Friday, October 11, 2013

Citizens4Templeton hosting benefit for Highway Department employees

Citizens4Templeton hosting benefit for Highway Department employees

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Uniting residents to help those in needs, the group Citizens4Templeton is hosting a benefit event at the Templeton Fish and Game Club on Saturday for two Highway Department employees currently on leave as they battle serious illness.

“It’s a support thing for the two guys that are sick,” said David Smart, a co-founder of Citizens4Templeton and a highway department employee. “To have people come out and have a good time, it already has helped them immensely, knowing things are being done. I don’t think we can raise enough money to fix it, but just to show we’re thinking about them and hoping they get better — we’re hoping they see the support behind them, and it makes their day.”

Citizens4Templeton organized roughly two years ago to support people in need and bring about positive change in the community.

“There’s a dual function to bring awareness to the Templeton residents and also do fund raise and help citizens in Templeton,” Mr. Smart said.

Through several fundraisers — including one for more than 40 students in the Narragansett Regional School District dealing with homelessness — Citizens4Templeton has raised more than $5,000.

With over 250 tickets already sold and more than $1,400 raise, Mr. Smart said Saturday’s gathering could be the group’s largest event yet.

Some members of Citizens4Templeton are family members of the two highway employees, Mark Kasper and Marty Paine, while others like Mr. Smart are their coworkers.

“Everyone is stepping up because they know these guys,” Mr. Smart said. “Everyone at the highway barn is just jumping out of their shoes to help out.”

Mr. Smart said if the event is successful, Citizens4Templeton will continue to host annual events.

“This endeavor is kind of testing the waters,” he said. “Maybe once or twice a year we could do a function like this.”

Beginning at noon, the day will include live music from Peter Farrell, Bob “Postal Bob” Goodwin and Rainy Day Activities, along with raffles with prizes from local businesses. A pig roast will be served at 2:30 p.m., with entertainment continuing until 6 p.m.

“I have almost two pages of raffle items,” Mr. Smart said. “It’s endless and we’ve got more coming. I’ve been amazed.”

For more information, contact Mr. Smart at 978-632-6421 or the Templeton Highway Barn at 978-939-8666

To learn more about Citizens4Templeton, visit



Live Entertainment!

Templeton Fish & Game Club
October 12, 2013-12:00 – 2:30 pm
Music till 6:00

Meal & Raffle ticket - $20.00

Come join the fun and help out Mark & Marty!

Hosted by Citizens 4 Templeton and through donations
provided by many businesses to make this event possible!!

For questions, donations or tickets, please contact
David Smart @ 978 632 6421
Templeton Highway Barn @ 978 939 8666



  1. So we did not have the sun but things were bright at this fundraiser for two good guys who work for the town. A super turn out by friends and supporters who made this a great success. It was nice that Mr. Obrien and his wife decided to attend. The food was great and no one went hungry. I will let Dave write more about this event but I will tell you, we do have people that step up when their neighbors need help. That is what living in a small town is about. Bev.

  2. WOW what a turn out. The blog won't allow me to write enough on one comment for all that needs to be said.
    I'll feed this info to the readers now and just say thanks so much for the support.As Bev said it's what living in a small town is about. Added up after minimal expenses we broke the 9,000.00 mark. I never in my wildest dreams thought this event would carry out this for a result and i for one am amazed at all who helped out.Donors,helpers,performers and the club. I will write a blog and see Karry for a followup story in the Gardner news also. Thank you all!
    Now i need to call Mark and Marty and see how the day worked them over,i hope not too bad.
