Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tale of Two Contracts

A Tale of Two Contracts

Why support an override now? Either the town passes an override or major cuts to public safety will occur.

I believe the current members of the BOS will work to ensure the override money is expended in a trustworthy manner. That has not always been the case. When the Advisory Board recommended cuts to certain town employees in order to balance a budget, it was in the context of a very different political climate. That BOS had major credibility issues including but not limited to:

The recall vote: the firing of town counsel and re-hiring K&P as town counsel - forthwith; the “settlement” with Town Coordinator Jeffrey Ritter; the re-hire of former town coordinator , Carol Skelton, who subsequently drained the account of every last dime; as well as closing the books on the municipal building committee to stop the further hemorrhaging of taxpayer money.

Did the town need an override then? Yes! Yes the town needed an override and has for many years. Let’s face it, any override was a hard sell in that political climate. While armchair quarterbacking, it is very easy to forget the context within which decisions were made. So the Town, as in town meeting, voted the recommendations put forth by the Advisory Board and BOS to operate with the money we had available to us at the expense of hard-working employees.

So this March the school superintendent placed an override question ($691,000) on the ballot for the April 30th election. There was no communication about this override request between the school and the BOS. The April 30th override fails. The vote for the school budget passes in Templeton; an override is needed for the full amount. The override question ($691,000) is placed on the June 25th ballot, where it is defeated by a wider margin. The school committee votes to re-certify the budget including the $691,000 for Templeton’s assessment on June 12, 2013, thirteen days BEFORE the June 25th election date.

The school committee vote on June 12th triggers the needs for a STM within 45 days. That STM is scheduled on July 26th and the school’s demand for an additional $691,000 is defeated.

The school committee calls for a Joint Town Meeting on August 22nd and finally overturns 4 no votes to get to yes. During this entire, protracted process the school committee and school superintendent would not compromise on the dollar amount of Templeton’s assessment. People were repeatedly told that every dime requested was desperately needed for “the children”.

Please review the following contracts:

NRSD Superintendent Contract                          

The superintendent of schools contract includes:

$137,800 salary as of July 1 2012 – probably increased as of July 1, 2013

A cell phone provided by the district

30 vacation days $530 per diem based on 260 working days
(at $137,800/year)(pg7)

60 sick days credited in each contract year (pg 8)

3 personal days

In district travel - $2,000 annually as a reimbursement for expenses and travel within the District payable without a voucher.

The school committee has insisted that there was nothing that could be cut from their 18 million dollar plus budget. After a careful review of this contract, you may have doubts about that assertion. I do.

Please hold the school committee responsible for their votes and actions as you have held the BOS accountable for our votes and actions. Speaking only for myself, I welcome the newfound interest in politics as well as the push for accountability and transparency. I feel it is an incredible responsibility to use taxpayer money wisely and well. I believe it is a sacred trust to do the most good for as many people as possible including the school…within reason. I believe it is unreasonable as well as irresponsible for the school committee to place public safety in jeopardy in Templeton, by their votes and by their actions.

Please support this override for the TOWN. This override is for the children. This override is for the elderly. This override is everyone in between. Public safety for 8,000 people is too important to put at risk.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. A quick google search shows that the US average School Supt. salary is $143,412, & the Ma average is quite a bit higher at $150,201. So thanks for pointing out that our Supt. does in FACT work for a lower salary than she commands just to work for our system.

    1. I'm beginning to think your name may be Ruth

    2. "Just to work for our system",really. If she was wanted elsewhere for more money, she would be there. However, in a town where the average income is said to be $23,000, I'm sure her salary sounds pretty good to a lot of people. You certainly can't complain about the benefits either.

  2. huff and puff you are correct, but you should have made some condescending remarks and highlighted FACTS or something obnoxious like that. that means you are powerful and important if you do those things...c'mon man! lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The number of sick days, 60 per year, please tell me that is not true. Between sick days and vacation days, that is 1/2 of a 180 day school calendar. The school would be much better off purchasing short term disability insurance. A contract like this is going to result in a mammoth payout whenever Ms. Miller leaves NRSD.

    1. Then we can thank huff n puff, along with his good buddy the truth. Facts, I will take those any day. Condescending, maybe that is what it takes for people to listen. What will it take for you to understand, what you have done? You handed over a school budget that most of your followers did not even look at. The fact that your followers do not know the difference between a debt exclusion, and a override, makes me just shake my head, and think Oh, my goodness. Fingers busy texting last night, no wonder these people miss half of what is going on in the world. If this override does not pass, this is on you, the School people. I do not care what the selectmen do to promote it, people will make up their own minds, based on what they can afford. Standing on the common is a nice gesture, but it does not change minds. What will change minds? Facts, facts will do that. Funny how that works, Bev.

    2. Ok Bev, your starting to piss me off. Why dont you just go enjoy your new senior center, & let us take care of the rest. Maybe you could get a teacher to come give you a grammer lesson too.

  5. Speaking of grammar lessons, it should be "you're" as in "you are staring to piss me off". Bev does not own a "starting". And it is "grammar", not "grammer".

    Everyone makes spelling and grammar mistakes on this blog. But you look pretty foolish castigating Bev with your mistake-laden post.

    And nice cooperative attitude you have - telling a senior citizen that they should not concern themselves with town affairs. It's easy to be so rude when you don't sign your name!

    1. Sorry Mark, that was an afterthought after hearing how the workers will " loose" too many times. I should have proofread it.

      My point still stands though; She got her senior center, but agreed to cutting town workers hours. THAT is the definition os selfishness.

    2. Huff - Bev says she voted against the senior center and does not use it. You are making her to be a straw man that she is not. I understand your point about a mythical senior voting for their own interest and against the school. That door swings both ways. People vote their own interests, no big surprise there. Sometimes people can be swayed to vote against what they previously perceived as their own best interest by a convincing argument. Such as we won't be able to get to work if the roads aren't plowed, we won't have anyone to respond to an assault in the wee hours or we won't be able to collect our revenue if hours are further cut in the town adminstrative positions.

      As for grammar and spelling, loose/lose, your/you're, there/their and many others are very common mistakes. Sometimes they are caused by your phone filling in a word for you. Sometimes we all just make mistakes. I make my share.

    3. & I apologized for that comment below.

  6. Keep saying, You People,These People,Thirty something and see what it will get you.They will get even and send you bunch packing your bags for the retirement home. Then we can get this town back on track where it should be.With some people with smarts and 2013 outlook not 1913

  7. It is so disheartening to read these posts. What kind of children do you expect to raise in this community if this is the example we are setting? It is especially upsetting when some of these post are coming from elected town officials. Templeton should be looking into creating a social media policy for its employees and elected officials. You are bashing the very people you work for. I work for a non-profit human services agency and I would be fired if I acted in this manner. If you are going to represent our community do it well and with respect for everyone's individual opinions.

  8. Down hear on the lower forty it is good to here talk starting on problems that have been festering for years. Like my outhouse without some lime these conversations could use some sweetening up a little. Great to have some younger blood taking an interest but don't forget you don't stay young forever.

    1. Lower40...your analogies crack me up sometimes! Thanks!

  9. I believe I made a post on a different blog about respect. Huff and many others here , you're not winning friends and influencing people by writing these things. I said in a previous blog EVERYONE HAS VALUE and that concept is not adhered to here. P Bernard, it is very disheartening and I ask that my children not read this blog even though I am a social media girl, I don't want them to think all these posts are the fabric of our's a portion. Please, we need to work together for the common good of sustaining our town now let's have productive conversation here and not all this bickering and get the job done. WE can set a better example and we all are leaders in our own right so let's do this. Thank you.

  10. mr Bernard great blog, I agree with you 100% in the real world outside the cocoon that is Templeton people are held accountable for action and words... Unlike Templeton where an elected official can openly insult, degrade and mock the people they are representing... What kind of message do we show the young people of templeton..This behavior is approved?? not only is it approved but we will have you be a leader of the town..This is not how the rest of the world works..only in Templeton! I think guidelines for elected officials and social media is a great idea thank you Mr. Bernard

  11. it is the fluoride in the water !!!!!!

    1. The town is a place for everyone to live in. What people have learned through experience should be passed down, from one generation to the other. To learn, you have to be willing to listen. Some of you are doing a good job, others not so much. You can be large in numbers, but short on experience. Our town has been trying to dig ourselves out from debt, accumulated over the past twelve years. The work that has been accomplished was earned the hard way. It would be good for you to go back a couple of years, to when the blog was started. Watch the film of our former selectmen ordering people out of the meeting when surrounded by police. This has been a long road, and I am not going anywhere. Don't like when I tell you the truth? Well suck it up! I will work with you, but I am not going anywhere. I did not vote for the senior center, and will probably will never go there. We cut back on the hours of our workers, because it was better than letting any one person go. Working together, and respecting the people who have lived here all their lives will outlast people who want to drive anyone out of town if they do not agree. Clean up your act, Puffy and others, you are making the other "thirty somethings" look bad. Bev.

    2. The town is a place for everyone to live in. What people have learned through experience should be passed down, from one generation to the other. To learn, you have to be willing to listen. Some of you are doing a good job, others not so much. You can be large in numbers, but short on experience. Our town has been trying to dig ourselves out from debt, accumulated over the past twelve years. The work that has been accomplished was earned the hard way. It would be good for you to go back a couple of years, to when the blog was started. Watch the film of our former selectmen ordering people out of the meeting when surrounded by police. This has been a long road, and I am not going anywhere. Don't like when I tell you the truth? Well suck it up! I will work with you, but I am not going anywhere. I did not vote for the senior center, and will probably will never go there. We cut back on the hours of our workers, because it was better than letting any one person go. Working together, and respecting the people who have lived here all their lives will outlast people who want to drive anyone out of town if they do not agree. Clean up your act, Puffy and others, you are making the other "thirty somethings" look bad. Bev.

    3. bev do you and Julie share a brain?? or just the same screen name?? that was a rhetorical question bev...

    4. Just for the record, I have my own brain and my own screen name. Sometimes Bart uses the computer, but that is as far as it goes. I have lives in this town and my family has been here for 4 generations. I will stand up for the people I see as getting hurt by a lack of information. Facts are the real truth! They can be proven, and can be a way for making decisions, based on something other than peer pressure. Bev.

    5. Bev - Please continue to post whatever you choose. We need the perspective of all Templeton residents. Bart grows one hell of a tomato. Your posts give us an insight to a Templeton that people today do not know. Don't take offense to this, but you are the grandma Moses of Templeton. You are the Old Ironsides of Templeton. Those shots that you take just bounce off. They do not touch you. You write well, I enjoy reading your posts. Templeton is better off for your participation.

  12. so I have undoubtably been trying to stay neutral but I have to say a few things..from the outside looking in, Mrs. Farrell, are you not dividing this town by posting this? I mean, you say you want the facts, and we ALL receive a town report when we vote, so yes we are aware of the pay rates. What we are not in control of is the information which stands inside of the you are as members of the BOS or SC. It seems detremental that you shared this information after requests to sit back and think before you do; so this brings me to the question, how much are you for the town? you ignored what some people asked to make yourself seem more important by posting "facts" Do you hold another job? How about you post what you make and all of the benefits you receive so we can judge if it's right or not. I do not want that information, just a point. Another point, someone posted the average income for our town is $23,000? Well, I am not an economist, but it seems that is the problem. Our fiscal problems did not start in Templeton. It started with President Clinton when he passed the housing laws into effect and allowed for people to get loans WAY outside their ability to pay for it. A house in Templeton should not have ever been worth the money they sold for and the people whose income was only lower 20,000 shouldn't have bought them! That is why the foreclosures are in town, not because of our policies. The nation has been declining for many years, and yes, we have problems with past political town leaders, but by bringing them up over and over, it makes me want to say, "It's all President Bush's fault!" And another point, the very people you keep blaming for this predictament are no longer in office! the town did not vote them back in and if I recall, Mrs. Farrell you were voted in because THOSE very people were running and the people had to or them, and they chose you. By the statements you have posted, I would think you might want to control your inner thoughts, we all have them, but when you are in political office, you need to adhere to the ethical aspects of representing the town. If representatives from the state were to speak the way you do sometimes, they would be on the 6 o'clock news every night (and not for good news!)
    Oh - and yes, I know I do not use my real name so you may not "take this to heart", but maybe I am your neighbor who is afraid to speak my mind, maybe I am the person sitting next you in church, or maybe I am the person who stands behind you in Cumberland Farms as you congregate with harsh words disregarding who may be listening...the point being, maybe I am just not ready to let you know my real name and personally do not care if you don't listen because if I did list my real name, I would only be a conversation around your coffee table!But I do want to say to Mr. Bennett, I appreciate your response to my questions and your points were well taken into consideration and they are fair points to make (I agree, sell 252 Baldwinville rd and give the money back to the taxpayers.) Thank you

    1. In 2011 Mrs. Farrell made $65,181.00 and in 2012 she made $68,998.00 which is a 5.86% increase. It seems what's good for the geese (as in Julie) is not good for the gander (as in NRSD teachers).

      Just sayin

    2. ANOTHER IDIOT, straying from the real issue, TEMPLETON

    3. Dear DO,
      This IDIOT had read many, many comments on this blog stating how the teachers of NRSD make waaaaay too much money.

      Point is, the real issue isn't how much any of the teachers, staff or administrators make in any school system. The issue is TEMPLETON needs more revenue. Period.

      And if I were you, with a screen name like that, I wouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone else. That screen name proves just how ignorant you are and that you WANT this town to stay divided.

      Just sayin

    4. Problem is more revenue = school asking for more $

  13. "Posing" #2 Websters Dictionary To assume a certain manner or attitude,esp. for effect and often to "deceive".
    The comments with actual names are real people in Templeton and not "posers" those other than the ones with a name are just that till they sign and add to the real issues needing to be solved together!
    The nicknamers who pop up are in my opinion threatened by this blog and should learn from the way the people that sign respect those others that don't hide the truth.I stand before the town to bring out the facts i find that have affected them.In doing that i saved every electric customer 1.00 every month. I sign my name because i'm not hiding, i'm posing the truth to people reading this blog. If you sign and state the truth you will gain the respect of the others that own the comments they post.Then and only then will the blog help out the town of Templeton. I agree with Diane "we all" need to work together. The words of wisdom are only two. WE ALL.

  14. oh dave, don't get the idea that im trying to fool anyone...all you have to do is click on the name to see who it actually thought I don't think you and the rest of the crew have access to the blog administration or thought my identity was hidden, you don't give people ENOUGH credit,(hahah get it enough credit, enough is capitalized, I learned that from reading this blog)anywho... what i was referring to is when I was blogging to mr. Bernard about my opinion bev chimed in when it had nothing to do with her ...using the word I and me when the blog referred to mrs. Farrell....soo it was a legitimate question... I do admire how proud you are of yourself! self acceptance is critical in my opinion!

  15. simpletonian 775- I love your blog you have a gift with words not to mention a style and confidence that makes me proud to be an American! thank you for your continued excellence!

    1. I wish this blog had a "like" button because I'd click it here :)

      Just sayin

      ps...that was a Facebook reference for those of you that don't get it

  16. I have to agree, even I have been pulled into the negativity posted on this blog. I started on this blog because of the "FACTS" that were being put out there. This certain crew seems to only put facts out that suit their argument & not the rest of the facts or the context from which they come. This thread being the perfect example. What started as me contextualizing Julie's "FACTS" degenerated into another character assault. Which is why I choose to use a screen name. Imagine if these people had our real names. Which leads to my second post.....

    1. Again...where the heck is the "like" button?? I so agree Huff!! I can only imagine what kind of clever insult they'd make out of my real name.

      It's time this place lightened up a little.

      Just sayin

  17. THIS is exactly what is wrong with our town. Anytime someone challenges the powers that be, or has a differing opinion, they get assaulted( get it?). Instead of trying to work together, you get brow-beaten into submission. This is why so many people give up. Instead of screaming, you're wrong, or completely avoiding the question, do a little research & admit when you are wrong. I have.

    1. Puffy you have created more turmoil on this blog then ANYONE since this blog was started. stop making yourself out to be a saint.

    2. If putting out ALL the facts, instead of just those that fit my argument, or putting facts into context is what you consider to be creating turmoil, then I am guilty as charged.

    3. I have seen documented proof of the facts put here by Julie and others.
      I have yet to see ANY proof or documents proving any of your so called "facts"

    4. google average Supt. salary in Mass. or.... how about the FACT that I told you it would come to this due to DESE rules?

  18. And #3. This is for Julie, Bev, & Diane. I apoligize to Bev about the senior center comment, but THAT'S IT! I have tryed to stay positive, even in the face of blind ignorance. I have put out facts that were convieniently overlooked, or put them in context. I am not a thirty-something. My family has lived here their entire lives. We have worked, sweat, & bled here. This "Comehere son, let me pull you around by your earlobe" bit , is getting real old. I have been around too long to be "talked down" to. I will try to remain positive & speak about those things I believe in, but I can promise you this.... If I get slapped, I WILL slap back.

  19. The contract does not provide for 60 sick days per year. It gives 60 sick days "up front", with additional sick days earned at the rate of 1 1/4 per month (15 per year). Still quite generous, but not out of line with Public Sector benefits. I'm not sure I understand why the 60 days "up front" were given. Most people I know never take a sick day from work. If you get a serious illness, short term disability insurance is available from many employers. What our system of sick days in the public sector saves is the insurance premium. What it costs is excessive overtime pay for police officers and the need for a large sum for substitute teachers.

  20. Hi Mark,

    The 60 sick days "up front" language was incorporated into the superintendent's contract when a different superintendent was hired from outside the district who asked that that language be incorporated into the contract.

    I was surprised to see that it was still in the superintendent's contract.

    It's not recreational reading, but I believe all contracts need periodic review before they are negotiated and signed.

    1. As your 5.86% increased contract should've been also.

      "Mr. Kettle, you are indeed very black today." said Mr. Pot

      Just sayin

  21. With the money the teachers are making,and they do deserve every penny, and the administration. Looks like a lot of these Nay Sayers should have stayed in school and bettered there education to become the lowly teacher they didn't want to be. And boy have the tables turned. They might be able to pay there taxes

  22. Halfway - I haven't seen any attacks on teacher salaries. I personally have questioned the overall budget, but I would not propose that anyone should earn less money. I have no issue with the supers salary.

    So much for trying to set a nicer tone I guess. You are picking a fight where none exists.

  23. I have no problem with teacher pay. All I here is they only work 180 days. And no teacher is worth X amount of money for 180 days

  24. I haven't seen anyone who signs their name write anything like that.

  25. where is the screen name police when "Baldwin templeton" blogs...mark, Julie, bev, dave smart?...he didn't sign his name...I agree with most of the replies, conspiracy theories are no use in social media. Hmmmm who could that be??? HYPOCRISY!!!! that who!

  26. I put the request out for all and any who post can put it on and sign it's up to the bloggers and weather they do is out of my control. Those who fight it are the real problem here.
