Monday, September 9, 2013

Meeting the week of September 9th

Monday Sept. 9th Board of Selectmen 6:30 PM the agenda is here


  1. In answer to Mr. Bennett's comment on 9/9/13 and with 9/11/13 a day away I would like to offer a challenge to all of Pauly's blog readers. If anyone can tell me why close to 2000 Architects and Engineers would put their reputations on the line in belief that the Three Towers came down that day with controlled demolition please speak up. This link is short and to the point
    The hole in the side of the Pentagon was only sixteen feet in diameter, how does a Boeing 757 fit into such a hole? Pilots for 9/11 Truth have looked at this crime scene and have this to say.
    For me it would be much better if I were the only one who believes that some of the facts were left out of the 9/11 investigation however this is not the case. As more and more people take the time to look at the evidence of what happened twelve years ago, 9/11 looks more and more like a false flag event. For those who believe this conclusion insults those who lost their lives that day please watch the following.
    Press for Truth the documentary is an excellent place to start your journey towards learning more about that fateful day. "Seek and ye shall find." or something along those lines.

  2. "The towers of the World Trade Center were designed to withstand as a whole the horizontal impact of a large commercial aircraft. So why did a total collapse occur? The reason is the dynamic consequence of the prolonged heating of the steel columns to very high temperature. The heating caused creep buckling of the columns of the framed tube along the perimeter of the structure, which transmits the vertical load to the ground. The likely scenario of failure may be explained as follows..."

    This link makes some good points about Richard Gage and how he profits from these absurd conspiracy theories: (Occam's razor is most always true)

  3. The buildings were designed to take multiple hits from a Boeing 707, never in the history of steel frame building had a building collapsed due to fire. The black smoke that came from the fires showed that oxygen was not present in quantities to promote a hot burn. The documentary Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Explosive Evidence that came out in 2012 gives and exhaustive look on the subject.
    Can anyone explain the sixteen foot hole in the Pentagon? This documentary can.
    There is much to learn about events on 9/11/01

  4. Mark, don`t waist your breath on this WING NUT. Once a WING NUT always a WING NUT !!!. I am surprise Pauly lets this WING NUT
    post his conspiracy thoughts on this blog. It hurts this blog and it followers to the max. I doubt he is a decorated U. S. Veteran. HE IS AN INSULT TO ANY OF US WHO ARE. He must be related to Tokyo Rose. Revoke his U S citizenship and send him to the Middle East, North Korea, Syria, anywhere but here. TO BAD THEY ABOLLISHED PUPLIC TAR AND FEATHERING.
    And on that note this is the last time I visit this blog and post anything

    1. I agree, posts like that should be immediately deleted by the administration, it does NO GOOD to the blog.

    2. Steve L- thank you for your service and your obvious passion for America!

  5. Regardless of who did it or how or why the attacks on 9/11 happened, many people lost loved ones on that day and more loved ones have been lost in the 12 years following in the aftermath. Please be respectful of the fact that on this day (and the whole month of September) people are focusing on the people, not the politics. Discuss the hows & whys & whos any of the 11 other months of the year. I lost a high school friend on one of the planes. I've lost a cousin fighting in Iraq. All of us and many around the world experienced a tremendous tragedy that day and are still suffering the memories of it. I agree that some things don't add up about what occurred that day, but none of that matters today. Honoring the good people lost is what matters. Lets remember how the whole country came together to support one another. We put aside politics and all the other things that divides us in everyday life and expressed love, compassion, and comfort. If you want to talk about anything else today besides the loved ones lost, lets talk about how this town needs those feelings to come back again. A lot of hurtful things have been said to one another. You just never know when our time is up and it is terrible to think that someone's last words to someone else would be nasty and hurtful. So, be sure to choose your words wisely. They may be the last thing someone may hear or may be the last thing someone may say.

    1. Templetonian is absolutely right. People have died so we could have the right to speak freely. All of us have the right to say, or read what we want. If you do not like what is being said, simply don't read it. Sept. 11 will always be something I will never forget. The horror still takes my breath away, and years later the feelings have not lessened. Join with the rest of our nation, and give time to honor the lives of the people who died that day. Bev.

  6. Down hear on the lower forty where we don't spend a lot of time talkin about our medals there is something we do think is real important. A man has got a right to free speech even though I don't want to hear what he has to say. Good chance if I know what he is thinkin maybe I can change his mind or vice verse.

  7. sign your name.. (Baldwin templeton)your wife would not approve if you don't... I agree with the people who think the conspiracy theories are a bunch of opinion based upon my opinion and joe's opinion & tony's opinion and they guy at cvs opinion. that's it, I think!

  8. oh yea...Templetonian very nice blog, you are absolutely right I agree with every word of your blog.... well said!! Especially that part about not taking life for granted. Sooo true!
