Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thoughts from the BOS Meeting september 3, 2013

Thoughts from the BOS Meeting September 3, 2013

The first agenda item – Discuss bid specifications for 252 Baldwinville Rd – generated a lot of discussion.

A little history lesson can be found in this list of documents regarding 252 Baldwinville Rd. [Please download the page and then the links on the page should work] Go ahead and refresh your memory. I’ll wait.

I know, I know. Why keep bringing up the past? Newsflash – so we don’t keep repeating prior bad decisions and boondoggles. The Sept. 3, 2013 BOS meeting was attended by many people. These people included former selectmen who in my opinion have harmed the town by their past votes and actions…including most of the transactions regarding 252 Baldwinville Rd.

We have a few people who read the blog and know about real estate. Questions to those individuals – would you recommend purchasing a building without a building inspection or appraisal? Have you ever run across a situation where legal counsel would endorse the release of a $399,925 dollar payment on the basis of an e-mail? Do you think the settlement statement listed in the documents looks ok?

Mr. O’Brien, I was incorrect. The total cost was NOT $704,000 but $761,000. Check the link to the documents listed. On Feb 6, 2012 the voters in Templeton voted NO to an override for 252 Baldwinville Rd. They said ENOUGH was ENOUGH. Get it?
The Town is going to take a big loss on this boondoggle. The one benefit from finding a buyer will be returning the property to the tax roll. In my opinion, selling this property to a business is the ONLY viable option for the town. Otherwise history WILL repeat itself.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. DANA; You are "directed" to help your obtuse General manager of L+W to produce the documentation required of all contracts of 5,000.00 or more for the auditing authority. This should be a priority for you and the L+W commission not trying to cover the tracks of your past groups activities like this 252 boondoggle. There will always be a chosen few,like last night that will do anything to harm the recovery of Templeton. Who would want to fix a building that you have to hold your breath in?Anybody can see the blocks are crumbling and the floor heaves as the walls are cracking more every year!Take care of the contracts and follow the law for a change.
    When you are on T.V. People will see what i was talking about!
    I think you pretty much called everybody something!
    Glad i helped to stir you up.*

  2. Couple of points, why was the spending of taxpayer dollars in the amount of $399,925.00 treated as if a box of copy paper was being purchased? Why was this email document not signed by all selectmen at a public open meeting of the BOS? A question was asked, "what was the value of the building then?" Good question and perhaps the taxpayers would know if an appraisal had been done at the time, before the purchase. Also how or why was a building and property bought for a specific purpose, as in converting to a town hall not put out as a debt exclusion question. I know there was an override question put forth for additional $400,000.00 for 252 but if the project was going to be paid for out of the tax levy why an override for additional monies, why not a debt exclusion question? I also believe that since many people have voiced questions of why the town does not sell it's surplus property is one of many reasons to sell 252 and get it on the tax revenue sheet for the town. Selling it would also close another contentious chapter in Templeton. I also question why anyone would propose to move forward with a flat roof building for town office space considering the number of flat roof collapses in one winter season. Concerning the reuse of town buildings, how old is city hall in Gardner? How old are the buildings that make up Cushing Academy? There is probably a long list of old buildings in use today in different places. The difference is how these buildings are maintained.

  3. East Templeton school is a BEAUTIFUL building with great styling, I think it would make a great Town Hall.
    Just Saying.........

    1. My opinion is that a New England town like ours should have a town hall that fits in with the rest of the town, not a building that resembles Walmart. Our building is free. Get that FREE!! Free, like we own it already. No matter what, we have to do something with the building in East Templeton anyway, before it requires more work. I think our best bet is to fix it up and move the town offices out of that building on Athol Road. The longer we stay on Athol Road, the more money we throw away. As it is, in my opinion, we have stayed there to long as it is. Dana was on a roll last night. One of the things that Dana said was the land at 252 has enough space for a Police station?? From what was said after the meeting, it sounds like just past the drive way, it is very wet, and a downward slope. Good place to build anything? Maybe with enough fill trucked in, yes I suppose you can build anywhere. Where is the money coming from? Not me, you can count on that! Mr. Blais said he had volunteers to do the work on 252 for a small amount of money. Ok, just where does this man think any amount of money will come from for this project, that we have dumped more money into as it is? We are talking about doing some drastic cuts, we need money coming in, not going out. Here is a question for you, what happens if this project is half way done, and more money is needed?? If the selectmen were to say yes, and problems arise from the floor that is buckled from the start, or the walls that are crumbling, as we speak? We have people looking at this property, my opinion is to sell and get what we can. I have no idea why this building was bought for so much more that it's appraised value, there were not lines of people trying to buy it. I knew something was wrong when I learned this building had been bought with no funding. It looks to me like our old friend Mr. Skelton pulled a fast one, and did not want to give the people in this town the chance to vote, because he was afraid they would say no. This is my opinion but I would put money on it. Ms. Wilder was a selectman when the decision was made to sell 252, and agreed on the figure to ask for it. I am sure she voted in favor, and was willing to try to get it back on the tax revenue sheet, and hopefully bring in jobs to the town. Well Ms. Wilder has changed sides again, just as she did to the school supporters. People will think she has a credibility issue, if she continues to change sides, kicking the very people she professed to support. Sooner or later people will become tired of dredging up arguments that have gone around and around, and are no better now than they were years ago. If Mr. Blais wants to do a good thing for the town, why doesn't he get his crew to help with East Templeton? It would be a much easier project, and a building we could sell after we use it. Down the road, it may be that the town offices can move into Templeton Center. As it is, the East Templeton School is a asset to East Templeton. Who wouldn't want to help the precinct, you grew up in. People coming into town would bring business to the people who are trying to stay open in a difficult economic time. using E.T., would allow the town to move other departments out of Baldwinville, saving money we do not have for oil, and upkeep. Sounds like a win, win to me. My opinion, Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Very good points, Bev. I agree, especially with your statement that if he can have a crew at 252, why can't he have the same crew at the ET building?? Very good question. My opinion in agreement with you. Have a good evening, everyone.

    4. I agree East Templeton would make a great town hall

  4. The town owned building in East Templeton would make good temporary office space so the town can get out of a pallet factory and paying rent. We would have the option of planning a new town hall with no flat roof. As I have pointed out in the past, I inquired about a brand new steel building (no bid, just an informal check) and what I got was a price of one million four hundred thousand for brand new footings, frost walls, concrete floor with a brand new building with a peak/gable roof design that meets snow load requirements. These are buildings that are already used as municipal office space. So just for argument sake, a new building for 1.4 million, 1.4 million to build out the inside which equals a brand new building for less money than to rehab an old industrial building. Perhaps all the sudden volunteer people could work on the town owned building in ET and we can get out of the rented space while we get on better financial footing and plan a brand new town hall for less money than rehab. Just a thought. The selling of 252 would do away with one more contentious issue in Templeton which would be another move forward rather than going backwards to 252 for instance. On top of the 1.9 million originally asked for, STM Nov. 2011, article # 12 seeks an additional $400,000.00 plus a transfer of $157,000.00 from the former Pajari fund. The transfer of the Pajari money was contingent upon the passing of an override on the $400,000.00 amount. This was clearly a project that was going to cost way more than first advertised and for the code changes for snow load, one needs to check the dates when this was put into effect, it will surprise you I think. So again, rather than go backwards to 252, perhaps we go forward for a brand new building for perhaps less money than an old one and we get rid of one more subject of division in Templeton. My thoughts.

    1. Where would we build the new town hall. I know,tear down ET.

    2. boy, that really makes sense. were you a previous selectman?

    3. PLEASE, Explain to me and others how it makes sense to tear down a solid brick building that will stand another 100 years, I really for the life of me cannot understand the problem people have with fixing and maintaining a nice building in a great location.
      Is it just that some like to spend millions of taxpayers $

    4. If you don't want "big government", don't build a big town hall.
      East Templeton is is a good size, if you don't support "big government".

    5. Halfway up the hill, Tear down East Templeton, and what? Build a Town Hall, with a fake front, and gold toilets? It will look like Walmart, oh boy just what we need. Hee, Hee

    6. Bennet wants to build a steel building so where would you build it

    7. wouldn't a nice new building be better than a old mold infested one

    8. Why do you not post your thoughts under your name?

    9. That post above is not to Jeff Bennett.

  5. Dana Blais personally said, with me standing right there, over a year ago that 252 Bald. Rd. had to pass because he was relying on the work that he would be doing on it. THAT was before any votes or construction began. sounds pretty fishy and typical of the way he and those that were pushing for 252 did things.
    That whole crew CANNOT be trusted, not a single one of them do ANYTHING that benifits the town.

    BEWARE of them, they will strike again.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The way Mrs.Farrell speaks and writes to people is a complete embarrassment to the town of templeton. If you want to be a leader please lead and stop the condescending comments and pompous attitude. You cannot talk to the townspeople like this! Seems like their wasn't much sincerity in two poor apologies. Templeton will be in a better position if she would resign.my view this fine day

    1. There is a old Chinese proverb." When you are in a hole, stop digging." That is something everyone should keep in mind. Bev.
