agree with you completely with not having any confidence in the BOS. It really is a disgrace what they have done and continue to do to this town!

  13. Why do you blame the current select board. ALL the problems stem from past leaders. We finally have a board that is for the town.

  14. To Jim...I was going to post something very similar to your post about great historians who are well known in the history books posing under pseudonyms. And I do not agree with the statement that you are comparing it to the Revolutionary War...Let me conclude with PUBLIUS...which had I really thought of a name, I would have been that! They decided it was needed to use another name to be able to express their ideals through publications in the newspaper. For anyone who doubts the importance of such use, read the Federalist Papers #10...If I could post it here I would for it describes the factions of a civilized community and how important it is for the government to survive for the "people." I leave many with this: "The inference to which we are brought is, that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS." Through this blog, several factions exist, however, if it was not for the pseudonym of PUBLIUS we may not have the freedom to be able to express our opinions. Oh, and for those who will not look into who PUBLIUS is - James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay used this name to speak to the people of this nation to communicate the ratification of the Constitution. So the irony of this post is that YES, Mark, from the beginning of this profound nation, noble people have spoken through other names for reasons of their own to communicate their beliefs...for when politics are involved, a name is merely a name, it is the WORDS and actions that matter!

    You can go here to read the Federalist Paper #10:(I tried so hard to make a hyperlink, but it will not work)

  15. And, I, too, will state, I am only here under one name...unless you see PUBLIUS...then I will let you know it is my new "name"

  16. Although tensions still run high after the NRSD FY14 issue, I sincerely hope voters turn out to support the override in Templeton. Support your community, and get the train (albeit slowly) moving again.

  17. While I understand I am a Phillipston citizen, and therefore my opinion will be invalidated by some bloggers, I consider the local area my home. I go to Templeton nearly every day, be it for my banking, exercising, or participating in community events. We are a community of citizens, not of borders.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Please support the override for the TOWN of Templeton. Please VOTE YES!

    Please take the survey at the top left hand side of this this moment only 11 people have taken the poll. The poll is anonymous. While it is not a representative sample, it may provide some useful data.

    Thank you!

  20. I'm thinking this survey at the top is gonna be a good representative sample. People are tired of the bull thats going on and they don't want taxes raised. Time for the BOS to put together some plans to make Templeton strong again without playing the games that are going on.
