Saturday, October 12, 2013

Practically Speaking

I’m 70. fixed income. Live on depot rd. always have a sign, “NO OVERRIDE”.  That’s for the school, where the money doesn’t go “for the children”, it goes into a giant hole!!  This time it’s for US!! Our security!! Our safety!! We need this to pass and I’m still CHEEEEEP!!! Between all the name calling, let’s look at a practical matter.  My guess, although I know little about the real estate business, is property values go DOWN if you a “part time” town.  Let’s say it goes down only 5%, even though I feel it would be much more.  My valuation is $240,000 or 40% above the “average”.  With the override my tax goes up 74 cents a day, 53 cents for the average: if my property goes down by 5% I loose $12,000 dollars.  At 74 cents a day I can pay it for 44 years.  Looks like a great deal to me!!!

Brad Lehtonen

P.S. 2013 tax rate is virtually the same as 2003.


  1. Thank you for this perspective.

    Please VOTE YES on October 15th

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

  2. I don’t get it!
    Can someone please explain to me why the same people that vigorously opposed the override earlier this year when they thought the money was for the school district with arguments that “people can’t afford it”, “people are out of work”, “people are losing their homes”, “elderly and fixed income can’t afford it” etc, etc, etc. Now those same people are saying we should vote the override to preserve public safety et al.
    What about those same folks that couldn’t afford it before? Now they can? It just feels a bit hypocritical to me. I am not pitching stones, for one view or the other. My, oh my, how the worm turns.

    1. Its VERY EASY to understand,
      These people wanted a NO vote at the last Override because they knew what it would do to the town financially, because of that override passing this new Override is NEEDED to cover the money taken that we did not have.

      Because of the schools Greed, It has put the town in the position to HAVE TO have an override. Simply put if the school worked with the town we would not have to have another override.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you can't afford to live in Templeton,you can't afford to live anywhere!
    No one can afford to live in Templeton after the cuts that will be made if the override fails this time.
    The taxes we pay now are the same as 10 years ago!
    I think Brad knows about what he says and why shouldn't taxes go up like everything else?
    If anyone can dispute the facts they should.
    If they can't they should support the override.
    Please vote YES on Tuesday!
    Templeton has depleted all it can without this increase.
    If anyone tell you otherwise,ask them to prove it.

  4. I'm not sure how it is selfish to vote to preserve public safety. Public safety effects EVERY person in Templeton.

    Please VOTE YES on October 15th.

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

  5. Still VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE just I have before and nothing has changed to change my mind

  6. This blog response is in two sections as follows: Speaking of garbage, that the blogger above alludes to, there are some facts that you are probably not aware of that I am going to recall for you regarding that issue & that is all the Recalling that should be ever be done on Mrs. Farrell. I am not sure if any of the younger people, who recently moved here, or parents with children (some have adamantly spewed nasty comments at Mrs. Farrell on this blogsite) realize or understand just how much she has done to protect their families. About 10 years ago, Julie, along with Bob Mitchell & a few other concerned individuals became alarmed when a not so up front proposal was in the making to get an outside run landfill established in town that would have been opened in an area a short distance from where children would have been going to classes for the better part of most days. If she had not worked hard for awareness of these serious questionable agendas (never hers) your kids would most likely be breathing in toxic fumes right now from a hazardous landfill that would have been situated right behind the schools. Also, she was instrumental in alerting the town to a proposed adult entertainment center that would have been put right by one of the little league baseball fields in town across the street from where many children gather to innocently play sports. These are just 2 very exceptionally serious issues that she was involved in thwarting to protect your children!! Now, I do not know what you think Mrs. Farrell's agenda is but it has never been self-serving in any way. And what do you mean, take Templeton back?? That is what she & a few other brave souls have been trying to do since it was taken from us the ten years or more ago, when Templeton began to go downhill. We are now near bankruptcy & it is not because of her actions but seem to be partly because of some who were on the BOS before her. I know there have been those who have tried to put the blame on Mrs. Farrell to take the heat off of the scrutiny that has come their way but anyone who knows what has gone on previously knows that is far from the truth. I believe there are a few who are still angry with Julie because she helped to get the word out to the townspeople that we were being taken to the "cleaners", when in fact we were being led to what would have been nothing but filth & harm. The town listened & consequently the landfill was voted against. Some have never gotten over it & are determined to hurt those who "got in their way", in my opinion. There is way too much to go into here but that is nutshelling a couple of extremely important issues that have been stopped to "save the children" from harm as their young minds & bodies are developing.

    1. Now, as far as the overrides go, I don't like them ever but since we are near a serious precipice due to mismanagement from years of bad planning it is now necessary to try to help us recover & save tremendously important jobs for our health & safety. As several others have already pointed out, if the school committee & administration had used common sense & decency we would not be facing this override issue now. They could have compromised & did not. They pounded through their budget with no give, only take from the taxpayers. I know there will be those that say I am not for the children. Nothing could be further from the truth. I want More for the kids & less for the administration. It is always the argument "for the kids" & when they get their money they still cut programs for the students & give out raises when the rest of the community are taking pay cuts or losing jobs altogether. My family has taken hits but I still want my workers in town to get their hours & pay. It is not their fault that the school did not budge. It is also NOT Mrs. Farrell's fault. So, please tell us why you think she should be recalled when she has been for the best interests of the town as a whole. Many people have blinders on for their only causes. I see people doing the same things they accuse her & others of doing. The comment above is a prime example of what does not help anyone. Profanity has no place here. There are some I can think of who deserve expletives but it lowers those who use it publicly, in my opinion. These are all my opinions & also the issues sited are facts. Do the research, & you will find this to be so. Thanks for reading & I pray for the best for the town I grew up in many years ago. God Bless everyone as we try to sort through this terrible dilemma we are in.

    2. Julie holds alot of the blame because as a past SC member, she knew, & was also told at BOS meetings, that this would be the outcome. She knows the budget process for a regional school district (or should), & failed to inform voters what would happen.

      I believe the school was looking out for the town as a whole, & the BOS was just looking out for their cliques. We need to raise the tax rate to a post 2003 level, & use that $ to build this town. We need to ensure that future BOS spend that $ wisely. We need to stop complaining about the past & work for the future.

    3. Puffy,
      I was on the school committee that worked for and passed two overrides for the school. Never considered the Nuclear Option because of the accompanying fall out from use of the nuclear option.

      Nuclear option is the use of 603 CMR 41.05 to overturn 4 No votes by the citizens of Templeton. The term nuclear option was coined by John Robertson, Legislative director of the Massachusetts Municipal Association.

    4. here in da hood, we thinks that it should have went all de way to dec 1 so's da state could see the budgets of town n school, maybe sumfin different might hav happened. here in de hood, when you starts trouble, it is always on you, no matter what. we need increase in tax rate to keep payin da school what they gonna keep askin fo, moe moe money.

    5. ok, explain one thing. Why is the 2013 tax rate basically the same as 2003? You need either business or revenue to finance a town. As ISTEACH reminded us above, you have already kept business' out of of town. AND our tax rate hasnt gone up to compensate. You have to do one or the other, preferably both, but you have done neither. You havent even raised the taxes 2 1/2% .

      This situation was unavoidable. No business', no revenue = no town

    6. Nasty, nasty.

      The point is one person doesn't get an override to pass. It takes many people...usually more than one time to get an override to pass. The override for the school failed twice, as in the voters rejected it. There was No compromise on the part of the school committee to request a lower figure.

      I think I've been pretty clear about my position on this override. Let me restate:

      Please VOTE YES on October 15th.

      Please support public safety in Templeton.

      Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

      Remember the past to ensure a better future.

      Have a great night!

    7. You didnt answer my question...again.

    8. Julie - Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the town of Templeton. These attacks are disgusting. These are truly the very worst people in town, whoever they are.

    9. Mark, How is bringing up the most basic of points an attack? There was no mention of character or the other nonsense, just a simple question.

  7. Happy Columbus day!!

  8. Happy Columbus day!
    Please Vote Yes Tomorrow!

    1. yea thanks Dave for trying to save your own job!!!!

  9. Dear Jules- Please get some help from some qualified people because your mental illness is NOT good for Templeton!!! : ) Now Jules have a snack lay down you will need the rest for the bashing you will receive tomorrow from the community...... ; ))) cold hard truth by the truth for the truth supported by the truth

  10. My goodness, these recent anti- Farrell blogs indicate to me that there are those that seem to be determined to oust Mrs. Farrell, at all costs, regardless of what anyone says about any of the good things she has done. It is clear to me that it doesn't matter what is said there will always be those who feel that certain people hinder what others want & that goes on both sides of all these issues & I am sure there will be those who would say that about me, as well. For the record, I am not in any clique here nor am I one of Julie's people, as I have heard mentioned. Although I do often agree with her I don't agree with everything anyone does. And Huff, since you seem to be so strongly addressing my blog, I want to point out that I don't think anybody is or was opposed to new business in town at all. It is just where these particular ones were proposed to be put & the type businesses they were being so close to children's teaching & recreation that had others alarmed & concerned for their well-being. This was a deep concern about the welfare of the children living & developing here much more than it was about keeping business out of town. It also shows there is no way to please everyone all the time. If Mrs. Farrell, ( Julie was not a selectman at that time) had have been for those business locations then the parents would have been more angry. What can one person do but try to represent the majority, whether in office or not. I think if both those business ventures could have been put at least 5 miles from places that were close to schools or play areas the outcome might have been different. There are also those that are still angry with the MAJORITY of the town who didn't want those particular businesses, at least in those locations. It has been proven that landfills within a 2 to 3 mile radius increase all kinds of cancers, lymphomas & other types of illnesses & disease in people, especially children, living or working in close proximity. Now, if you are the kind of person who cares more about money than people, then I understand completely why one might be so upset. However, it still appears to me that recent harsh criticism & unwarranted nasty remarks against Mrs. Farrell are much more an attempt to get rid of a person who must be "getting in someone's way" than anything else that I can see. Yet, whether in an elected position or as a private citizen, she has done way more good for this town & it's residents than not. Again, I appreciate Julie's efforts to get this town back in the black & heal us from those who took us down into the red zone!! These are my opinions based on what I have seen & experienced through the years as a lifelong resident / taxpayer. Of course everyone is entitled to theirs. Thanks & have a good evening.

    1. I understand your point, but mine wasnt as cruel as you insinuate. It was simply, if we dont get business, then taxes MUST go up! Yet they havent in 10 years..... WHY?

    2. Hate to tell all of you that love to blame and bash Ms. Farrell for every problem in town but you can get rid of her and the problems will still be there. Voters are the ones that vote on overrides, not selectmen. Blame the whole town, not just one or two selectmen. But, I guess people need a common villain to channel their energy towards. Its simpler than comprehending municipal finance. Whether the vote goes to yes or no, its no one's fault but the voters. So, everyone stop blaming the selectmen and the school. Blame the whole damn town. I guess we'll all find out tomorrow what this town is made of and where it is heading.

  11. The "truth" is i would do CPR for you and not think about your mindless rants while saving your "the truth" life.
    Why you may ask, So you would have the chance to say your "sorry" If saving my job is a problem for you, you should be so lucky to have me help you. I think your part human? Or is that a FALSE? You have a way of making the rest of the humans shine!!! : ) Good work!!!;)))

  12. Huff, I don't really know the answer to your question about the tax rate but can only speculate that possibly they were kept at what some feel are artificially low to keep certain individuals in office (Not the present BOS) & not be scrutinized. I don't have proof of this but venture a guess. I am sure there is someone out there who truly knows! My previous statement was meant to be a general one regarding the business situation & was not aimed solely at you. You do ask important questions but, in my opinion, often unduly target Mrs. Farrell as the cause of a lot of this grief we are all dealing with when she has been one of the main reasons that any of us knows as much as we do about town govt. In another blog you say she is to blame for not informing the public about the override? It is because of her detailed info that I knew about what the school override requests were for. Now how could she be to blame for that one, too??? Too much unsubstantiated blame thrown at her as far as I'm concerned. Again, my opinion that I know is shared by many others.

    1. Isteach, in my opinion, Julie brings it on herself. Just compare her to Mr Bennett. While I might not agree with Jeff, when I ask him a question or bring up a point, he trys to explain or answer, like an adult. When GG & the SC got more people involved than ever, & they decided this town needs more revenue ( with oversight), he didnt fly off the handle & start the name calling. He said, OK lets figure this out. She is condescending at meetings, a loose cannon with her words on here, & never welcomes any new ideas or involvment. In my opinion she is catering to her base that got her elected, instead of the majority of the town.

      Jeff handled this like an elected official, &an adult, Julie like a spoiled child.

  13. The post at 11:04 AM is purely your opinion, which too often is focused on slamming Mrs. Farrell. Just because you say it is so does not make it so. In the opinions of many Templeton residents, the NRSD caused this mess. In my opinion, you are a person who wishes to place that blame on Mrs. Farrell.

    Many people in Templeton felt that we needed an override for general government. I felt that way. I did not feel that an override could be justified for the NRSD, especially after reviewing that budget. Due to the actions of the NRSD, we are faced with a do-or-die override vote, which must pass twice (election and STM). The fact that some anonymous posters choose to repeatedly post "I told you so" won't help the NRSD in future votes for the budget or for the proposed elementary school. It's not Mrs. Farrell's fault that the override failed to pass twice. It is squarely on the shoulders of the NRSD that we are in this predicament. They chose the so-called "nuclear option".

    Is your purpose on this board to defame Mrs. Farrell? If not, what is your purpose, and who are you?

  14. Thank you for VOTING YES on October 15th.
    Thank you for voting to preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    Just a quick update -

    I am seriously considering a run for school committee. I have a very simple platform: In addition to caring deeply about education, I will not vote to use the NUCLEAR OPTION...EVER.

    It's a great day for Templeton!

  15. You get my vote and do you have a sign i can out on my lawn !!!!

  16. Mark it's no surprise you weren't answered. The truth seems to me to be a former town fired employee with nothing to do but to try to defame discredit and smear anyone who thinks alike as the people in charge now in Templeton!
    To answer you would be a hard thing and "truthless" It takes some like the truth to make others shine brighter than ever!
    I would like to thank everyone involved in Tempelton for their efforts! At least we are constructive when involved.
