Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 11 Service

September 11, 2013 Service

Attached you will find information regarding a memorial service for 9/11 by the Templeton Fire Department.

This information is also added to:

The link to the Templeton Events Calendar is located on the left-hand side of Pauly’s Templeton Watch blog. If you have an event you would like posted, please pass the information along.


  1. In my opinion 9/11 was a false flag event that has its premise based on documents such as Project for a New American Century.
    Close to 2000 Architects and Engineers believe that the Three towers that came down that day came down with controlled demolition.
    Taking the time to watch the above short video is well worth the time.
    Researchers and true Americans are still trying to figure out how Flight 77 fit through a sixteen foot hole in the Pentagon on that fateful day.
    Pilots for 9/11 Truth have dedicated their lives to answer just such a question, check out the link above. If we as a nation are going to use the same brain to think collectively we should make sure that brain has all the correct facts.

    1. Thanks for pointing out the Templeton Events Calendar. I know it is something I can use, and don't think I'm alone. Good for the Fire Chief to put on this Sept.11 service. He has been working hard to become a member of our community. If you have not met him yet, stop by and say hello. You will find a really nice man, who does his job, and will work with his men, and for the people in our community. In my opinion, we found a gem. Bev.

  2. It would be nice if we could have a memorial service for what happened on that day and the people who are gone forever. I would hope we could leave all the theories of who what how and why alone and just have a very cordial respectful memorial service. It is a simple public announcement of which you are invited to attend. We could have all the debate of the other crap some other day. While serving in Afghanistan, I attended a memorial service for four American service members killed who were out of the same FOB as I was based out of. That day, those of us who attended did not talk about all the bullshit that goes on there, we did not talk of all the things that do not work, we did not talk politics, we did not talk theories, we simply showed respect for the fallen and many grieved their loss and I would hope we could do that for one day!

  3. And the truth shall set you free. John 8:32
