Friday, October 11, 2013

Templeton citizens need to vote at the town meeting as well

Templeton citizens need to vote at the town meeting as well

To the editor: 10/11/2013
Robert C. Mitchell

To the editor:

I would like to comment on  the Sept. 24 article that appeared in The Gardner News’ regarding the Templeton town hall plan, as well as the recent letter from Keith Kent “Unification for the good…..”.

I agree with Mr. Kent 100 percent that unification would be good for Templeton, but I fail to see how he could possibly believe that the property at 252 Baldwinville Road and the questionable numbers, unethical behavior, and blatant self-interest represented by that building will ever do that.

When I look at the citizen petition for the town meeting, who initiated it, and who signed it, I see nothing but self-interest and those who would put their friend’s interest before the town.

For those who don’t understand the economics of 252 Baldwinville Road, I’ll make it brief.

We (the town) owe money (all ready have a loan) on this building. If we sell the building/lot we can reduce our debt and once again collect taxes on this property and one day recoup our loss on what has turned out to be a very bad business deal for the town.

I’m pretty sure the history of just how bad that deal was for the town is online somewhere, so I won’t rehash it here as that would not be unifying.

The other point of interest that Mr. Kent failed to mention was the East Templeton school property that the town owns “without” a loan. A building that’s every brick and beam represent the character and history of Templeton without the “false” façade needed for Baldwinville Road.  Mr. Kent also failed to mention there were volunteers for East Templeton and a good possibility we could get preservation money for repairs.

Folks in Templeton should know all the facts and costs associated with the options and should listen long and hard to our advisory board, as they have the numbers and are more than willing to share them.  I do not believe they will be voting for 252 Baldwinville Road, or for the other petition sponsored by the same group.

As far as I can see, the second petition says we should try to sell East Templeton without any repairs or, ultimately, let the roof cave in as, “expenditures are to be made on an emergency basis only.”  I can’t see this as anything other than an, “if I can’t have mine you can’t have yours mentality,” that I don’t find very unifying, as it completely disregards the cost to the town and average citizen.

Please don’t just take my word for this, the petitions and signatures of those with special interest are available as public record at the clerk’s office and the advisory board will be having a pre-town meeting on Oct. 16 to address the petitions and meeting agenda.

It’s time that the taxpayers in Templeton understand that the majority of the problems this town has gone through stem from town meetings and just voting at the polls means very little as the serious/divisive issues like the landfill and 252 Baldwinville Road get started by special interest groups that can stack a town meeting or utilize the system without enough citizen participation.

I can only hope that those who go out to vote on Oct. 15 will also go to town meeting on Oct. 23, as this is where your vote counts in the end.

Let’s hope for some unification where we do what’s best for the town by utilizing what we have, reducing our debt, and putting a property back on the tax rolls that could generate jobs for future generations.

Robert C. Mitchell


  1. Very well said and explained. This guy should be a Selectman as its very obvious he has the interest of Templeton in mind and not of himself or friends

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is this the same Robert Mitchell that was recalled??

    1. We have a new Vice Principal. Great.

      Thanks for the unifying post Diane. "Just Sayin'"

    2. Wonderin what being recalled has to do with that letter or the subject. Bob Columbus was voted out but he is trying to bring back 252 along with jerry skelton dana blais and stevie brehio. Oh yeah, they wish to sell ET town building. Seems like we should reuse a building we be owning already and sell one we financed.

    3. What Mr Barrieau? A question was asked and I answered it about Bob Mitchell...what does that have to do with a Vice Prinicipal or unity?????

    4. Diane - why respond to a question which was obviously posed to discredit a very well-written piece? You respond to "the truth", yet that is one person whom I have not seen you chide for personal attacks or not bringing "unity".

      The vice principal comment was because the NRSD touted the supposed reduction in admin as an indication that they had already cut to the bone.

      My "just sayin'" remark is because I have noticed that phrase repeatedly among some of the most vile comments on this blog. I hope that my association of that phrase is mistaken as to who I have heard it from (and no, it is not you).

    5. Mark stop trying to sound righteous... I can clearly remember some garbage you threw at someone for telling bev not to double post! you completely insulted the person and tried to make them feel insecure... stop being a hypocritical fraud!!!!!!!!please and thank you ....or is this what you do??? cold hard truth markie!!! : )

    6. Thank you for VOTING YES on October 15th.
      Thank you for voting to preserve public safety in Templeton.

      Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

      Remember the past to ensure a better future.


      Stop trying to sound so righteous...I clearly remember all the garbage you have thrown at me. you completely insult people and try to make them feel insecure...You Truthy, are a hypocritical fraud !!!!!!!!please and thank you ....or is this what you do??? cold hard truth Truthy!!! : )

      Let's go Red Sox!

    7. Oh jules- Do you ever have any of your own thoughts..everything from you is either from someone else (nuclear option) some document you got from someone else or telling the town how bad whatever group you are bashing that day...(echo hill, tmlwp, gansett greatness, superintendent, school committee) Do you have any of your own thoughts to share?? Oh yes I remember... All of your own thoughts you ended up putting your foot in your mouth.....(truth truth truth) hahaha... I am not sure what You and others don't understand about elected officials being held to a higher standard and setting positive examples for the younger generation...You are more concerned with fluoride ( for your own personal selfish reasons) than setting a good example for the next generation....And Jules if you want anyone to salvage any kind of RESPECT for you. Im not sure it is a good idea to have Barf....sorry I mean bev blogging how you are phone buddies.....Birds of a feather they stick together...No you do not have my permission to use that!! : ) hahahhaha...I realize you do not want to be on the want to get as far away from the BOS when the courts system has their say... But don't worry Templeton and Jules I will be here to remind everyone who got us in that lovely position....right jules??? card hard truth Jules I know you like that part...... ; ) hahaah

  4. That preservation money has already been collected from the taxpayers of Templeton and is in hand. We could reduce the cost to the taxpayers for preservation of that building by utilizing CPA funds. As I said, that money has already been collected, you've already paid for most of the ET former school repairs should you choose to approve the spending of CPA funds for this use.

    Remember, many of these are the same people who came back to the town meeting asking for more money than they ask for now. If Templeton voters allow this to happen, we will see the cost rise back to where it was. Then we'll have a half-finished cement block eyesore that we'll be forced to spend more money on to finish. Remember that one person has been fined by the state for his actions regarding 252 Baldwinville Rd. I encourage all voters to look into the details of this building if you have not already done so. Don't listen to the words of the people who brought forth this petition. Look at their past actions in this whole mess. Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra $160k+ to work with this year? Thank these same petitioners for the fact that we're spending that much on this inappropriate building. Embarking on a $3 million boondoggle has cost Templeton dearly. Look at the past actions of the folks who now advise a re-start of this project.

    We're now paying on the 252 building, it will be paid off in 4 more budget years. Maybe faster, if a buyer is found and the proceeds from that sale are applied to the loan. The last thing Templeton needs is 252 Baldwinville Rd. Vote no on the article at the special town meeting. East Templeton is a fine location for town offices. We own the building as Mr. Mitchell wrote. It can be partially restored with funds that won't add a dime to the tax rate. It's not hard to imagine that building being occupied with relatively minor work. Then Templeton can move forward, with the savings from renting the current town offices, consolidation of all town offices into one building. Savings on heat, electricity. Let's keep East Templeton, sell 252 Baldwinville Rd. and move forward.

  5. Sell both buildings or tear them down and start anew. Both buildings aren't worth saving. Vote YES to sell ET and Vote NO to fix 252 Vote NO to the override Sell ET tear down 252 and build a new town hall. Not some piece together POS What we have here is the have and have nots. Lets find a place with no ties to either crew, Wait we are talking about Templeton , That will never happen VOTE NO

  6. over here in da hood, we say where da money gonna come from for dis new town hall? Where will 2 million come from? or is it 3 million?

  7. In my opinion East Templeton Elementary School would make a fine town hall. This building has much in the way of good architecture and is centrally located to what has become the heart of Templeton. East Templeton at one time was a somewhat run down section of town but since Mr. Royer, Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Cosentino have made big improvements to their properties this section of town has become the most prosperous. 252 Baldwinville Rd. is located next to Rt 2 and would make a great location for a business that might attract jobs. Although it is likely that the meeting will be packed with the Echo Hill Gang and 252 will once again drag this town back into the gutter with graft and corruption at least some like Mr. Mitchell have tried to warn us.

  8. Great LTE. Mr. Mitchell puts it in simple language what many have tried to express. One thing that was left off that many do not comprehend is that the ET building has been deemed culturally significant and therefore has restrictions on its future use. We just can't "sell it" and have someone tear it down. It would be nice if people would do more homework before submitting petitions like that one. And, on another note, if people want a new elementary school, then they need to vote AGAINST a 252 Bald. Rd. town offices. The town is going to have to borrow money for both projects. I doubt both projects will pass if we can barely get a 2 1/2 passed to cover our basic operations. Why do you think people are trying to get the 252 project in and voted on at this time? To get it in before the town votes on the school project. It makes more sense (and cents) to use the CPC money (which is sitting in the bank waiting to be used on town projects) to upgrade an existing town owned building (that already has walls, electricity, plumbing, etc.) for town offices than to borrow more money for a town hall project from scratch. And, if anyone is going to say that we don't need a new school, we're going to have to pay one way or another. If the new school doesn't pass, then we're going to have to pay for building improvements to existing school buildings. They're literally falling apart. I would rather the town borrow money to build a new school than to build (from scratch) a new town hall. It seems a lot of things in Templeton have been neglected and fallen into disrepair. It would be wonderful to change that habit and restore the ET school and respect our town property more. Respect the past to benefit the future. So, lets be responsible and informed when voting next week and at the STM. Vote Yes at the polls. Save our town essential services. Vote No on 252 Baldwinville Rd. project. Vote No on selling ET school.

    1. Oh yes, Its just what we all should do, run out and borrow another million or two, when we can't afford to pay for what we already have!! Brilliant idea from the people who mismanaged our money and got us into the mess we are in now.. Why don't we have the money Phillipston has? A government with the resources as limited as Templeton can not keep taking money from one account to shore up another, only to find both Peter and Paul are both broke. Debt, our town is up to it's ears in debt, and as a result we do not have money for anything else. The way I figure it our friend Mr.Skelton did not figure on the town losing aid from the state or the economy taking a nose dive. With out that extra help nothing big will get done. Dana saying "If you can't pay taxes in Templeton, you can't afford to live anywhere!" just tells me he is out of touch with reality. It is all well and good for him as he has had some plumb jobs land in his lap, but those are few and far between. Another point to consider, that money was not from area people so I hope he has a big chunk of change under his pillow. I went to the meeting the Senior Center had at the Legion on Tuesday. Jeff Bennett came to represent the Selectmen, Alan came from cemetery and parks, Ms. Royer from the Assessors, and the Police Chief attended. There were not as many people there as I expected but Jeff gave a very good presentation. The one big question came from a woman who asked Jeff if he could guarantee the school would not come after the town next year, like it did this year? Of course he could not say yes, because that would be a lie. I would have given anything in the world to have Dana at that meeting, to listen to some of the people asking where these committees thought this money was going to come from when they lived on fixed incomes and the cost of everything goes up except their Social Security checks. It will all come out in the wash after we vote, then we will really know where the town stands. Hey half way!! When was the last time you were in the E.T.School? There was a good number of people going through that building last Saturday when the Seniors had their yard sale. Oh boy, there were lots of really good comments about the condition of the building, It is not in that bad shape, not bad enough to tear it down by any means and the majority thought it would be a great town hall. Or would you just prefer to throw money away paying rent on Athol Rd? My opinion, Bev.

  9. Was there and saw a building in need of major repairs. Having been the field of restoration and renovating of many of old municipal buildings, every one has gone over budget way over. Templeton will need a plan from a certified architect to lead the town down the right road if it plans to go forward. So vote No on any thing that involves money on ET with out a plan.not a plan from advisory board. VOTE NO

    1. maybe dana blais can volunteer to do some of the repair work on the free, as in community spirit.

    2. Many professionals have evaluated the building and it has been positive. Go to the pre-town meeting this week and ask any questions you may have about the building. There is a plan. There is a funding source. I do not think there is a funding source for 252. HUTH, if you are in the construction business, then I'm sure you will agree that it would cost less money to upgrade/install a roof, boiler, windows, new bathroom, handicap ramp and paint than it would be to construct a whole new building from the ground up. I, too, hope that the people who came forward to offer their free labor to the 252 project would also be willing to offer them to ET if the town decides to use that location as well. For unity sake.

  10. lets see, new shingles, bathroom make over, new furnace, new door to open for handicap and perhaps some kind lit or elevator to use the bottom. Is that major or kind of borderline minor? Don't need no shear walls or major roof work like some buildins need so lets take a look. Gardner city hall got new windows with a grant. Here in da hood we calls dat free lunch.

    1. I think we need to take a closer look. There are community preservation funds available that will not impact our taxes at all that will take care of some of the more important repairs. These funds are available because the ET school is considered historically significant and is within the village district. We need to give the building a chance before we decide to cast it aside. Vote NO to sell the ET SCHOOL.

  11. Great Job Bob, most who know the history and the facts will need to spread the work and fix the former ET school. To not go forward with this and use the funds we can for no cost would be just stupid. Check out the facts for yourself and go to the meeting and vote,voice your opinion and show the stackers they don't run the town ,we the voters do!
    "Be inspired to participate"
    Please vote YES on Tuesday.

  12. Sorry typo work was to be word, "spread the word"
    Vote YES on Tuesday

  13. I heard there is a mold issue in ET? That could be a big problem.

    1. Go to Pre-town Meeting and ask your questions instead of listening to hearsay.

  14. Lets suck the money out of another account the town has and when you really need it for something positive it will all be gone. No money is free

  15. There is over 1 million of our money sitting still while we debate what the fate of a building we own and are responsible for.
    Why let our town property fall into disrepair and know the cost of letting it happen!
    Where did you hear about a mold issue? Did you see the mold issue or was this a result of someone wanting that to be a issue?I have been in that building and donated time repairing that building and will state that is false!
    With a dehumidifier there is no moisture,with roof gutters and no leaks there will be less need for the dehumidifier!
    Fix the building and move in. Will Dana and crews will donate their time. We own it and should not let it fall apart further than it has. The roof will need another tarp before winter either way. Decide and git er done!

  16. I think we should let the newly created town building assessment committee make a determination after reviewing the property.

    Please VOTE YEs on October 15th

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd..

  17. Please Vote Yes Save Templeton's dedicated employees

  18. TinaMay is a Whackjob,
    Holding up a sign does not make anyone a leader, These people you are calling out are working overtime and OUT OF THE LIMELIGHT to better this town. Standing on the common holding a sign makes you look more like a protestor. You are the one that ought to Zip It
